I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 971: Thunder law, the death of the gods【large

  Chapter 971 The law of thunder, the death of the gods【Large chapter】

  The two great dynasties and the Great Sealed Court dominate.

   Give the order to build the altar.

  There are many more powerful people, immediately leading the elite army of the imperial dynasty.

  Started to conquer the alien races in the surrounding areas who never feared the three dynasties on weekdays.

  The three supreme imperial dynasties are nothing more than they move, and when they move, stormy waves swept over them.

  The three dynasties and the surrounding areas of the holy court, I don’t know how many living things perished.

  Blood flowed into rivers on the earth, and corpses were lying down for thousands of miles.

  There is a pungent blood mist in the vast world.

  There are many small countries.

   was affected by this battle.

   is like an ant at the feet of a god, shattered by the aftermath of the battle.

  The imperial dynasty, not far from the three major forces, felt unprecedented fear.

  Although they don’t know why the three major forces suddenly dispatched troops.

  But still hurriedly sent noble envoys from the middle of the country to see the three powers dominate.

  Some emperors even went personally.

   also carried a large number of tributes, hoping to protect the peace of the country when the three major forces were angry.

  Fortunately, the war came suddenly.

   did not last long.

  In just over a month, the three battlefields have returned to calm.

  Except for the cruel scenes of purgatory.

  There is nothing unusual on the battlefield.

  The only thing worth talking about in neighboring countries.

   is a powerful practitioner of the imperial dynasty who has counted millions and tens of millions, and has not been killed by the three major forces.

  Rather, he was taken as a prisoner and taken to the capitals of the three major forces.

  The number is extremely huge.

  I am afraid there are millions of people.

  There is not even a strong person below the spiritual palace.

  It can be seen that the overall strength of the three powers is indeed extremely shocking.

  Emperor Zhenxuan, Emperor Mingluo, and Dafeng Shengting have not taken action for a long time.

  But when their thunderous war came.

  The entire boundless wilderness was also shaken by it.

  In Tai Cang, it also caused a lot of discussion.

  In the Taicang Palace at this time, Ji Xia was sitting in a high position.

  Xin Ya came to report, and the many high-ranking people in the palace also looked at each other.

   "So, the three dynasties built altars, it seems that they want to carry out some kind of sacrifice?"

   "Is there another mysterious ancient **** that needs to be revived?"

   "However, the three imperial dynasties launched a small-scale war, but let us see through the power of the three empires."


  People talk to each other.

  Finally, a black light flashed in Bai Qi's eyes.

   seems to have crossed the space and fell into the Secret Realm of Choking.

In the Secret Realm of Choking, the Slaughter Realm constructed by Yuzao Front is still running continuously.

  Tai Cang also invested a lot of Shenyuan Crystal in it.

  Guarantee the strength of this illusion used to train soldiers.

  And in the Slaughter Realm at this moment, there is an army of more than three million people, constantly experiencing the battlefield.

  They lose occasionally, but they are not discouraged.

  In most battlefields, they are the supreme spear held in the hands of the supreme god, indestructible and unstoppable.

Once the fierce aura bursts out, it can even crack the sky.

  The intent to break through the sky is hunting.

  And it’s even more surprising.

  This army is all of human blood.

  Moreover, it is an extremely noble blood.

  The army of more than three million people has four bloodlines of noble human races!


   is Tai Cang's most powerful army at present.

   was also named the Sijizhen God Army by Ji Xia.

  It is precisely because of this army.

  Bai Qi once again looked at the military forces that broke out when the three major forces conquered other imperial dynasties.

  The face is still calm.

  There is no slightest ripple.

  But Ji Xia's face still has some interesting expressions.

  "Sacrifice...I don't know which ancient **** is to be sacrificed to the three dynasties?"


  Only more than a month has passed.

  Among the three major powers, each has built a magnificent altar suspended in the air.

  These altars are so towering, with intricate and exquisite inscriptions carved.

  There is another Yinjun statue standing in the center of the altar.

  Yin Jun is mysterious and stalwart, and the divine river flowing around him is still flowing slowly.

at the same time.

  The three major forces each prepared blood food for three million strong men.

  Three million strong men are all kneeling in the void.

   was suppressed by the extraordinary powerhouse of the three major forces.

  They were confused, their eyes blurred, and only numbness remained in their eyes.

  Not even any look of fear.

  It can be seen that in the three dynasties of Zhenxuan, Mingluo, and Dafeng, each suppressed the existence of more than 3 million spiritual palace practitioners.

   must be an extremely powerful existence.

  Even the gods who have boarded the palace of fate.

  The Great Emperor Zhenhuang, the Great Emperor Mingluo, and the Great Sealed Lord.

   all stand under the altars in their respective kingdoms.

  There are countless imperial powers behind him.

   also bowed his head respectfully, waiting for the beginning of the sacrifice.

  Hour to noon.

  When the three scorching suns in the sky finally rose above the void.

  The three great emperors immediately had bursts of wonderful inscriptions leaping out.

  These strange inscriptions seem extremely old.

  It is full of dark and evil forces.

