I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 992: The Thunder Shrine before the endless years [large

I saw the Six Scourges Canglong holding a Canglong Heavenly Sword in his hand.

On this Heavenly Sword, there is a faint blue dragon true spirit, breathing purple gas, tangled on the blade.

And far away.

The Tao, who was unable to extricate himself from the river of God, turned into a phantom incarnation at this moment.

This incarnation is extremely mysterious.

There is not even any power flowing in it, but it can stand in the Shenhe and stand still.

The vague phantom incarnation stared motionlessly at Ji Xia and the many too strong people behind Ji Xia.

He even carried his hands on his back.

There seemed to be the pride of looking down at the world in his eyes.

Moreover, this soaring pride was mixed with clearly visible killing intent.

Sha Nian was extremely bitter, blowing out.

Let the vast void be covered with ice.

Xuying's eyes seemed to warn Ji Xia, and it seemed to be despising Tai Cang!

"You guys, can you kill me?"

Even if this sentence was not uttered from the mouth of that weak spiritual consciousness incarnation.

But see all the existence of the avatar posture.

Almost everyone can realize the meaning revealed by the vague shadow.

The same is true of the Six Scourge Canglong.

His face was domineering, and purple light flashed in his eyes, and the wisps of killing intent from this world overlord began to burn.

The Canglong decapitated the big sword in his hand, also roaring at this moment.

I saw the six evils Canglong stepping out in one step.

In a short while, he has already come to the sky above Shenhe.

The surging power from the first Tai Sui, the second Tai Sui, and the Fierce Star Fei Lian firmly trapped the incarnation of Dao Ze.


These three high-ranking gods from the heavens have also exhausted their energies.

Even under the cover of the Zhetianqi.

The power they burst out was enough to shake the galaxy away.

This can be seen.

How vast is the supreme power that Dao Ze God can control.

The incarnation in front of me.

However, it was only the Taoist god, the slight divine consciousness that was contained in the finger that had just passed through the sky.

It is not worth mentioning that the real Tao exists in comparison.

But even this kind of incarnation.

It takes three high-ranking gods from Taicang to use all their strength before they can stay in Taicang and trap him.

"Such a terrifying incarnation, the emperor, I'm afraid I can't kill him yet."

Lei Shen Xiao and Bai Qi stood behind Ji Xia from left to right.

Lei Shenxiao whispered softly, and the chains of the gods on his body were clanking as they kept flowing.

It even collided with thunder flames.

But the six evils Canglong, his eyes were very sincere.

Hold the Canglong Decapitate Heavenly Sword in his hand tightly!

The domineering in the eyes will overflow.

"The Emperor Woe also knows that he can't cut this Dao incarnation."

Ji Xia whispered, her eyes calm: "But for the six evils, it is an extremely precious opportunity.

The emperor of evil masters domineering, even if there is a great disaster in front of him, he must use his character to open the way with hegemony, hone his state of mind, and at the same time perfect his own creation decision.

Now, it is rare for a Taoist **** to stand in front of the road. Without any danger, he would naturally cut a knife to such a powerful existence. "

Ji Xia had already seen through the six evils Canglong's plan.

Bai Qi and Lei Shen Xiao were slightly startled, and then they nodded one after another.

"The emperor's search for the avenue and the opening of his own way are all on his own, and he has never accepted any inheritance of existence.

Now that he has the opportunity to face the Daoist rules, and even draw a knife to cut towards the Daoist rules, the emperor will not miss it. No matter what the outcome of this knife, the emperor must have gained tremendously. "

The two looked at each other.

The dignified eyes became relaxed.

And this time.

The emperor did not hesitate.

The sharp beheading knife was severely cut down.

A sword swept across the void, and the void became white.

Countless sharp and domineering rules are presented in the sky.

It was as if there were a series of sword intents that cut off the sky, flashing luster.

"God beheaded!"

Six evils Canglong gave a cold cry.

The vast expanse of spirit, and the purple air from the east that filled the sky, swept across the river!

Compared to this extremely harsh knife.

It is more worthy of praise from other existences.

The Six Sorrows Canglong shot at a Dao Ze God, but from the beginning to the end, there was no hesitation, let alone panic.

He cut out that knife without any hesitation, and he was decisive to the extreme!

Moreover, the eyes revealed by the six evil blue dragons were also very direct.

With this sword, he didn't want to cut down an incarnation, but wanted to practice his hands first.

In the end, with this terrifying knife, a real Taoist law was cut down in the not-too-distant future.

The person who originally watched this battle came from the entire boundless wild ancient existence, who thought it was the ignorance and arrogance of the Six Scourges Canglong, which made him daring to slash towards the Tao Ze Shenzhi.


