I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1024: Why does the Tianmu judge too much? 【Big

The bodies of these two giants are extremely vast and majestic.

They are like two giant statues cast from the world, their faces are very stiff, and there is no emotion in their eyes.

Look carefully, the blue giant and the red giant are engraved with dense runes.

These runes carry the unimaginable power of the great road.

The unparalleled power of Taoism is also bursting out all the time.

Independent and detached, high above.

Even the tyrannical and unprovoked Dao exists, and in front of these two giants, both appear extremely insignificant.

Ji Xia's eyes were gloomy, and many Tai Cang gods also stared at the light curtain in the sky indifferently.

The light curtain has fully revealed the scene inside the Temple of Heaven.

The magnificent palaces, suspended in the void, formed a kind of big formation, making the secret realm in the Taoist Temple more active and more surging.

God Emperor Gao, the Emperor Gao of the Daxi God Dynasty, has bred an extraordinary ancient avenue in this temple of worship.

However, these avenue rules are still slightly immature and have not been fully matured.

Perhaps it was waiting for the Emperor Hou Gao to completely worship the world.


The Great Breath God Dynasty could not wait until this day, and the Emperor Hou Gao also fell into the boundless wilderness for various reasons.

In more than two million years, the only three human dynasties collapsed one after another.

The inheritance of the human race has fallen into loneliness, and the history has been erased!

"Look...the sculptures of powerful men in the Taoist Temple..."

Yang Ren suddenly said: "Those sculptures often contain a trace of the real spirit of these powerful men.

Perhaps this is the seed left by the Emperor Hou Gao for the Great Breath of Divinity, and it is also some of the opportunities for the Great Breath of Divinity to come back! "

The Six Scourges Canglong is now the Lord of Zi Yaotian, and he has also come to Taidu.

The domineering spirit on the six evils Canglong appeared more and more surging.

He sat in the void with a silver hair fluttering, and his eyes filled with murderous intent: "But now, the Tianmu has found the Temple of the Taoist Temple in the first step. The statues of these powerful human races may be refined into puppets for the Tianmu. .

Perhaps one day, these humanoid powerful statues puppets will raise butcher knives against Tai Cang. "

"Well... the scene on the light curtain is still moving..." Admiral Ji Ze suddenly exclaimed, "Emperor, whose statue do you see?"

Everyone followed the sound to watch.

What fell into their eyes was a peerless young man with a sword.

The young man was wearing a long robe and a long sword around his waist. His head was raised up, his eyes were staring at the sky above, as if he was thinking about something.

And this time.

Many great ministers have already recognized the owner of this statue.

"This is... Admiral Ji Su?" Shang Yin Luyu's eyes seemed a little hesitant, but they were full of shock. He turned to look at Admiral Ji Ze and Admiral Ji Qing.

"The appearance... is indeed the same as the seventh brother!"

On Ji Qing's rich face, a touch of excitement appeared: "Even the light moles that are faintly invisible between the eyebrows are exactly the same...Even if there are countless lives between the world, it is absolutely impossible to be so similar."

Long before everyone communicated.

Ji Xia covered the sky and covered this void.

Cut off the exploration of Peeping God Eyes.

As the picture continued to change, another extremely tall throne appeared in front of everyone.

And above the throne, sat a burly, dimly-looking divine emperor.

At the same time, the statue was full of flames, and scarlet runes continued to haunt the statue of the emperor.

The moment I saw this **** emperor.

Almost everyone seemed to have heard an infinitely magnificent Taoist sound.

There is a breath of eternal emperor hidden in it, containing the majesty of the emperor!

The moment he saw the statue of the **** emperor, even Ji Xia's eyes burst out with an astonishing color.

But it's just a statue.

However, the majesty surged like a scorching wave, mixed with the unparalleled atmosphere of the avenue, which can shake Huanyu and sweep the universe.

"The God Emperor Hou Gao... really deserves to be the God Emperor of the Human Race. A statue has such a terrifying power."

A touch of joy appeared on Shang Yin Luyu's face.

But in the next moment, they saw the two giants, one blue and one red, and suddenly stepped forward and stepped into the Temple of Heaven.

Compared with the statues, their magnificent bodies are not much taller.

Looking down at the statues, these statues are like specks of dust.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw the palm of the blue sky-eye giant falling.

