I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 977: You are the source of filth in the world [big

  Chapter 977 You are the source of filth on earth【Large chapter】

  In the vast sea of ​​unsullied clouds.

  I don’t know how many strong people are standing there.

  I don’t know how many imperial warriors have erected their spears, and their fighting spirit is overwhelming.

  At this moment.

  Wuji Yunhai does not know what kind of monstrous imperial power condensed.

  A long period of more than 180 years.

  Under the leadership of Emperor Zhenxuan, Emperor Mingluo, and the Great Seal.

  Almost all imperial dynasties in the boundless wilderness.

   are all aware of the threat of greatness.

   But now one hundred and eighty years later

  Even the two great emperors and the Great Sealed Lord felt that this battle would be won in my heart.

of course.

  They have never taken it lightly, and have never rushed out.

  After all, they have survived for a very long time.

  In the past many years, I have also learned from the side the Great Emperor Taichu carefully.

   knew in her heart that since Ji Xia was able to allow a humble human nation to continue to develop to its present level.

  Even for so long.

  From the beginning to the end, the three major forces have believed that they are completely in control of the boundless wilderness.

  Neither did any clues that were too dreadful came out.

  They didn’t understand the power of Tai Cang until the three powerful forces descended on them.

 It was not until Tai Cang offered sacrifices to the world that the three major forces understood Tai Cang's ambition.

  Because of this, the rulers of the three major powers also understand that Emperor Ji is not a stupid and arrogant person.

  Tai Cang, a tyrannical human king, may bear the burden of national rejuvenation.

  How could he perish on his own?

  So one hundred and eighty years have passed.

  The three major forces that first reached the Wushou Yunhai have always stood still.

  They are waiting for other emperors to come.

  Even among other imperial dynasties, there are many kingdoms that are not yet powerful.

  But all the three major forces are waiting as always.

There are two reasons for waiting.

  A more powerful force is gathered, so that there may be a lot of other things hidden deep, and there is no room for turning over, and it is completely annihilated.

  The three imperial powers, who have been in the wild for so many years, are unwilling to take any risks.

  The second reason is also very simple. If in this battle, Tai Cang really has a very strong background.

  There are other imperial powers, and we can try our best to ensure that the three major powers will minimize their losses in this war.

  So when about two hundred years have passed.

  This unsullied cloud sea has gathered almost unimaginable power.

  At this moment, the unsullied sea of ​​clouds is in the middle.

  There are many palaces.

  These palaces are extremely luxurious and bloom with all kinds of bright lights.

   And in the middle of these thousands of palaces, there is another majestic and magnificent heavenly palace.

  This celestial palace is deep and white, and it has a very deep breath of spiritual energy.

   looks magnificent.

  And the scene in the Tiangong is even more amazing.

  The hall is very vast, but there are already many emperors and holy masters in it.

  , as well as the great generals in the dynasties, holy courts, and the prosperous and powerful people sit in it.

  On the high platform of the palace, on top of the three majestic thrones, there are Emperor Zhenxuan Dynasty Emperor Zhenhuang, Emperor Mingluo Dynasty Emperor Mingdu, and the Great Seal of the Great Seal of the Holy Court!

  At this moment, they are no longer different from the time of Tai Cang's big banquet, only a shadow descends.

  Now they are really, exuding fiery majesty.

  A ray of light flashed in his eyes, like endless thunder.

  Let this piece of palace be filled with terrible coercion.

  They have already arrived in real form, and beside them there are extremely powerful imperial soldiers, suspended in the void.

  These imperial soldiers are also extremely powerful, and each one is an imperial soldier of the Three Tribulations!

  The two great emperors and the Great Seal Lord sat high on the throne.

   looked down at the tens of thousands of imposing imperial dynasties in the palace.

  It took a few breaths.

   Zhenhuang Great Emperor Jingchi's upper body flowed through the gods, revealing traces of runes.

  The energy of his whole body was almost at its peak, as if he could blast through the sky with a punch.

  He said in a deep voice: "Almost two hundred years have passed away, and the process of Tai Cang's promotion to the emperor has been more than half.

  There are many weak imperial dynasties present, and at least 30% of the power of Guozuo has been absorbed by Tai Cang.

  Even a powerful imperial dynasty, there is still a full force of Guozuo passing away..."

  As he opened his mouth, the divine sense radiated out, seeming to stare at all the strong people present.

  These powerhouses are angry and murderous in their eyes.

  After all, for any imperial dynasty, the foundation of a country is the imperial-level state power granted by the rules of heaven and earth.

  If there is no such kind of national power, they will be no different from an ordinary dynasty.

  The concentration of aura, the number of births of genius treasures, the number of births of domestic Tianjiao, and the power of blood are basically the same as the dynasty.

In this situation.

  When their national power is simply divided by a human kingdom, of course they will feel unprecedented anger.

