I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1047: Tai Cang Secret Treasure? Ghost forbidden domain! 【Big

The pale youth who appeared in the sky.

An almost fanatical and weird look was brewing in his eyes.

The Slashing Sword in his hand is still entwined with layers of bloodline sacrificial aura.

The power bursting out of it has been tyrannical and unprovoked.

With just a single blow, the Sword Sword had already completely blasted down the Wuyuan Xingjun who thought he had already wiped out the Great Cang.

Only the mottled blood was left in the sky, and the **** mist spreading around!

This pale youth is in danger!

For many years, Wei Chang has been studying the avenue of blood in an almost pious posture for tens of thousands of years.

Coupled with the fact that Tai Cang's many powerhouses have expanded extremely rapidly over the years.

Tai Cang also beheaded many powerful beings for the study of the dangers, and Ji Xia's full support.

Therefore, in the past three thousand years, the speed of the perilous bloodline road has not been unpleasant.

At this moment, the sword of God Slashing in Wei Chang's hand is precisely the bloodline sacrificial artifact in Wei Chang's conception!

Wei Chang wanted to use many bodies of gods to construct a bloodline sacrificial artifact that could hold the powerful sacrificial power.

Then, with tens of trillions of human race people’s unimaginable bloodline power, sacrifice this bloodline artifact, and finally let this artifact obtain its heyday power.

Thus burst out the supreme power that can kill all existence!

To this end, Tai Cang sent out the Dark Sky Giant God and Kongguyu, the two righteous gods on the list of conferred gods, to go to the boundless savage void, open the sealed land, and kill many gods that existed. You Wei Chang, he refined this bloodline sacrificial artifact.

The bloodline sacrificial artifact was named "God Slashing" to correspond to the Heavenly Eye God Slashing Platform.

But now, when Wei Chang holds this sword of God Slayer, the superb power he originally possessed is poured into this sword of God Slayer, and the power that blooms is enough to make the ancient beings who watch the battle tremble.

The original perilous power is a mystery to many too strong people from beginning to end.

Because after the imperial war that happened thousands of years ago, Wei Chang never made another move.

But the perilous blood avenue research has never stopped from beginning to end.

Moreover, many people of the Great Blue God saw the danger, and could not even see through the true power he possessed.

It can be seen that long ago, the magical power that Wei Chang possessed was unfathomable and impossible to comprehend.

The perilous bloodline talent is unique even in the entire boundless wilderness.

Even those ancient and mysterious Dao bodies, in the face of the perilous bloodline avenue talent, I am afraid it is nothing more than that.

A long time ago, whether it was Ji Xia or many people with extremely high vision, Tai Cang God had already had an extremely clear understanding of Wei Chang.

——If the boundless wilderness had never had Ji Xia descended, there had never been a rising kingdom.

Then one day, the burden of the rise and prosperity of the human race may fall on the shoulders of peril.

Perhaps the day when the human race rises will become even longer.

But there is no doubt that the unique talents that are always dangerous have indeed won the respect of many people of the great gods.

It is no exaggeration to say that in a certain sense, Weichang represents the supreme talent of the human race in this era.

And now.

Being able to maximize the power of bleeding veins, holding a magic sword, the power that bursts out is astonishing.

So there was the scene just now.

When Tai Cang completely disappeared in this world.

The void, which was originally vast and vast, became even more empty.

The blood of Wuyuan Xingjun still filled the sky.

He didn't even react, and was completely swallowed by Wei Chang and the power of the human blood sacred by the Divine Slayer Blade for a long time, and then killed.

Another powerful person in the upper universe has fallen from the Tianmu.

This caused many beings watching Tai Cang to become silent, and for a while they forgot to communicate with their spirits.

The strong in the upper universe must be the strong at the top for the boundless wilds.

Even in the near-infinite boundless wilderness, the number of superiors in the Upper Universe Realm who have survived since the accumulation of countless years is not counted as a large number at all.

If compared with the number of boundless wild creatures, the dignity of Shangyu Realm's existence is simply hard to measure and unimaginable.

In the tens of thousands of years after the collapse of the Great Breath God Dynasty, there have been only a handful of experts in the upper universe that have fallen.

However, it is only more than a hundred years.

One of the three great dynasties of the boundless wilds, Tianmu Divine dynasty, has fallen successively to several upper universe existences!

And after careful exploration, in the great battle where the heavenly eyes and gods face up in the universe, there is a figure of the human kingdom that is too pale.

