I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1022: Simang's body commemorates Zhang Jiao【large

The innate gods do not have the blessings of heaven, earth, and the kingdom. Unless they get a great opportunity, they want to proceed step by step. From the life palace gods to the Tao, they exist.

Then the time required is not knowing how long.

But Ji Xia also knew that the cultivation speed of these three innate gods would inevitably speed up a lot because of their surrender.

However, no matter how fast it is, within tens of thousands of years, this plan will never be implemented.

So... Ji Xia also has a lot of time to explore the secrets contained in it.

"But... think about it carefully, if you still have to wait for tens of thousands of years, why did Xianzhu come to look for me and Lei Shiyuan so early?"

Ji Xia changed her mind and immediately thought of the problem.

Sure enough, Xianzhu heard Ji Xia's words, shook his head slightly, and turned to look at the three innate gods in the big world behind him.

"I naturally have a way to let them gain the power of Dao in the shortest possible time, so the emperor of the human race doesn't have to worry about it."

Ji Xia exhaled and said in a relaxed tone: "In that case, it's very good over there."

But in his heart, he has become very sensitive to Xianzhu's words.

"Xianzhu just said that we want these three innate gods to gain the power of Taoism, rather than achieve the power of Taoism."

Ji Xia was shocked and suspicious.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

His tone was slow, but he seemed extremely firm: "The boundless savage road of rules, although it has never covered the old abyss, but once the old abyss changes, then Wu Shitian will definitely take action against the old abyss, if this matter is not perfect Grasp, never act rashly.

Otherwise it is very likely to lead to destruction. "

Xianzhu seems to agree with Mr. Lei Shiyuan’s words: “The reason why Wu Shi Tian has never taken action against Jiu Yuan during such a long period of time is because he wants to treat Jiu Yuan as a sacrifice for emergencies. Things.

But... once Jiuyuan has something to do, Wu Xitian will never let it go. "

"In short, as long as the two agree, all the plans in it will be dealt with first, and then we will discuss with the two again."

Jun Lei Shiyuan's eyes flickered, and he wanted to speak.

I saw Ji Xia suddenly stand up, salute to the first candle, and then firmly said: "Recovering the Great Sun of Ten Thousand Realms will surely be the only wild new world rule turbulence, and it will definitely play a significant role in the rise of our human race. .

Please don't worry about this matter. "

After Ji Xia finished speaking, she said to Jun Lei Shiyuan: "I hope that Jun Yuan can help Tai Cang!"

Seeing Ji Xia's actions, Lei Shiyuan nodded helplessly.

When Xianzhu saw Ji Xia agree, the light on her face became a little brighter.

"Thanks to the human emperor, and to Lei Shiyuan..."

Xianzhu stood up and saluted like two people: "I blocked Tai Cang with the power of a great road.

Once the powerhouses of the three major dynasties have doubts, it will inevitably cause more trouble for Tai Cang.

First, I will return to the big world. When the plan is launched, I will look for two people again. "

The voice just fell for the first candle.

There was another burst of blazing light from his body.

When the light shines to a certain extreme, it suddenly shrinks until it disappears.

The first candle left here.

And the sky in the sky also changed back to normal.

Lei Shiyuan looked at the sky in the sky, thoughtfully, and occasionally turned his head to take a look at Ji Xia.

"Jun Lei Shiyuan wanted to say... Don't believe that Xianzhu?"

Ji Xia also sat in the hall, staring at the capital below, but suddenly spoke.

On Lei Shiyuanjun’s delicate and tender face, there was an expression of "it is true": "In the beginning, I knew that you could make Tai Cang develop to this level, and you would not rely on the first confession of a few words. Trust him and join his plan."

Ji Xia drank a cup of tea and said, "Then Zhuanxian is also confident, and even dared to reveal his plan to us first.

Because he knew that for Wuxiantian and Tianmu Shenchao, the human race must not be trusted, and the Taicang human race will not become their lackeys.

And Mr. Lei Shiyuan, being imprisoned by the new Dao rules, would not be sincerely obedient to Wuxitian, otherwise your Dao heart would collapse and even be intolerable by Thunder. "

"But from beginning to end... we don't know if the plan he told us is exactly what he said."

The thunder flashed in Lei Shiyuanjun’s eyes: "Although Xianzhu is the first ray of light between the heavens and the earth after the big shattered, but... this does not mean that he is a completely light body, nor does it mean that he is a completely bright body. He is pure and good.