  "But you don’t have to worry, wait until our emperor's army swept away.

   Tai Cang will inevitably disappear, and the power of Guo Zuo possessed by Tai Cang will also be returned by the rules of heaven and earth.

  And we may also be able to get the mysterious background from Tai Cang.

  This is also a good thing for us. "

  Emperor Zhenhuang spoke with a real smile on his face, which calmed the expressions of all the emperor dynasty and Saint Court powerhouses present.

  The Great Seal is always silent.

   Great Emperor Mingdu stood up with his hands on his back.

   "Today, 4,800 imperial dynasties and holy courts have gathered on this Wushou Yunhai!

  We and the army of the imperial dynasty have exceeded forty million, and all of them are the elite of the elites in their respective countries, and the strong of the strong.

   Under such a large army, even if we can't match the gods, if there are still weak gods of the big world descend on the boundless wilderness.

  We can also defeat it! He even arrested the ancient gods who had built a weak and big world and completely beheaded them.

  Under such a strong army, what is Tai Cang's way? "

   Great Emperor Mingdu spoke calmly, although he couldn't see any slightest contempt and arrogance for the greatness in his eyes.

  But in the words, it seems to have thought that the army of the imperial dynasty must win this battle!

  "In the past two hundred years, we have not only gathered the army, but also decided the commanders of all parties in the army.

  I, Mingluo, Zhenxuan, and Dafeng Holy Court are for this battle.

   At any cost, three peak battle spirit formations were passed down.

  These three battle spirit formations, although they are not unparalleled, can also condense the battle spirit formations in a short time.

  Together with the terrifying army in the unsullied sea of ​​clouds today, the human race is too pale, and it is just around the corner! "

  The Great Emperor Mingdu said at this point, suddenly he lightly touched the void.

  A sea of ​​clouds dissipated in the void, and the sky over the vast palace became transparent.

  I saw where the sea of ​​clouds dissipated.

  The densely packed imperial dynasty and holy court army, who can't see the end at a glance, are ready to go.

  There are 4,800 imperial dynasties and sacred court-level forces in the unsullied sea of ​​clouds.

  Such a number of imperial-level forces, who came to conquer Tai Cang, are all the top domestic forces, the elite of the elite.

  Ordinary powerhouses, simply cannot participate in such a big battle.

  The reason why these imperial dynasties were not strong and weak were all sent out. Naturally, there were reasons.

  In a battle of this level, the ordinary sharp warriors are nothing but cannon fodder, and they have no effect at all except to make the battlefield more chaotic.

  With such a large number of imperial dynasties, only the most powerful men from each imperial dynasty came.

   was able to flatten such an arrogant human nation that dared to vainly attempt to take away the power of their country with the momentum of lightning speed.

  And now.

  In the vast army of unsullied clouds.

  There are already as many as two thousand masters of God level.

The existence of   the Great is as many as tens of thousands or nearly 100,000!

  And these ordinary soldiers, the weakest already have the power of the extreme realm gods, and there are even many heaven and earth soldiers.

  Military young generals are all strong on the top.

  The Great exists and can only serve as a general!

  Give a glimpse of the strong, but only a general of the army.

  Only the gods of the Palace of Life can serve as the generals of the three armies!

  At this moment.

   Forty million elite soldiers have been divided into three armies.

  In front of every army, there is a unique and powerful presence on his body, condensing the battle spirit formation and commanding the army!

   "Emperor Zhenxuan, as General Huangyuan, leads the army of Emperor Zhenxuan to the Kong Xinghe River, smashes the stars, makes the stars fall on the earth, and suppresses all the strong ones."

   "The Great Seal of the Holy Court will enshrine the ageless, and lead the Holy Court army to Zi Yaotian, smash the void, smash the sky gates, and completely wipe out the outer sky of Zi Yao."

   Great Emperor Mingdu carried his hands on his back.

  The holy breath on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

  But for some reason, there seems to be an extremely gloomy light in this holy breath.

  The light is brewing in it, and it exudes a fierce spirit.

  He gave the order in a deep voice, and immediately his gaze fell far away on the land of Tai Cang Jiuzhou.

   "And I, will lead the remaining army, destroy the great land of Jiuzhou, and kill the strong of Jiuzhou..."

  "Di Ji will not die. I will detain him and tell the world that in today's world, there can be no emperors. By offering sacrifices to the world, the emperor and the country will become Zuo."

  The Great Emperor Mingdu looked at all sentient beings in his eyes, and the endless majesty on his body turned into a divine light, which completely dissipated the unsullied cloud.

  The terrifying three imperial armies finally no longer suppressed the terrible power on their bodies.

  When the infinite power in them radiates, they gather together.

  Suddenly, it was shocking and earth-shattering!

  Large and very large space, but it was completely shattered in just a moment.

  A terrible space storm swept over.

