I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 952: The 5th God Store and the 1st God Item【Large

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Four hundred years, for the stable development of Tai Cang.

In fact, it is not too long.

These four hundred years...

Tai Cang has made considerable progress in many aspects.

At the very least, this was Tai Cang's most stable period of development.

No urgent battle is about to break out.

There is no strong enemy, waiting for an opportunity.

Xixuan Saint Court seems to have disappeared.

However, many imperial court powerhouses in the early days also knew that Xixuan Shengting was actually brewing a big battle.

Tai Cang is so powerful that, on many levels, it has already produced a huge threat to races and nations that are hostile to the human race.

It's just that Tai Cang showed too much power at the previous big banquet, and he couldn't tolerate them to deal with it carelessly.

Plus Xixuan Saint Court.

I have suffered a great deal of contempt for too long a long time ago.

So these countries that are hostile to the human race have been here for many years.

Sufficient strength has been accumulated from beginning to end.

Want to completely suppress Tai Cang in one fell swoop.

But it’s worth mentioning...

Xixuan Master... is also the current Tai Cang Xixuan Star Righteous God, after he contributed the opening inscription of the immortal catalog.

He went to Xixuantian again.

With his own powerful strength, he blasted open the door of Xi Xuantian.


The two most powerful existences in the Xixuan Saint Court were suppressed by the ruler of Xixuan and Jiang Li.

From then on, he became a prisoner under the order and was imprisoned in the God Prison.

As for the ruler of Xixuan, he regained the position of ruler in the name of the two great lords' conspiracy.

Dominates the Xixuan Saint Court.

As for the plan to defeat Tai Cang, it is still being carried out step by step under the communication of Xixuan Shengting.

Tai Cang has been around for four hundred years.

The changes are also huge.

The Choking Secret Realm had already been upgraded more than two hundred years ago.

Now the Choking Secret Realm can hold 100 million creatures.

The flow rate of time under his control has slowly changed from ten times to twenty times.

In other words...

Four hundred years is for the upper-class powerhouses of the Supreme Sky, as well as the many Tianjiao figures who can enter the Choking Secret Realm.

In fact, five to six thousand years have passed.

Five or six thousand years, although it is compared with the imperial kingdom of Zuo, which is hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years old.

The gap is still very obvious.

But Tai Cang is different from other imperial dynasties.

Tai Cang possesses the God Xia Xuan stele, countless Lin Dan miraculous medicines, possesses Wu Xuan Shen Lian, and Tai Cang Taoist altar...

Under all kinds of terrible background.

Let Tai Cang's strength increase almost by leaps and bounds.

If the original is too dark, this is the strong top level.

Tai Cang now has become extremely balanced.

The strength at all levels is very extraordinary.

Even the garrisons of ordinary cities have reached the supernatural power level or above.

And the defending army.

In the great army, the level can only be the bottom.

There are Tai Cang Deng Xiao Camp and Tai Cang Fury Flame Army above.

Above the Tai Cang Rage Flame Army, is Tai Cang Yin Guard.

And more importantly.

The garrisons of these ordinary cities are not qualified to enter the Choking Secret Realm to practice.

This can be seen.

How powerful is Tai Cang's overall strength.

But for Ji Xia and Taichu imperial court.

The road ahead is extremely long from beginning to end.

Tai Cang still has huge room for improvement.

"Emperor Zhenxuan, Emperor Mingluo, and Dafeng Holy Court are still looking for the traces of Jiulitian.

In addition, according to the emperor's will, Jiuli Tian was revealed from time to time.

A terrible power burst out.

Let these three supreme imperial dynasties rule like sitting on pins and needles. "

Xin Ya knew the secrets of Jiulitian.

It was only up to Jiulitian, which was actually under the command of the emperor in the beginning.

So he reported the information to Ji Xia every time.

The surprise and pride in the eyes are always hard to control.

"The arrival of the Great Yin Monarch World has greatly weakened their influence in the boundless wilderness for these three forces.

Although the great world of Yin Monarch has been silent, there is no strong person inside.

But Yin Jun is an ancient creature.

In his big world, I don't know how many powerful people are sleeping, waiting for recovery.

The three major forces dared not contain the great world of Yin Monarch.

But Jiulitian, who showed the power of the three gods, was pierced in their eyes...

Therefore, Jiulitian still has to give them some extra stimulation. "

Ji Xia Gao sits on the throne, holding a cup of tea in her hand.

A mere four hundred years.

For a strong like Ji Xia, it is not a long time at all.

Only four hundred years later.

The imperial robe worn by Ji Xia, the high crown she wore, and the furnishings in this Yugan Palace had also undergone tremendous changes.

