I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1060: Tai Cang Tai Du, the army is assembled [big

In these three thousand years.

Ji Xia has an extremely strong curiosity about the mysterious place of "Underworld".

a long time ago.

Ji Xia had discovered through certain channels that such a mysterious force still existed in the boundless wilderness.

This force seems to have never appeared in the boundless wilderness.

But it seems to be in the dark, surpassing many powerful forces in the boundless wilderness.

"So the underworld is the core of today's boundless wild world, so what kind of secrets does it contain?"

Ji Xia frowned slightly.

There was a flash of light in his mind.

Suddenly thought of a peculiar phenomenon in the boundless wilderness.

"In the past three thousand years, in front of me, countless creatures have fallen."

"When I was weak, whether it was ordinary beings or powerful beings, once I died, most of the true spirits of these creatures would completely dissipate.

However, there will always be some purposeless wandering around the world, and eventually disappeared...Remnant spirit! "

The new world rules of the boundless wilds were all formulated by some terrifying supreme powerhouses after the big shattered.


So how did this phenomenon of wandering souls come about?

Life is dead.

In a world without reincarnation, shouldn't the true spirit dissipate completely?

What is the real reason why these remaining remnants are left behind?

"Once there is an unexplainable weird event, once the true spirit is involved, maybe the underworld should be suspected."

"Just as Xingjun said, the core of the world turned out to be the underworld.

Then the most important point for the orderly operation of the new world rules should also be in the underworld! "

Before Ji Xia changed her mind, there were already many thoughts in her mind.

Suixingjun still had his hands on his back.

The fierce spirit didn't look commensurate with his torn body now.

But Ji Xia felt.

Now this horribly mutilated body.

It was the merits of these human star monarchs.

The year old star wanted to talk.

The space that seemed to be slowed down suddenly reversed because of Ji Xia and Suixingjun's thoughts becoming extremely fast.

Ji Xia and Sui Xingjun looked up at the same time.

However, in the dark universe, there is a shadow that is larger than the giant ancient star, and is emerging!

This is a world-famous god.

This being was wearing a black robe, and his body seemed to be covered by darkness.

But the power that diffused out of him, the fluctuations that emanate, were terrifying.

When this dark existence appeared not far away from the three ancient stars.

Suddenly, Sui Xingjun's illusory body began to twist.

The fluctuations in the consciousness passed by Mr. Sui Xing also began to intermittently!

Ji Xia understood.

This is because the Mirror has sensed certain threats.

Start to actively cut off the communication and connection with Guxing!

At the same time.

Within Ji Xia's body, the brand-new star bloodline with Guxing's bloodline at its core also began to reveal bursts of mysticism!

Incomparable violent power spread in it.

Pieces of information were also revealed from the memories passed down in Gu Xing's bloodline.

A scene immediately appeared in Ji Xia's mind!

As early as three thousand years ago.

At that time, Ji Xia had just arrived in the boundless wilderness not long ago, she was still weak, and she had just obtained the secret fruit of the bloodline.


Ji Xia swallowed the Secret Fruit of the Blood Vessel, and thus obtained the weak blood of the Suixing Star.

But at that time, Ji Xia felt that part of the old star sword style was missing in the weak blood inheritance she had obtained.

After receiving the picture, Ji Xia immediately understood why the inheritance was missing.

In that picture.

This powerful shadow existed, and it sensed the first ancient star's abnormal movement.

Gu Xing changed his blood, and passed on his bloodline towards the boundless wilderness, which was destroyed by him at that time.

"It seems that this powerful **** is the guardian of the three ancient stars."

Ji Xia understood.

It is also at this time.

The communication channel established by the Mirror has already begun to be greatly distorted.

Sui Xingjun's figure has become extremely blurred.

Ji Xia stood on the spot, waiting for the communication channel of the Mirror to completely disintegrate.

At this time, he was also watching Sui Xingjun's mutilated figure.

In a trance.

He seems to have traced the origin of some ancient memory fragments from the divine essence diffused by Suixingjun.

"Heaven and earth are above, human race is endless, improperly extinct."

"The Daduan Luojie was originally expected to surpass the other supreme worlds, but now the hope has been shattered, and the human race has collapsed!"

"The human race is extremely capable of reproducing. If the human race does not die, the Daduan Luojie after the destruction will be able to continue to live and survive forever..."

"I am waiting for God Yan Xingjun, Luo Tianjiang, I hope to turn into an unparalleled star and become a prison..."

"Tianzun! Tianzun! He has detached from time and shouldn't be dying out here, he must still exist in the world!"


In those memory fragments.

More than a dozen pieces of spiritual consciousness came out like this, so that scenes of ancient scenes appeared before Ji Xia's eyes.

In those sights.

The grand and incomparable human orthodoxy has been ruined!

Terran is about to die.

The sages of countless human races have come forward to succeed.

In a variety of ways, I want to preserve the inheritance of the human race and preserve the blood of the human race.

And those five star monarchs turned into star prison...

The pictures of these scattered memory fragments are flashbacks.

