I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 988: Dragon Torch King, you are going to die here [big

   Zhu Yao Shenzi's face was pale.

   The mysterious Tianjiao Yue Fanning was also standing in the void, with vain steps, as if about to fall from the clouds.

   In this battle.

   Only Ji Xia, who stood high on the sky, looked down at the two gods and Tianjiao, still looking calm.

   Behind him, the emptiness and haziness is always melted into the sky.

   still no longer exudes completely different rules of heaven and earth power all the time.

   These laws of heaven and earth repel each other, but they blend in with each other.

   seems endless mystery.


   is the final harvest of Ji Xia in this thousand years of infinite wild years and more than 20,000 years of Secret Realm of Choking.

  In the past years.

   Ji Xia completely stepped into Tiangong Avenue because of that growth rune.

   later evolved from Tiangong Avenue to Tianting Avenue and Tianhe Avenue.

  Finally, because of the arrival of Yang Ren, and the enlightenment of Puhua Tianzun with the thunder of Jiutian Yingyuan.

   Let Ji Xia comprehend the Three Realms Secret Store and the Three Realms Avenue.

   So six days in the lower realm, eighteen days in the middle, and four days in the upper realm, completely constructed the Three Realms Secrets, allowing Ji Xia's power to soar into the sky.

  Even if these Three Realms Secrets were constructed by Ji Xia's panic and comprehension, they contained Ji Xia's thoughts and thoughts.

   is not the complete Three Realms.

   and it is far from the real Three Realms.

   But even so!

   Ji Xia still created his own three realms in his body.

   has allowed him to bypass the endless savage practice system in many mysterious avenues that infiltrate the endless wilderness.

   thus completely free from the shackles of heaven and earth!

   This is the reason why Ji Xia was able to improve her cultivation almost crazy in such a short period of time.

To know.

   Jixia is not a reincarnated god, nor is it a supreme arrogant born from the sacred tree, or a terrifying existence whose cultivation is weakened by the rules of the sacred tree.

   After all, he is just a mortal.

   Even his own spiritual talent is still extraordinary.

   But he can't progress so fast, it's like stepping on a ladder to the sky!

   The true pillar that has supported Ji Xia until now...

   is actually every opportunity that the sacred tree that he grasped this way gave him.

The sacred tree played a decisive role.

   But the Tiangong Avenue and the Three Realms Secrets that Ji Xia built were not simply and rudely stuffed by the sacred tree.

   But Ji Xia caught this rare opportunity from the clues.

   then constructed his own unparalleled power.

   Of course, in Ji Xia's heart, the sacred tree is still irreplaceable.

   Without the sacred tree, he would never be able to walk the way he is today, nor can he walk so far.


   Ji Xia never relied on the sacred tree for him, but arrogantly humbled herself, and felt that she was inferior to those gods!

the reason is……

   Those gods, those arrogant generations, were born in the gods and lived under the gods' knees.

   They are born with the blood of the gods, they are born with the gods, and they are born with the inheritance that countless existences have struggled for a lifetime and bloodied all their lives.

   Isn't this an alternative sacred tree, or a terrible talent?

   just now.

   Kixia owns the sacred tree.

   That means that Ji Xia's innate "talent" is far stronger and more prosperous than those so-called gods.

   This is what Ji Xia is proud of.

   From time to time.

   after the Three Realms Secret Store.

   Ji Xia once again opened up [Too Void on Chang Rongtian]!

   is also the twenty-ninth heaven among the thirty-three heavens.

   The stalwart power contained in it.

   comes from Ji Xia's evolution of the Three Realms Secrets, and constant calculations.

   In this process, the gods from heaven also played a huge role.

   Tai Void Shang Chang Rong Tian is also called "Tai Void Realm" by Ji Xia.

   is the first realm in the [Four Gods Heaven Realm] in Ji Xia's conception.

   This realm leads to the rules of the twenty-ninth heaven.

   Since the first divine heaven realm, after the great virtual realm.

  In the eyes of Ji Xia, the existence of the same realm as him, since then, will no longer be his enemy of one!

   The power Ji Xia possesses now roughly corresponds to the pinnacle extreme profound wheel.

   In other words.

   Extreme Profound Wheel has all the magical powers, all all the rules, and there are flaws everywhere under Ji Xia Taixu's Chang Rongtian noble avenue.

   only needs skills at the fingertips.

   can completely eliminate these supernatural powers!

   This is an endless and mysterious avenue.

   Ji Xia suppressed the gods Zhuyao and Yuefan.

   Let these two arrogant and godly sons who have been in the wild for many years.

   fell in an instant.


   Taixu Realm can be called Taixu.

   is because this itself is an empty sky.

   In the emptiness, I don’t know how many possibilities, and how many magical powers and essences are contained.

   Now Ji Xia, the combat power he really possesses, may have stretched out his arms with Huang Tian.

   As for the extremely mysterious gods...

   It's not an exaggeration to say that in Ji Xia's Taixu and Changrong World, he is the most deserved **** in the deserted world!

   As long as Huangtian exists, he will not take action.

