I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 966: The era of heaven and earth, the emperor of the early days! 【Big

  Chapter 966 The Emperor of Heaven and Earth Era at the Beginning! 【Large Chapter】

  FD chapter, replace Taicang Yuanding with 600 years of silence after twenty minutes!

  Too vast ground that has been calm for a long time.

  Suddenly ushered in scenes of vast visions, and also ushered in many powerful people at the pinnacle level of Jiezu Mountain.

  There are many stars slowly floating in the sky.

  There are also flying spirit instruments that are as big as stars, slowly emerging from the void.

  There is another terrifying beast, exuding surging ferocious aura, moving right in the sky and the earth.

   March towards Taidu.

  Above these stars, spirit weapons, and fierce beasts, there is a powerful person with different poses and poses.

  Most of them are strong.

   was born into a godlike shape.

  There are also a very small part of the strong, which is different from the god-shaped creatures, but they also have the power not lost to the god-shaped strong.

  Jixia stood in the sky above Taidu.

  There are many people who are too strong, all dressed in Chinese clothes, and their faces are solemn.

   just stood behind Ji Xia.

this moment.

  Each of them exudes a rich and turbulent terrible power.

   Let the void tremble.


   is the day when the feast of Tai Cang Guan Li is about to begin.

  Many of the imperial dynasties and holy court powerhouses who have come to the Zhujiang Plain for many years have also packed up their temporary sleeping quarters in the Zhujiang Plain.

  Boarded the flying spirit weapon and flew towards the territories of Tai Cang.

  Except for the imperial pilgrimage courts that had come to Tai Cang earlier.

  The supreme land and dominance of other countries.

   has now gathered on a golden star.

  On that golden star, palaces lined up, and various lights burst out one after another.

   looks very strange.

  And these many palaces are suspended in the sky of stars.

  There are three more palaces, the most magnificent and the most majestic.

  Other imperial dynasties or holy courts.

   did not dare to let the majesty of his palace surpass these three palaces.

   These three palaces are the palaces of Emperor Zhenxuan, Emperor Mingluo, and Dafeng Sacred Court!

  These three ancient and intrepid forces once informed the imperial court of the early days.

  Informed Ji Xia that they will come to Tai Cang to participate in Tai Cang’s feast.

  The two imperial dynasties and a holy court, Ji Xia still doesn't know what Tai Cang's attitude is.

  "The two powerful imperial dynasties and an ancient holy court came with jade slips before them.

  The wording in the jade slip is very arrogant, but it does not seem to be deliberately aimed at Tai Cang. "

  The Six Scourges Canglong also knew about the jade slips from these three forces.

  At this moment, he stood behind Ji Xia.

  There is a small blue dragon in each eye that is constantly flowing.

  Looking at the surprising sight in the distance.

   "Tai Cang never entertained these three forces, but in their jade slips, it seems that they are giving orders to Tai Cang to prepare the emperor to welcome them..."

  Yang Ren said calmly: "Presumably in the eyes of these three forces, the ordinary emperor is actually no different from the dynasty.

   must follow their orders.

  Otherwise, such as Zhenxuan, Mingluo, and Dafeng, the absolute imperial dynasty and holy court forces, wanting to suppress the ordinary imperial dynasty, would find it difficult. "

   Bai Qi flicked his sleeves, agreeing to say: "In the Xixuan Sacred Court, there are also a few strong men of the God level.

  The ruler of Xixuan has already built a palace of life, and after welcoming the baptism of the rules of heaven and earth, he can become a creature.

  Emperor Qishou even built a palace of life long ago, and eventually fell after he completely transformed the gods.

  It can be seen from this...

  The strongest in the powerful sacred court like the Xixuan Sacred Court, have already stepped into the divine way..."

  "It is not difficult to speculate that there must be strong gods in power nations such as Zhenxuan, Mingluo, and Dafeng.

  Now it’s just a matter of how many gods and powerful men in their country. "

  Baily analyze in a low voice.

  Many people who are too strong are staring at the golden star from a distance.

  The expressions in his eyes all showed a pensive color.

  They didn’t know that Ji Xia was a few years ago.

   has already welcomed the arrival of an extremely powerful god.

  The strong man who stood up to the ground, even completely killed Lord Xixuan.

  So in the eyes of these too strong people.

  The realm of gods is indeed an extremely lofty realm for Tai Cang today.

  "It’s just that I don’t know if Xixuan Saint Court communicates with these three unparalleled forces.

  If they want to take action against Tai Cang, Tai Cang’s situation may be much more difficult. "

   Yuzao whispered softly before:

  "If we can give Taicang another six hundred years, even if we have no way to reach the realm of God, we can still achieve a glimpse of God.

