I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 984: The curtain falls [large

   Tai Cang has completely revealed his terrifying power to the boundless wilderness.

   Before this big battle.

   In fact, no emperor dared to underestimate the human kingdom that dared to sacrifice to heaven and earth.

   Even the two great dynasties and the Great Sealed Holy Court did not come alone.

   Instead, the imperial kingdom condensed almost half of the boundless wilderness.

   has gathered more than 40,000 elite troops, and dozens of life palace gods, wanting to flatten the horror in one fell swoop.


   When they faced Dikong Xinghe, Ziyao Heavenly Dynasty, and Taicang Sijizhen God Army.

   The superiors of these imperial dynasties finally realized that even if they had regarded Tai Cang as a strong enemy, even if they had already inquired a lot of information.

   The power that Tai Cang really possesses is still something they didn't expect!


   Tai Cang strong men walked out of the Tai Cang mist one by one.

   hundreds of millions of elite soldiers are also showing their formidable strength and indescribable details at this moment.

  Even if the palace of fate exists, I finally found out...

   The previous era when the three major powers surpassed countless imperial dynasties, after this great war, will be completely gone.

   If the three great dynasties do not take action, then Tai Cang, as the human kingdom in the future, will become an infinite and wild imperial dynasty.

   is different from the situation of the three major forces sharing the world.

   At that time, Tai Cang was the dominant country.

   There is no other imperial dynasty that can compare with Tai Cang who has smashed thousands of imperial dynasties!

   And the result of this battle is just as they thought.

   There is no deviation.

   When on the battlefield of Sijizhen God.

   After the death of ten fate palace gods!

   The imperial army on the main battlefield began to retreat without any suspense.

  Tai Cang ten great Tai Sui gods, the power they possess is much stronger than these fate palace gods.

   If ten Tai Sui gods are like the bright moon in the sky.

   These fate palace gods are just the reflection of moonlight.


   There are many dynasties, watching this battle silently.

   So these ten Tai Sui gods did not show all their strengths.

Even so.

   Their power is not comparable to that of the ordinary fate palace.

   The ten imperial palaces are now annihilated!

   brought an unimaginable impact to all the presence.

   Tai Cang Siji Zhen's army became more and more vigorous, almost rushing to the clouds, turning into unparalleled visions.

on the contrary.

   is the overwhelming army of the emperor.

   They looked into the void from afar, and saw the fall of ten emperor gods, their fighting spirit and fighting spirit, almost all turned to ashes!


   in any era, in any context.

   is an extremely noble word.

   There are many existences at the extremes of heaven and earth.

  Perhaps in his lifetime, he has never seen a **** with his own eyes.


   in this battle.

   is not far from them.

   There are gods bleeding, and the blood is spilled on the earth, and even ten fate palaces have fallen in an instant!

   The shock that this brings to the existence under all the gods present is simply unimaginable.

   Under the courage of the two parties, the courage of the two parties is changing.

   exists in the Palace of Tai Cang Fate, under the generals under the realm of gods.

   On the main battlefield, the morale of the imperial army began to collapse in an all-round way!

   At this moment, the holy breath of Emperor Ming has completely disappeared.

   was replaced by a gloomy and weird spirit.

   This kind of spirit is full of darkness and murder.

   The semi-artifact in his hand that was originally a majestic city.

at this time……

   has also become pitch black.

   It seems that countless remnants of souls are imprisoned.

   These wrecks are all wailing in pain, longing for the clean sky outside the city!

  Emperor Mingdu is no longer as stalwart and heroic as before.

   There was a thick black mist all over his body.

   The divine light flashed in Bai Qi's eyes. ????

   can see through the dense black mist immediately.

  Emperor Mingdu has completely turned into a huge spider!

   This spider is distorted to the extreme.

   At the joints of his eight legs covered with fluff, a face slowly appeared again.

   There are a total of twenty-four faces with different expressions.

   Some are extremely frightened, some are extremely pleased, and some are extremely excited, revealing a frenzy and bloodthirsty!

  With the body of Emperor Mingdu, his strength continued to increase.

  The strong men of the Mingluo clan from the Mingluo Emperor's dynasty in the distance have also begun to change.

   The extremely dense fog has completely enveloped this land.

   They are all incarnate.

   turned into monsters.

   These monsters seem to come from the sinful underworld, ugly and unusually, but they also possess powerful power.

   "It's too late."

   Bai Qi's mind suddenly burst.

   The nameless black sword in his hand has already burst out a horrible sword aura.

   These instantly turned into an endless army of bones.

   Covered the Emperor Mingdu in an instant.

   The two gods behind the Emperor Mingdu began to move quickly.

