I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1040: The emperor of the human race is overpowered 【large

Ji Xiaduan sat in the palace above the stars.

Everything in the sky was illuminated by the dead and icy stars, and it turned out to be a barren scene.

Ji Xia's various avenues also manifested from the void, condensed into a thirty-fold sky phantom, hovering high in the sky, bringing a great surging spirit.


When facing these four dojos, Ji Xia never thought of hiding her strength.

Because in the eyes of these powerhouses, only if they are as powerful as them, can they get their equal attention.

Just like Ji Xia's cognition.

When the power he possessed was fully displayed in front of the eyes of the four upper universe gods, they all seemed thoughtful.

Even the ancient Wu God Chao Huai Chang's eyes showed a bit of admiration.

"Tai Cang was still not well-known more than a thousand years ago. I didn't expect such a short time to pass, and the great power controlled by Tai Cang Emperor Ji was already so mysterious."

Hearing Huai Chang's words, the dead robber dragon nodded solemnly: "And what is amazing is that the great path that Emperor Tai Cang cultivated is different from the ordinary path, and I can't see through the realm he is now. ......The thirty mysterious heavenly gods behind him are also quite unique, even I can't perceive the secrets in it."

The wind master also saw all kinds of amazing visions floating around Ji Xia's body, but he did not comment.

The two looming figures of Jiulitian just stared at the God General Juwei on the stage of killing people from a distance.

For Ji Xia, it seems that he is not interested.

However, at this moment, Wuyuan Xingjun stood up, and there seemed to be two galaxies in his eyes that were constantly rotating, and a mysterious mist gradually filled his eyes.

"Even if Tai Cang Emperor Ji is so talented, he even casts such a huge creature like Tai Cang Emperor silently.

But anyway... if you want to enter the temple of worship on the heavenly side, you also need to prove your strength just like that side..."

Xingjun Wuyuan has a calm aura, and his tone seems very calm...

At the same time, a road mark suddenly appeared behind him, and then instantly turned into an endless vast world.

Huai Chang and Dead Jielong looked at each other, and both could see the curiosity in each other's eyes.

Because now, Wuyuan Xingjun wants to take action against Ji Xia, they can also take the opportunity to take a look at Tai Cang Taichu Emperor, who knows it is a trap, but still dared to come personally, what is there to rely on...

However, just like the sudden arrival of Jiuli Tian, ​​the eighty-one horror demon gods relying on the fierce slaughter avenue in the Jiuli Tian, ​​condensed terrifying power, like the vast array of stars and stars in the fog.

I saw Wuyuan Xingjun, when he had just begun to show his tyrannical and unreasonable terrifying courage!

Ji Xia, who was sitting firmly in the star hall, suddenly stood up.

In just a moment, the three realms behind Ji Xia's twenty-eight heavenly Vaults had already begun to shine.

At the same time, there is almost endless flow of gods from it, almost completely filling Ji Xia's body, making Ji Xia unprecedentedly stalwart, just like an immortal ancient god!

There is also the twenty-ninth layer of heaven, the supreme constant melting of the sky, condensing a number of inscriptions with infinite Taoism, the brilliance of the inscriptions is spilled, and it seems that it can penetrate everything.

And then... After Ji Xia's hard work for more than a thousand years, the Yulong Tengshengtian created by Ji Xia... finally shines!

I saw Ji Xia's eyes calm, and a great magical power suddenly appeared between the thirties of the sky!



Zhou Yu shattered like a loud noise.

The vast world is trembling and shining.

The void also began to blur, and a golden portal almost instantly covered all visible areas, shaking the world, exuding an indescribable aura, and shaking all corners of Zhou Yu.

At this time, Ji Xia, standing in front of the golden portal, looked down at the place below that was shrouded by the power of Wuyuan Xingjun's gods.

Wuyuan Xingjun also witnessed Ji Xia's God Que, but he shook his head slightly...

"This kind of power...maybe more powerful than Tao, but it can't match the upper universe..."

He took a step toward the front while his spiritual consciousness was circulating.

In an instant.

A series of galaxies appeared, completely surrounding the golden gate of Ji Xia, full of an unparalleled spirit of the most sacred, shocking.

In these galaxies, there are big stars rotating one after another, and the majestic to the extreme, like a piece of cosmos, completely covered, bringing almost inexhaustible divine essence.

The three upper universe gods at the bottom came to understand in an instant.

A smile even appeared on the face of the wind master: "Mr Wuyuan Xingjun almost never concealed his murderous intent.

He wanted to take this opportunity to kill Emperor Tai Cang here! "

Death Jielong and Huai Chang's faces remained silent, and they stared at the scene in the distance.

But in their hearts, it seems that there has been a result.

