I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1059: Two successive cores of the world [big

Just when Ji Xia felt the vast power burst out by the three stars.

   In a short time.

   This Zhouyu is completely shrouded in darkness.

   But a lot of breath suddenly appeared.

   Then, these breaths revealed extremely terrifying power, turning into a net of heaven and earth, completely locking the position of the three stars!

   Ji Xia frowned slightly.

   He is about to move.

   Suddenly, from Sui Xingjun's golden star body, there was a flash of rune flowing out.

  The rune is suspended in the sky.

   The time in this space seems to pass extremely slowly.

   But Ji Xia also clearly understands.

   It's not that time has slowed down, but that his thinking speed has become extremely fast through this rune from Suixingjun.


   In front of Jixia, a vast sky appeared.

   There is a bright white in the sky.

   Among them was another general wearing golden armor, Ji Xia, who was facing her back, raised her head and stared into the distance.

   Jixia understood instantly.

   His spiritual knowledge communicates with the magic mirror, and then he remembers that he has already arrived in the white sky that day.

   Jixia stood in this sky, watching the existence of golden light bursting not far away.

   just for a moment.

   Ji Xia already knew something about the identity of this existence.

   "This is Sui Xingjun!"

   Sui Xingjun's body seems to be tall and magnificent.

   But in fact, Ji Xia was able to see incomparable depression and loneliness from this terrifying body.

   has a deep self-blame.

   Ji Xia also fell silent.

   Quite a long time has passed.

   Sui Xingjun never turned around from beginning to end, so he turned his back to Ji Xia.

   The voice finally passed.

"too long."

"too long……"

   Sui Xingjun's voice is full of vastness, full of ancient times, and full of exhaustion.

   "For more than 80 million years, we have overlooked the boundless wilderness.

   I saw the rise of many powerful human races, and the prosperity of many human race nations.

   However, even if the human race gave birth to a dynasty, it could only disappear in the end. "

   Sui Xingjun said here, his tone suddenly stopped.

   Soon the exhaustion in his voice became solemn and solemn.

  "Then, if the kingdom established by the emperor will eventually disappear, it will be wiped out in the long river of history.

  The countless powerhouses under the emperor's command can only be defeated in the end.

   Then does the emperor think that the human race is hopeless? "

   Sui Xingjun’s question sounded full of despair.

   was completely shrouded in a tone of almost death.

   If it wasn't for Ji Xia, I would know.

   in the ancient years.

   The five star kings once sacrificed for the human race and became the suppressed stars.

   He might think that Sui Xingjun at this moment is completely desperate.


   Ji Xia didn't think about it, her silver robe fluttered, but her eyes looked extremely determined.

   He did not answer.

   But his unmoving body and steady eyes have already explained the answer.

   Jixia, don't be afraid!

   In other words, even if I am worried, I still have to move forward.

  "Because if Tai Cang fails, no other high-ranking race will pity the human race.

   There is no existence that will pity the strong, and countless human beings. "

   "So, I can't swing my heart, I can only move forward."

   The thought in Jixia's heart is like a rock, unshakable.

   That year old Xingjun seemed to perceive what Ji Xia was thinking.

   The desperate breath emanating from his body was slightly restrained at this moment.

   Then, he slowly turned around.


   is like an astonishing thunder in the sky.

   Xingjun turned around.

   Kika's eyes widened involuntarily...

  Because the sage of the human race in front of him is extremely frightening at the moment.

   Under the golden armor.

   Sui Xingjun has lost his skin.

   Countless black maggot-like runes were twisted on Suixingjun's body.

   The two eyes are long gone.

   replaced by this star that has completely died.

   What makes Ji Xia even more angry.

   Sui Xingjun’s facial features are almost completely flattened!

   This is a very strange feeling.

   Ji Xia just glanced at it.

   There is a strong consciousness in my mind telling Ji Xia...

   In the eternal years, these star monarchs of the human race, such as those who were originally very noble and very noble, were subjected to extraordinary torture.

   There are ancient existences, and their facial features have been cut off.

   peeled off their skin and gouged out their eyes.

   and suppressed them with terrifying power, so that they could not see the sun from then on.

  "It is said that the five ancient star monarchs, in order to continue the human blood, are willing to turn into stars, and suppress the ancient innate gods for the new boundless wild world.