   The unimaginable gods turned into an abyss.

   In the abyss, thousands of monsters climbed out and swallowed the army of white bones.

   Bai Qi stood still.

   between the flickering figure, he has plunged into the black mist.

   Pang Ran Demon Spider and Bai Qi fight.

   The two terrifying powerhouses each have a lot of supernatural powers.

   These supernatural powers have reached their limit.

   Even the ordinary gods of the fate palace can't understand it.

   a few rest time.

   Hundreds of thousands of magical powers came and enveloped this world!

  Emperor Mingdu's gloomy spirit is almost full of destruction.

   He deserves to be the strongest existence among the strongest emperors.

   Even if the imperial army is on the verge of defeat.

   The power radiated from Emperor Mingdu is still extremely powerful.

   With his eight long legs waving wantonly, he can easily break through the space storm.

   There are spider silks in his mouth.

   can easily dissolve the white magical powers.

this moment.

  The power of the Emperor Underworld all exploded!

   even let many imperial powers who witnessed this war.

   At this moment, there was hope again in my heart.


   and Di Ming both played against Bai Qi in the heyday.

   Today's Bai Qi is the most powerful compared with any era of Bai Qi.

   And Bai Qi is still getting stronger.

   The fairyland palace in his body is operating with unimaginable power.

   is refining the blood diamonds in the body all the time.

   The sea of ​​blood in the blood diamond keeps getting shallower and will even disappear immediately.

   And the White Palace of Life has extended a new way of killing.

   This killing heaven is different from before, different from the past.

   is really becoming holy.

   seems to want to kill to stop fighting, want to use killing as a race to find a smooth way.

   also wants to use killing to create a holy world without killing!

   This is the Ming Wu of Bai Qi for many years!

   Bai Qi holding the nameless black sword, the more holy aura, and the more powerful.

   is so powerful that it is completely beyond the palace of life, and then turned into the extremely profound wheel!


   There are many spectators, and their eyes are full of deep jealousy.


   "Tai Cang, General Bai Qi, actually formed his own Dao and built an unusual fate palace in the battle, and now he has entered the realm of the Extreme Profound Wheel."

   "Is a rare genius, even in the gods, even those ordinary gods, can not be compared with Bai Qi."

   "What is the fate palace of this era? The boundless wilderness has been extremely turbulent for many years, but I have never heard of such a strong man in the human race."

   "Too Cang... this battle is a bit too presumptuous."


   Many gods exist and talk to each other.

   And the battle between Bai Qi and Emperor Mingdu is now on the verge of end.

  Because it's just like these strong people said.

  The power of Bai Qi is growing every moment.

   During a great battle, Bai Qi had already begun to build the Extreme Profound Wheel.

   Even if it is impossible to construct the extremely profound wheel in a short period of time.


   And indeed, he has already embarked on the path of Extreme Profound Wheel.

   The power that can erupt when the realm is improved is completely different from before.

   Bai Qi at this moment.

   The extremely mysterious wheel behind him is looming.

The killing thought on    has completely turned into a holy brilliance.

   These holy brilliance enveloped the sky, powerful and powerful.

   easily dissolves the magical powers of many emperors!

   The surging spiritual essence also radiated from Bai Qi's body at this time.

   surging surgingly, like the surging sea of ​​gods, also like the roaring mountains and seas, sweeping the universe and submerging the sky!

  Emperor Mingdu was shocked.

   He never expected that Bai Qi would have already embarked on the path of the Extreme Profound Wheel in such a fast time.

   And Emperor Ming didn't even imagine it, it's still after.

   I saw that Bai Qi turned into a **** light in this short time.

   The **** light is set against the wonderland world, but it seems to complement each other very well, without any abrupt feeling.

  Because this **** light is equally holy, as if full of compassion.

   The speed of blood light is extremely fast.

   in a ten-thousandth of an instant.

   The blood light has fallen on the body of Emperor Mingdu!

  Emperor Mingdu's body is very hard, capable of carrying many great supernatural powers.

   But when the white blood fell.

  The powerful divine essence spouting from the emperor Mingdu's body turned into nothingness between the moments.

   The huge body of Emperor Mingdu was also reduced to ashes at this time.

   Silently, there was a flash of light on the body of Emperor Mingdu.

   Bai Qi appeared from the void, but grabbed it casually.

   took this aura in his hands.

   In the spiritual light, the figure of the Emperor Mingdu is faintly visible.

   After nothing happened again in vain, Lingguang seemed to have been captured by him and disappeared.

   The main battlefield battle has become a massacre.

   But too Cang, he has never been merciful at all.

  The strong man in the Palace of Tai Cang Ming, burst out unimaginable power.

