I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1049: Prince Bai Zhou, step out of Yuliutian! 【Big

The statue of the Star Voice Goddess seems to be completely dead.

But when the power of the master of the ghost forbidden domain flows through the sky, it falls into the sky, and falls into the ordinary statue of the star sound goddess without any divine element fluctuations.


Suddenly a thunder flashed across the sky above Yuliu.

The stout Thunder seems to completely shatter the entire Jade Liutian into chaos.

The statue of the Goddess of Star Sound suddenly burst out with strange divine light.

The light completely enveloped the chaotic Jade Liutian.

at this time.

Yu Liutian has completely come to the sky above Tai Cang.

Nothing under the gaze of countless beings.

The mysterious human divine emperor in the giant dragon head coffin turned his head to look at Bai Zhou.

Bai Zhou's face was expressionless, and his expression remained unchanged.

Carrying the giant dragon head coffin, he jumped up.

But in a blink of an eye.

Bai Zhou seemed to turn into a ray of light.

Fell into Yuliutian.

He stood in the Yuliutian sky and looked down at the chaos below.

And that giant dragon head coffin fell into the Yuliutian Void!

The eyes of the mysterious human **** emperor were burning, and the eyebrows were boundless.

I saw him lightly patted the dragon head giant coffin under his body.

The huge bronze coffin, together with the head of the dragon in front of the bronze coffin, turned into mysterious air currents in an instant.

Numerous air currents condensed together, and part of them fell into the jade flow sky, merged into the void, and disappeared.

And the other part turned into a big dragon of heaven and earth.

The dragon of heaven and earth uttered a terrifying roar.

Numerous dragon beards fluttered in the wind.

The extremely sturdy Shenlong body burst out with unimaginable power.


It has turned into a chaotic jade flow sky, and all kinds of mysterious avenues are condensed.

"Open the world!"

The mysterious human **** emperor stood in the sky, open his arms.

His eyes are full of ambition.

The answer to him was another roar from the dragon of heaven and earth!

Countless Chaos Qi rose up and turned into a sky.

There are countless more chaotic energy that has dropped, turning into a new and thick earth.

The little chaotic aura turned into the sun of Jade Liutian and the countless stars of Jade Liutian.

at the same time!

The surging spirit that flowed from the statue of the goddess of star sound has flowed into the body of the mysterious human **** emperor in a moment!

The terrifying power began to merge with the mysterious human race **** emperor.

The body of the mysterious emperor, which was already extremely old, became extremely young.

The heavy mist is also like a young world.

There is endless energy and vigor from it.

Lines of avenues burst out behind this **** emperor.

Unimaginable breath of mysterious avenue.

Even diffused out of the jade flow sky, flooding the entire Tai Cang.

And even the many outer heavens around, the vast Jiezu Mountain, Zhuxing Ancient Road, Liangjie Mountain, Tongtian Ancient River...

Wait for countless places, countless visions are permeating the sky!

This is a terrible personality that is unimaginable.

As the mysterious human **** emperor became young again, it appeared.


Everything happened too suddenly and too quickly.

Maybe it's the moment when an ordinary creature's thoughts flashed by a millionth.

Yu Liutian, who was almost dead, has once again become extremely prosperous!

There are even many new races that have begun to sprout.

The mysterious human divine emperor, who had been nearing his life for some reason, was about to die of old age, and had to bury himself in the giant coffin of the dragon head...

It's already very different!

I saw him standing in the Yuliutian Void, which was much larger than Shangyutian.

The infinite essence of the body turned out and turned into more stars.

His face was already very old, but now he has become like a young man.

The grace and grace of a **** among the gods, as well as a flowing white hair, matched his handsome face like a sculpture, plus the layers of noble spirit flowing from him!

Let this **** emperor, as he himself said, has gained a new life.

This makes countless powerful people who are watching all this amazed!

Ji Xia and many of the great powers also watched this newly born Jade Liutian from a distance, staring at the lightning and flint, and still reshaped their body and completed the newly born God Emperor.

And the **** emperor also turned around.

His arms, which were originally wide open, were carried behind his back by him.

An unimaginable breath of horror flowed from him...

"Since then, the old me has died.

The new me will also abandon my old divine name...

From then on, I will regain control of Yuliutian! "

"Xingyin Goddess is in the past. As the ruler of Yuliu Tian, ​​under the road, I will be named Yuliu Shenjun!"

With the circulation of the newly born Yuliu Shenjun's consciousness, it collided with the pattern of the road behind him.

I saw a **** city rising up in the brand-new Yuliu Heaven and it was extremely vast.

