I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1056: Congenital gods block the gale [large

In Ji Xia descended to the boundless wilderness in these three thousand years.

   Many ancient congenital gods have communicated with Ji Xia.

   There was only a strong wind, and it never appeared from beginning to end.

  Even the Great Emperor Qinhe had some connections with Gale’s Slaughter World, so Ji Xia witnessed the terrifying statue as huge as the big world.

   But in the end.

   Ji Xia has never seen Da Feng's real body, and has never interacted with Da Feng.

   I still remember that Ji Xia just came to Tai Cang, and once borrowed the name of Gale Walk to obtain the legitimacy of the Tai Cang Throne.


   As Tai Cang continued to grow stronger, under Ji Xia's conscious arrangement.

   was originally the strong wind of Tai Cang belief, but gradually for more than three thousand years, it was forgotten by the human beings of Tai Cang native.

   The reason why Ji Xia is like this is that he does not want Tai Cang to be held back by these ancient gods.

   The power of sacrifice is very noble in the boundless wild person.

   If the imperial court of the early days does not care, Ren Dafeng's teaching system will continue to develop in Taicang.

   Then if one day Tai Cang conflicts with the innate gods, he will suffer unimaginable consequences.

   Ji Xia, as the lord of the human race, is also the emperor of Tai Cang Tai Chu.

   Of course, these are taken into account.

   This is the reason why Ji Xia will choose to subtly and make tens of trillions of Taicang people give up their belief in innate gods.

despite this.

   When the gale first appeared in the boundless wilderness.

   appeared in Ji Xia's field of vision.

   Ji Xia can still clearly perceive the surging power of the Great Dao in that black mist surging, appearing extremely silent and extremely mysterious.

   And that one stepped on two eternal continents.

   There are still two innate gods entangled in the two arms of the dragon, powerful enough to make the boundless wilderness and vast place, are constantly trembling.

at the same time.

   The gazes of many powerful people came to Jiezu Mountain almost instantly.

   Their spiritual consciousness fell around the ancient tree of misfortune, on the huge black vortex, and also on the cracks in space, the extremely mysterious world.

   Behind Ji Xia, the Thirty Heavens appeared, and the same heavy spiritual essence flowed out of Ji Xia's eyes.

   In an instant, the Tianhe flowing in Ji Xia's eyes became more turbulent, and the two stars became even greater.


   Jixia was able to clearly capture the many divine consciousness not far away from it, which ancient existence originated from it!

   Hei Tian, ​​Great God Liao, Yin Jun, Nine Killing God Emperor...

   There are even many strange ancient existences, descending on their immortal will.

   "Obviously... even these ancient gods are very surprised by the sudden appearance of the gale."

   "It can be seen from this...In the long time when Tai Cang will still appear, the gale has disappeared in the boundless wilderness."

   Six waves of the thunder vortex with deep eyebrows from the emperor of the gods are still running rapidly from it to urge the mysterious and infinite thunder power.

   Let the six waves of gods and emperors easily see the emotional fluctuations brewed in the ancient existence of the gods.

   Many too strong people also stared at the innate **** in the Slaughter Realm from afar.

   They were equally shocked.

  Because of the power erupting from the gale, it is too strong.

   and what surprised them even more.

   Many great gods and four great gods can clearly perceive the gale standing on two continents in the center of that mysterious world...

   seems to be completely integrated with the mysterious world.

just like……

   Gale is the mysterious world itself!

   However, many strong people have not had time to think about it.

   The gale that came in an instant, already had the next move.

   I saw the huge **** who was in line with the sky, and suddenly reached out his two arms.

   This action looks very ordinary, there is nothing surprising.

   But when the gale stretched out his hands and arms.

   The two black dragons on both hands and arms suddenly roared out.

   The two dragons entangled with each other and entangled with each other.

   In the sky, countless indescribable inscriptions rose up.

   These inscriptions seem to be engraved with countless powers of heaven and earth.

   The power of these heaven and earth avenues exploded at the same time.

   The other two dragons completely turned into a sky full of light.

   Then when the light condenses again.

   A black sledgehammer has appeared in the boundless void!

   The black sledgehammer is connected to heaven and earth.

   The body of the sledgehammer can clearly see that the reliefs of two dragons supply the gods like the universe.

   The gale sticks out his right hand...

   grabbed this black long-handled sledgehammer...


   There was a loud noise.

   "Slaying the Realm Hammer..."

