I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 990: Ridiculous mortals, dissipate. 【Big

The Lord of the Great Cang of the Human Kingdom, the Great Emperor of the Great Beginning is actually before so many gods.

An unprecedentedly powerful force burst out, blasting out the incarnation of the Heavenly Eye God Dynasty Dragon Torch King...

Moreover, this incarnation is not just an ordinary incarnation.

When the avatar dissipated in the sky without any room for resistance.

The consciousness of the Dragon Torch King also disappeared completely.

From then on, there was no such a powerful person in the Tianmu God Dynasty as the Dragon Torch King!

what does that mean?

this means……

The sky is falling!

Many gods watched Ji Xia's eyes.

Even if it is full of fear, even full of awe.

But at the same time, his eyes were also full of indifference, full of light that seemed to be able to discern everything.

"Tai Cang's existence has indeed exceeded all the expectations of existence, but..."

"But in the early days, the Great Emperor not only crossed the line, but also declared war on the Tianmu God.

The personality of the emperor, daring to kill the gods and kings, and the daring ruler of Taicang, is absolutely impossible to continue to exist in the boundless wilderness. "

"At most one day, Tai Cang will surely perish, and Tai Chu the Great Emperor will also be captured alive.

With the consistent practice of the Tianmu God Dynasty, I am afraid that in the early days the Emperor wanted to die, and it would also become a luxury. "

Many ancient gods shook their heads.

In his eyes, there was more or less a pity.

"My bloodline talent can clearly perceive that although the Great Emperor of the Beginning is extremely powerful, he can be on par with the balance.

But his true spiritual aura seemed particularly young.

Even compared to the **** son Zhu Yao, his age is even younger!

This undoubtedly proves that the Great Emperor of Taichu was a peerless arrogant, even more talented than many gods.

"Such a peerless genius, who is a human race, yet angers the heavenly eyes and the gods, and is bound to fall. It seems a pity."

The ancient gods have different thoughts in their hearts.

And those gods and arrogances.

The look in Xiang Ji Xia's eyes had completely changed.

Originally, they were expensive as gods.

Going to this battlefield, but just curious.

I want to see what kind of country it is, and dare to challenge all the imperial dynasties in the boundless wilderness.

Unexpectedly, the development of the situation, after such a short time, has completely deviated from their expectations.

The stranger nation is too pale, and the power displayed has completely crushed all the imperial dynasties in the boundless wilderness.

What surprised them even more was that this great emperor of the early beginning had blossomed into a magnificent realm.

He even has enough background to kill a **** of solitude.


Just two ordinary words.

But when combined, it seemed so noble, so powerful and very powerful.

Even in the divine dynasty that crushed the emperor dynasty many times.

Huangtian gods are also absolute superiors, and can even serve as the king of heaven in the sacred dynasty.

The power possessed by the wild gods can turn the emptiness into reality, and create a world!

Even the hundreds of galaxies can't resist their random blow!

If the gods of Huangtian, terrible power burst out.

The place with a radius of millions of miles will definitely turn into an abyss.

And such a powerful, indescribable existence.

However, the defeat without warning was in the hands of the Great Emperor Jun Jixia.

Before even dying.

He has never manifested his own wild gods!

All these kinds of things have completely changed the mentality of these gods and arrogances.

They originally looked down at Tai Cang, and looked down at Tai Cang Emperor Ji Xia.

Later, they recognized Ji Xia's strength and regarded him as an extraordinary talent.

And at the moment...

They finally realized that from beginning to end, Ji Xia's strength and heritage were simply not something they could compare.

This is a true supreme king.

of course……

They admire and admire.

However, there is no dispute about Tai Cang's fate.

"Too Cang, to perish."

Zhu Yao Shenzi's eyes flickered.

Even the mysterious Tianjiao Yue Fanning shook his head slightly: "In the early days, the emperor was too impulsive. Since the human race has a country prospering, even if the Dragon Torch King uses the rules of heaven and earth to destroy the hope of the boundless wild human race.

Tai Cang should also bear the humiliation and move on.

Only in this way, the boundless savage human race has some possibility of rising again. "

"But now, the great emperor in the early days made a bold move and let the Dragon Torch King fall, even though it was out of his heart.

But the same fell, but also the future of the human race, and the lifeline of Tai Cang's Guozuo. "

Yue Fanning shook her head slowly.

Many ancient gods and their spiritual consciousness have also begun to dissipate...