After this Zhan Shen slashed!

The eyes of all beings looking at the six evil blue dragons all changed.

They finally knew that it was the indomitable courage in his heart that supported this unworldly tyrant with flying silver hair and fluttering purple robe.

"This son will be a great weapon."

"Even if he is no longer in the life palace now, his power has completely exploded, but he is no more than an extremely profound wheel.

But relying on the hegemony and fearlessness contained in his sword, in the future, this is too blue and dazzling God, even if he can't achieve Dao, the lowest is a desolate god. "

Some ancient existences with a deep experience are extremely optimistic about the six evil dragons.

But the sword of the Six Scourges Canglong has completely enveloped Dao Ze incarnation.

The endless sword intent in the sky clanged, and the bitter killing intent filled the universe.

The power in the blade light burst out.

The energy is vast, the rules are dense, and the destructive power caused by the blade light makes many people look at them.


The light of the sword that fell like a catastrophe of heaven and earth quietly dissipated!

The blood-filled Shenhe slowly revealed its traces from the light of the sword.

I saw the incarnation of God's consciousness, but still standing on the river of God.

His phantom was constantly distorted, and the power exerted by the blade light on the phantom was easily disintegrated between the distortions.

His face is still blurred.

The light burst from the eyes, but still domineering!

Many gods who don't know the truth shook their heads one after another.

The gazes of some Tianjiao looking at the Six Calamities Canglong were very meaningful.

About the six evils Canglong is overwhelming.

He even dared to use the body of the fate palace to shoot a sword against the spirit of Tao Ze.

Even if it was locked by Tai Cang at this moment, it was only a trace of Taoism incarnation.

But it is undeniable that the principles of the Tao are the principles of the Tao and should not be insulted lightly.

"He is extremely domineering, but he has failed and returned. Maybe from then on, this Ziyao God has some regrets in his mood, and he can't escape from the palace of life from then on."

Some gods shook their heads.

Zhu Yao Shenzi and Tianjiao Yue Fanning.

But after seeing the Six Scourges Canglong slashed out, he turned his head without any hesitation or nostalgia, and his towering back looked unusually tall.

The spirit that exudes is even stronger!

The expressions of these two arrogances unanimously showed admiration.

With their vision.

Naturally, it is not difficult to see how great the six calamities Canglong got from the seemingly defeated knife.

Ji Xia watched the Six Scourges Canglong walk down into the void in silence and walked into the Supreme Being behind him, and continued to change his face and turned his head to speak to the many gods behind him: "Who else is willing to cut this Dao? God!"

There was a touch of juvenile curiosity on Lei Shen Xiao's face, and he took a step forward.

The Shenxiao chain on his body suddenly opened and became very sharp.

"Let me try it"

Lei Shen Xiao retreated, Bai got up in black armor, and the nameless black knife flashed a weird edge, and took a step forward.

Immediately afterwards, the four great gods Yang Ren, Zhang Jiao, Tai Cang, Wei Chang and Yu Zao Qian

After that, even Ji Qianqing and Que Le took a deep breath, either holding a long sword or holding a cherry red spear, and walked down the Shenhe.

The strong in the void is silent.

There are also ordinary gods with insufficient knowledge, as well as gods and arrogances.

They shook their heads.

"The Great Emperor Tai Cang said that Tai Cang also has dignity shortly before, and if he wants to cut off the Tao, there is a weak sense of consciousness to preserve Tai Cang's dignity.

But now, those who are too strong will do their best! The spiritual consciousness of Tao is still safe and sound, I am afraid that too Cang's self-esteem will also disappear. "

They have so guessed.

In the void, there are some powerful, long-lived Tianmu gods whose expressions have become extremely ugly.

The confused Tao is the incarnation of divine consciousness, and the same is true.

"This group of minuscule ants is using my incarnation to refine their mood, refine their spirit, and forge their indomitable path."

Dao Ze God turned into a hazy face, but it was extremely gloomy.

Even Mr. Lei Shiyuan, who was standing in the sky and watching the bottom, frowned slightly when he saw the actions of many powerful men under Ji Xia's leadership.

"It's really bold, so humiliating the incarnation of a Taoist god"

A hint of helplessness flashed across Jun Lei Shiyuan's face.

With his heart moved slightly.

A huge thundercloud suddenly condensed in the sky.

Straightly suspended in the sky above the Shenhe.

In the thundercloud, there was a thunder that did not know how much power and horror was brewing.

These thunders were voicing thunder tongues, broadcasting thunder pulp, as if they were about to be occupied in an instant.

Maybe it's because I don't want to see Ji Xia and Tai Cang continue to die.