The violent air current caused a burst of storms, and when these storms fell in the galaxy, they could easily shred the galaxy.

However, in this sacrificial secret realm, such a powerful force could not break the space.

This shows how strong the secret realm created by the Emperor Hou Gao is.

However, the goal of the Blue Giant is not the spatial force in the secret realm.

But the countless magnificent palaces below.

The divine essence continued to spread, and the surging destructive power seemed to explode the heavens and the earth.

Divine light flew out from his hands, and it fell on those temples in the blink of an eye.

"No, these two Tianmu giants want to destroy the Taoist Temple, so that the left hand of the Great Breath God Chao will be completely reduced to nothingness."

Speaking to Uncle Long, his tone still seemed a bit nervous.

But Ji Xia's expression remained the same.

"The existence above the two deities of Taoism, I am afraid that they will not be able to return to the Taoist Temple!"


As Ji Xia's words fell, an earth-shaking sound erupted.

The unparalleled palaces in the Taoist Temple, even communicating with the ancient avenues in the secret realm, instantly turned into peerless spears, piercing straight up, and welcoming those mysterious and incomparable magical powers.


The monstrous collision came from this, and the void of the secret realm was filled with extremely powerful destructive power.

However, offering sacrifices to the Temple of Heaven was unscathed.

It seems that the power of the blue giant is not enough to shake the bricks of the palace.

This is the power of the ancient avenue.

The expressions of the people in Tai Cang were instantly relieved, and the worry in their eyes disappeared a lot.

But just in the next moment.

The two giants, one blue and one red, turned around abruptly, and then collided with each other.

Yes... the two Tianmu Gods collided with each other, bursting into strong waves, sweeping across the Quartet, and even among them, accompanied by the brilliance of the avenue, turned into a corporate force.

It is this strange power that twists the surrounding void.

And after twisting...

The two giants have disappeared, replaced by a dark body with a terrifying existence holding a divine sea in his hands.

"The Dark Sky Giant..."

These four words appeared in almost all the minds that were too Cangchang at the same time.

This is the terrible thing about that giant.

When he appeared, the fluctuations in his body connected the rules of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth recognized his supreme personality, and let the strong men who watched this battle know his name.

"Tianmu is one of the strongest people besides the **** emperor..."

The stars and gods in Ji Xia's eyes revolved, staring at the darkness on the light curtain, three eyes, and thousands of pairs of black wings behind him.

The scene has become astonishing.

The dark sky giant appeared for an instant, and thousands of wings waved behind him, and then glowed, with precious light flowing on it, scattered in the void.

Then there was a heavy rain in the Temple of Heaven.

In the raindrops, inscriptions like flowing water are constantly flowing, dripping on the countless palaces of the Temple of Heaven below.

Then...in Ji Xia's shocked eyes, the countless palaces of the Taoist Temple began to emit wisps of dark smoke.

It was also at this moment that many Tai Cang **** people immediately realized their understanding.

"Look... the power of the Dark Sky Giant God seems to have bypassed the avenue, directly damaging the palaces needed to arrange the sacrificial formation.

Moreover, the statues of the strong are also due to the various powers that permeate these palaces.

Once these palaces collapse, the statues of the powerful human beings of the Daxi God Dynasty will be completely attributed to the Tianmu God Dynasty, and they will become the puppets of the Tianmu God Dynasty from then on! "

"And now Tianmu... wants us to see this scene."

Bai Qi took a deep breath, and the gentleness on his face had completely disappeared.

Even in the eyes with a gentle smile from beginning to end, there is endless coldness in the forest!

"Too much deception." The Six Sorrows Canglong snorted coldly, "Destroying the foundation left by our human race gods, but also let us watch this, this is to destroy our Dao Xin."

Six waves of God Emperors turned to look at Ji Xia.

Ji Xia stared at the statue of Emperor Hou Gao thoughtfully.

The constantly eroding sacred temple Tiangong Palace didn't seem to attract his attention.

But just a few breaths of time passed.

There are so many sacrificial temples, and even those palaces are already crumbling!

The Dark Sky Giant still occupies the sky, and the avenue behind him turns into a dark sky, completely covering the Taoist Temple.

Also at this moment.

On the light curtain above the capital, another vast and majestic shadow slowly emerged.

A world-famous existence, manifested!

He is like a **** king, exuding monstrous majesty, making this secret realm of Taoist sacrifices all silent.

