I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1044: Great Demon God! 【Big

Since Tai Cang began to confront Tianmu Shenchao.

Except for that Shenhai battle, which involved the Daxi God Dynasty Sacrifice to the Heavenly Palace.

Great God Liao never made any shots himself.

But only a hundred years later.

On the stage of the heavenly gods that has been reduced to ashes.

The mysterious Sky Qiong and Tai Cang teamed up to attack the Heavenly Eye God's Upward Universe Realm Existence together, trying to rescue the God General Juwei.

Do not……

To be precise, Tai Cang seemed to have reached a certain agreement with the mysterious sky.

They don't just want to rescue the God of Sorrow.

What's more, I want to take this opportunity to obliterate the existence of the heavenly eye and the upward universe.

And obviously, they did.

When the eighty-one demon gods in the nine-li sky built a great array of demon gods, locked the world.

Xing Tian and Kuafu shot.

In an unimaginable powerful posture.

Cut down the Tianmu God towards the strange Shangyu Realm powerhouse who kept wailing in his mouth!

The speed is lightning fast.

Almost in an extremely short one-thousandth of an instant, that war was brought to an end, and the power of the upper universe was killed.

And at the moment...

The Great God Liao, who was far away in the Tianmu World Palace, finally stopped ignoring Tai Cang, and finally stopped watching indifferently.

He stretched out his finger lightly!

The Tianmu World Palace is not far away from the Tianfang Shentai.

When he just pointed.

The entire universe began to shake, and the movement of countless galaxies began to become faster.

And it is far away from hundreds of millions of miles away.

Eighty-one demon gods built the sky-locking battle, and began to tremble.

Just an instant.

An unspeakable pressure, just like this came.


The majestic and incomparable power can almost coerce the past and the present.

The galaxy shook the sky and the earth as it turned extremely fast.

Countless avenues began to play Taoist sounds.

It seems to be paying deep respect for this kind of power.

The breath of immortality permeated...

Discoloration of everyone present.

In just such a short moment, they already knew that there was an even older existence that took action.

Want to completely erase Jiulitian, erase the Taicang Emperor Ji present.

The expressions of Death Jielong, Huai Shang, and Fengzhu became extremely solemn, and even a little bit of fear in their eyes.

They will even turn into real bodies, give up watching this battle, urge their own dojo, and stay away from this shocking battlefield.

Their speed is extremely fast, and the distance of tens of millions of miles is nothing but a space shuttle in their eyes.

But at the same time!

The power that the great **** wants has not yet fallen.

Eighty-one demon gods had already loosened their sky-locking battle.

Many gazes that existed in the boundless wild upper universe came here almost in an instant.

There is a strong curiosity in their eyes, and they also have the expectation for the existence of the **** emperor level to make a move.

The eyes of some gods looking at Tai Cang and Jiuli Tian were also full of indifference.

more than this.

They completely ignored Tai Cang, and completely ignored Jiuli Tian.

"It's rare for the emperor to take action against the existence under the immortal realm of the universe, then this is a glory for that mysterious sky and the sky!"

"The Emperor Tianmu Tianxuan created the prosperity of the Tianmu God Dynasty, created the Tianmu Heavenly Art, and even completely broke away from the cage brought to him by the race.

With a peerless and amazing posture, the achievement of the immortal, since this noble existence shot.

Mysterious Tiantian and Tai Cang Emperor Ji might be erased in an instant. "

"The real purpose of the Emperor God's shot is that mysterious sky of unknown origin.

Tai Cang Emperor Ji was astonishingly courageous, but he was a little stupid. He unexpectedly reached a certain agreement with this mysterious sky that once slashed the sky's eyes and gods towards the upper universe.

I don't even know what method to use to revive the Dark Sky Giant God who died in the mysterious sky, and Kong Guyu.

This is the great sin of Tai Cang. "

"If there hadn't been such a stupid change, Tai Cang would have been able to continue to survive for a while."


Many very ancient and mysterious Shangyu realm existed in their eyes.

Across an extremely remote space, it fell here.

Every extremely short moment.

They all flowed away and communicated with each other.


There are also a few incarnations of existence, falling under the light of the divine consciousness of the three emperors.

Respectfully salute.

Among them are men and women.

Even the avatar is filled with immortal hazy aura, and the compressed void is blurred.

One of the avatars briefly attracted Ji Xia's attention.

