I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 975: Reactions from all sides, covering up the sky【large

  Chapter 975 The reaction of all parties overwhelms the sky【Large chapter】

  It's not just these ordinary dynasties who are surprised and angry.

  For Tai Cang's sacrifice to heaven and earth, he wanted to eat more of all the imperial dynasty's fortune and luck.

  Even in the Great Seal Palace, as well as the Emperor Zhenxuan and Emperor Mingluo, there has been an uproar.

  Many emperors and nobles are already full of killing desires for Tai Cang.

  Even the rulers of the three dynasties were full of puzzles and doubts about Tai Cang's actions.

  Of course, it is more about killing thoughts overwhelming the world and unimaginable anger.

  This thing that has shocked the entire boundless wilderness.

  The two great dynasties and the Great Seal of the Holy Court, as Ji Xia wished, finally all the strong were dispatched, and the second batch of Guozuo warriors also marched with all their strength.

  Go to Wushou Yunhai.

  Wuji Yunhai is located above Tongtianguhe.

   is a flawless sea of ​​clouds, in which several imperial dynasties also exist.

  Because of Tai Cang's position in Jiezu Mountain, it already belongs to the marginal zone.

   is not very far away from Tongtian Ancient River.

  So when Tai Cang conquered the Cloud Heaven Dragon, it took just over a year to reach the Cloud Heaven Dragon Kingdom.

  And now.

  All the powerhouses of the three major dynasties, and an army of tens of millions of elite powerhouses.

   has gathered the army in the unsullied sea of ​​clouds.

  Many of the nearby imperial dynasties have begun to dispatch armies and lead the strong to come to Wushou Yunhai to join forces with the three major forces.

  As for before, he was very familiar with Tai Cang's national ruler.

   was also in inexplicable shock at this time.

  Although they know that it is too strong and very powerful.

   However, Tai Cang was still very puzzled about Tai Cang's decision to make sacrifices to the world and to achieve the imperial court.

  They are deeply aware of how many imperial dynasties there are in the vast and boundless wilderness.

  Although in these imperial dynasties, there are not many imperial kingdoms with god-level power.

  You are the number of imperial dynasties and holy courts, more than tens of thousands?

  Tai Cang wants to fight thousands of imperial dynasties and holy courts with the power of one country...

  This is simply incredible.

  Even the kingdoms that are very familiar with Taicang and respect Taicang, the Great Emperor Taichu, who once thought of the Wise Ming I, seemed to have become arrogant and unable to balance himself!

   "Perhaps...this is a sign of the destruction of Tai Cang."

   "This is not a sign. The overall situation is already set. I can't imagine any other power that can fight against all the imperial dynasties in heaven and earth alone except for the three great dynasties and the few big worlds with ancient gods!"

   "Yes, not to mention that in the kingdom that came to conquer Taicang, there are three major forces including the Zongheng Empire and the holy court. In their kingdom, there are not just one or two gods."

   "Then we should... where should we go?"

that's the truth.

  For the nearby dark monarch holy court, Tianqi Emperor Dynasty, Extinction Demon Land, Dazuo Emperor Dynasty and other forces.

  How to choose has become a huge problem.

  At this moment.

  Several emperor dynasties and the rulers of the holy court have all descended on the heavy **** emperor dynasty.

  Zhong God Emperor Dynasty dominates Si Zhongzhu, sitting in the central hall of the Emperor Dynasty.

  The other great emperors and masters are sitting around with Si Zhongzhu.

  The Dark Lord and the Exterminating Demon Lord seemed very hesitant at this time.

  "I waited for the imperial court and the holy court located in Jiezu Mountain, but I did not expect to be caught in a dilemma because of a human kingdom that was unknown more than a thousand years ago.

  If we send troops now, join the army of the boundless wild imperial dynasty, and conquer Taicang, our country will be too far away.

  Once the Great Emperor was furious, it was absolutely annihilation for our Guozuo.

   But if we remain neutral, we will inevitably anger the three major forces. When the time comes, we will also usher in liquidation. "

  The Demon Lord of Exterminating Lives was anxious and opened his mouth.

  The dark monarch and holy lord's look is even more troubled.

  "You still have a choice, and my dark king holy court has already moved the outer heavens to the side of the ancient tree.

  The distance between the ancient trees is too close.

  Once war breaks out in Tai Cang.

  This kind of battle will definitely affect half of Jiezu Mountain.

  The Dark Sovereign Saint Court is even more to bear the brunt.

  I am afraid that the aftermath of the battle will destroy my holy court. "

  The Dark Sovereign Lord sighed long when he said this.

   "The Dark Lord Sacred Court got some chance to bring disaster to the ancient tree, but unexpectedly, the opportunity of the ancient tree made the Dark Lord Sacred Court into such a great peril."

  The two holy masters are sighing.