They retreated one after another.

It seems that they have seen the scene of Tai Cang's destruction.

Ji Xiaxuan Yi is flying.

The body stands still.

And on the Tai Cang sacrificial altar below, the Guo Zuo power surging out became stronger and stronger.

The strong power of heaven, earth and the country turned into a brilliant golden light.

No one can see it.

But under the gaze of Ji Xia.

These golden lights drifted quickly.

Until it envelopes the entire Taicang Jiuzhou land, Dikong Galaxy, and Zi Yaotian!

All kinds of indescribable powers.

It is all because of the luck of heaven, earth and the country, embedded in the sky, the earth, and even the mountains and oceans.

Even deep into the bones of Tai Cangzi people.

Let Tai Cangzi people clearly perceive the changes in their bodies.

Tai Cang sacrificed to the altar, at this moment, he had completely refined the almost endless blood energy.

Billowing like a monstrous **** river condensed to the ultimate spiritual essence, completely pouring out.

The rules of heaven and earth seem to be sensitive.

A golden light burst out, and it fell straight on the land of Tai Cang Jiuzhou.

All of a sudden.

Everything in the heaven and earth began to shine with brilliant brilliance.

The infinite brilliance and the rules of heaven and earth touch each other.

Towering in the endless sky.

All kinds of light, unexpectedly converged into a vague figure at this moment.

This figure is full of colorful light.

He appeared in the sky, his eyes dim.

But the light bursting out of his eyes was like two huge rounds of scorching sun.

Many ancient gods who have never retired.

Seeing this figure, his eyes immediately changed.

Their eyes were filled with infinite reverence, and they saluted this golden figure one after another!

"The incarnation of the rules of the boundless wild world."

"Tai Cang can't enter the imperial dynasty, and he actually inspired the rules of heaven and earth and incarnates. From this we can see what kind of personality Tai Cang has acquired in this battle!"

"After this battle, Tai Cang, even if it is not comparable to the Divine Dynasty, but compared to other forces in the boundless wilderness, Tai Cang is unique, and it is understandable to call it the only one above the emperor!"

"Unfortunately, Tai Cang is about to perish, and such a noble personality cannot be enjoyed for long."


The gods whispered.

The incarnation of heaven and earth in the sky, the light that bloomed in his eyes suddenly fell on Ji Xia.

"Tai Cang rules, sacrifices to heaven and earth, and sacrifices to Guo Zuo, he shall be the emperor."

"Tai Cang rules, oppresses the world, and exists above the emperor, so he should be the emperor under the gods!"

"Tai Cang, from then on, the dynasty without God has been achieved.!"

A burst of magnificent voices resounded through the world.

It's not just the gods who came to watch the battle.

The entire expanse of the vast expanse of wildness.

All echoed the voice of the incarnation of the rules of heaven and earth.

Those strong singles who can't get out of the world have walked out of their own gods and looked at the sky from afar.

The gods and generals of the ancient dynasty have different eyes, such as those who are indifferent, those who are fighting to the sky, and those who want to kill and want to kill!

As for those imperial dynasties that have never participated in the war.

He has been completely lost and fortunate.

They never participated in this battle for many reasons.

This is so, they originally thought that Tai Cang would be defeated, and there was no chance of winning.

However at the moment.

They still don't know why Tai Cang can be so powerful.

But the incarnation of the rules of the sky and the earth told the world, and they also guessed what the end of the army of the imperial dynasty that attacked Taicang.

After puzzled.

So as to leave a deep joy, and an unspeakable shock.

And those weak human beings.

I also heard the echo of heaven and earth.

Most of the creatures, even after passing through the illusion created by the Dragon Torch King, they never knew that this godless dynasty named Tai Cang was a kingdom of human blood.

For them.

This voice was just another miracle.

However, Ji Xia herself has undergone many changes due to the arrival of the incarnation of heaven and earth.

The divine light bursting from the eyes of the incarnation of heaven and earth turned into many complicated ancient inscriptions.

Branded on the black emperor robe in memory.

There are even many rays of light condensed in the void.

Turned into an emperor crown, shining brilliance, falling on Ji Xia's head.

Suddenly, Ji Xia's figure shined brightly, illuminating the world.

Even those gods and arrogances.

Seeing Ji Xia at this moment, pure reverence surged in her heart.

Because at this moment, Ji Xia has been recognized by the world.

The name of the great emperor in the early days is no longer just self-proclaimed!