  These strange inscriptions are flying in the sky.

  Some inscriptions turned into a black mist.

   flew into the sky, completely concealing the rays of the scorching sun.

   and other inscriptions, they quickly gathered together.

   fell on the statue of Yin Jun in the center of three altars extremely far apart.

   Immediately afterwards, the statue of Lord Yin seemed to have gained life.

  The statue's originally closed eyes slowly opened.

  A dark and weird light gleamed in his eyes.

  The two great emperors and the Saint Lord of the Great Sealed Saint Court immediately saluted the statue of Yin Jun respectfully.

at the same time.

  With heavy and mighty power, suppress the **** of life palace of millions of practitioners.

   Or the eyes show divine light, or there is a surging sea of ​​fire burning behind him, or a blade of light flickers away.

  Nine million practitioners in the three imperial dynasties have died!

  The blood that came out vigorously converged into a river.

   Flowing towards the Yin Jun statue.

  The ablated body and bones scattered into countless dust.

   also flew to the statue of Lord Yin.

  The next moment.

  The lacquer black on the Yin Jun statue turned golden.

  The statue of Lord Yin has come to life completely.

   turned into the incarnation of Yin Jun.

  I saw Yin Jun's face calm, his breath was like an abyss, and he couldn't see the end at all.

  Even if it's just an avatar.

  The avatar stands on the altar.

The entire vast expanse of imperial capitals suppressed by    was bleak.

   and even some luminous emperor soldiers trembling under the power of the Yin King.

   becomes extremely dim.

  Even if they were imperial soldiers, they did not dare to show their glory in front of the Yin Lord.

  The two great emperors and the Great Sealed Lord, in their respective kingdoms, respectfully salute the statue of Yin Jun in the altar.

  The respect in their eyes is not false.

  Because of ancient gods such as Yin Jun.

   really can afford their respect.

  The incarnation of Lord Yin stared carefully at these rulers, who were far more powerful than ordinary emperors.

   Then suddenly asked: "This is your meeting gift?"

   "It's just... I'm in the boundless wilderness now, and I don't need blood food anymore."

  The three very noble emperors and holy masters are not surprising.

  The Great Emperor Zhenhuang is still topless, his body is extremely burly.

   "Although Lord Yin does not need blood food, this is just a little bit of my heart from Emperor Zhenxuan.

  Hope that Lord Yin will not cure the sin of Emperor Zhenxuan’s negligence. "

   Great Emperor Mingluo and the Great Sealed Lord also spoke like this.

  The three Yin Jun incarnations all shake their heads at will.

   Then in the same tone, same speed, and the same magnificent voice, he said, "You are too worried.

  Now that I have come, the goal of the Yin Monarch world has never been you.

The strength of the imperial dynasty is not worth mentioning in real disputes.

  From then on, you don’t have to sacrifice to me. "

  Yin Jun's words seem to be very casual.

  But the two great emperors and the Great Sealed Lord immediately perceive the deep meaning contained in the Yin Jun’s words.

   "That is to say... all the imperial dynasties in the eyes of Lord Yin are not mentioned.

  Under such a premise, Lord Yin will naturally not kill the top three powerful forces..."

  Three powers without God dominate.

  All his expressions changed slightly.

  In that case...

  So... who is the easy way to kill the three emperors who went to Taicang to see the existence of the envoy of God?

  Which power was the one who killed the three deities of the Palace of Life?

  The three emperors' minds turned sharply, and they kept speculating.

   "Could it be that another powerful **** has recovered silently?"

  The Great Emperor Mingluo thought so secretly.

  "Why did the resurrected gods take action?"

  "Does the resurrected **** come from the human race and want to shelter too much?"

   Just when they are constantly speculating and wondering.

  The vast expanse of the Emperor Zhenxuan and the Emperor Mingluo.

  Suddenly, two loud noises burst out almost at the same time.

The expressions of Emperor Zhenhuang and Emperor Mingluo changed slightly.

  The many powerful men behind them also turned their heads together and looked at a certain place in their respective countries.


  It is the two godless dynasties, in addition to the capital, extremely important and extremely majestic cities!

  Infinite divine light burst out from these two cities.

  In the divine light, each contains a surging and powerful thunder power.

  The immeasurable thunder cover overwhelms the world, and the indescribable terrifying power seems to be able to collapse the sky.

  In such a short moment.

  Two imperial cities, which were not so wide, collapsed.

  No ruins even left.

   just evaporates out of thin air.

The expressions of Emperor Zhenhuang and Emperor Mingdu were extremely gloomy.

  And the cold complexion of the Great Seal Lord changed slightly.

   is just a short time.

  The Great Sealed Lord also turned his head quickly.

   Behind him appeared the stalwart gods.

  The power of the gods was blessed on her eyes.

  Then the Great Sealed Saint Lord and many of the Great Sealed Saint Court powerhouses, they saw with their own eyes a very precious outer heaven for the Great Sealed Saint Court.

  There was also a divine thunder falling, and the entire outer sky seemed to become a sea of ​​thunder.