  Many people who are familiar with the origin of this can't help but whisper softly.

The murmur of    came into Ji Xia's mind.

   Kixia's eyes moved.

   From the whispers of these ancient existences, he captured a lot of information.

   Then according to this supreme hammer, the many breaths that burst out...

   At this moment, Ji Xia seems to have noticed something.


   Kixia is still very calm.

   Follow his thoughts and heart.

   Tai Cang Kyushu artifact almost appeared in the Tai Cang void almost in an instant.

   Nine Guozuo artifacts are connected to each other, forming a net of Guozuo artifacts.

   completely covers all the territories of Tai Cang.

   Many banned great supernatural powers spread in the sky, making Tai Cang extremely stable.

  At this moment, many gods and people noticed that the vast earth seemed to be covered by an extremely weak, imperceptible light.

   slightly changed their expressions.

   As Ji Xia responded.

   The gale holding the Killing World Hammer in the mysterious space finally moved.

   I saw the Jiemujie Hammer penetrate the space like this, and smashed down towards Jiezu Mountain.

   its sound is like the world disappeared.

   As if to crush countless worlds.

   There is another invincible black flame rising from the sledgehammer.

  All kinds of chaotic aura emerged.

   The fierce and domineering god's mighty power, almost in a blink of an eye, has turned the world of Jiezu Mountain upside down, and the universe is overthrown.


   In an instant, mysterious power invaded the boundless wild space, surging surgingly, just like the waves of a **** river, and roaring like mountains and seas, sweeping across the vast land, extinguishing the supreme sky.

   The minds of many beings trembled.

   Even Ji Xia, who hadn't changed his face before the Taishan collapse, had amazing changes in his expression.

   Many powerhouses, watching this scene from afar, can't help but feel moved.


   I don't know Tai Cang's many gods and people, or the many ancient existences who came to watch the battle.

   At this moment, they finally understand the intention of the gale!

   Only then has the power to swell, there are countless avenues, and the rules of the sky have evolved, and the revealed aura is extremely terrifying, seeming to hit the ancient tree in disaster.

   But in fact, it smashed into the space of Ancestral Mountain in the boundless wild world.

   Space vibrates.

   Around this ancestral mountain, endless cracks bloomed.

   The boundless savage world and space avenue is also inspiring at this moment.

  The strong power turned into a space glow, shrouded toward the ancestral mountain of this world.

   seems to be trying to repair the spatial cracks in Jiezu Mountain.


   The sudden blow of the gale is really too powerful.

   Half of the Zushan space was knocked apart.

   is completely separated from the boundless wilderness!

   Today's Jiezu Mountain is just a noun of azimuth.

   because as early as after the imperial war.

   Most of the Jiezu Mountain has been completely wiped out.

   only left a small part.

   And that space that turned into nothingness, part of it was occupied by Tai Cang and became a part of Tai Cang.

   And more emptiness became a dead place.

   There is only the ancient tree of misfortune, which seems to be deeply rooted in the void space of Jiezu Mountain...

In this situation.

   The gale smashed the boundless wild and huge space.

   The real reason for knocking the Void of Jiezu Mountain from the boundless wilderness has already been revealed.

   "The goal of the gale is the ancient tree."

  All the existences have been fully aware of the secrets in it.

   Tai Cang did not respond.

   Because of the strong wind in the mysterious space, it seems to have deliberately avoided the vast territory.

   did not affect the vast vegetation.

   The preparation that Ji Xia had just made was useless.

   Those strong men who are watching this terrible catastrophe...

   But in a short while, his spiritual consciousness has been dispersed.

   Kixia's expression changed drastically in an instant.

   "It's not good... they want to take action against Gale."

   "These powerful people cannot collect the ancient tree of misfortune, but they are unwilling to see such a powerful innate **** and take away the ancient tree of misfortune."

   Kixia's eyelids kept beating.

  Many of the Supreme Beings seem to have guessed this possibility.

   When their consciousness just surged.

   The horror scene has already appeared.

   Above the void of Jiezu Mountain, the world became extremely blurred.

   Countless avenue lines appeared in the sky.

   And these avenue lines have been distorted and changed beyond recognition.

   The hazy mist rose for an unknown number of miles.

   makes everything hazy and faint.

   The Six Sorrows Canglong frowned and seemed to be angry.

   "These old immortal beings...when they attack Gale, they don't forget to hide their identities!"

   The reason why the six evils Canglong is so angry.

the reason is……

  Too Cang at this moment, it is too close to the void of Jiezu Mountain.