  They are in a space storm, but they don’t seem to have any pressure at all.

  As early as when this army gathered, all the stars in the sky had already migrated.

  Otherwise, the manifestation of power alone can cause countless galaxies to fall and turn to ashes.

at the same time.

  The entire boundless wilderness has already sensed this huge fluctuation.

  Jiezu Mountain and the mountains in the Tongtian Ancient River are trembling.

  The river on the land almost rolled back.

  Some ancient and murderous big monsters can only hide in the void and shiver.

  The existence of those dynasties that have been able to perceive the coercion of the strong, Dao Xin was immediately injured.

   can't understand what power this is.

  Even where the gods are, the eyes of countless strong men seem to have crossed the endless distance and descended above the sky.

  Some of their eyes were cold, some were curious, and some looked down at the battle.

  Even for these gods.

  Emperor wars of this degree are extremely rare!

  And those who are either unable to get away, or unwilling to participate, or because of their weak strength, or because they are too far away to come and participate in many powerful imperial dynasties.

   was also deeply shaken by these violent and tyrannical forces.

   "Ignorance is too pale, it will perish..."

  Along with the strong imperial dynasty who can't come, all the spirits collide.

  The Great Sealed Lord disappeared in Tiangongyu and appeared above the rushing army.

  She is no longer silent, nor is she as calm as Emperor Mingdu and Emperor Zhenhuang.

  Her disastrous face reveals true self-confidence, violent killing desire for Tai Cang, and undisguised intention to kill!

  "The imperial dynasty and the holy court army are coming, and Tai Cang absolutely has no chance of winning.

  You great emperors, you erlangs should go forward bravely and destroy everything in front of you!

  And I, Feng Wuli will open the hole and hide the gods, so that all the strong in the sky will die, and the blood will be your merits and will be scattered in the sky. "

  The Great Seal of the Holy Court seals Wuli, and the powerful and unparalleled power erupts from her graceful posture.

  The bloodline power from the Dafeng Emperor Clan sealed all the space cracks in this void.

  In her confident voice.

  The face of General Feng Wusui Junyi, the general of Dafeng, also seemed full of fighting spirit.

  Wearing a white robe, holding a long sword, and carrying a 120 million imperial army, he is close to Tai Cang!

   Then bombard the void at the same time.

  The deep void is constantly trembling.

  The sky is shattered again.

  In the fragmented sky dome, a very long and vast door appeared.

  The imperial army under the command of the 120 million Great Sealing Court is divided into tens of thousands of troops and is commanded by Shangqiang Existence.

  Dozens of armies on the dome, again led by a great emperor!

  Dozens of emperor’s armies followed the orders of General Peeping God.

   "Fighting the sky and destroying the gods formation!"

  Feng Wusui gave an order.

  Three hundred glimpses of the gods are also ordered by the machine.

  One hundred and twenty million imperial army almost instantly, a war spirit array has emerged under its feet.

   then turned into a giant full of runes.

  The giant stands upright, probably millions of feet high.

  The giant of millions of feet blasted out a circle toward Zi Yaotian’s gate.

  One punch!

  The rules of heaven and earth are surging.

  The unimaginable fluctuations of the gods are scattered like a flood.

  The world has completely turned into a swamp.

  Ziyao Tianmen Court was blasted to pieces almost instantly.

  The huge door courtyard shattered.

   revealed the sight of Zi Yaotian.

  I saw Zi Yaotian in the sky.

  A huge palace stands in the sky.

  The gate of the palace was wide open, and the powerful men were standing in the hall and looking far away towards the army of the Great Seal.

  There were no expressions on their faces, only the terrible war intent rose in the sky, turned into a terrible gust of wind, hitting the sky and the earth!

   Above the palace gate, there is a golden plaque hanging high.

  Four big characters are written on the plaque.

  Zi Yao Tianchao!

  These four words are extremely majestic and full of unparalleled domineering.

  All the emperors looked towards the palace~www.readwn.com~ and instantly understood the source of this supreme domineering.

  Because in the palace of the Heavenly Dynasty, there is a terrifying strong man with purple clothes and silver hair sitting high up.

  The strong Dama Golden Sword, sitting high on the throne.

  There is a blue dragon on his body that is constantly roaring and entwining.

  Donglai Ziqi concealed his face, but could not conceal the unparalleled domineering spirit on him!

  And below the Tiangong Palace.

  There are two more armies, who are already eyeing them, staring at the army of 120 million!

  "Are you...aren't you afraid of death?"

On the seat of the emperor, the silver-haired Geshi in purple robe slowly stood up.

  He walked out of the Tiangong Palace step by step, looking at the clouds from afar, like the vast army of the imperial dynasty like the ocean.

   whispered: "Crossing into the sky is too blue...just as the existence said.

  The world... has become filthy again. "

   "And you, are the source of this filth!"

  (End of this chapter)

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