Chapter 391

Chapter 392

A huge light was released from the feet of the demon troops. These demon men did not expect to encounter such a powerful magic circle when destroying the city outside. Instead, they suddenly encountered it after returning to their own address. Unprepared, these demon troops didn’t have any defense at all, they were bombarded into the sky by the six-pointed star shining magic array on the soles of their feet.

Suddenly dead, wounded, the combat effectiveness of this demon troop was directly reduced by several levels, and it was not paid at all. The power of destroying the city before was outside, and the demon troop in this state can be said to have been pulled out. The teeth are like tigers.

The Demon Lars team was a long distance away from the position of the Demon’s troops. Instead, the power spread by the magic circle hit the wall without much damage.

But this did not make Demon Lars feel any good fortune, or a positive mood. He was shocked and angry. At this time, he still didn’t understand. Their base area was already occupied by people and used by their enemies. They are used as hunting cages, and the demon troops who have kept them in this exhibition are all locked here.

Seeing that the entire base area was enclosed by a larger magic circle, Demon Lars felt a burst of anger. He stared at the front and gritted his teeth. “Do you really treat us like beasts? Bastards!”

Demon Lars mentioned his weapon—a huge long sword. He is different from ordinary demon people. Ordinary demon people like to use weapons such as wands, due to the demon clan’s ability to perceive elements. , Far surpasses other races, therefore, most masters of the demon clan will choose to become magicians.

The Demon Lars is different. He has been interested in these large weapons since he was a child. Become a swordsman, and through the fusion of elemental magic and swordsmanship fighting skills, successfully become a well-known magic swordsman.

He swung his huge long sword, and the body of the long sword ignited a dark blue flame, and the flame sword aura he swung directly shattered a huge stone in the distance. He roared: “Come out to me, don’t you dare to fight me dignifiedly?”

·Seeking flowers

The demon Lars didn’t expect to force the opponent out with a single sentence, but wanted to anger the opponent with this sentence, so that the other party’s eyes would be attracted to his side, and he would give his subordinates and the people a little breathe. Space.

The voice of Demon Lars echoed in the base area, and there was no other second voice, which finally disappointed Demon Lars. “No one? That’s right…” Demon Lars shook his head secretly, and was about to think of other ways to continue to anger the opposite.

Suddenly, his heart tightened, and he slammed out to the right, and glanced at the scorched black mark on his original location.The demon Lars turned his head and looked at the direction of the source of this energy. It was a human being. .

The slightly curled hair, dark eyes, slightly curled lips, and the expression of winning the ticket, in the eyes of the demon Bals, is just mocking him naked.

The man made a voice: “Fighting?” and,

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