I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 993: From that moment on, Tai Cang has actually perished 【大

The incarnation of Tao exists with the wind.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that even the regular operation of heaven and earth has come to a standstill.

The ancient thunder palace that only Ji Xia could see had already turned into a glimmer of light, falling into the thunder ancestor amber between Ji Xia's neck.

However, the six waves of emperors standing on the Thunder Universe, after letting the incomparable Tao Ze God-consciousness incarnate completely dissipated between their fingers, they slowly bowed towards Ji Xia.

This is a supreme being.

Standing in the sky, he seemed as thick as the sky and the earth.

There was a heavy halo around him.

Among these halos, there is the extinction of the world and the birth of the world.

All kinds of marvelous avenue powers set off this existing body to set off the incomparably vast and majestic shore.

Six waves of heaven and earth emperors! The ancient and mysterious emperor.

There are many bright auras floating behind his head.

In the halo, he can vaguely see the background of the world and the rules of the world to provide him with power.

This mysterious and powerful man descended.

Ji Xia's complexion was calm.

But except for Ji Xia.

When all the other beings watched the six waves of the divine emperor, this vague figure.

The stiffness in his eyes and the unimaginable shock were simply unable to restrain himself.

Even now.

In this piece of world, even in the entire boundless wilderness, the personality can be counted as the pinnacle of Lei Shiyuan.

There was thunder flashing in his eyes, revealing the restlessness in his heart.

The six waves of divine emperors also nodded slightly towards Lei Shiyuan from a long distance away.

After nodding.

The huge piece of cosmos under the feet of the six waves of heavenly emperors slowly sinks into the void.

The six waves of divine emperors disappeared.

Jun Lei Shiyuan pondered.

Countless ancient existences who watched the battle from a long distance fell into silence for a while.

Their spiritual consciousness has never even collided with each other.

All of them are guessing, what is the origin of the six waves of divine emperors who suddenly descended from the void!

As for the ordinary gods and arrogances, as well as the ordinary spectators of the gods.

It has already flew back at this time.

As early as when the Tianmu God pointed to the upper position and came through the sky.

They already want to stay away from this place of right and wrong.

But they have not gone far.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan suddenly came, sheltering too Cang, and let the sky clear away.

Originally all this.

Although it has brought many doubts and puzzles to these powerful gods.

But they also knew something about Lei Shiyuan's legend.

Therefore, Lord Lei Shiyuan burst out with such a terrifying power, they can naturally accept it.


The reason that caused them to fall into shock, and then retreat quickly, is that between Ji Xia and Ling, an unparalleled power came and performed the feat of extinguishing the Tao, but the existence of divine consciousness!

How could Tai Cang possess such a terrifying powerhouse?

Since the outbreak of this war, they have regarded themselves as high-ranking gods, or princes of extraordinary heritage.

Comment on Tai Cang's battle, and also comment on Tai Cang's many powerhouses.

right now.

When they realized the gap between themselves and Tai Cang.

You can only retreat in embarrassment.

Not even willing to continue to communicate too strong.

Because they were afraid that the Emperor Tai Cang Tai Chu would be dissatisfied with their actions.

It is very likely that they will also disappear.

right now.

The power of Tai Cang has been established in the hearts of these gods.

They had no doubt that once the Great Emperor was furious, they would definitely take action against them.

Even if they have a deep background, they can't escape death.

after all

The strong under the great emperor of Tai Cang Taichu had the incarnation of Dao who even dared to raise a knife, and even dared to destroy Dao.

How could they be afraid of these ordinary gods?

Many gods retreated.

Those gods and arrogances also ran their flying magical powers one after another, leaving at a swift speed.

As they leave.

She didn't even dare to turn her head and look at Ji Xia.

This is just a big battle.

Their impressions of Ji Xia are not very noble from "the lord of the common dynasty", "the king of the human kingdom" and so on.

It has completely transitioned to "the great emperor in the early days", "the first ruler of the kingdom under the gods", "the bolder", and many other impressions that made them feel frightened.

The gods who watched the battle were facing the upper gods, and they were still watching the battle with their heads down.

Divine light fell in their eyes.

It seems that he wants to disintegrate this sky, so as to find the traces of the six waves of the emperor, and then see his origin.

Lei Shiyuan stood in the sky.

He raised his eyes and suddenly found that the sky of the battlefield, which was originally shrouded in divine consciousness, had become clear and bright.

The rules of the boundless wild world are constantly mending the cracks in space.