   But... why did they suffer so much? "

   Kika took a deep breath.

   I have more respect for these ancient human races in my heart.

  Because he turned around to get Sui Xingjun, the decadence that was just now, the hopelessness that was just now has been wiped out.


   is a kind of fierce hope and an eternal spirit.

"it is good!"

  "The reason why the human race has gone through countless hardships is not destroyed by those eternal charities, but because the human race will never give up.

   When the breeze blows, the life of the human race can spread the entire universe, endlessly and indelibly. "

   Sui Xingjun carried his hands on his back.

   Even if he looks very weird at the moment, it also looks very miserable.

   But there is no doubt that.

   Now Sui Xingjun does not have any fear at all.

   At this moment, he is not like a suppressed and tortured existence, but rather like a terrifying venerable who has witnessed eternity!

  "For more than 86 million years, there have been many strong human races who wanted to break the shackles of the new world rules.

   I want the personality of the human race to be at the pinnacle again. "

   "But they all failed, but I firmly believe that they will step forward and open the way for the human race.

   If there is agreement in the future, there will be a world-famous king who will follow this path.

   Let those weak human races of the boundless wilderness re-recognize the supreme glory in their blood. "

   Sui Xingjun at this moment seems to be very excited.

   Kika can feel it clearly.

   Sui Xingjun's body was shaking slightly.

   But it was just a short moment.

   Sui Jun Xing Jun seems to have thought of something.

   Originally, because of seeing Ji Xia, his body was trembling with excitement.

   The magnitude of the tremor suddenly became a lot stronger.

   An unspeakable breath of grief circulated around Ji Xia.

   Kixia is still silent.

   then bowed and saluted to Suixingjun.

   "Sui Xingjun...think of the hardships the human race suffered before the devastation."

   A trace of enlightenment rose in Ji Xia's heart.

at this time.

   Sui Xingjun's body surged with a divine essence, making his body no longer tremble.

   Sui Xingjun's clear voice came again: "Just as you guessed, I did think of those long years."

   A hint of curiosity suddenly rose in Jixia's eyes.

   What exactly was the boundless wilderness before the Great Destruction?


   There is no boundless wilderness.

   This vast universe of Universe is called Da Duan Luojie.

  According to Ji Xia's speculation based on the words of the aristocratic innate gods.

   At the time, the Daduan Luojie, the human race was orthodox.

  The status of the human race is supreme.

   rules the entire Da Duan Luo world.

   "Da Duan Luo Realm... Heavenly Lord rules the heavens and the earth, and rules the heavens and all realms."

   Sui Xingjun caught the curiosity in Ji Xia's eyes: "In that era, the human race and the world and the world lived together in the realm of Da Duan Luo.

  The human race is the ruler, but not the exploiter, not the suppressor. "

   Sui Xingjun said.

   Ji Xia seemed more puzzled.

  In the present boundless wilderness.

   Killing and conquering have become mainstream.

   In all areas of the boundless wilderness, wars and killings are being carried out almost all the time!

   This has always been the case since ancient times.

   There is no exception for any race to ascend to the throne of God.

  "When you think about it carefully, even the new world rules of the boundless wilds now support killing and conquering~

   There are countless Guozuo, if you develop civilization step by step, the strength of Guozuo that can be strengthened is very few.

   However, once other countries are suppressed, they will be able to swallow up their Guozuo power, thus gaining a stronger foundation. "

   "Maybe under the emperor, this rule is not obvious yet.

   But above the imperial dynasty, the struggle for the power of Guozuo almost became the main cause of the war. "

   Kixia thought of this.

   He saluted Suixingjun again.

  The divine consciousness is circulating extremely fast, colliding with the divine consciousness of Suixingjun!

   Sui Xingjun perceives the information from Ji Xia's divine consciousness, but he has no surprises.

   He took a step forward.

   The golden light bursting out of his body made him look like a blazing sun!

  "Before the Great Shattered, it was under the rule of heaven and earth dominated by the human race.

   Shinto is always open, there is no Guozuo power, and there has never been a war spirit formation!

   The power of a single life is even stronger than the power of Guozuo. "

   "However, this is not conducive to killing..."

   Sui Xingjun speaks surprisingly.