"Emperor Tai Cang is unparalleled in talent, but he doesn't have enough time to cultivate into Shangyu Realm and Shangyu Dao realm.

With his current strength, it is almost impossible to resist the seeming test of Wuyuan Xingjun, but in fact it is full of murderous blow. "

The Dragon's Spiritual Consciousness operates.

Huai Chang also nodded, and in a blink of an eye, his divine consciousness covered the beheading stage far out.

The Divine General Ju Grief, who was already depressed on the stage of killing people, revealed his soaring anger at this moment!

A head even grew on his neck, glaring at Wuyuan Xingjun.

In my mind, there is also a deep puzzle.

"Emperor... why did you come to die?"

"The Tai Cang survives, the Emperor Ji survives, countless Tai Cang strong people continue to advance, countless Tai Cang troops continue to grow stronger... Human race has the opportunity to rise.

A sorrow in a mere sorrow, he died when he died... the emperor... confused! "

The **** of sorrow made his eyes split, and even blood was filled in his eyes.

He wanted to break free from the suppression and shackles of the Killing Stage.

But countless strong human races on the beheading stage have fallen, creating a heavy murderous cage.

The cage was turned into a avenue, completely suppressing the God of Grief at this moment.

No matter how much Ling Ju Lamenting God would struggle, he couldn't get rid of it.

Ju Lai God will almost despair.

Even he knew that he was going to die, he had never been so sad and worried!

Even if he faintly felt that Tai Cang Emperor Ji, who was strategizing, could not make such a brainless move.

But his expectations for Tai Cang and Ji Xia were too deep.

He couldn't help but despair, and he couldn't help worrying.

All this, only a very short time has passed.

All the gazes of existence here have fallen on Ji Xia, who is standing in front of the golden portal!

The face of Wuyuan Xingjun looked calm, but his power seemed as cruel as a beast.

As the many galaxies were moving, it was as if they were about to wipe out the vitality of all things and crashed down towards Ji Xia.

Ji Xia's aura is strong...but the power that has been shown has never been ascended to the universe.

In the eyes of many powerful people.

In the next instant, Ji Xia will completely fall outside the Heavenly God Platform.


What they had expected, but in the next instant vanished.

When many galaxies fell.

Suddenly, a dark sky appeared in Ji Xia's gods.

Looking closely, in the dark sky, a compass with nine runes engraved on it was faintly visible.

On this compass, all nine runes had been lit up, and then all of them dimmed in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the Heitian Compass, which had accompanied Ji Xia for more than three thousand years, seemed to be weathered and turned into a lot of dust.

Drifting in the illusory dark sky.

"The Black Sky Compass that has been conceived for more than three thousand years... the ninth mark of the Black Sky..."

Ji Xia's eyes were calm and abnormal.

And that piece of dark sky fell silently into the gods in his body.

Then fell quickly!

"Black Sky God Que!"

The golden portal behind Ji Xia faintly took on a dark color.

Vaguely, the power of the door poured out, extremely mighty, as if washing away the vast starry sky.

The golden light and black light bloom intertwined, and countless runes are densely covered.


Ji Xia's body, standing in front of the portal, became infinite!

It was as if he was a **** before the devastation, and the entire starry sky seemed to fit his body.


Such a mammoth Ji Xia, just take a picture of it!

Ji Xia seemed to condense two completely different powers, all invincible.

On the stage of the heavenly gods, nearly countless strong men were also opening their eyes wide at this time.


The power of Ji Xia's 30th Heavenly Vault has completely merged with the short-lived black sky power.

The whole trembling firmament, golden glow and dark aura continued to flow.

Everything between heaven and earth seems to have disappeared.

The many powerful men who were born in the Heavenly God Platform knew Ji Xia's true intentions within a short while!

The same is true for Wuyuan Xingjun and the other three superiors in the upper universe.

"Tai Cang Di Ji was not here to watch the ceremony..."

The Tribulation Dragon couldn't help taking a deep breath: "He is not only targeting Monarch Wuyuan with this palm, but the entire Celestial Divine Platform, the entire Slashing Platform!"

"He has never been welcoming Xingjun's school examinations. Di Ji is bold enough to rescue Ju Ai."

The wind master was furious, and his dojo trembled.

Many powerhouses in the dojo also glared at Ji Xia before the golden portal!

He suppressed the shock in his heart, and was about to open his mouth to reprimand, even to suppress Ji Xia.

But accidentally discovered that the palm of the hand covering the starry sky had actually passed the Death Jielong, Huai Shang and his dojo, and also passed the non-moving Jiulitian.

Then he landed fiercely on the Heavenly God Stage, the Slasher Stage... and the dojo of Wuyuan Star Monarch.

