Chapter 99

Chapter 100: Chasing and Killing That Dragon Egg!

“Fuck, could it be that…

Before they knew it, a bad premonition emerged from their hearts, and all of them showed solemn expressions.

All of a sudden, the people who were all smiling together suddenly became polarized.

The person who has not yet paid the protection fee has an expression of incomparable rejoicing, and the ring in his hand is rubbed tighter, for fear of being snatched away.

“I am so special, we seem to have been cheated that the egg is not the young dragon!” A thief suddenly knelt on the ground, his heart was about to collapse.

“Let me go, who is so wicked, it’s okay to get into a dragon’s egg and rob?” A soldier wanted to cry without tears, and suddenly held up the wall.

Those who have been “robbed” are pale and look a little uglier than eating fly shit.

All of them felt a pain in their hearts. Those space rings that they personally handed over to Lin Shu were all their belongings!

Some people even started to feel annoyed, wishing to slap themselves fiercely, and some even lay on the ground and began to cry.

“What are you doing with 29 stupidly, hurry up, this grandson probably hasn’t gone far yet!!” At this moment, someone suddenly woke them up.

Suddenly, everyone suddenly reacted, using their weapons, and chasing them in the direction of Lin Shu’s escape, with anger flashing in their eyes.

“Grandson, stop for me!

The entire team was mighty, rushing into the caves crossed by traffic, and the debris and mud kept falling down.

However, on the other side, Lin Shu had already come to a safe and secret location, and his mental power swept around one side to ensure safety, and then slowly drilled out the huge dragon egg shell.

“Unexpectedly, the harvest this time was so big, a bag full of space rings.” Lin Shu looked around vigilantly, and then put down the bag in his hand, delighted in his heart.

Not to mention himself, it is estimated that few people have seen such a large space ring.

I dare not say in other places, but Lin Shu dare to say that he must be the first in the entire Rock Town.

The most rare thing is that these spatial rings are all the lifelong belongings of the elites of the major forces, and it is estimated that even the wife has been put in it.

“I don’t know what this group of people think. They have to rob me. Alas, I feel impolite if they don’t take it.” Lin Shu felt bitter in his heart and showed aggrieved look.

Without paying too much attention to other things, Lin Shu directly looked at the “protection fee” he received, and was secretly delighted.

“Originally, I said that I would take a casualty, but I didn’t expect the harvest to be so rich. I really want to make a fortune this time!” Lin Shu’s eyes flashed brightly, and then he smiled.

However, what Lin Shu doesn’t know at this time is that there are large-scale geniuses of various forces at this time, who are hunting down to find themselves…

On the other side of the cave, Shapike and others are starting to look for the trace of the dragon’s den.

No longer worrying about the “young dragon”, their hearts were naturally relieved, and at the same time, they were secretly surprised. After they found the dragon cave, they had to catch the dragon patient.

Everyone, “Brothers, look for us like this. I don’t know when we will find the treasures of the Dragon Cave. Why don’t we split up?” Xue Feng said at this time.

“I can’t do it. The forces of our four empires originally had relatively few personnel now. There are still some heavily armed men and horses under the cliff. They have not yet come up. If they are separated now, they will be easily destroyed one by one!” Bitor said cleverly.

“I also think Brother Bi’s words are reasonable. Besides, we have spent so much money in exchange for the “privilege” that can be unimpeded. We must unite together to maximize our strength!” Said immediately.

Everyone nodded when they heard this, and felt that this sentence made sense.

In order to be able to find the dragon cave as soon as possible, they paid a great price, and naturally they also had to make the money worthwhile and be able to use the dragon treasure to make the best return.

“Damn, you must hunt down that egg!!!

However, when the four people nodded in agreement, several figures appeared in the cave not far away and roared.

“what’s the situation?

Shapike and others fell in love at once, and after a closer look, they discovered that these people were their subordinates and belonged to the camp of the four empires.

The subordinates were carrying big swords and other weapons, and they were about to rush out excitedly, but they saw Shabike and others by chance.

Seeing the prince, these few people naturally have to suppress the big things, and they all came over in panic to pay a visit!

When Shabik, Bitor and others saw these people in a hurry, they were suddenly puzzled and asked, “You are going up there in a hurry? Didn’t you ask you to bribe the fat dragon? ”

I only asked one question, and looked at these subordinates in confusion, wanting to hear the explanation of these people.

Originally in the Dragon Cave, there were relatively few people in the four empires, and this group of people was still running around here, it was nothing to do.

After speaking, those subordinate professionals cried out immediately. It can be said to be full of ugliness: “A few of your Royal Highnesses don’t know, that egg is not a young dragon at all, but 130 other people are hiding in it. , Just came out to rob, now most people are chasing down that dragon egg!

These few words made the four princes struck by lightning, and there was a strange flash in their eyes, and then their pupils shrank suddenly, and they were a little bit dubious.


“You mean, that egg is not the young dragon at all?”

“Is this news true? If you dare to lie to us, you will have good fruit!”

At this time, the four people suddenly became excited, looking at the eyes of these subordinates, but they couldn’t see a trace of deceit.

Besides, even if these people are given ten courage, they may not dare to lie to themselves.

This also shows that this thing must be true in all likelihood!

Thinking of this, Shabik, Bitor and others also had a black face, thinking of their own possessions, and their hearts tickled, and they almost didn’t get angry!

In those spatial rings, all of them have collected various rare materials and rare ores over the years, and there are countless gold coins.

“No, kill that bitch and pretend to be a giant dragon to rob. I will definitely thwart it!!”

(PS: The dog author is making up the update, I hope everyone can give more support, a little sleepy!)

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