Ji Xia sat on the cloud, expressionless, and saluted toward the incarnation of the rules of heaven and earth.

The incarnation of the rules of heaven and earth also dissipated.

The Tai Cang sacrificial altar in the void also suddenly collapsed at this time, transformed into countless streams of light, scattered into the great earth.

The many high-ranking Supreme Beings behind Ji Xia, as well as the countless ministers and generals of the Supreme Being, did not speak.

But spontaneously saluted Ji Xia.

this moment.

There is also great joy in their minds.

Two thousand years of struggle.

Tens of thousands of years of hard work and continuous development.

In the end it bears fruit full of fragrant fragrance.

Bai Qi, dressed in black armor, took a step forward, and said to Ji Xia with a chuckle, "It seems that Tai Cang has passed this catastrophe safely."

Lei Shen Xiao on the side also slowly whispered: "It is true, even if the road ahead may be more difficult, but now this catastrophe has been crushed by Tai Cang.

Since then, Tai Cang has achieved a godless dynasty and has become the most powerful kingdom under the dynasty.

The incarnation of heaven and earth came, and the boundless and wild human race was never the most humble bloodline ever since.

Because there is no God Chao Tai Cang as their backing. "

There was also a flash of joy in Lei Shen Xiao's eyes.

Even if he is not of pure human blood.

However, for many years, Thunder God Xiao was the **** who wanted to integrate into the human race the most.

He wanders in the ordinary Taicang race every day.

It is like a young man who is studious and yearning for the ordinary, traveling the world.

Therefore, his affection for Tai Cang and the blood of the human race is not lower than that of the real human race powerhouse.

With this change in Tai Cang, Lei Shen Xiao felt most delighted.

Many high-ranking people also nodded one after another.

I feel that this battle has finally settled down.


Ji Xia was standing still.

But at this moment, he looked to the sky.

His calm expression became extremely solemn, and then slowly shook his head and said, "It's not that simple..."

"Tai Cang's real catastrophe has just begun."

Ji Xia's voice was very calm.

However, the expressions of the many powerhouses in Tai Cang immediately changed.

From this sentence, they perceive the unusual.

So they followed Ji Xia's eyes one after another.

In Yang Ren's eyes, the golden core divine eyes flickered, and there was also the blessing of the rules of the Earth Kong Galaxy.

First saw the surging wind in the distance.

Yang Ren's expression also changed from this, becoming very solemn.

But just let it go in the past.

The other powerhouses present, including the gods who came to watch the battle, as well as the Tianjiao, their bodies began to tremble almost at the same time.

The look became extremely jealous.

The strong man who came in his true body, the mysterious flying supernatural power, also burst out in an instant.


"The power of Tianmu has come, and such a terrifying power will cover millions of miles.

We stay here, there is absolutely no escape! "

"The Tianmu Shenchao is really furious, and there is a super strong man who wants to completely wipe out the existence of Tai Cang!"

"Even if there is a long distance away, the power erupted by such a strong person is definitely not something we can resist.

Even if Ji Xia, who had just killed the Dragon Torch King, faced such a heavy force, he could only turn into a fan! "

"The gods are angry, countless dynasties and supreme dynasties will also be reduced to ashes in an instant!"


Countless horrified divine consciousness rushed up and down.

Even these arrogances themselves come from the gods.

But they are not sons of gods, but arrogances of the gods.

Once the power of the heavenly eyes descends and the presence of the power erupts, they will never worry about their life or death.

As for the goddess Zhuyao of the ancient Wu dynasty and the mysterious Tianjiao Yue Fanning.

As early as when the terrible breath surged out.

It has been covered by the divine consciousness of the Tianmu gods, taking it away!

Those too strong who are not afraid of the sky.

At this time, he also felt the power of the explosion coming from the sky.

Their eyes were unprecedentedly solemn and full of deep worry.


The power coming at this moment ~www.readwn.com~ is too powerful.

When the dome of the sky leaves, the clouds dissipate!

A magnificent voice came in indifference.

"Ridiculous mortals, dare to offend the supreme god, the supreme master.

Even if there is hope of prosperity, it is just as humble as a grain of dust. "

"Since it is dust, let it dissipate."

The sound echoed at the same time.

In the shattered sky, a finger was slowly stretched out.

I don't know how huge this finger is.

Even beyond the concept of size, it seems to be able to cover the entire universe!

Indescribable, indescribable, indescribable!

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