But the many galaxies that Xingjun Wuyuan originally shrouded the world have been shattered.

Even Tai Xu is constantly turbulent!

"Ji Xia...how does he have such a prosperous power?"

Master Wuyuan Xingjun's eyes finally made waves.

Just now, the eighty-one demon gods of Jiulitian formed a large formation and collapsed the Wuyuan galaxy formation, but he did not shake it like this.

Because Wuyuan Xingjun saw that even that mysterious sky.

Nor can it anytime, anywhere, without any accumulation of that terrible power erupting.

But now Ji Xia's palm makes him feel a little unreal!

Wuyuan Xingjun's mind was gleaming, but his body bloomed with divine light, and there were many great supernatural powers constantly running.

If there is no time, there will be a burst of fog, and a galaxy map has been constructed in the fog!

Completely cover the Tianfang Shentai.

"How can you be invincible without entering the Upper Universe Realm?"

Unparalleled symbols bloom from the galaxy map.

The innumerable mystery and mystery brought a powerful divine essence and broke into pieces.

Hit with Ji Xia's palm!

Ji Xia's eyes were cold, and even coldly snorted: "Today...I am going to blast open the heavenly sacred platform, blast away your dojo, blast away the beheading platform, and take away the general Ju Wai.

Tianmu Shenchao... can't stop me! "

Many beings are stunned!

The dominance and terror in Ji Xia's words made them feel like a world away.

Since the demise of the Great Breath God Dynasty.

They never saw such an unscrupulous human race again!

What surprised them even more was...

Ji Xia's palm fell, and Wuyuan Xingjun's expression suddenly changed.

The galaxy bred by many Wuyuan star monarchs collapsed in an instant.

On the vast Wubi Tianfang God stage, dense cracks began to spread.

Just a short time.

The Tianfang Shentai has been completely shattered.

The unparalleled power once again fell on the Wuyuan Xingjun Dao Field in the sky above the Heavenly God Platform.

Accompanied by the palm of infinite power, it penetrated the star map of Wuyuan Xingjun, and also penetrated his dojo.

It's like a plaything, torn apart at will!

Among them, the ten strong Daoists were crushed by life and died of fate.

But Ji Xia, the **** of the dark sky, was unabated and hit the beheading stage with a bang.

The beheading stage instantly filled with golden light and was completely covered.

The situation of this world has completely divorced everyone's imagination.

Ji Xia shot out with a palm.

The golden portal behind him and the breath of the dark weather have disappeared without a trace.

He opened his arms and sat down slowly.

Gong Que flew quickly to cover his body, and the throne appeared under him, supporting his body.

this moment.

Ji Xia once again became a majestic king.

Xingjun Wuyuan's eyes were faint and extremely cold.

He stood in the sky, staring at Ji Xia from a distance, then turned his head and glanced at the Tianfang Shentai and Wuyuan Taoist Temple that had turned into dust...

I took a deep breath~www.readwn.com~Ten Wei Dao is in contact..."

"This Emperor Tai Cang... is too brave to be too brave."

Huai Chang's expression also became awe-inspiring.

In the dynasty of God, Tao exists in many cases.

But the size of the gods is too huge!

Among the countless beings, the birth of a Dao will exist, and it is difficult to reach the sky.

The vast territory of God's dynasty also requires the existence of Tao to control and rule.

In other words, every Dao exists, and for the extremely vast dynasty, it is a great official in frontiers.

Even the loss of one person is an intolerable loss.

but now……

Ten people who are strong in Dao, caught off guard, were completely wiped out by Ji Xia!

Just over a hundred years.

The Tianmu God Dynasty has fallen two upper-world realm powerhouses and twenty Daoist powerhouses!

For Tianmu Shenchao, this is definitely a great injury to the vitality.

Between Feng Zhu and Huai Chang's exclamation, there were other gleams in their eyes, perhaps because they felt that their purpose of using Tai Cang to weaken the strength of the Third Eye had been achieved.

"It's just... this Taicang Emperor Ji, I'm afraid it's too bad for you..."

Death Jielong suddenly shook his head.

When his eyes fell on the mist shrouded in the distance.

The mist gradually dispersed...

When Wuyuan Xingjun's galaxy map disappeared.

When Dao in the dojo has fallen.

When I don't know how vast the Tianfang Shentai was, it was completely disintegrated by the Emperor Jixia of the Taicang Taichu.



The beheading platform that suppressed Ju Ai still stood in the void.

Wuyuan Xingjun stepped forward, standing on the top of the beheading platform, looking at the stars, his aura had returned to the abyss, and there was no Ji Xia who was transmitted by the fluctuations of the Great Dao.

"The emperor of the human race is not at his own discretion."

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