   Unless dozens of hundreds of extreme profound wheels run some kind of great spiritual formation, unified gods will take action, and completely crush Ji Xia's Taixu realm...

   Otherwise, Ji Xia never saw the so-called extremely profound wheel god.

   At this level, he is even stronger than Huang Tian!

   Even if the sky exists.

   also couldn't fight so many extreme profound wheels at the same time. ????

   But Ji Xia is different. As long as he can't crush him with heavy power, he can easily break the rules of heaven and earth possessed by the extremely profound wheel.

   This is also the mystery of Jixia Taixu Realm!

  The road after that, Ji Xia has also begun to keep thinking in her mind

   "[Taishu Yulong Teng Shengtian, Taimanglong becomes Brahma, Tai Chi Nightmare Jia Yitian]."

   "In addition, I have now cultivated the Supreme Ethereal Universe Harmony, and it is the true thirty-third heaven, [Four Tai Shentian]."

   in between.

   Jixia's mind was full of thoughts.

   When he thought of the Four Great Gods, he couldn't help thinking further: "All my avenues now have the 33rd heaven as the ultimate goal.

   But now the boundless wilderness is weird and full of taboos. If the thirty-third heaven is my limit, then can I see the sky and see the true face of this world? "

   Jixia couldn't help but worry, but immediately another forbidden thought came into his mind!

   "Since the Thirty-Three Heavens can clear the fog is still unknown...So what about the Thirty-six Heaven?"

   "Yuqingtian, Shangqingtian, Taiqingtian."??

   "If I can construct these triple sky domes, can I transform from ants and chess pieces to the supreme being in charge of heaven and earth? Become a chess player in the world?"

   "Or, to include these supreme avenue heavens into one, and turn them into...what about the big Luotian?"

in a moment.

   Kixia's thoughts jumped many times.

   And the time on this battlefield, but only an instant has passed.

  The ancient gods present still have their eyes on Ji Xia.

   Among them, I don't know how many of them look at Ji Xia. Although it is not awe, the original meaning of staring at it has also been reduced a lot.

   "If behind these ancient gods, there are not dynasties, or those who have never built a power to fight for the luck of the country but are hidden from the world!

   The emperor showed off his strength today, and they can only be in awe. "

   The white eyes flickered.

   The god-shaped phantom falling in those voids.

   "These gods are ancient. I don't know how many years have passed, nor what kind of history they have witnessed.

  Perhaps, they have seen the collapse of many dynasties, and even they have tried their best to support their own race.

   But... they are still too weak. "????

   Dahuangluo's consciousness moved slightly, and Xiang Baiqi said: "The vast majority of these gods who watch the battle are not at most the Extreme Profound Wheel.

  The most powerful one is the one in the void..."

   Da Huangluo's eyes fell into the sky.

   The Dragon Torch King, who was constantly exuding a heavy and powerful body, looked at Ji Xia's eyes at this time, but it became particularly bursting.

   is even more full of killing thoughts than when Ji Xia never showed off his strength.

   At this time the war has dissipated.

   Kika's body was twisted.

   appeared again on the Tai Xian Emperor seat in the sky.

   He didn't seem to notice the gaze of Dragon Torch King.

   Instead, look down at the heaven and earth sacrificial altar in the sky!

   This Taoist altar is still constantly refining rich blood.

   The power of Guozuo possessed by Tai Cang.

   Even if the strong outside Tai Cang cannot perceive clearly, they have already begun to have lingering fears.

   "Too Cang's ambition has already been revealed!"

   "Although the boundless wilderness is vast, the name of the strong can reflect the sun and the moon.

   But what is ridiculous is that I have never heard of such a terrible Tai Cang, such a terrifying Emperor Taichu, and this great arrogant! "

   "Obviously there is a fierce power of death, but I am willing to stay in the quagmire.

  Emperor Ji's thoughts are so deep, even we can hardly guess. "


   Many gods of the heavenly eyes are communicating with each other.

  The Dragon Torch King was condescending, staring at Ji Xia.

   This battle of Tai Cang Cheng Emperor has come to an end.

   There is hardly any suspense about the outcome of the war.

  Within the territories of Tai Cang, the almost terrifying Guozuo force continues to swept and wreaks havoc.

   only for a moment.

   stared at Ji Xia's Dragon Torch King.

   hardly any hesitation.

   said to Ji Xia: "Tai Cang is about to become an emperor, and the rules of heaven and earth established by the boundless wilderness have already recognized Tai Cang's personality!"

   The Heavenly King slowly whispered.

   But the next moment.

   A roaring dragon soul suddenly drifted out of him.

   The roar of this dragon soul can shake the world!

   even made many gods overwhelmingly arrogant, and even many watching gods, their complexions stiffened.

   I saw the Dragon Torch between the hands of the heavenly king.

   Suddenly the phantom of the great land of Jiuzhou appeared in his hand.

   There is also the shadow of the great emperor Jun Jixia in the great land of Taicang Jixia, faintly blinking!

this moment.

   The awe-inspiring movement of the heavenly king.

   is like an ancient fierce beast from the ancient times.

   The black mist on his body spread, as if to cover the world.