  In this way, too much pressure may be reduced. "

   Ji Xia still carried her hands on her back, her body slowly exuding a ray of divine light, with extraordinary power.

  He heard a lot of discussions from gods and men.

  'S expression did not change at all.

  "It’s okay. There are two reasons why I have hosted many holy courts and many dynasties to come to this big banquet.

  One of the reasons is to want to warn countless nations and countless races.

  Since then, the Human Race has had a great kingdom, so the Human Race is no longer despicable, no longer inferior.

  The tragic past of the human race will also pass away with the wind.

  I will tell many dynasties in this big banquet.

  Dare to enslave the human race, and regard the human race as food, livestock, and slaves, then there will be great anger. "

   Ji Xia’s tone is very calm, but many too strong people present can perceive a hint of coldness in the words.

   "The second reason...I want to see the many emperors in the ancestral mountains of this world, and the holy court dominates.

  Take a look at the power they possess, and take a look at the foundation they possess.

  With the knowledge of the strength of these imperial dynasties, the road after Tai Cang will go relatively smoothly. "

  All the people of Tai Cang God also know that Ji Xia has been planning something all the time.

  Extremely understand Ji Xia’s Bai Qi and the Six Sorrows Canglong.

   has guessed the root cause of Ji Xia’s holding this banquet.

   "When the emperor sees the true strength of these imperial dynasties and the holy court, Tai Cang's plan of offering sacrifices to the heaven and the earth to achieve the imperial dynasty will definitely be on the agenda."

  This time, I came to attend the Imperial Court and the Holy Court of Tai Cang Banquet.

   There are more than forty in total. Among these forces, there are also more than 30 powers of the great emperor.

  The assembly of such a number of imperial dynasties and holy courts has hardly happened in the long history of Jiezu Mountain.

  Among the more than thirty emperor pilgrimage courts, except for several emperor dynasties and holy courts on Jiezu Mountain.

  Other dynasties mostly came from Tongtian Ancient River, Zhuxing Ancient Road, Shenchen Road Mountain, Liangjie Mountain... and many other places adjacent to Jiezu Mountain.

  Although these are vast.

   does not fully represent the power possessed by all forces in the vast wilderness.

  But these forces are scattered and their strengths are different.

In this situation.

  Give a glimpse and know the whole thing.

   "After this big banquet, Tai Cang will be able to know when he will be able to offer sacrifices to the heavens and the earth and become an emperor."

   Ji Xia thought secretly in her heart.

  Many stars, flying spirit weapons, true spirits and fierce beasts in the distance...

   has gotten closer to Tai Cang.

  Even the golden star that carried many emperors and many envoys.

   has entered Tai Cang.

   Below the golden stars, a colorful divine bridge appeared.

   makes the golden stars look extremely noble.

  At the moment of entering Tai Cang, the palaces and gates of the golden stars also opened.

   reveals the extraordinary furnishings and the magnificent hall.

  In the main hall!

   often sits with a great emperor and a master!

  There are three palaces, Mingluo, Zhenxuan, and Dafeng.

  When their palace gate opens.

  The three incarnations of the supreme emperors showed ray of light in their eyes.

   fell on the vast ground.

   fell in the sky.

  Although the vast land is not vast, it even appears a bit narrow.

  But these tyrannical existences can naturally see the secret realm in the sky and the outer sky.

of course.

  Whether it is the Jiuxing Secret Realm or Qimingtian.

  For the existence of the three ancient emperors.

   is not magnificent at all.

  This kind of ancient country, the ancient holy court, the number of outer heavens under its control is already secret realm, it is impossible to guess.

  So even Qimingtian is very vast and very rich.

  Can't surprise them yet.

  After all...Tai Cang has only one sacred heaven.

   "It's too pale...it's a bit different."

  A line of divine consciousness crossed, and in the Zhenxuan Palace, there was an unexplained huge body, and a young giant with a real dragon entrenched on his body, looking down at the Taicang city pool below, and staring at the Taicang creature below.

In the Emperor Mingluo Dynasty, an unworldly emperor with a holy breath and white hair, but a face like a young man, also nodded slowly: "Although Tai Cang is a small area, there are not many creatures under his control.

   But these human beings are spirited and energetic, but they are all amazing.

  Even if it is weak, but the expression on his face is full of confidence, he is very confident and prosperous. "

  The gate of Dafeng Shengting Palace opens.

  I saw the colorful light permeating it.

  In this colorful light, a silver-haired girl is sitting on the throne of the void.

  Behind this silver-haired girl is a pair of wings that also shone with silver light.

  Her eyes are cold and her expression is calm.

  The appearance can be called a misfortune.

