I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1052: White from black armor, Xu Ze [large

Ji Xia will return to his true body.

The sharpness in his eyes became much sharper.

The self-confidence aura on his body has become more and more surging.

The hole of the sixth **** hidden.

For the current Tai Cang, it will surely be able to play a huge role.

It can be regarded as a solution to the urgency of Tai Cang.

Tianmu Shenchao has already looked at Tai Canghu.

The power of Guozuo gathered by Tai Cang is also enough to make Tianmu Divine towards the many strongest people, greedy feelings.

Under such circumstances, Tai Cang's situation is bound to become more difficult.

Although Ji Xia still has the background.

But... the day when the background is always available.

If Tai Cang itself is not strong enough.

Then one day, Tai Cang is likely to be wiped out under the many disasters from the boundless wilderness.

These catastrophes may not only originate from the Tianmu God Dynasty.

It is likely to come from other places.

"The rise of the race... will inevitably destroy many powerful enemies and overcome countless difficulties and obstacles."

"It's hard to imagine... how those ancient human dynasties walked through such a difficult road."

Ji Xia couldn't help feeling in her heart.

In the distance, a streamer flashed.

Bai Qi appeared behind Ji Xia and saluted Ji Xia.

At this moment, she was white, and she was still wearing black armor.

This fierce armor comes from the furnace of God Flame Heaven and Earth.

There is also the perfusion of some mysterious moral power in the Bai Qi's Life Killing Code.

Until now.

Bai Qi's Life Killing Code has completely surpassed the peak of the Xianqin period.

Reached some terrifying state.

Bai Qi's talent has also become more and more prosperous because of the blessing of the power of Taicang kingdom and the various gods that Taicang owns.

In addition to being white.

In the early days of Tai Cang, some gods and men.

For example, Thunder God Xiao, Yu Zao Qian, Six Sorrows Canglong, Chaolong Uncle, Heaven, Earth and Man, the Lord of Thunder...

Wait for these people of the Great Blue God, although their strength is still extremely powerful.

The growth rate of strength is also extremely impressive due to various reasons.

But even so...

The power of these gods and men can only retreat to the second line in today's Tai Cang.

the reason is.

Whether it is the six waves of divine emperors who walked out of the mansion of Shenxiao Yuqing.

Or the nine phoenixes from the ancient Jingchu myth.

And even the two giants of Xingtian and Kuafu of Jiulitian.

The displayed strength has far surpassed these early Taicang gods.

Ji Xia was not disappointed either.

The reason is that these early gods and men of Tai Cang were still active in Tai Cang and were still an indispensable existence of Tai Cang.

For example, Bai Qi, he is the general of Tai Cang, and he controls the countless army of Tai Cang.

Sitting in the upper mansion of the heavenly army, he was an existence that suppressed Guozuo.

at the same time.

Under the tens of thousands of years of tempering each other in the Secret Realm of Choking.

Tai Cang's countless elite army also respected this Tai Cang general from the bottom of his heart.

On weekdays.

In addition to practicing, Bai Qi also had an unimaginable effect on the strength of the Great Army.

It is not an exaggeration to call him the Soul of the Great Cang Army.

As for Uncle Chao Long...

The improvement of Uncle Chao Long's strength even surprised Ji Xia, but it was reasonable.

He was originally a giant of the Great Wilderness Longbo Kingdom with extraordinary blood.

As the age increases, they can gain extremely powerful strength.

Later, he was canonized by Ji Xia as the Great God of Tai Cang Xuan Mountain.

It is one of the four supreme gods of Tai Cang.

The blessing of Tai Cang Guo Zuo's power has become more vigorous for this orthodox Guo Zuo deity.

It can also continuously gain from the incense of countless Li people under the heavenly firmament.

Therefore, the power that Uncle Chaolong possessed at this moment was even stronger than the other three supreme gods.

As for the six scourges Canglong... Gradually passed by with time.

The Six Disasters Canglong's Zi Yao dynasty is also getting stronger and stronger.

In other words, the six evils Canglong was never alone.

Even if it is not the powerful combat power of the Zi Yao Heavenly Dynasty, the Six Scourges Blue Dragon has three external incarnations, and also possesses intrepid strength.

Six Disasters Canglong is now the master of Zi Yaotian.

For Zi Yaotian's countless creatures, he is the protector, sharing a lot of pressure on the earth.