Beyond the territories of the Great Cang, millions of miles have been completely turned into an abyss.

Even the land below the mainland of Tai Cang Jiuzhou has completely turned into nothingness.

Tai Cang Jiuzhou, under the power of Kyushu artifacts, countless bans, and two Tai Sui, actually floated completely in the sky, just like a huge floating island.

This can be seen.

What kind of disasters have been brought about by this series of battles.

In the dark abyss, nothing exists, even the air has been wiped out.

If this level of war happened in the universe, it would happen between countless galaxies, or it would happen in a place where the rules of the boundless wild world are weak.

I am afraid that the degree of destruction will increase by dozens of times or even hundreds of times.

Even more, dozens of galaxies may be wiped out.

The boundless wilderness is vast.

The upper-level country is many times stronger than the lower-level country with so many stars.

Once the war broke out.

The creatures of the lower kingdoms simply cannot imagine the magnitude of the war.

It is no exaggeration to say that the boundless wilderness is a piece of cosmos carrying a landing ground.

Among them, there are countless galaxies lingering, and countless worlds embedded in them!

Even those tyrannical dynasties, in the long years.

Never explore the edge of the boundless wilderness, let alone control the entire boundless wilderness.

What they control.

It was just a group of countless civilizations known to the boundless wilderness.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan pondered for a long time before he looked at Ji Xia.

The moment his eyes touched Ji Xia.

With a flash of electric light, his body has come to Ji Xia's body.

When Ji Xia saw that it was Jun Lei Shiyuan, her complexion became much softer.

Only after a mere glance.

His eyes were still on the deep sky.

"After this battle, although Tai Cang has become an unparalleled imperial dynasty, he has acquired terrifying national treasures.

However, Tai Cang was also completely exposed, and from then on he could not use Gu Worm's identity as a cover to continue and steady development. "

Ji Xia's voice seemed to be neither sad nor happy, nor nervous.

However, his tone also seemed a bit serious.

In this battle, even though Tai Cang had a little bit of opportunity, he also let the invincible Tianmu Divine return to the strong.

But even so.

Ji Xia is also very clear about Tai Cang's strength positioning.

Tai Cang's current power, even if the six waves of divine emperors have recovered, the unparalleled vitality accumulated in this battle can also revive the sleeping powerhouse in the nine-li sky, and make the recovered powerhouse stronger.

But if he were to really face the Tianmu Shenzhao, Tai Cang would still be defeated, and he had almost no chance of winning.

"I can perceive that Tai Cang's Guozuo luck condensed in this battle is rich to the extreme.

After the devastation, although I was trapped in prison.

I have also witnessed the changes of the boundless wild country after the Great Destruction through certain channels.

But from the beginning to the end, I have never seen the imperial dynasty like it is today. "

Lei Shiyuan seemed to be reminiscing about the past. After a pause, he continued: "Even if the Tianmu who achieved the gods not long ago, there was no such power as the heavens, the earth and the kingdom at the peak of the emperor."

Ji Xia nodded slightly, with a slight smile on her face.

This is why he would rather take the risk of exposing Tai Cang to start this war!

Yuanding two thousand years later.

Tai Cang's strength has actually reached a bottleneck.

Tai Cang's many high-ranking powerhouses, living in the boundless wilderness, are bound to be affected by the rules of the boundless wilderness.

Tai Cang was no more than a dynasty before.

Even with the **** Xia Xuan monument, it can break through the restrictions of certain heaven and earth rules.

But even so.

With the improvement of the strength of the many upper gods in Tai Cang, they gradually reached a certain bottleneck under the rules of heaven and earth, a certain upper limit.

Even those ordinary Tai Cang Rui Shi.

He was cast a shadow on his broad path of practice, unable to move on.

and so.

It is imperative for Tai Cang to promote Guo Zuo's personality.

Otherwise, Tai Cang will face a situation in which the development speed is rapidly reduced.

In addition.

There is another important reason.

That is the acquisition of the gods and the killing aura needed for the recovery of the Nine Li Heavenly Powers.

After the opening of the Fifth God Store.

The number of gods needed to exchange for those precious and extraordinary gods is terrifying.

And because of the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth, Tai Cang's development speed has slowed down, and the same is true for the speed of God Seed acquisition.

If only relying on the development of Guozuo to obtain the **** seed, it would take tens of thousands, or even a hundred thousand years of savage years, to be able to completely exchange all the gods in the fifth gods.

Too Cang

Can't wait that long.