Maybe it's because the scene in front of you is really out of style.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan wanted to make a move to extinguish the incarnation of the gods.

And Ji Xia also keenly perceives the movements of Lei Shiyuan.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Mr. Lei Shiyuan.

I saw a divine thought flashed by Lei Shiyuan: "The divine consciousness that the Tao exists is extremely hard, and the current power of the ether can be completely indelible.

And if you humiliate a Taoist rule like this, even if it is protected by me, a catastrophe will inevitably come.

After all, even if I waited for the ancient gods, there was a moment of negligence.

And the Tianmu should not be underestimated. "

Jun Lei Shiyuan's thoughts flashed.

Ji Xia's expression became much more relaxed now.

He bowed slightly to Mr. Lei Shiyuan: "This time, I have to thank Mr. Lei Shiyuan."

Lei Shiyuanjun shook his head: "When it comes to great grace, I want to accept your love."

When he said this, the thunderclouds in the sky suddenly brightened up.

A great thunder axe appeared from it like this, it seemed that in the next instant, a monstrous wave erupted, and the thunder force that could shock the world would burst out of the great thunder axe.

The incarnation of Extinction Dao.

At this moment.

Ji Xia's consciousness came again.

"Lei Jun, as I just said, although Tai Cang is weak in national power, my Tai Cang erlangs also have dignity, but also have a heart of hatred.

As the Lord of Tai Cang, since I just boasted about going to Haikou, I wanted to kill this incarnation with the power of Tai Cang, then naturally I couldn't take advantage of Lei Jun's hand. "

Mr. Lei Shiyuan suddenly frowned when he sensed Ji Xia's divine consciousness information.

He looked down at Ji Xia, his eyes seemed a bit puzzled.

What do Ji Xia's words mean?

He wants to use the power of Tai Cang to suppress this Dao Ze incarnation?

Jun Lei Shiyuan thought for a moment.

She patiently said to Ji Xia, "As I said earlier, even if this divine consciousness only contains weak power.

However, the spiritual consciousness of Tao Ze is still indestructible to Tai Cang today.

Even those who are too strong want to devote their efforts to refining the divine consciousness, I am afraid it will take an extremely long time

Aether Cang's current situation is not worth spending this time. "

Mr. Lei Shiyuan was born in Thunder, with a fierce temper.

But now, he can be so polite and patient with Ji Xia.

This also means that Ji Xia does have a great kindness to Lei Shiyuan.

In addition, it may also be mixed with Lei Shiyuan’s favor for Ji Xia.

The reason why Lei Shiyuan Jundao came.

Ji Xia smiled freely and whispered in her heart: "Maybe before this battle, Tai Cang really couldn't kill this divine sense, but now"

Ji Xia thought at this point and once again saluted Lei Shiyuan.

Then his gaze fell on Dao Ze's deity.

There is no sadness or joy on the hazy face of the incarnation of Tao Ze God.

But when Ji Xia's gaze collided with that of the avatar.

Ji Xia only felt a biting chill, constantly hitting his divine body, divine treasure, sky, and bloodline ~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, a huge and magnificent voice broke into his mind.

"My name is Kong Guzhen, Tai Cang Di Ji, remember my name!"

The words that don't carry any emotions seem to be full of threats, and the fright that they bring, as if they can make the gods dream, and fear can't be self-sustaining.


All this seemed to have no effect on Ji Xia.

He looked at the existence of this Dao with cold eyes, and then looked up at Lei Shiyuanjun.

Now, with the arrival of Lei Shiyuan, Tai Cang has other details.

So now Ji Xia always takes this opportunity to let out a sigh of anger.

I saw Ji Xia Weiran still.

There was a thunder in his mind suddenly.

As soon as the thunder rang, the light of forcing people rose up into the sky like the sky!

The world was shaking violently.

A shining ancient palace suddenly stood at the end of heaven and earth.

This palace is extremely tall and extremely majestic.

Compared with Lei Shiyuanjun's Immortal Upper Palace, it was even more majestic.

The palace is filled with all kinds of mysterious aura, as well as the aura of endless years.

It seems that this palace was born before endless years.

Chaos Surging Before the palace, the black thunder kept falling, and there were countless cracks in the chaos.

These gaps are as black as ink, but the lights of thunder are shining in them.

The supreme palace gate opens.

A strong man stood between a thunder universe and flew out of it.

"Six waves of divine emperors have cut this divine sense."

Ji Xia's voice was calm and ordered gently.

The strong man should raise a finger and point to the contorted and blurry Dao Ze Shen Sense.


A faint electric glow flashed by.

Tao is divine consciousness, immediately torn apart, and go with the wind.

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