"Till now, Tai Cang seems to have completely disappeared, completely turned into nothingness, but this terrifying powerhouse who killed Wuyuan Xingjun has obvious fluctuations in the human blood..."

"It is true. Although the bloodline fluctuations in this weird **** spirit are extremely strange, there seem to be countless kinds of bloodlines, but he has not concealed countless kinds of bloodlines, and they are constantly fluctuating around the human bloodlines in his body..."

"So, the **** who slayed the Star Monarch Wuyuan of the Upper Universe with a single blow also came from Tai Cang? How much background does Tai Cang have?"

"Even with the help of the magic sword in his hand that is full of darkness and destruction, I have to admit that the power of this gray-robed **** is still at the absolute peak of the upper universe!"


An ancient **** woke up from the shock, and their spiritual knowledge flowed and communicated with each other.

Looking at the void where Tai Cang was originally located, there was still deep jealousy in his eyes.

"Fortunately, Tai Cang has been destroyed by the Supreme Divine Light. Otherwise, once Tai Cang, with such a background and such a weird speed of prosperity, becomes a god, then the boundless wilderness will inevitably be a catastrophe, just like the great tripod and the collapse of the great breath That's it."

In an extremely short moment.

The same idea circulated in the minds of many powerful people.

At this moment, these ancient and powerful powerhouses, unfortunately a human kingdom that is expected to become a god, collapsed, and countless human talents were also destroyed.

But at the same time, they were also rejoicing that human kingdoms such as Tai Cang eventually perished, without bringing about the terrifying calamity that spread to the entire boundless wilderness.


Far away in the ancient Wu God Dynasty, Shenxuan God Dynasty, Tianmu God Dynasty.

Many beings above the Upper Universe Realm had a bit of weird expressions in their eyes, looking at Tai Cang from a very far distance.

They keenly realized that Tai Cang, who had been struggling for a long time, was so extinguished in the dazzling divine light.

There are even many strong men who have never tried to resist.

Six waves of emperors, dark sky giants, nine phoenix goddesses, empty and ancient...On top of that is the pale and strange young deity.

Tai Cang has many strong people.

Able to cultivate to that level, these powerhouses are absolutely impossible to wait and die, even if they know they are invincible, they will not die safely.

But... everything is too peaceful.

Calmly surprised the existence of Shangyu Daojing.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon...

When such thoughts surfaced in the minds of many powerful people.

Suddenly, a strange change took place in the empty sky that was already empty.

The void began to flow continuously with waves of ripples.

It was also at this time that an unimaginable avenue of mysterious space flowed from this vast void.

Immediately afterwards.

An amazing scene happened!

The endless sky began to twist.

The space avenue inherent in the boundless wilderness began to collapse in an instant.

The void of heaven and earth, which had become extremely shattered and filled with countless space storms, began to repair at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's like going backwards in time. Many space fragments floating in the sky condense together, eliminating the storm and turning into a piece of complete space.

Then... it was like a world merged into the boundless wilderness.

The almost transparent 33 million earth, Zi Yaotian, many secret realm outer heavens, and Earth Kong Galaxy all emerged almost at the same time.

On these vast lands, there are mysterious avenues circulating.

It is this great power that makes Tai Cang disappear from the boundless wilderness without any resistance, and return to the boundless wilderness.

The endless and wonderful power made the countless Upper Universe Realm and the stronger beings incomprehensible for a while.

Even the divine consciousness circulated by the emperors of the three major dynasties were filled with a little doubt.

"Is it a secret treasure? Or which road pattern has never been discovered... It is likely to be a secret treasure of the immortal level."

The Nine Killing God Emperor sat on the suspended **** seat, heavy black glow lingering around his body, and the vast sky palace was dyed black!

His eyes were very calm from beginning to end, and maybe the other two gods were also like this.

The existence of the **** emperor level has witnessed many ancient secrets, and it is not surprising to see Tai Cang re-emerge in the sky and earth.

The strong under the emperor, but not so.

Shenxuan’s boarding of the heavenly ship is the Kingdom’s artifact of the Kingdom of God, and the power contained in it can wipe out the great world of innate gods!

Even the existence of Shangyu Daojing couldn't stop the supreme divine light of Shenxuan ascending the skyship at all.

However, everything in front of them did make their Dao Xin a little shaken.

The supreme divine light of the Shenxuan ascending to the sky blasted down, and the earth, the void, the stars, the galaxy, the stars, the secret realm, and the outer sky in that space would be completely destroyed.

There is no vitality at all.

When Tai Cang disappeared, all the strong believed that Tai Cang had been destroyed.