  Heavy God the Great Emperor Si Zhongzhu, still wearing a white robe.

  His eyes are like stars, extremely deep, and his expression is very calm.

   He only shook his head and said: "The Great God will not participate in this battle. I have already met the Emperor Taichu not long ago.

  The great emperor of the early days, ordered me to relocate the whole country, and the strong will be responsible for the relocation of the weak and small creatures in the country, so that our country will enter Zi Yaotian for the time being to accept Tai Cang’s asylum. "

  There is no great emperor in Emperor Tianqi, so he dispatched a high-ranking minister, and he also said seriously: "My high minister of Tianqi is of the blood of the Taicangji room.

  Tianqi also received such an honor. "

  The Dark Lord and the master of the Extinction Demons are all startled.

  After a few breaths have passed.

  The Dark Lord frowned and asked: "Why did the two imperial dynasties choose this way?

  In this battle, the chance of Tai Cang winning is too small, almost non-existent.

  You have chosen Tai Cang, even if it is only neutral, if Tai Cang collapses in the future, it will inevitably be cruelly liquidated. "

  The emissary of Emperor Tianqi fell into silence.

  After a long time, he shook his head and said: "In this battle, the Emperor Tianqi is not just neutral.

  Tianqi Emperor's many powerhouses will also follow Tai Cang's dispatch!

  In this battle, Emperor Tianqi will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

  But this is just to atone for the sins of Tianqi before. "

  Si Zhongzhu also drank a cup of tea: "In the early days, the emperor was an immortal arrogant. Perhaps in a few years, such a talented generation may only be born such a one.

  I know Tai Cang better than you.

   also knows what terrifying power Tai Cang has.

  I waited for the team to stand too Cang, not to support him, but to seek shelter from him.

  So Tai Cang was willing to protect us. It was Tai Cang who bestowed grace on us, so we naturally have to repay it like this and send the strong to fight. "

  The Dark Lord, the Lord of the Dark Lord and the Lord of the Extinction Demon Land, can only look at each other when they hear the words of the Lord Si Zhong.

  Long time.

  "The Emperor Dayang did not send an envoy this time, and he came to Zhongshen to discuss the matter.

   is enough to prove that Di Luozhao has decided on a certain path. "

The Exterminating Demon Lord thought for a long time, and then he finally took a deep breath and stood up: "No matter which side it is in this battle, I can't afford to offend the Exterminating Demon Town.

  In this case, we can only seek shelter from the Yin Lord...

  It’s just a pity. After planning for a long time, the Extinction Demon Township can only use the supreme chance from Yin Jun to save his life, and it cannot bring the Extinction Demon Township to the next level..."

  The Dark Lord is still thinking, but he did not speak.


  Except for these imperial dynasties.

  Other countries around Taicang have all moved across the country.

  The powerhouses in the middle of the country, the nobles of blood, as well as the ministers, Tianjiao, and the rich and powerful in the court, have all boarded huge flying spirit weapons.

   brings all the wealth accumulated in the country.

   towards Zhuxing Ancient Road next to Jiezu Mountain.

  The rulers of these kingdoms have already wanted to cry without tears.

  Unexpectedly, thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, the vast territory accumulated and the age-old country Zuo would end because of such rare things as myths.

of course……

  No matter which country it is, it cannot take away all its citizens.

  So, the weak creatures are just abandoned, they don't even know that death is coming.

  If Tai Cang is crushed, perhaps a country that is extremely far away from Tai Cang can still have a ray of life.

  But if Tai Cang has the power to counter all the imperial dynasties.

  So it is foreseeable that... an endless destruction will drop the critical ancestral mountain.

This is the case with   Wuyin Savage.

  When the catastrophe comes, the superiors of Guozuo will not take into account the other weak races and other weak creatures in the country at all.

  The reason is that in the boundless wilderness, weak races and weak creatures are too humble.

  In the war, they cannot provide any value.

  No strong person cares about their lives.

   Opposite them.

   Tai Cang did not seem to have changed much.

  Many people who are too strong, as always, practice in the Secret Realm of Choking.

  Taicang elite is also constantly training soldiers and refining the battle spirit formation.

  The only difference is.

  The people on the vast land, in fact, already know that an unprecedented battle is coming.

  In addition to their normal work and study.

   also spontaneously collected a lot of money, wanting to dedicate it to Tai Cang.

  At that time, there were even more than three million representatives from all over the vast Taicang, who came to Taidu to petition.

  Many of these representatives are Tai Cang old people from the early years of Tai Cang.

  "Tai Cang is the kingdom of my human race, and Tai Cang is also the country where I was born and raised. Now Tai Cang is facing a big battle, we come to petition.

  Even if too Cang wants us old men to go to the battlefield, even as front spears and let us act as shields, we will not hesitate. "

  "As for some belongings...If the imperial court ordered it in the early days, we could also donate all the treasures in the clan, or even willing to not pay for the next hundred years, as long as there is a ration to eat and hang our lives."