  "Today, Tai Cang is more and more distant, killing many rulers of the imperial dynasty under the rules of heaven and earth, and is used to raise the luck of the country.

  According to the laws of the gods and gods, grant..."

  The voice of the Dragon Torch King is like a dragon roaring constantly!

   The expressions of many heavenly gods are faintly bright.

   The eyes that looked at Ji Xia and the many high-ranking people behind him also became thoughtful.

   As for the gods from other places, and the gods who watch the battle.

   There was curiosity in his eyes, as if he was curious about Kixia's reaction.

   is also indifferent, and it seems that he has already seen the terrible ending!

   Follow the Dragon Torch King to issue an edict to the Supreme God!

   The rules of heaven and earth seem to have undergone subtle changes.

   A burst of strong sorrow suddenly filled the Taicang Jiuzhou land, Zi Yaotian, and Earth Kong Xinghe...

   Even the heart of every human being in the vast wilderness.

  The trillions of Tai Cangzi people looked up in a little astonishment.

   Except for them.

   Boundless Wilderness, most of the human races, who are simply uncountable, were at a loss. Suddenly, there were waves of grief in their hearts.

   These human beings are like ants, facing the wild all their lives, they can only carry out heavy labor, and use their weak physical strength in exchange for the chance to survive.

   They may not know what dynasty is.

   I don’t know what human blood is.

   I don’t even know that there is a human nation in the boundless wilderness, and I want to reproduce the glory of the human race in the past.

   I want to get rid of the fate of the ants at most for all the people in the boundless wilderness.

   They don’t know this.

   Because they have been deeply crushed by cruel destiny.

   But when the Dragon Torch King communicates with the rules of the boundless wild world, he wants the person of the higher **** to be completely above the rules, so that Tai Cang falls into the position of the emperor, and wants to use Tai Cang as a springboard to disrupt the human mind.

   The blood of the human race, there will never be a place to stand up again!

   In the blood of all races, there is such a trace of sadness, which is constantly awakening.

   Lucky, working human race...

  The human race whipped and cooked by a powerful race...

  The human race being slaughtered...

  Even the human race who is about to be killed all the time...

   At this moment, they all looked at the sky blankly, the confusion in their eyes seemed to have overshadowed all the pain.

   "What is there?"

   "Why do you feel that hope is dashed?"

   "But we, who are humble, have never hoped, so how can we be shattered?"


   Countless human races babble.

  ——In the next moment, ordinary people seem to see a human nation that is thousands of miles across.

   There are rice and fruits growing in the fields, and there are endless big fish in the river.

   There is no trampling, no slavery, and no killing here, just like the purest dream.

  ——The stronger people seem to see a dynasty with strong soldiers and strong horses and prosperous national power.

   Surrounding ferocious races are all surrendered under the iron hoof of this human dynasty! The Terran is no longer a slaughtered ant!

  -No matter how powerful the human race is, they know the existence of Tai Cang, and the rules of heaven and earth are pervasive. They see that Tai Cang is called the gods, the army of the gods is overwhelming the heaven and the earth, and those who are too strong are suppressing the ten thousand realms!

   Those of them who have been hiding for a long time are finally able to see the boundless wild day again.

  Different people saw different scenes at this time.

   saw the hope in their hearts.

   But for some reason, they became more and more sad.


   A divine light falls!

   They finally found the source of their sadness.

   They clearly saw that the ridges and woodlands that were about to have a huge harvest suddenly burned out, the river dried up, and there were no fish bones.

   They saw that the strong and powerful human kingdom fell and was continuously slaughtered. The Guozuo Zun flag engraved with two dark red characters had been broken, and the brutal aliens broke through the city gates.

  The city is broken.

   people! Become a fragmented limb!

   And the human race dynasty in the eyes of the strong is shining by the eyes of the heavens, and the big stars are shrouded in countless human race heroes to die, and ultimately defeat.

   Tai Cang’s history was erased, and a strong man who was too strong did not even remember his name. Tai Cang eventually became the last wave in the long river of history ~ www.readwn.com~ and passed away in a flash.

   The hope of the human race seemed to be broken at this moment.

   Countless human races stared at the sky empty, not knowing what they were thinking, not knowing what they were thinking.

   is like a walking dead, completely desperate.

   It seemed that he was about to fall into a desperate hell, and there was no room for turning over again.


   The dawn suddenly appeared.

   When despair spreads.

  "Okay, the eyes of the heavens move the rules of the heavens and the earth, issue divine edicts, and want to disintegrate the fighting spirit of the human race...

   That means that Tianmu is not willing to let Tai Cang continue to exist! "

   "Dragon Torch King, since he is immortal, I am afraid you are going to die here."

   A calm and cold voice suddenly came through the space and fell heavily in the ears of countless desperate human races!

   revealed the unimaginable desperation scene, suddenly a vague figure of a young emperor slowly emerged.

   He has his hands on his back, and his broad shoulders seem to carry the dawn of the boundless wild human race.

   The majesty in his eyes turned into a sharp blade, easily dismantling the sadness and despair in the hearts of countless human beings.


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