This kind of existence has to be guarded against. "

Ji Xia smiled slightly, these ancient innate gods of Infinite Wilderness had their own plans, and they didn't know what they were planning.

He even suspected that if he was negligent, he would be swallowed by these ancient innate gods without leaving any bones.

"Before, the rulers of the stars above the two Taoist principles of No Day and Heaven came. I have never made a move. I am afraid that I will directly take the initiative, which will attract a higher level of rulers of stars, and even the rule of No Day and Heaven.

This is not a good thing for Tai Cang. "

Lei Shiyuan glanced sideways at the six waves of the emperor, and even bowed to him, then turned around and said to Ji Xia: "I also guessed that Wushitian would not take action against the current Taicang, so I went to Wujiehai. Once, I didn’t expect Wu Shi Tian to take action against Great Xian Men."

For a long time, Mr. Lei Shiyuan had never come to Tai Cang.

The reason lies in this.

Ji Xia's face was as clear as ever, but his eyes looked a little deep. He raised his head and looked at the pale yellow sky, and whispered: "Great Master, there is still a way to survive, but he can't continue on the path of cultivation.

What I didn't expect was... he would choose to transform himself into a pale yellow sky. "

"The act of the great virtuous teacher gave me the qualifications to escape from the prison, and my great man will naturally remember it forever, and it will also allow me to pay tribute to the great virtuous teacher during the holidays and festivals from now on."

Mr. Lei Shiyuan nodded deeply: "I heard that Tai Cang has not yet become a memorial to the great mentor, and I hope the emperor will know me and let me see him off for the great mentor..."

Mr. Lei Shiyuan's words just fell.

Ji Xia stood up suddenly and stared at the sky from afar: "Mr. Yuan, today is the time to pay homage to the great sage and mentor."

Jun Lei Shiyuan frowned and looked far away.

Suddenly, the void in the distance was distorted.

Immediately afterwards, nine colorful divine birds suddenly flapped their wings and flew out of the twisted void.

These colorful divine birds are very strange and wonderful.

Dancing in the sky, dazzling.

They flew through the void, and bursts of glittering light shone in the sky immediately, paved a void avenue.

The next moment.

Where the space is distorted, a long slender leg takes one step forward.

I saw a goddess exuding a noble aura and surging divine essence fluctuations, walking towards this side along the Void Avenue!

Ji Xia touched her hand and said, "Since we want to pay homage to the great sage and mentor, how can there be no sacrifices?"

Lei Shiyuanjun's pupils shrank.

He suddenly saw that the goddess raised her right hand high.

On the palm of the raised right hand, there are two incomplete stars in suspension.

These incomplete stars are extremely huge, but the goddess used her unique great power to collect these two incomplete stars into her palms.

It looks wonderful.

"It's Tan Ye and Simang two dayless stars..."

Mr. Lei Shiyuan reacted immediately.

He turned his head and glanced at Ji Xia, and immediately understood what the so-called memorial object was.

"Tai Cang...When will there be such a goddess who overwhelms the world?"

Mr. Lei Shiyuan hesitated in his heart: "It is the existence of the pinnacle of Dao... even the real combat power needs to be strengthened.

Such an existence must have painted a strong and colorful stroke in the boundless wild history. it is good

But since I got out of trouble, I have never heard of it. "

"Furthermore... The emperor of the early days is now the enemy, but he still has the courage to directly suppress the two star masters who are seriously injured. It is too radical and too bold."

Jun Lei Shiyuan was still speculating.

Ji Xia's heart moved.

Thirty-fold sky dome stood behind Ji Xia, and the strange gods continued to flow out.

In an instant, a huge altar was built in the sky above the capital.

In the middle of the altar, there are countless divine essence stones condensed from strong divine essence.

The moment the altar appeared.

A strong person walked out of the Secret Realm of Choking.

Countless subjects living in various places in Tai Cang also walked out of the house and looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the broad view of the altar is extremely clear.

All the people of the human race looked up at the altar silently.

When they want to forget him, the merits of the great wise teacher and the contributions to the human race all come to their minds.

In the long period of more than two thousand years.

The great virtuous teacher came to Tai Cang, as early as the Three Mountains and Hundred Regions period, the great virtuous teacher fought for Tai Cang.

Countless battlefields, countless wars, there are great sages and mentors.

The reason why the Xuan Secret Pavilion can be formed in the early days is because of Zhang Jiao's various dark magical powers.