But they never thought that after the divine power faded, Tai Cang would reappear again.

It's as if Tai Cang just hid in a gap in space.

However, under the infinite power of the divine light, all space gaps will be completely shattered and will not exist.

So why can Tai Cang escape the catastrophe?

Tianmuyuan Zhou Tianyin, Guwu Chitong God General, Shen Xuan Qiyuan Demon God...

At this moment, the gaze of an existence who was in the realm of the universe fell on Ji Xia, who was still standing in the void of Tai Cang's native land.

Ji Xia was still standing in the small pavilion in the bamboo forest.

Under the supreme divine light, the bamboo forest pavilion was still safe and sound, and even the verdant bamboo leaves were swaying in the wind, without dropping a single piece.

His eyes were indifferent.

The solemnity in the eyes of many too strong people has completely disappeared.

They stared at the sky from afar, six evils Canglong, Xin Tianjun, Marshal Deng, Chizhi Dafa, and other people who had become rebellious and unruly, still had a clearly visible killing intent in their eyes.

The target of the killing intent is undoubtedly known to all the strong who have their eyes on this place.

Now, they already knew how bold they were.

Faced with the killing intent that was revealed by the too strong, he was already familiar with it.

"Tai Cang Emperor Ji, how many backers does he have?"

In the Shenxuan God Dynasty, a graceful lady wearing a gray robe with two dragon horns on her head stood in the middle of the sky palace and shook her head and said: "If the sky is immortal, the human race will rise. I will also suffer the consequences..."

There was another big demon who was wrapped in weird scales. The tall and burly demon shook his head and said: "In the age of the Great Breath God Dynasty, Shen Xuan and the Great Breath God Dynasty Human Race also broke out too many battles. The emperor once banned the Shenxuan Demon Race from entering the realm of great interest. The rise of the Human Race may not be a good thing for the Shenxuan Kingdom."

When the graceful lady and the burly big demon said this, their eyes all looked respectfully at the Nine Killing God Emperor on the seat of God.

The expression of the Nine Killing God Emperor was calm, and from the gushing glow around his body, one could faintly see the extremely noble and almost supreme true spirits of the nine realms standing still. He remained silent and didn't know what he was thinking.

The direction of the ancient phoenix **** is mysterious and extraordinary. This **** dynasty, backed by a forbidden sacred tree, plays a role in the boundless wilderness, and has always been a mysterious, ancient, and extremely powerful peak **** dynasty.

At this moment.

Even the Guwu God Dynasty was silent.

Wearing a crimson robe, the impeccable Guwu Chitong God General seemed to be thinking about something.

Above the ancient wu dynasty **** seat, it was empty at the moment, and the ancient ancient wu **** emperor did not seem to be in the dynasty at this time.

And in the world palace opened by Tianmu Shencha not a few days ago~www.readwn.com~ a man with a corpse on his back, very skinny, and there is no strange existence in his eye sockets, standing in front of Yuan Zhou Tianyin.

"Tian Yin, let me carry the body of the Emperor of God and go to Tai Cang."

The withered powerhouse's voice appeared young and steady: "The human kingdom is too pale, and it has caused a lot of losses to the Third Eye, and even the strongest powers in the upper universe that have emerged from the sky are no longer in the minority.

If you continue to let it go, even if it is unable to threaten the reign of the Celestial Purpose, it will inevitably cause more losses to the gods. "

Yuan Zhou Tianyin's hair was pale and his face was old.

But his eyes were extremely clear.

Even though Tai Cang let the Tianmu plan become empty again, causing Tianmu to suffer an unimaginable failure, Yuan Zhou Tianyin didn't have any worries or anger in his eyes.

At this moment, he stared far away in Tai Cang's direction, and suddenly shook his head slowly.

"Maybe, Tianmu Shenchao doesn't have to make a move anymore."

Yuan Zhou Tianyin's words just fell.

The void where Tai Cang was located suddenly burst into a huge void in the void.

There are endless storms raging in the big gap in the void, and many powerful people are raging, and many powerful people look at that big gap in the void.

But they could see that a deadly, gloomy world with countless weird demon spirits wandering in bloom before their eyes.

There is...ghost forbidden territory!

This horrible fluctuation of the avenue for a long time has made the ban in the ghost forbidden domain extremely weak.

The reason why the Great Restriction of the Ghost Forbidden Realm was able to be supported until now was broken because of Ji Xia's continuous reinforcement in the dark.

But now, the two great congenital gods appear too pale.

Divine light descended from the gods.

Finally, the fragile restriction was completely dissipated.

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