Chapter 274

Chapter 275

When the Gemini Swords were handed to the two Lin Buikebei, they couldn’t help but be stunned because of their firm will.

“This is for us?”

Buick’s voice trembled and he dared not reach out to answer.

Lin Shu forcibly stuffed the sword into his hand and said, “You think too much, so I will lend it to you for the time being. As for whether you can finally own this sword, it depends on your performance!”

He Lin Shu is not so stupid yet, in order to buy two good young men, the hearts of the people can easily give away a half-sacred object worth 30,000 crystal coins.

As he said, this is only for them to use temporarily, if the future is to follow him for a long time, it can be given to them under so long feelings.

Moreover, Lin Shu has a hunch that this East Continent is definitely not as simple as it seems. In the future, there may be many sanctuary powerhouses like Di Wen.

At that time, if the opponent is a sacred domain, erase its spiritual wisdom and transform it into a spiritual enlightenment, won’t this semi-sacred artifact become a sacred artifact?

It is definitely not a loss-making business in the long run.

The brothers who didn’t know the situation were completely committed to Lin Shu, and secretly said that if Lin Shu was not in the dark council, he would definitely not be an enemy.

At this time, the following auctions continued, and Lin Shu auctioned a lot of things one after another.

Under the system’s identification, the essence of all materials has nowhere to hide, and Lin Shu has discovered a lot of materials that can be used for monster synthesis.

Especially a fang about one meter long, although not sharp at all, it is extremely hard.

How can others recognize what this is? I can only make up a background awkwardly.

But just relying on the characteristic of hardness cannot sell a good price, so Lin Shu only spent sixty crystal coins in his pocket.

These are the fangs of the ancient dragon, the teeth passed down from the dragon that has reached the god level!

Although Lin Shu photographed a lot of strange things, the two brothers kept their curiosity very well and honestly did what a guard should do, and did not ask too much.

If you change Black Bart here, I’m afraid Lin Shu’s brain hurts because of the noise.

This makes Lin Shu more satisfied with his decision.

By the time the auction reached his water and fire stick, Lin Shu and the half-sacred instrument had already spent 34,452 coins, and his assets were reduced by more than a quarter in an instant.

“My lord, it’s you!”

Buick reminded him in a low voice, Lin Shu nodded and walked out of the box onto the auction platform, and put the water and fire pieces out of the imprisoned spirit and put them on the stage.

This last auction Lin Shu has already discussed with Jack and he is in charge of it.

So he was the only one on the stage.

Lin Shu looked around and reviewed the lines that Jack taught him. He did not rush and said: “The double holy sacred water and fire sticks are made by the god of the head, and they also have the power of water and fire. The device has more than doubled its strength, the low price is 0, and each increase in price shall not be less than one hundred crystal coins!”

“Water and fire pieces, now shoot (the Zhao)!

With the shooting of the last sentence, someone immediately stood up below.

“I give out one hundred crystal coins!

“I have two hundred crystal coins!”

A young man in the corner sneered and then stood up and said: “I am bidding 10,000 crystal coins in the Firebird country, and every time you add one hundred and one hundred, you are not too tired. Don’t want to sit down and watch a boring auction!”

“So I called ten thousand!”

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