This figure, sitting on a lotus platform, looked extremely young, with a red dot on the eyebrows, but when you look carefully, you can see that red dot, it is a huge and incomparable star.

"Tai Cang Di Ji, long time no see..."

"I asked you to remember my name, and today you will witness the last trace of the Great Breath of God, completely dissipating in the boundless wilderness.

Soon, Tai Cang will do the same. "

His voice was like the original voice of the avenue, flowing into the ears of all those who were too strong without any hindrance.

"Tianmu, empty and ancient!"?

"Why is this kind of existence already on top of the Taoist rule?"

At that time, he wanted to destroy Tai Cang with a single finger, but was eventually revealed by six waves of divine emperors! At that time, the existence of this statue was clearly beyond the principles of the Tao. "

"We miscalculated his power, and at that time, a terrifying magical power was dropped from an extremely long distance, and it was definitely not what his real body did."

The expressions of many strong men are gloomy and cold.

At this moment, the power that the Third Eye was on that light curtain was extremely powerful.

Change to any imperial dynasty, at this moment is already desperate.

Even if it is too strong, when facing the empty words that are almost judgmental, there is a little worry in his eyes.

After all, at this moment, what appeared in their field of vision was above the two heavenly eyes and Dao!

Kong Guzhen looked at Ji Xia indifferently across a long distance.

Then he looked away and landed on the palace gates of the Taoist Temple.

His body was also shining brightly in an instant, and the extremely powerful power was constantly flowing out like a surging river.

The world is pale.

It seemed to herald that this secret store was about to disappear.

But at this moment, Ji Xia suddenly coughed slightly.

Kong Guyu seemed to have found out the meaning of this cough, and turned to look at Ji Xia.

Ji Xia's eyes flickered, and she smiled at him, and suddenly said: "The power of the heavenly eyes above the Taoist rule, I wonder if he can fight with the true spirit body left behind by the emperor?"

In an instant, he made a decision.

Although he doesn't know what Ji Xia's words mean, he is extremely old and knows what it should be at this time.

On the light curtain, a fierce ray of light flashed in the eyes of this Heavenly Eye Dao.

This ray of light flashed by, and then turned into a whirlpool.

Ji Xia and Kong Guyan stared at each other, and he felt that a supreme abyss had arrived in a 10,000-minute moment.

In the abyss, there were always eight heads, and on each of them there were densely packed scarlet monsters with scarlet eyes staring at him.

The eight heads also swallowed towards Ji Xia in a flash.

Want to completely obliterate Ji Xia's divine consciousness, let Ji Xia's time be broken.

However, Ji Xia standing in the abyss, a contempt flashed clearly in her eyes.

"Even if it is above the Tao... I want to see me through the shield of the sky, across the Taoist Temple, across the endless space...

Empty, are you dreaming? "

Ji Xia's voice fell.

Thirty layers of sky dome towered behind him, and the incomparably surging power of the gods and the endless flowing Tianhe flowed into his mind.

Ji Xia waved his hand gently, and the thirty-layer sky slammed down at the eight monsters with a heavy force that had no rules and no mystery.

No magical powers are seen in it, and there is no even mysterious operation.

"Even if I smashed it, I can smash you to death."

With a clearly visible sneer on Ji Xia's face, the thirtieth Heavenly Vault slammed down!


There was a terrifying loud noise, the abyss rolled back in an instant, and the hideous monster was also shattered in an instant.

Ji Xia returned to Qingming again.

His gaze collided with the empty space~www.readwn.com~ The look in his eyes did not abate at all.

That's right...

Ji Xia, who was originally extremely calm, uttered wild words at this moment, and even showed arrogance on her face, and contempt was a nasty anger from the heart. ?

"Tianmu, why do you judge too Cang?"

With Ji Xia's voice, it flows in heaven and earth.

Before Ji Xia, a simple and solemn temple suddenly appeared.

It is the Xiantian temple worship.

The mysterious and solemn gate of the Xiantian Temple was opened.

Revealing the unparalleled true spirit enshrined in it.

This true spirit opened his eyes, did not look at anyone, but looked at the statue of the emperor in the light curtain...

What is engraved on the statue is the God Emperor Hou Gao.

And this unparalleled weak true spirit in the Xiantian Temple Sacrifice also came from the Emperor Hou Gao!

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