  The ancient secrets just flow into Kixia's ears!

   "Do you know where the core of today's boundless wilderness is?"

  The core of the world?

   Ji Xia shook his head, his eyes flickered, and he couldn't understand what the core of the world in Suixingjun's mouth represented.

   Sui Xingjun at this time did not hesitate.

   I saw him stick out a palm and wipe the void.

   almost in an instant.

   A world was born in the void.

   Kixia looked carefully.

   The world seems boundless and vast.

   But at the center of the world, there is still a hot sun!

   This round of scorching sun is extremely huge.

   The endless power of the avenue diffuses from the scorching sun.

   This vast and turbulent power turned into light, but it did not destroy the Da Duan Luo world.

   But it became extremely warm, reflecting the world.

   has brought hope of life to countless creatures in Da Duan Luo world.

   "The Great Day of Ten Thousand Worlds."

   Jixia whispered softly.

  He doesn't know much about Ten Thousand Worlds Day.

   also knew that before the big shattered.

   is this round of scorching sun high in the sky, giving birth to unimaginable creatures in the Da Duan Luo world.

   so that countless creatures will not be cold, will not endure the swallowing of darkness.

   But in the end...

  The Ten Thousand Realm Great Sun has fallen, and it even smashed into Da Duan Luo Jie Zhou Yu.

   smashed out an old abyss!

   "So, in the Big Duan Luo world before the Great Shattered, the core of the world is the Great Day of the Ten Thousand Worlds, which symbolizes life and hope?"

   Jixia guessed so.

   Sui Xingjun nodded: "You take a closer look at this world."

   Ji Xia continued to look at the illusory world.

   I only saw that one world.

   The heaven and the earth are clear and bright, and the human race is located in the kingdom of God above the sky.

   Endless other races, although not harmonious, there are many disputes.

   But compared to now...

   The killing before the devastation is almost negligible.

  "Before the Great Destruction, the entire Daduan Luo world was thriving, and the human race ruled countless races and evolved into a spiritual civilization.

   Let the whole world climb to a more distant peak. "

  " Tianzun deduced the practice and opened up many gods.

   For the creatures of Da Duan Luo world to practice.

   But... Terran finally failed. "

   Sui Jun was motionless.

   The two dead stars in his eyes didn't have any light or waves.

   He seems to be telling a story that has nothing to do with him...

  "The Great Sun of Ten Thousand Worlds, countless human races, countless races, countless ancient powerhouses, countless innate gods are all standing on the sea of ​​clouds that roll forward in the Daduan Luo realm.

At that time.

   Many ancient powerhouses believed that Daduan Luojie would surpass the supreme and become the most powerful world in the supreme world. "

   "The core of the world, the Ten Thousand Realms, continues to grow, and a strong person in the immortal realm has emerged one after another."

  "At that time, the Daduan Luojie was extremely prosperous...

   So... Di Ji, do you know why such a huge world is now named Wilderness? "

   "Because this piece of land is now barren and barren compared with the big Duan Luojie before the Great Shattered, and it is not worth mentioning."

   "So... what is the cause of all this?"

   Sui Xingjun spoke slowly~www.readwn.com~ He didn't intend to hide anything from Ji Xia.

   At this time, Ji Xia already knew something in her heart.

After    was destroyed, it has been more than 86 million years.

  In these passages of time.

   Endless creatures die in this great world.

   Their death is like the death of ants, just like the death of grass.

   may be meaningless to their race and their lives.

   However, this kind of death is still spreading and continuing.

   This means...

   Boundless Wilderness, a brand new world, needs these creatures to die.

   This is about the existence of a new world of power in the boundless wilderness.

   Then, the answer to Sui Xingjun's question just now is ready to come out.

"The core of the world of Da Duan Luo is the Great Day of the World, which symbolizes life, hope, and the supreme courage of Da Duan Luo, so the Da Duan Luo world at that time was able to thrive, continue to grow stronger, and the fruits of civilization are in full bloom. Among them, push the big end Luojie to a stronger peak."

  "The new rules of heaven and earth require death but sacrifice.

   Therefore, I have seen the core of the boundless wild world, and I have been able to associate it. "

   Kixia's eyes flickered.

   a strange syllable, spit out from his mouth


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