  In the blazing light of thunder and lightning, there is a murderous intent and almost unlimited power.

  The entire outer space, in such a sea of ​​thunder, turned into a land of destruction.

   Above the Yinjun altar.

  The incarnation of Lord Yin, also turned his head to look at the place of the emperor that had suffered a great calamity.

The calm in   's eyes turned into curiosity, and finally into contemplation.

  I don’t know if it is considering the plan mentioned by Ji Xia.

   The two imperial **** cities and the outer heaven of the Great Sealed Saint Court were destroyed.

  Countless strong men died, and countless emperors died.

   is just a passing moment.

  The two great emperors and the Great Sealed Lord were already angry.

  They are about to manifest their great supernatural powers, leading many imperial powers to suppress such audacious comers.

  But in the endless light, there is a strong man who exudes endless magical aura, slowly stepping out.

  The first strong man, suppressed Emperor Zhenxuan Chao Shencheng.

  He is dressed in a Taoist robe, his face is old, and thunder is constantly born in his eyes, and thunder is dying.

  It is the righteous **** of Leibu, Lei Si, Lord Chizhi Dafa!

  Behind the Lord Chizhi Dafa, there are twelve people Lei Gong standing with their heads high.

  They hold the thunder magic weapon in their hands, and their bodies bloom with endless thunder brilliance.

  The second strong man stood above Mingluo Emperor Chaoshen City.

  This strong figure is stalwart, standing upright, and exuding infinite power.

  There are no facial features on his face, and even his body is made up of flowing thunder, which is extremely sacred.

  This existence is exactly Leimian Shentu, the master of Leibu Zhengshen Land Lei!

  The twelve landmine fathers also stood behind Leimian Shentu.

   And the third strong, the one who turned the outer world into a sea of ​​thunder, is the dragon head human body Long Leijun.

  He led the twelve Heavenly Thunder Lords, and easily let the Thunder suppress the entire outer heaven...

  Three Ries of mine, all come.

  Their figures are revealed.

   almost resounded in all the territories of the three dynasties.

   also burst out at the same moment.

  "Emperor Zhenxuan, Emperor Mingluo, and Dafeng Holy Court sending envoys to invade Tai Cang is a great sin!

  Tai Cang Lei Law Heavenly Palace respects Tai Cang’s sacred Thunder Law, killing the emperor’s envoys.

   is a punishment, each arrested two emperors and a **** of the palace of the Great Seal.

  Slash without mercy! "

  The power of the three thunder gods is superimposed.

  The sound seemed to fall like a **** of thunder.

  Let every strong person present, horrified to the limit!

  In a flash.

  The sky above all the gods, secret realms, and outer heavens of the three emperors.

   has a light curtain manifested.

  On the light curtain, a shocking scene was reflected.

  I saw that in the past, among the three supreme powers, they were all exalted to the extreme, and their power was also called the three ancient gods of the palace of life.

  At this moment, he was kneeling outside Taixian's court, in front of the statue of the Protector of the Kingdom.

  Tai Cang Lei Law Palace Lord Lei Shen Xiao, sitting in the sky.

  He wore a Chinese suit and a thunder crown on his head.

  The eyes look extremely indifferent.

   Seeing him pointing out, he whispered, "Intrusive to Tai Cang, offensive to the emperor.

kill! "

  The gods in the body, the gods, the three life palace gods who have been completely suppressed.

  At this time, his eyes were filled with despair and unwillingness.

  As the gods of the palace of life, they have reached the peak of the imperial dynasty.

   But now, I can only kneel here in such humiliation!

  But they haven’t had time to say anything.

  A thunder flashed across Lei Shen Xiao’s fingertips, and there were thousands of thunder gods who held the thunder sword in their hands and severely chopped them toward their necks!

  After a piece of thunder.

  The heads of the three life palace gods fell on this.

  Blood was sprayed on the deity of protecting the country.

  Mutilated true spirit and divine consciousness want to escape.

  I saw a flash in the void, and the fierce beast gluttonous body manifested...

  The blood on the chest spurted out and bit out.

   completely swallowed the incomplete true spirits and divine consciousness of the three life palace gods.

  The three gods of the palace of life fell to the throne, and even the lives of the gods have disappeared!

  Only three golden lights ~www.readwn.com~ flew into Taixian's court and disappeared.

  The two great emperors and the Great Sealed Lord took a deep breath.

  When they once again looked at the three Leibu Masamisami masters.

   but found that they have disappeared.

   Those who control the Thunder, the speed is naturally exceptional.

   There was only one voice, still lingering in the ears of all the strong.

  Hearing this voice, many of the three powerful forces finally knew.

  Since then, the three godless pilgrimages and holy courts are no longer supreme.

  The Taicang Dynasty built by the human race.

   has caught up with, and even surpassed any of them!

  And that thunderous word.

   is still roaring constantly.

   "Emperor fate in the early days, the emperor town shortage, the capital of the underworld, and the great seal of the gods immediately held the jade slips for inviting sins, went to Taicang in person, and asked the royal court for forgiveness!"

  (End of this chapter)

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