  Even if it is compared with Yuzaoqian, compared with Chi Jingshangshen, it is not much better.


  This silver-haired girl is extremely distinguished.

  She sits on the throne, which is enough to prove that this silver-haired girl is the master of the Great Seal.

  Plus the terrifying mighty power that continues to permeate her body.

   Let this holy court ruler have a unique spirit.

   "These two great emperors, a master just came in incarnation.

  But the spirit that exudes from his body.

  Even compared to the emperors who came before, they seemed more surging, more turbulent. "

  Yang Ren communicated with the star, silently, staring at the existence of many great emperors above the golden stars.

  There are many faces that Ji Xia is no stranger to.

   "Look, it's like a minister."

  My Dragon Lord, who had been sitting on the shoulders of Uncle Chaolong, suddenly pointed to a palace on the golden golden star.

  That palace is also extremely magnificent.

  There are two thrones displayed in the palace.

  On one of the thrones, Ji Ruyin was dressed in a Chinese dress and long-haired shawl looking at the vast land.

  He unconsciously showed excitement and emotion on his face.

   makes his handsome complexion more charming.

   "I didn't find it before, but now it looks closely, although the minister Ruyin is not as good as the emperor, he is still a country and the city. I feel pity.

  No wonder the goddess of the dance house would treat him so favorably. "

  Milong Jun’s mouth is unobstructed, just one comment.

  The lightning pattern on Uncle Long's body suddenly flashed with light.

  My Dragon Lord immediately suffered from pain, and glared at Uncle Chao Long, but did not dare to speak any more.

  Many too strong people also turned their eyes to a throne beside Ji Ruyin.

   On the throne next to Ji Ruyin, a man with a graceful body and a divine light on his body, with a vague face, seemed to perceive the gazes of Ji Xia and others.

  Across a long distance, she nodded slightly towards Ji Xia.

At this moment.

   The two Supreme Emperors in the distance, a supreme holy court, seemed to feel the power of the goddess of the dance house in the Tianqi Palace.

  They never hesitated.

   One after another nodded towards the goddess of the dance house.

  Dance House Goddess also nodded in response.

  Jixia saw this scene, thoughtful.

  Other too strong people looked at each other.

   "In this way, the goddess of the dance house, after the fall of the Seven Hunters, was able to just retreat from the prying eyes of many emperors, it was the result of her grace."

  Bai Qi thought to herself.

  Just a few breaths.

  The golden stars have come before Taidu!

   Ji Xia stretched out her sleeves, and a golden light immediately spread under her feet.

  In the early days, Emperor Ji Xia led many too strong people, stepping on this golden light, and marching forward.

  Many Cangzi people in the city below, looked up and saw this strange scene.

  All are curious.

  Some creatures are extremely excited...

  After all, it’s so huge.

  Even in Taidu, it is vast to the extreme.

  Under such circumstances, we can see so many too strong people greet the guests.

   is also an extraordinary opportunity.

  Jixia came to the edge of the golden light and stared at the golden stars in the distance.

  As for other stars, flying spirit weapons, and fierce beasts, they all hover far away in far too many places.

  They are the living quarters of the great emperor's existence, in which many powerful men are stationed, and countless servants serve.

  Extremely luxurious.

   "Emperor Zhenxuan came to Emperor Zhenhuang and descended on Tai Cang."

   "Emperor Mingluo is coming to Emperor Mingdu, and he is here to watch the ceremony."

  "The Lord of the Great Sealed Holy Court, come here to watch the ceremony..."


  The magnificent voices that burst out from the rules, spread too far.

  At the same time, the vision in the sky became more and more obvious.

  There is the original supreme god, transformed into the earth, suppressing the mystery of a party, and giving birth to the vision of an imperial dynasty.

  There is also a weird demon god~www.ltnovel.com~ who wants to swallow the scorching sun, is suppressed by the strong, and becomes a palace on the boundless wild land, and then gives birth to a vision of a noble emperor.

   and the Great Sealed Holy Court is even more terrifying...

  In the old days, there was a vast world, with a large banner covering the sky and the sun, and all tribes were ordered by the banner.

  Later... the world shattered and the vision dissipated.

  And this is just a vision that the three most powerful forces have come to Tai Cang, and the rules of Heaven, Earth, Kingdom and Zuo have spontaneously brewed.

  There are still more than 30 holy court dynasties that the great emperor dominates, and there are also visions.

this moment……

  Various visions in the sky above Taicang tell of the splendor of these imperial dynasties.

  It is too small and too small, as if it can't bear these visions.

  Because it’s too blue at this time...

  In addition to the unyielding human will, and many novelties.

  Compared with the imperial dynasty revealed in these visions, it is too ordinary and ordinary!

  (End of this chapter)

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