The emperor robe and the high crown had even reached the level of the Profound Saint Extreme Soldier.

These are all refined by Tiangongfu itself.

It is not difficult to see from it.

In this short time.

Tiangongfu's refining skills have made considerable progress.

All the expenses of the emperor have become more precious.

The casting skills have also become more mysterious, full of endless casting rules.

Ji Xia looked at the void.

Suddenly a sky curtain slowly opened in the void.

Among them, there is a faintly visible headless **** who has an infinite power beside him, who seems to be able to cover the world, slowly saluting towards Ji Xia.

Ji Xia flickered by with his consciousness.

This sky curtain slowly closed, and then disappeared.

Jiulitian had already received Ji Xia's order.

Xin Ya was also hazy, and saw the headless man.

He felt the terrible power bursting out of the headless **** man, and his heart was full of reverence.

"Today's Tai Cang, within the territory of Jiezu Mountain, is actually as solid as a golden soup."

Also sitting in the hall, Bai Qi, who was drinking tea, said, "Now unless Tai Cang starts to implement his own plan.

Otherwise, Tai Cang is already in the imperial dynasty, which is completely beneficial to the invincible.

So it is foreseeable that... Tai Cang still has an extremely long development period. "

Ji Xia also agreed with Bai Qi's words.

He casually said: "Tai Cang's plan is too ambitious, and naturally the longer the better.

The information from Xuan Mi Pavilion showed that Tianmu actually had a lot of existential gazes, falling on Tai Cang.

But they didn't do anything from start to finish.

This also allows us to have more development time. "

Bai Qi pondered for a while, and then said: "Perhaps as the emperor said, those powerful kingdoms of God are waiting for the rise of a new kingdom.

So that they can swallow more Guozuo power and forge their own supreme foundation for the kingdom of God. "

Ji Xia also said: "Although this is a guess, but from Hei Tian and Jiang Mingxuan's words, you can also know that this kind of guess is not absurd."

"All in all, for the current Tai Cang, this is indeed a good thing.

It can also allow Tai Cang to develop steadily and accumulate enough strength. "

The two talked for a long time.

Bai Qi quit after saluting.

The imperial court of Taichu now is not as lively as before.

These four hundred years.

Over the sky above, there are hundreds of stars that can be used for living things to live in, all of which have been incorporated into the new government affairs system.

That is, Dikong Xinghe.

As the ruler of Dikong Galaxy, Yang Ren has been very busy all these years.

If it weren't for the Secret Realm of Choking, I'm afraid his cultivation will be delayed.

The same is true for the Six Scourges Canglong.

He is now Zi Yaotian, the former God of Qi Mingtian.

Zi Yaotian is very vast.

In the past four hundred years, there have been trillions of human races in Zi Yao heaven.

And this number is still growing.

But there is still a long way to go before filling Zi Yaotian.

After all, when the Mu dynasty ruled Zi Yaotian, the three major dynasties of Zi Yaotian lacked the development of this outer space.

Many lands are not inhabited by creatures.

In the past four hundred years, Zi Yaotian has been constantly sending out strong men to measure the land of the outer heavens.

In the end, the prediction result of the imperial court of Taichu was submitted, which also made Ji Xia very happy.

That was the entire Zi Yaotian, almost a thousand times the size of the blue star in Ji Xia's previous life.

Moreover, there are many stars in the sky above Zi Yaotian that can be used for living things.

under such a circumstance.

Even in Zi Yaotian, there are many cultivated medicinal fields, as well as spiritual gold veins, and spiritual forests, occupying a large amount of land.

The population of two to three trillions can still be easily accommodated, and it will not cause a situation in which the outer space cannot bear the number of creatures.

It's too Cang now, it's no exaggeration to say.

In fact, it has completely turned into an extremely behemoth country.

And the Tiancang Court that Tianfu Pavilion researched hard.

It has become a weapon for Tai Cang to control such a huge country.

Because the Tiancang Court, even the imperial court Tianzhao in the early days, went directly to the grassroots level, and it didn't consume too much power.

This is the original intention of Ji Xia to establish the Heavenly Court.

Tai Cang will one day, the number of human beings will surpass the vast majority of imperial dynasties.

By then, Tai Cang may have a population of tens of trillions, or even hundreds of billions.

The state borders of the Great Cang Dynasty will be countless.

The great city will be as numerous as stars.

Under these circumstances...How can Tai Cang effectively manage countless cities and countless states?

The Heavenly Garden will surely play a very important role in it.

After Bai Qi left.

Ji Xia returns to the Secret Realm of Choking.

Today's Choking Secret Realm is extremely vast.

It is no longer only a mere six hundred miles in size.

Many buildings are endless, and many extraordinary powerhouses have manifested their supernatural powers and explored what they have learned.