As for Yu Zaoqian, her subtle and unparalleled talent has gradually shown an extraordinary effect.

She was originally a legendary beast, and under the nine tails, several statues could be turned into nine-tailed puppets.

When necessary, they can also borrow their divine essence like the sea.

Under such circumstances, Yuzao's combat power is naturally unlikely to be weak.

Tai Cang's early gods and men.

Currently the strongest.

Except for Lei Shen Xiao, who has become more and more reticent over the years, and the first Tai Sui.

It is the Dikong Galaxy dominating Yang Ren.

The reason why Yang Ren is strong... is because as Yang Ren's realm continues to improve, the gods he possesses become more and more terrifying.

The fan of five fires and seven birds that was finally able to come with him concretely, integrated into his blood.

The Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan itself is an unparalleled treasure, and the great power contained in it is exquisite.

During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, Yang Ren once held a fan of five fires and seven birds, breaking the red water formation, one of the ten most outstanding formations, and smashing the plague **** Lu Yue... and many hostile powerhouses...

Holding a fan of five fires and seven birds, Yang Ren is naturally like a fish in water, and his strength has also increased a lot.


"It is precisely because of the existence of these powerful men and countless great generals and ministers that Tai Cang can orderly dominate over tens of trillions of people."

Ji Xia stood on the rooftop of Tai Xian's court, but her eyes crossed the space, staring at the countless Tai Cang strongmen in the Choking Secret Realm from a distance.

Bai Qi stood behind him with a gentle expression and silence.

After about a few breaths.

Ji Xia suddenly felt that the white breath behind her seemed to have changed a lot from before.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Bai Qi.

There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Bai Qi, as always, dressed in black, with a slight smile, bowed towards Ji Xia.

Ji Xia looked up and down for nothing.

Suddenly there was a look of surprise in his eyes, and he said to Bai Qi: "The road that the general practiced...seems to have changed."

Bai Qi did not hesitate.

He nodded and replied: "Although Bai Qi is not weak now, the speed of strength improvement is not slow.

But now Tai Cang's enemies have become more powerful.

If Bai Qi does not make changes, perhaps he will not be able to contribute to Tai Cang's rise in the future, and he will not be able to share his worries for the emperor. "

When Ji Xia heard Bai Qi's words, his eyes flashed in search.

The black armor on Bai Qi's body flashed a divine essence light.

A divine sense also flickered at the same time, colliding with Ji Xia's divine sense.

For an instant.

Ji Xia suddenly saw an iron-blooded army.

This iron-blooded army is all dressed in black armor and armed with heavy blades.

The face helmet like a demon **** concealed their faces.

But it burst out with unimaginable terrible power.

And in the center of that iron-blooded army, there is a fierce slaughter who also wears black armor, showing unparalleled majesty!

This is a general like a demon god.

The body is full of iron and blood, full of fierce might.

A series of amazing visions surround the body of this general who is like a demon god.

And the power of the general, integrated with that black armored army, is terrible to the point of unimaginable!

"This is... some kind of peculiar war spirit formation."

Ji Xia had already seen through the wonders of this black armored army at a glance.

"A long time ago I heard that you were training the new army. Is this the admiral's new army?"

Bai Qi responded and said with a smile: "My talents are limited. Compared to the supreme powerhouses of Jiulitian and Shenxiao Yuqing, it is still far away.

This gap is not only a gap in bloodlines, but also a gap in Dao Mingwu, and it is a fusion of countless gaps.

With my own talent and my real body, I can no longer catch up with these too strong.

So... Bai Qi had to find another way. "

He talked.

The smile on his face gradually faded away.

Become serious and solemn.

"So, I personally selected 490,000 talented people from the Great Blue Silver Dragon and Da Geng Destroying Jin Divine Army, as well as many Great Blue young powerhouses.

In these thousands of barbaric years, I have exhausted all my life's learning to construct a battle array.

This side of the battle spirit formation, with me as the right eye, the army of 1490,000 black kills, as the formation spirit, in order to fully enhance the power I possess.

Allow me to compete with the stronger. "

"Only in this way, in the future Tai Cang war, I can kill the stronger, and my life-killing canon can swallow the stronger road."

Bai Qi talked about his plan.

The light in his eyes grew stronger.

When he said this, he paused slightly and turned his head.

With white eyes, the pot fell on the sky that had become extremely vast.

Too Cang countless creatures fell into his eyes.