Because of the opening of the Shinto cave, many sleeping gods revived.

There are also those ancient supreme gods who escaped from prison and descended into the vast world in the boundless wilderness.

Everything of this foretells that the boundless wilderness will fall into chaos.

In the troubled times, if Tai Cang didn't grow up, he wouldn't perish in the hands of the Tianmu Shenchao who wanted to raise Gu.

Don't let any demon **** who is tyrannical and hostile to the human race descend.

It will make Tai Cang fall into a dead end!

Da Hetian, who was imprisoned in the ghost forbidden domain, was also ready to move, and Ji Xia's hands and feet in the ghost forbidden domain could not guarantee long-term foolproofness.

not to mention

If Ji Xia pinned Tai Cang's safety on the technique of raising Gu from the Heavenly Eye God Dynasty.

One day, Tai Cang will surely perish.

Precaution has always been Ji Xia's strengths.

Such all kinds.

Ji Xia will resolutely sacrifice to heaven and earth.

Will choose not to conceal oneself again.

Instead, with a tyrannical posture, Tai Cang was exposed in the boundless wilderness!

Everything of this kind is the origin of this war.

There is no doubt about the gains of this battle.

After the war, Leibu had six waves of emperors coming.

The six waves of gods and emperors are one of Leibu's supreme beings.

His personality is second only to the Great Emperor Leizu of the Nine Heavens, that is, the Heavenly Lord of Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder and Puhua.

He is one of the Shangchen emperors of Leibu, possessing unparalleled power and personality, even in the entire heavenly court, it is an extremely noble existence.

In addition to the six waves of divine emperors, the powerhouses who have recovered from Jiulitian are even stronger.

And the strong who have never recovered will also digest the mass of killing aura and gradually recover.

As for the massive amount of God Seed obtained, it will also greatly increase Tai Cang's combat power in a short period of time.

The increase in the power of the heaven, earth and the kingdom of Zuo is of great benefit to the production of the heavenly materials, the birth of Tianjiao, and the concentration of Lingyuan.


Ji Xia's eyes flickered, and she looked at the Shen Xia Xuan monument located in the center of the Tai Cang Nine Provinces.

The **** Xia Xuan monument today is no longer the previous one.

Because of the roasting and recasting of the golden crow's origin, the sacred fire, the power that can be activated is even more powerful.

Wait until these things settle down.

It only takes Ji Xia a thought.

There will be earth-shaking changes in the power of the heaven, earth and the kingdom of Zuo Cang.

So many benefits.

It’s the spoils that Tai Cang won in this battle

However, as Ji Xia said, Tai Cang paid a huge price for these.

The biggest price ~www.readwn.com~ is to incur the anger of Tianmu Shenchao.

"Tianmu Shenchao will never let go.

Moreover, the Heavenly Eye God Dynasty, as the bearer kingdom of the boundless wild world power, has always had the power of thunder.

Today, even though I sheltered too much, they were afraid of my strength, at most they only restrained me, and did not dare to give birth to killing thoughts on me.

But I will never let the too much grow up because of my protection. "

Lei Shiyuan Jun carried his hands on his back, and the Chinese clothes on his body were made of a piece of thunder.

There was heavy thunder flowing between the pores and between the hairs.

His youthful appearance did not hinder his majesty in harmony with the balance.

"Soon, the catastrophe from the purpose of heaven will come.

With the resolute and resolute disposition of that young **** emperor, the time for this catastrophe is not far away.

At that time, Tianmu's side must be fully prepared, and there will inevitably be an existence that will restrain me. "

Lei Shiyuan looked into the distance, with various thunder rules haunting him: "Under the rules of the boundless wilderness, under the sky without day and sky, and after long years of prison locks, my strength is far below the peak.

I'm afraid I can't take care of Tai Cang. "

"What's more important is the power that Tai Cang has now, even if there is a six-wave divine emperor with extraordinary origins and unparalleled details in Tai Cang.

Tai Cang's desire to confront Shen Chao is simply idiotic dreaming. "

"Even the ancient gods must be jealous of the power of the kingdom that bears the rules of the supreme world."

During the transfer of Lei Shiyuan's spiritual consciousness, Ji Xia was completely locked.

He spoke slowly, and solemnly said to Ji Xia: "I hope Tai Cang has other details.

It is best to have the shelter of other ancient gods, otherwise, after the six waves of gods and emperors disappeared, there was an incarnation.

In fact, Tai Cang has completely perished. "

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