In the sky, Wuxuan Shenlian continuously burst out mysterious power.

Everyone who walked out of it, too strong, broke the border and returned.

On the Tai Cang Taoist altar, Ji Qianqing with dark red hair and long hair is preaching the magical powers of sword intent, so that countless Tai Cang sword repairs have achieved great results.

There is another place that is endless and vast.

I don't know how many illusions condensed.

The scenes constructed by these illusions are cruel and **** battlefields everywhere.

There are millions of great army in it, and they are continuously undergoing illusion actual combat experience.

These illusions are all after Yuzao Qian's strength has become stronger and stronger, relying on the power of ninety-nine divine essence crystals.

Consumable illusion constructed out.

Because it has been too long without war, the army needs a real combat environment as an experience.

In these actual combat illusions, the God Essence Crystal will be supplied at all times.

So there is enough strength to accommodate millions of military exercises.

With the improvement of Yuzao's strength.

The actual combat illusion will also be continuously expanded, and the strength of the army that can be accommodated will also be improved.

This illusion was named "Slaughter Realm" by Ji Xia.

It has been standing in the Secret Realm of Choking since hundreds of years ago.

Hone the actual combat strength of the Tai Cang army.

Ji Xia stood on the rooftop viewing platform, looking at this choking mystery from a distance.

In fact, Tai Cang's improvement over the past four hundred years is far more than that.

It’s just that Ji Xia doesn’t have much time to sigh now...

Because at this time, Ji Xia suddenly felt it.

A lot of gods were spent a long time ago, and the fifth **** store that entered the development process was finally opened!

The forbidden sacred tree shines brightly.

Looking at Ji Xia, who was choking in the secret realm from a distance, her expression was dazed, with a heartfelt joy on her face.

He returned to the Shang Palace and sat on the throne.

Consciousness sinks and enters the sacred tree space.

The grandeur of the sacred tree remains as usual. Even if Ji Xia is the owner of the sacred tree, he can't see the end of the sacred tree at a glance.

"Maybe the sacred tree is equivalent to the Great Avenue of Ten Thousand Realms, a huge sacred tree that traverses countless worlds.

That's why the existence of those worlds can come here. "

Ji Xia speculated in her heart.

With a slight movement of consciousness, he entered the second level of the sacred tree space.

In the second layer of space, the fifth vortex has gleamed and is spinning rapidly.

This whirlpool is exactly the fifth god.

Ji Xia didn't hesitate, and her consciousness fell behind the Fifth God Store.

Immediately saw this piece of white sky.

Six halos hovered.

In the first five halos, a divine object was suspended in each.

And the figure in the last halo made Ji Xia slightly startled.

"Shenzhen Space has begun to give birth to such a terrifying god-man."

Ji Xia sighed sincerely.

Then his eyes fell on the first five halos.

As Ji Xia's eyes moved.

The information of these gods also fell into Ji Xia's mind one after another.

The smile on Ji Xia's face couldn't help becoming brighter.

As the lord of the people, as the emperor, Ji Xia has been thousands of years old.

Over the past thousand years, Ji Xia's personality has also become very calm, and her joy is not obvious.

Even if he encounters good news, he remains motionless and calm throughout.

But today.

When he saw these gods, there was almost no way to suppress the smile on his face.

"Tai Cang can still be stable for a long time, plus these gods.

Perhaps on the day Tai Cang attained the Emperor's dynasty, even if he couldn't fight decisively with the dynasty, he could not completely destroy the dynasty.

Shenchao definitely can't easily darken it too much. "

Thinking of this, Ji Xia suddenly felt that Tai Cang's sudden rise would give Shen Chao a big surprise.

Let Shenchao understand that they don’t want to destroy Tai Cang as soon as possible, they want to raise Gu, and they want to swallow Tai Cang’s power after it becomes stronger...

This is definitely a mistake.

"The remaining gods, plus four hundred years of accumulation, coupled with the increasing population and the achievements of the great living beings, have increased exponentially, and those who are too strong also go out to fight the autumn wind from time to time...

All kinds of accumulation ~www.ltnovel.com~ Over the years, Tai Cang has also accumulated two million gods. "

Ji Xia looked at the first divine object.

"Two million gods... enough for Tai Cang to exchange for the first god."

I saw that inside the first halo, there was a big banner.

This big flag exudes a hazy atmosphere, which seems to be able to obscure the sky and the sun.

In front of the banner, there was also a phantom of the North Heaven Gate of the Heavenly Court.

Above the Beitian Gate, an incomparable Wushuang Great Emperor was also looming.

"The Innate Five Flags Controlled by Emperor Zhenwu—Zhenwu Zao Carved Flag?"

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