At this moment, Ji Xia suddenly felt the desire in Bai Qi's heart.

"Unconsciously... Bai Qi has followed me for more than three thousand years.

He has been in Tai Cang for more than three thousand years. "

More than three thousand years, although not long.

But thinking about it carefully, perhaps it was longer than Bai Qi's stay in Xianqin.

And in the world of Xianqin.

The enemy of that kingdom may still be the human race.

But the boundless wilderness is different.

The rise of Tai Cang is the rise of Human Race.

For Bai Qi's mood, this is an added layer of fetters.

And these three thousand years.

Bai Qi stared at Tai Cang, who was protecting Tai Cang, fighting for Tai Cang, and killing Tai Cang.

He witnessed Tai Cang from weak to strong.

It also witnessed countless human beings returning to Tai Cang's wings.

From then on was sheltered by Tai Cang.

He also witnessed that the innumerable human races, from the original humble, from the original weak, to a powerful and prosperous race.

This may be a proof of existence for Bai Shi.

He exists in the boundless wilderness, in Tai Cang, and in countless human races.


He also wanted to fight for Ji Xia and Tai Cang.

As a result, there will be this army of black armor.

"In the past three thousand years, Tai Cang has relied on the general, and in the endless years to come, Tai Cang will also need the protection of the general."

Ji Xia turned to Bai Qi to be hearty.

Together with Bai Qi, he took a fancy to the distant world.

In their eyes.

Everything in Tai Cang has undergone tremendous changes compared to a long time ago.

The faces of Tai Cang people are filled with happiness all the time.

It can make so many creatures of the same race feel happy.

Whether it is Ji Xia or Bai Qi.

It is a great sense of accomplishment even for the thousands of powerful people of the Taicang race who are fighting for the Taicang.

The two were silent, watching Tai Cang.


There was a crack in the sky above the sky.

There was a thunder shining out of it.

This thunder is blooming with magical colors.

The force of the tyrannical avenue fluctuates and permeates it.

It seems to be accompanied by bold anger.

This anger turned into a ball of thunderclouds.

I don't know how many miles enveloped the sky.

Countless rays of thunder in the thundercloud are constantly shining.

The countless Razer is also constantly dancing.

Among them, many thunder creatures were born and vanished in an instant.

It seems to represent the will of the initial thunder.

When Ji Xia's eyes moved, he would naturally recognize that these thunders came from Lei Shiyuan.

"Mr Lei Shiyuan descended from the sky and fell into his Thunder World."

"This means that his discussion with Xu Ze is over this time."-

Ji Xia just had this idea in her mind.

From the huge crack in the sky just now.

Suddenly a huge face appeared.

It is Xu Ze!

Ji Xia stared at him with indifferent eyes, condescending.

His eyes collided with that of Ji Xia.

In an instant, countless messages are continuously born and dissipated.

There was no trace of fear on Ji Xia's face.


The black robe on his body was constantly fluttering, his eyes calmly, and even the hair on his body did not shake.

Absolute calm accompanies Ji Xia.

It's like this human emperor doesn't know what fear is.

Even in front of his eyes is an innate god.

The power he possesses is no weaker than the **** emperor.

However, Ji Xia still had no fear.

Their eyes are so entangled.

It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that only a moment has passed.

Bai Qi stood behind Ji Xia, frowning slightly.

The situation at this time is actually extremely dangerous.

It is not difficult for the innate gods to obliterate Ji Xia.

But at the same time.

Bai Qi actually trusted Ji Xia very much.

Understand that since the emperor of the early days was looking at such a powerful innate god.

Then he must rely on it.

Otherwise, it would never be so careless, let alone be so rampant.


Bai Qi also stood quietly behind Ji Xia.

He never looked up.

But still staring at Tai Cang from afar.

It was as if there was no sense of the existence of the supreme powerhouse at all.

A few breaths have passed.

Danger and disaster never come.

Things seem to have turned around.

I saw Ji Xia salute Xu Ze's huge face from far away.

His eyes were still calm ~www.readwn.com~ and Xu Ze was not indifferent.

I saw that huge face instantly turned into dots of light.

These lights dissipated in the sky.

When it appeared again, it turned into a ray of light.

It is Xu Ze's true body.

Standing in the crack between the sky, Xu Ze also saluted Ji Xia.

The indifference in his eyes still exists.

But coexisting with indifference, there is also sincere admiration.

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