I saw that incarnation, his expression looked upright and his eyes were extremely serious.

He had a fair face and was dressed in silver armor, with a silver spear floating beside him.

It is a majestic style, looking at everything, seeming to be able to look down upon the sky and the earth.

This existence Ji Xia is no stranger.

He is exactly Ye Xian, one of the most powerful existences of the Tianmu God Dynasty.


Ye Xian stood side by side with two men and a woman.

If these two men and one woman can stand with Ye Xian, they must also exist in the boundless savage Shangyu Dao realm!

The emperor shot.

It's just such a brief moment.

It has attracted the attention of such a large number of powerhouses.

The purpose of their coming is not to witness the complete destruction of the sky and the mysterious sky.

Instead, I wanted to take a look at the existence of the emperor's level.

What a terrible mystery it contains.

The world is shaking, and countless sacred fires are burning.

Every flame beating, it is like a world descending.

In countless worlds, it seems that there are countless creatures, worshipping the extremely remote world palace.

This is a scene that is simply indescribable.

Even if they have never seen the Tianmu World Palace!

These tyrannical beings also seemed to have seen that figure.

This figure seems to have become the only one in the world.

Eternal and immortal!

"The emperor's shot is unbelievable."

A powerhouse in the upper universe murmured to himself, his eyes filled with confusion.

It seems that a very long time has passed since the Great God Liao shot.

In fact, the time is too short to calculate.

And whether it is Ji Xia, Xing Tian, ​​Kua Fu... and Tan Ye.

Has been under tremendous pressure.

During the Shenhai War, they had a glimpse of the power of the Great God Liao and Yin Jun.

However, there has never been a deeper perception.

And this moment.

The power of the Great God Liao struck, and the constant roar of Dao Dao sound made them all look solemn.

The other strong men looked at Ji Xia one after another.

But Ji Xia's gaze had already fallen on the light of the three divine emperors.

He stared at the three rays of light from a distance, ignoring the divine gaze of other strong men.

Even ignoring the supreme existence of those Shangyu Daojing.

"The emperor makes a move... is Tai Cang about to collapse?"

"No... Too Cang will not be defeated, and Too Cang will not collapse..."

Ji Xia's consciousness seemed to be whispering softly, as if she had fallen into madness.

"Because the rise of the human race is a general trend...Even if the human race is at an absolute disadvantage, there is still me too far.

I am too pale is the general trend.

For one day the existence of Emperor Ji, the emperor cannot erase our existence! "



The sky became dim.

Countless visions are constantly emerging.

The vast Universe seems to have become an ancient wild battlefield.

On that battlefield, the extremely powerful demon **** fell, and the supremely ancient existence was turned into ashes and dissipated in the heavens and the earth.

There is nothingness between heaven and earth.

Heaven, Earth, and Universe are all shattered!

The breath of chaos is constantly repairing the boundless world.

Everything seems to have fallen into nothingness...

"It's not nothingness!"

Suddenly there was a red-haired Shangyu Dao, whose silver eyes suddenly flashed through.

"Look, there is still a figure in the endless void!"

Look at countless existences!

Surprisingly, I saw a body that was extremely stalwart, too big to make people tremble, blank and without bounds, and could not see the end of the ancient existence, sitting right in the center of the ruined world.

A dark flame was burning on him.

The endless fierce aura behind it was like the overwhelming universe of the universe, as if to destroy everything.

When he appeared in the void.

Those world avenues seemed to be afraid of him, and they all calmed down slowly.

And the eyes of this existence are like the abyss where ancient gods are buried.

Wearing dark red armor, a divine helmet on his head, and four long horns.

Two of them are facing the sky, and two of them are bent toward the ground.

The heavens and the earth are all referred to by this ancient existence!

"What kind of existence is this...?"

Countless beings were in shock and uncertainty.

Even more terrifying is.

The ancient existence in the void of that vision suddenly stood up.

Then take a step forward.

From vision to real Universe!

That ancient existence, in an unimaginable posture, descended into the boundless wilderness.

However, he never descended to the Heavenly God Platform.

But one step, stepped into...

That one Tianmu World Palace!

The various ripples of the Great God Liao's breath also vanished in an instant.

The sky-locking formation built by eighty-one demon gods didn't even stop shaking.

Xingtian and Kuafu did not hesitate.

After a leap, he jumped into the sky of Jiuli.