  There are so many powerful existences, bursting out their heyday power, hoping to prevent the gale from taking in the ancient trees of misfortune.

   Then... the aftermath of the power blooming is likely to affect Tai Cang.

   is too vast and vast, and there is a lot of space.

   But when these old immortal realms shot.

   There is nothing wrong with saying that Tai Cang is paper.

   This means...

   Tai Cang is very likely to be wiped out in this unsuspecting disaster!

   almost subconsciously.

   The consciousness of Jixia and many powerful people has been transferred to the sky of heaven.

   There was a big world above the sky.

   is the Thunder World of Jun Lei Shiyuan.

   Lei Shiyuanjun has protected Tai Cang for more than a thousand years.

   Ji Xia instinctively turned his attention to Lei Shiyuan Jun, because of this.

   But the next moment.

   The consciousness of Jixia and many too strong people has completely dissipated.

   because they found...

   Lei Shiyuan's big world has disappeared, as if it had never existed.

   "Mr Lei Shiyuan, it is very likely that he has also taken action against Gale."

   Even now.

   Although Jixia's eyes were solemn, she was not flustered either.

   did not feel annoyed because of Lei Shiyuanjun's departure.

  The reason is also very simple.

   Although Tai Cang was kind to Mr. Lei Shiyuan, Mr. Lei Shiyuan recovered for many years.

   For more than a thousand years, Mr. Lei Shiyuan has indeed protected Tai Cang with all his might, and acted for Tai Cang!

   But in the final analysis.

   Lei Shiyuan Jun is not Tai Cang's subordinate, but an ancient innate god.

  He was once imprisoned in an eternal prison, and now he returns to the boundless wilderness, he must have his own plan.

   It is impossible to put Tai Cang first in everything.

   Whether it is Ji Xia or the strongest of Tai Cang, they all have such self-knowledge.


   As long as Mr. Lei Shiyuan’s power has not spread to Tai Cang.

   Then, whether it is Ji Xia or other too strong people, there is no resentment against Lei Shiyuan.

   What's more, now that the disaster is about to happen, they have no time to worry about it!

   one ten thousandth of an instant.

   Many choices flowed through Ji Xia's mind.

   At the same time, his Tianhe Star God Eye did not know how many avenue lines were captured, and the evolution calculated the power in it.

   "Do you want to use too much background?"

   Jixia asked herself.

   Immediately afterwards, he gave up this idea.

   "These tyrannical existences did not exhaust their strength in order not to leave a handle for the gale."

   "A lot of existences are shot together, and the power should not be underestimated."

   "But because of this... it was originally the aftermath of the scattered powerful power... Maybe Tai Cang can stop it with his own power!"

   in a very short time.

   Jixia has already made a choice.

   When his divine consciousness flowed at a shocking speed.

   instantly collided with the consciousness of other strong men.

   this moment.

   Many powerful existing forces have completely collided with the void of the ancestral mountain.

   Even the light has become distorted~www.readwn.com~ The violent aftermath also erupted from this.

   A Jiezu Mountain in a district, in the eyes of these powerful beings, it is like a fallen leaf, which can be destroyed with a wave.

   Their real goal is the gale, and the force swept by the terrible hammer of gale!

   is also at this moment.

   Kixia's spiritual consciousness has also given orders.

   The whole seat is too dark, so it was completely mobilized.

   The central emperor Ji Xuanyuan sword flew quickly and fell into Ji Xia's hands.

   The other eight artifacts of Guozuo also flowed out bursts of Guozuo runes, which completely covered the sky.

   In the sky, the four great gods of Tai Cang? Appear...

   I saw their will come, the vast vastness, the countless gods? The power of horror flowed out and blessed on them.

   Ziyao Tianmen opens.

   A celestial dynasty straddles the world.

   The true body of the six evil Canglong, sitting on the throne of the celestial dynasty, behind him, his three incarnations have already bloomed with thick gods.

   There are tens of thousands of Zi Yao Tian Dynasty powerful existence, blooming with boldness, and condensing a magical power of Zi Yao Canglong!


   The next moment.

   In the sky above Tai Cang, an illusory image of Shen Xiao Yu Qing Mansion appeared unexpectedly.

   The six waves of God Emperors watched that image from afar, and saluted the Yuqing Mansion of Shenxiao.


   In the Yuqing Mansion of God Xiaoxiao, there are two existences of the same personality as the six emperors of God!

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