In the upper palace of the city of God, there is another magnificent palace suspended.

"Yuliu Shrine!"

Yuliu Shenjun took a step forward, stepped into success, and took the seat of the gods.

Gazing far away at the boundless world beyond Yuliutian.

The eyes of many powerful men who watched all of this fell here and manifested.

Had to respectfully salute Yuliu Shenjun.

Because at this moment...the one who showed his power in front of them was the existence of a divine emperor of the immortal realm.

He is no longer old, and the power of the great power he controls is enough to make them feel terrified.

In this case, they also sincerely salute the **** emperor.


Ji Xia and many of them who are too strong still stared at that side of the world from afar.

Until this moment.

Ji Xia has never used the background.

His divine consciousness was scattered in the sky, locking the sky and the earth in the void, in case Daheishan and Yuliu Shenjun suddenly attacked Taicang.

As for why not, when Yuliu Shenjun had never entered Yuliutian, he used his background to attack Daheishan and Yuliu Shenjun...

It is because Ji Xia still has some guesses in her heart.

In the sky, the gods of many powerful people salute like this jade liu god.

They were saluting the incomparable strength of the immortal realm of Yuliu Shenjun.


Up to this moment, the eyes of many powerhouses from the three major gods and the eyes of Dahei Mountain, although they tried to cover up, still couldn't stop the suspicion.

Even the eyes of some hidden beings looking at Yuliu Shenjun, in addition to being amazed at his strength, there are still deep jealousy.

"In order to prevent Daheishan and Yuliu from getting out of trouble, the three great dynasties have reinforced their restrictions countless times during these tens of thousands of years.

It was only after the opening of the Shinto Cave and the shattering of the ghost forbidden domain, which has become inevitable.

The number of times they strengthened the ban has been drastically reduced.

In the past three thousand years, it has only come to reinforce it once. "

"But... from this, it can be proved that God Sovereign Yuliu, Dahei Mountain and the three great dynasties are by no means single-minded, and even have deep enmity."

"At the same time, the Holy Lord Lei Ting once told me that the reason why Dahei Mountain and Yuliu Shenjun would attack and kill God Emperor Gao is because they received a certain promise from Wu Xitian."

"But the result is...Dahei Mountain and Yuliu Shenjun were defeated, trapped in the ghost forbidden domain, and couldn't get out of the trap.

Later, the Great Respite God Dynasty collapsed...

The existence of these two Eternal Immortal Realms has never been rescued by Wu Xiantian. "

"From this we can see that Dahei Mountain and Yuliu Shenjun are also deeply dissatisfied with Wuxitian."

Ji Xia's eyes have become extremely calm.

There was no fear in his eyes, and he stared far at the Great Black Mountain suspended in the sky above the sky.

"Now, Tai Cang is very likely to be the fourth sacred dynasty of the new birth.

When a **** dynasty is born, a **** dynasty will inevitably die, which has always been the case for 86 million years.

Therefore, if Tai Cang rises, he will surely be able to defeat a **** dynasty.

And Wu Tiantian will eventually destroy Tai Cang again..."

"In these two old immortal thoughts, the boundless wild future is nothing more than two results.

One of them is the destruction of Tai Cang and the collapse of Tai Cang.

The second of them is the rise of Tai Cang, one of the three great dynasties is destroyed, and Tai Cang is wiped out by the sky..."

"Under such circumstances, why do they bother to deal with Tai Cang?"

Just an instant.

Ji Xia had already thought of many possibilities.

And it has been completely determined.

The reason why Daheishan and Yuliu Shenjun had not completely suppressed Tai Cang was because they had no choice but to make a move.

It is the most in line with the interests of these two immortal gods...

It is precisely because of seeing through the intricate entanglement of forces.

Ji Xia didn't use the background, and shot the Yuliu Shenjun who had never returned to the top.

not to mention……

The power possessed by the Great Black Mountain and Yuliu Shenjun in front of them is still very moving.

Even if Tai Cang's background is exhausted, even if he can keep Tai Cang in the hands of these two terrible beings, it can prevent the Yuliu God from returning to the peak...

In the end, he would still die at the hands of Tianmu Shenchao.

Tianmu Shenchao will become a fisherman sitting and watching snipes and clams fighting.

"In my hands, Tianmu Shenchao must not take advantage of the fisherman's profit, presumably Daheishan and Yuliu Shenjun have the same idea."

Ji Xia's thoughts just fell.

Originally, only revealing a somewhat heavy and gloomy spirit, the Great Black Mountain, which has a radius of 33 million miles, is constantly trembling.