The reason why the early army was so organized was also because Zhang Jiao was appointed as the head of the Supreme Palace of the Heavenly Army!

In the Choking Secret Realm, Zhang Jiao didn't know the time he had boarded the Taicang Taoist altar, preaching for other strong men.


All in all, in all of Tai Cang's achievements, there is a figure of Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao played an extremely important role in the reason why countless Taizangzi people can live a happy life today.

And when Zhang Jiao fell, he would become Huang Tian, ​​freeing Tai Cang from the shackles of the power of the heavenly empire.

All in all……

It caused countless human race powerhouses to feel extremely painful in their hearts.

Except for a few gods and men, Zhang Jiao has been in Taicang for the longest time.

However, he also left first.

Ji Xia walked out of the Thunder Palace and glanced at the Goddess of Jiufeng.

The Nine Phoenix Goddess gently raised her hand.

I don't know how huge Simang Star's real body was, and was immediately squeezed by an extremely tyrannical force, transforming into a huge circle.

Then, she was tossed gently by the Nine Phoenix Goddess.

The real body of Simang Xingchen fell into the huge altar.

That piece of God Essence Stone floated up and was placed on the Simang Star...

At this moment, there was still Simang's divine consciousness remaining in it, muddled.

Ji Xia walked down the void step by step.

He stepped onto the real body of the stars and came to that piece of God Essence Stone.

Then he stretched out his finger to sculpt the statue of Zhang horn himself.

Countless creatures in Tai Cang are all looking up at this scene.

In addition to the deep pain in their hearts, there is also the respect for Tai Cang now.

Ordinary Taicang subjects don't know who the enemy is.

But I already knew that Tai Cang had already let the enemy who killed the Great Sage and Mentor be turned into a large amount to be the pedestal of the statue...

Only the powerful Tai Cang possesses such qualifications.

Ji Xia was serious, and carved the face and robe of the great wise teacher Zhang Jiao one by one...

He pondered every detail in his mind, and then dropped his finger.

Ji Xia seal carved a huge statue of ten thousand feet long.

In the end... the body of the great wise teacher Zhang Jiao stood on top of the real body of Simang Star.

He turned his head and looked back, with nostalgia and reluctance in his eyes.

Just like that day, he ascended to the sky and turned into a yellow sky!


Time passed in a hurry.

Tai Cang is still in constant development.

This human kingdom has become well-organized.

The land of Tai Cang Jiuzhou has been re-divided again.

The vast land with a total radius of 33 million miles has been fully formed.

On such a vast land, mountains, plains, rivers, hills... everything is very reasonable.

There are still 18,000 stars in the sky above the Tai Cang Jiuzhou land, shining light, reflecting this world.

These stars have already begun to be transformed. Although there is no one inhabited for the time being, the population of Tai Cang is still increasing.

When Tai Cang completely became the center of the human race, Ji Xia became a human emperor.

Countless boundless barbarians have come completely too far.

Then these stars, as well as the vast land, will play a role.

And Tai Cang Tiangong Mansion, Tianxie Mansion, Tiandan Mansion... and many other palaces are also constantly developing.

I don’t know how many magic weapons, heaven weapons, and magic pills that are of great benefit to Tai Cang have been developed...

For example, on this day, Zhong Quan, the lord of the Tianfu Pavilion, suddenly came to see Ji Xia together with the lord of the Tiangong Mansion Lu.

The face of the pavilion master of Tianfu Pavilion is no longer as old as before, but on the contrary, he looks radiant and looks like a young man in his prime.

There was a gleam in his eyes, and all his thoughts were poured out towards Ji Xia.

When Ji Xia heard Zhong Quan's words, her eyes lit up slightly, and she asked, "The rune that can cross the space...is it stable?"

Zhong Quan nodded deeply: "The reason why Tianfu Pavilion dared to report this matter to the emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ must have been fully assured."

Palace Master Lu An also looked very pleased.

"The mysterious runes that traverse the space will surely be a terrifying help for Tai Cang in the future.

Once this kind of rune is mature, and then sealed on the Tai Cang Star-Swallowing Sky Dragon, the Tai Cang army will be able to come and go without a trace. "

"This kind of weird method... the vast and vast wilderness under the world, only three gods have mastered it!"

Lu An understands the value of magical runes, and his voice trembles a little.

Even Ji Xia rarely showed a bright smile on her face.

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