   "Tai Cang's early years, didn't it come here like this?"

  Juveniles and young people who want to enlist in the army are in an endless stream.

  The military houses in the cities, regions, and mansions are overcrowded, and many Tai Cang Erlang's eyes are firm, and they seem to have the will to die.

  There are also many human practitioners from other countries and hidden places.

  They took resolutely, bid farewell to the people of the country, and rushed to Taicang without hesitation.

  Perhaps they also think in their hearts that Tai Cang is bound to collapse.

  But they still came.

  Because Tai Cang brought hope to them, and also allowed the backbone of the boundless wild human race to be straight.

   No longer humiliate and slaughter other strong clans.

   also let them see the flame of hope.

  Under such circumstances, some of the Haohao races are people who have sacrificed their lives.


  These human cultivators, the number of strong people who can safely reach the sky is extremely rare.

  "Most of these Human Race practitioners who want to help the sky are...no...most of them have been killed by the powerful emperors along the way."

  Xin Ya's expression was rather gloomy, reporting to Ji Xia.

   Ji Xia sighed infrequently: “Immediately give orders to all the human kingdoms and the hidden places of the human race, not to send the strong of the country again to come to help Tai Cang."

  The night lord reveals his deeds and takes orders respectfully.

   Ji Xia thought for a while, then continued: "Speaking can be more certain.

   said that Tai Cang has the certainty of victory, and they do not need to make unnecessary sacrifices. "

  The night master left to pass his life.

   Bai Qi at this moment, but it seems a little worried.

  "This time Tai Cang is so high-profile, among the three dynasties, there must have been astonishing shocks.

  The city lord has definitely already known the news of the greatness. He is afraid that he will go to the Heavenly Eye Divine Realm. Even if the Heavenly Eye Divine Realm wants to raise Gu, a powerful city owner must still hide extraordinary background in the Divine Realm.

  This city takes the initiative to use those details, I am afraid that it is too pale..."

  Lei Shen Xiao accepted Bai Qi's words, and suddenly said, "This time Tai Cang really shocked the boundless wilderness, and those dynasties who want to raise gu will also take action.

  They want to raise gu, but they don’t want to raise a prehistoric beast that can devour the world before the big ruin. "

   "Maybe... even if they will not completely perish Tai Cang, they will definitely send strong people to weaken Tai Cang's power."

  The many high-ranking people in the palace also looked solemnly, but they all nodded deeply.


  When Ji Xia was offering sacrifices to the heavens and the earth, the edicts issued to many imperial dynasties were indeed a bit shocking.

  Even if it is a god, I have to be surprised.

  Perhaps Shenchao would want to beat too much.

  Even...In order to avoid risks, Shenchao may choose to harvest in advance instead of just watching it grow too far.

  When all the ministers of Tai Cang were worried.

   Ji Xia's expression is still calm.

  He did not answer the doubts of Lei Shenxiao and others.

   first glanced at white, then looked at the vast void outside the temple.

   shook his head lightly and said, “It’s okay, maybe that **** of the city lord will be completely defeated soon.”

  The many powerhouses in the palace, all looked at each other.

  Some can't understand Ji Xia's words.

   Ji Xia’s gaze seemed to have penetrated countless distances and came to the center of the heavenly eyes.

   came to the magnificent Tianmu God Dynasty, and also came to the city where Jiang Mingxuan was.

  This city is extremely vast.

  One city is enough to compare to an imperial dynasty!

  The world is already dim.

  Across a long distance, Ji Xia's surging consciousness floated in the void.

   Above the giant city of Tianmu, a wonderful and unparalleled banner loomed.

  Unparalleled banner, covering the sky, covering the sky, and covering the scorching sun.

  "At such a long distance, my spiritual sense can only support the Zhetianqi for a short time.

  I don’t know if such a short period of time ~www.readwn.com~ can completely destroy the giant city of Heavenly Eyes, and whether it can cause the Lord of the giant city of Heavenly Eyes to fall. "

   Ji Xia was still pondering in her heart.

  The dark sky curtain suddenly opened slowly.

  An aurora rushed straight into the city, and then suspended in the sky of the city for a short moment.

  In the giant city, it has been shaken inexplicably.

  The number of terrifying powerhouses exudes the majesty as vast as the divine sea...and there is a bright beam of light directly into the sky.

  Aurora will descend from the dark sky, slowly dissipating.

  A headless man standing upright in the sky.

  The dreadful inscription on the body exudes the spirit, seems to be able to overwhelm the world!

   "I am too small and too Cang, I have grown up to dare to assassinate the city lord of the gods..."

   "And this is just the beginning."

   Ji Xiayuan looked at the scene in the void and muttered to herself softly.

  (End of this chapter)

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