Suddenly it turned into a black divine light and flew into the jade stream sky.

Tai Cang Native Land, Zi Yaotian, Dikong Xinghe...

The vast territory stopped trembling.

The unimaginable pressure ends here.

In the Yuliu sky, there was a dark mountain.

Ji Xia was expressionless.

But there was a sigh of relief in my heart.

"These old immortals who have lived for so many years don't make wedding dresses for other people at all. None of them are deceptive."

Ji Xia had some regrets in her heart, but she was also a little grateful.

Regrettably, Yu Taicang and the powerhouses of the human race are all such evildoers.

Fortunately, these two ancient beings weren't stupid. If they didn't care about Tai Cang's action, although they would not gain any benefit, Tai Cang would inevitably suffer a shocking loss.

Tianmu Shenchao will take advantage of the emptiness and enter...

The consequences could be disastrous!

At this moment.

Yu Liutian, floating in the sky, began to pierce through the space, not knowing where to flee.

The huge Yuliu Tianmen Court has already begun to close slowly.

Many powerhouses saw that Tai Cang was unscathed under such a catastrophe, and they couldn't help feeling a bit regretful.

After regret, countless divine consciousness disappeared like this, countless heavy eyes dimmed.

Ji Xia stood in the sky, but did not turn around.

His eyes are still firmly on Yuliutian, seeming to be staring at something.

The vast expanse of Yuliu Tian, ​​I don't know how many galaxies and earth there are.

In such a huge world, a tiny figure is still standing in the sky, with its head hanging down.

Bai Zhou, the prince of Daxi Shenchao...

The prince Bai Zhou still had white hair.

Just turned into a divine light, revealing the divine essence, revealing its surging power.

Let the two original secret realms on his shoulders appear.

At this time... the two original secret realms seemed to have been completely shrouded in darkness.

There is no trace of light that can penetrate into the secret realm.

The stars and gods in Ji Xia's eyes flowed, and his gaze fell on the two original secret realms...

Immediately frowned slightly.

"The two secret realms on the shoulders of Prince Bai Zhou seem to be sealed."

Ji Xia thought in her heart.

But his eyes still stared at the Prince Bai Zhou motionlessly.

Bai Zhou felt Ji Xia's gaze.

His breath became rapid, and the fluctuations of the gods behind him began to become chaotic.

He at the moment.

It seems that it is not the noble prince Bai Zhou, but a young man who is at a loss for a major decision...

A few moments passed.

Prince Bai Zhou finally raised his head and turned around, looking in Tai Cang's direction.

However, he still seemed to be afraid of looking at Ji Xia.

Instead, his gaze fell on the vast ground.

Too blue, the human kingdom!

Above the vast land, there are countless big stars in the Earth Kong Galaxy, with purple shining sky, but also many secret realms and outer sky.

Within such a territory, there are tens of trillions of human races living here.

Under the gaze of the prince Bai Zhou, it was enough for him to see countless eyes in an instant.


In the almost still Tai Cang.

He saw countless human beings with the same blood flow as him.

Saw countless stern and deep fathers.

I saw many loving, meticulous mothers.

I saw the teenagers who practiced for the rise of the human race in countless cities.

Seeing each other's respect and love, the vastness of hope that never ceases...



The prince Bai Chung seemed to be shaken even more.

He was muttering to himself: "Great Breath... Another Great Breath..."

Ji Xia and many too strong people also stared at the prince Bai Zhou.

"Even if the Great Respiration Kingdom collapses, the human race has never been destroyed, and countless weak human creatures are still struggling to survive, never desperate, and never headed for destruction."

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

With a few divine senses in his eyes, they flowed to Yuliutian and collided with Bai Zhou's divine sense.

Ji Xia's voice is like Thunder Hongyin: "You used to stand on the top, overlooking the boundless wilderness.

The Terran used to live here, but now... the eyes are devastated! "

"Heaven and earth are like endless cages ~ www.readwn.com~ that locks everything in the human race."

"However, Tai Cang has already begun to struggle, and countless ordinary human beings have to struggle, Prince Bai Zhou, your father is the God Emperor Hou Gao."

"So, you must not despair."

When Ji Xia said this, she paused slightly, and her voice suddenly became extremely loud.

"Get out of Yuliutian!"

It was like a divine thunder that hit the prince Bai Zhou.

Bai Zhou's body instantly became extremely stiff.

Until this moment, he finally turned his head hard and looked at Ji Xia.

"Get out... Yu Liutian?"

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