Fei Lian Fierce Star's light became dim, and the iron-eating beast had disappeared.

at the same time.

Suddenly a thunder flashed above Ji Xia's head.

Six waves of gods and monarchs, carrying six thunder worlds, came with a bang.

The terrifying power permeated him, and it fell on the opposite side of Wuyuan Xingjun and Rin Zhentian, enclosing Ji Xia in it, and flew away.


Tai Cang didn't want to show too much strength, so the Six Waves of Divine Emperors never made any moves from beginning to end.

But at this moment... they must retreat.

Because just a breath fell, the lock sky formation of the eighty-one demon gods had already created a gap.

And now.

Tianmu Shenchao may have deeply realized the terrifying power of Tai Cang and this mysterious sky!

The existence of Shangyu Daojing has begun to open up space channels.

Tai Cang and Jiuli Tian must leave this world!

And the supreme figure above the Tianmu World Palace.

It is like a great demon **** who is standing forever.

The existence of a dark flame burning on his body just stood in the sky of the Tianmu World Palace.

Looking down at the magnificent below, it is like a world-like palace.

And on the high platform of that palace.

The Great God Liao has once again carried his hands on his back.

The look in his eyes was still not so calm, but a few waves were born.

He also looked up at the supreme existence in the sky.

"So... Di Ji spoke, let us descend in the incarnation and watch the fall of God General Ju Grief, just to trace where I am."

The Great God Liao carried his hands on his back.

There was a smile on the golden face.

Then he turned his head and looked at the position where Shang Jixia was located: "So...Tai Cang wants to regain the position of orthodox in the boundless wilderness to your ministers from the other supreme world?"

The Great God Liao's tone was extremely light.

He judged that, then suddenly shook his head.

"I know the past history. You never exist in the Daduanluo realm, let alone in the boundless wilderness. Then which big world do you come from?"

Time and space are almost completely frozen.

The Great God Liao looked up and stared at the terrifying demon **** who was as huge as a world, and asked slowly, seemingly full of curiosity.


The terrifying demon **** in the sky... did not speak.

However, his eyes were filled with unparalleled domineering aura.

It seemed to have witnessed the immortality of the world and the collapse of Zhou Yu. Nothing can arouse his emotions.


Suddenly he stretched out his palm, and pressed it toward the palace of the Tianmu World, and the Great God Liao!



Bang bang bang!

A series of dull noises sprayed from the depths of the avenue.

The terrifying demon **** did not hesitate to make a move.

It's just an instant.

The dark breath enveloped the world, and the chaotic spirit seemed to carry the vicissitudes of billions of years.

An immortal power.

In this way, he jumped out of the boundless wilderness.

Great God Liao's eyes flickered, and a glow of light intertwined on his body.

The aura of blazing light and darkness collided...


Zhou Yu is turbulent!

The world is shaking ~www.readwn.com~ even...

The sky that shrouded Daduanluo's ancient world has risen by countless distances.

Fear of being affected by this power.

Bright time erupts.

Everything seems to be dying out, everything seems to be blooming.

Very gorgeous, and extremely silent!

The terrifying collision made the boundless wilderness that had completely fallen into silence, becoming more silent.

Tianwu God Emperor!

Nine Killing God Emperor!

Yin Jun!

Mr. Lei Shiyuan!

Jiuyuan Great Frost God Emperor!

First candle!

black sky!

Xu Ze!

Every ancient existence that has been revived is watching this explosion from afar.

And those immortal gods who are still in the cage today.

Was also awakened.

Yuan Nielong, Wutian Great Lord, and the three human star kings...

These ancient existences are also thoughtful.

And Zhou Yu, who trembled to the extreme, stopped at this moment.

The extremely bright light passed.

The Great God Liao was still sitting on the supreme throne in the sky.

The great demon **** turned and walked towards the distance step by step.

Every time he takes a step, his body becomes transparent.

The Great God Liao's eyes were solemn, and he looked up, only to feel that countless familiar auras were all watching this battle.

So, he lowered his head to think, then raised his head and asked: "The name of the devil..."

The terrifying demon continued to move forward slowly.

But his voice had an unspeakable spirit of eternity, and then he heard: "Chi You!"

"The Great Demon God Chi You..."

The Great God Liao nodded, and couldn't help looking at the world palace below.

However, the Tianmu World Palace no longer exists.

Below nothingness, there is nothing but nothingness.

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