   A **** from the Imperial Palace has fallen!

  The imperial generals under the Palace of Life, under the chains of the gods of the thunder gods, are like ordinary mountains, the thunder flashes, and they become nothingness.

   The battle on the main battlefield has become a one-sided massacre!

   The same thing seems to be true of the Lang Xinghe and Zi Yaotian battlefields.

   Because the pressure on the main battlefield is greatly reduced.

   Among the ten great Tai Sui gods.

   There is a third Tai Sui and a fourth Tai Sui, each entering two battlefields.

   The power of these two Tai Sui cannot be ignored!

   In addition, the army of evil gods scattered from Wei Chang's body in the Earth's Milky Way has exceeded one billion.

   The danger at this moment is no longer suspended in the sky.

   He lowered his head.

   Within the body, countless blood vessels condense instantly.

   then turned into a melting pot of blood.

   The melting pot of blood slammed into operation.

   Weichang's vision was highlighted behind him, and he simulated two gods.

   Two gods appeared.

  The powerhouses of the gods in the void are all shocked and inexplicable!

   "What kind of Tao is this? These two gods are simulated by powerful bloodlines, but... they can communicate the rules of heaven and earth!"

  "The power of blood and the rules and power contained in the gods are extremely noisy.

   is just like the stars in this universe, it is impossible to count.

  What kind of power... can it perfectly simulate the gods? "

   "Is it a special Taoist body? Or is it a mysterious Dao race?" "With such an existence and such a noble blood, why fight for the human race that has been overthrown?"


   Countless gods came in, and the strong gods present were all shocked inexplicably.

   Even if it has survived for hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, or even longer years.

   When I see such a strange scene, I will be shocked and shocked!

   And the next moment.

   The danger in the sky often turns the blood vessel in the body, turning the two simulated gods behind him.

   The heavy power permeated out and fell into his true body of death.

   Reaper's true body stretched out his palm and pressed it down!

   Tens of millions of the emperor's army realized the danger, and they all ran the battle spirit array, blasting towards the palm of death in the sky.

   But it's like an adult crushing an ant.

   The war spirit array condensed by tens of millions of emperor forces is enough to collide with the supernatural powers of the gods of the palace.

   But when Dangerous Chang's palm fell, the spirits condensed from the battle spirit formation all disintegrated in an instant.

   The surging power of the battle spirit array disappeared instantly without a trace.

   Tens of millions of imperial armies were severely injured by Wei Chang's bombardment, and there was almost no power to fight again!

   What a terrifying mighty force is this?

   Under such a powerful force! ????

   The Battlefield of the Milky Way is on the verge of ending.

  Even though Emperor Zhenhuang has fully revealed all his power, his real body seems to be able to remove the stars, and the power of the runes flowing out of him seems to be able to burn the galaxy easily.

   But under Yang Ren, Zidian Gun, Yunxia Beast!

  Emperor Zhenhuang was finally defeated.

   Even if Yang Ren has been seriously injured, Emperor Zhenhuang is already shattered and has no power to fight again!

   Zi Yaotian battlefield is also the same.

   The belief in victory in the eyes of the Great Sealed Lord has disappeared.

   Her disastrous face is already full of blood!

   Her breath is wilted to the extreme, even though she has taken a few pills in succession!

   The Emperor of Misfortune, dressed in purple, still has the upper hand.

   Because the emperor of disaster also has many **** pill~www.readwn.com~ there are unimaginable tyrannical martial arts, and three avatars!

   These kinds of forces add up, and even the Great Sealed Lord will retreat!

   The Great Seal of the Holy Court came from the shattering of the gods.

   After the divine dynasty was broken, the Great Sealed Holy Court only inherited the extremely weak power of the Great Sealed dynasty.

   Plus the long years passed.

   The power of the rules of Dafeng Shengting Guozuo continued to weaken, and the background gradually disappeared.

   Let the great canonized Lord who formed the holy court never reproduce the glory of the ancestors!

   And this day...

   The Great Sealed Lord was defeated by the Great Cangziyao God and the Six Scourges Canglong!

   The army of the imperial dynasty led by the Great Sealed Lord was also completely defeated in Zi Yaotian.

   When the **** army of Tai Cang Siji Town pushed the imperial army horizontally.

   When the Nine Abandoned Lords began to wantonly kill the powerful Saints of the Great Seal.

   When the thunder of the Thunder Ministry is roaring, there is no way to kill!

   When Ji Xia finally straightened her body, stood up from the throne, with her hands on her back, looking down, the three masters trapped in the lock...

   This ancient battle of Tai Cang proclaiming the emperor.

   Then the curtain fell.


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