But it fell into Ji Xia's mind.

But still feel that the human race before the devastation must have experienced extreme horror.

An unprecedented disaster broke out in Da Duan Luojie at that time.

The battle between the strong and the strong.

Even the entire Da Duan Luo Realm was shattered, and the Ten Thousand Realms Sun, the core of the world, fell...

"Perhaps, it is precisely because of these ancient human race sages who care about the human race inheritance and the human blood line.

The human blood of this world can be passed on. "

Ji Xia took a deep breath, then saluted the Sui Xingjun who was about to disappear in front of him.

What he used was the ceremonial and meticulous manners.

And Ji Xia's divine consciousness also circulated out at this moment, turning into a thunderous sound, flowing into the distorted place, colliding with Sui Xingjun's already incomplete divine consciousness.

"When Tai Cang becomes a god, Ji Xia... will definitely come to welcome the three seniors to step out of this side... the dark Universe."

The communication channel in front of him has been completely shattered.

The dark universe he was in was also completely distorted and completely blurred.

Then it turned into a heavy black fog again.

When the black mist dissipated.

Ji Xia has returned to the Shang Palace.

The magic mirror is still floating in front of him.

But the mirror surface has become very ordinary, and it also reflects Ji Xia's face.

Ji Xia's heart moved.

The Mirror of God has completely disappeared, and he has been reintroduced into the God's Treasure.

And Ji Xia's expression became more determined.


Yuan Ding is three thousand six hundred years old.

Tai Cang's nationwide ritual, offering sacrifices to sages, offering sacrifices to the blood of the Tai Cang race, and also offering sacrifices to countless deities of Tai Cang.

Even for Tai Cang.

This is also an extremely rare event.

Hundreds of years of reproduction and development.

Just because in the past few hundred years, the ancient Wu God dynasty and Tai Cang have been constantly migrating the human race.

Go out for hundreds of years.

An adult from the ancient Wu **** dynasty has already been relocated.

It also allowed Tai Cang's total population to exceed one hundred billion.

Millions of billions...seems to be just a number.

But in fact, under such a terrifying number.

Tai Cang did not know how much effort had been made.

Want to accommodate such a large population.

Many resources, such as construction, food, spiritual resources, public resources, etc., have to keep up with the pace of the population.

Human races live on hundreds of thousands of stars.

In Zi Yaotian, as well as in many other secret realms and outer heavens, human beings have already continued the Taicang civilization.

The vast Tai Cang native.

Tai Cang poured countless resources all the time to support the human race who had migrated not long ago.

In the early days when these human races have not yet adapted to Tai Cang.

In the early days, the imperial court supported them with a large amount of spiritual resources.

And often two to three hundred years later.

These human races can become productive forces, continuously create value, and build too much.

"Tai Cang, never willing to raise the souls in the country."

Rao Yin led many students from the Musical Palace, wandering in the sky, observing the vastness of the universe.

The Avenue of Music requires an appreciation of the heavens and the earth, the mundane, and the gods.

Only in this way can it be possible to create a more powerful rhythmic supernatural power.

After many years.

Rao Yin is still as usual, looking gentle and soft.

It may be because of being in a high position for a long time, but also naturally showing a noble spirit.

Those who can follow Rao Yin's practice are all students at the level of genius.

But they looked at Rao Yin's eyes, but they were full of admiration.

"Tai Cang is our home country."

Rao Yin stood in the void and looked down at the small city with several yellow-haired children playing in the bamboo forest.

"My address, no one knows the tribulations that Tai Cang has experienced for a long time, and no one knows everything that the human race has encountered in the past history."

"So in my opinion, the music avenues nurtured by the love of men and women and the secular affection are nothing more than trails.

Only the magical powers bred from the Avenue of Family and Country can burst out with amazing power. "

"Because it is the existence of the Taicang family country that these male and female loves and secular affection can exist."

Rao Yin preached.

Many students listened carefully.

But there was also a disciple who was quite gracious and petted, but subconsciously curled his lips.

"But as far as I know...Palace Master Rao Yin's most powerful rhythmic supernatural power is born out of some kind of obscure and restrained love..."


However, this disciple just thought about it in his heart, and he dared not refute Rao Yin.

Just when Rao Yin led many students to travel through the great world.

In the sky above their heads.

But there were scenes of visions.

"what happened?"

Numerous music students have raised their heads.

They saw it.

From the void in the distance.

There is a strong human race who exudes a strong spirit, or standing on a cruel beast, or stepping on the stars, flying in too many directions.

On another round of giant stars, the Earth Kong Galaxy army was also looming.

The next moment.

A blue dragon roared and flew.

The body didn't know how many li, so he flew into the capital.

The divine general in black armor is full of killing and killing aura, and there are often blood sea visions appearing behind him, which is extremely terrifying.

The God Army of Tai Cang Siji Town also revealed its deeds in the clouds at this moment...

At the time when many disciples were wondering.

Not far from Rao Yin, a divine light flew suddenly.

Landed firmly in front of her body.

The divine light seems to contain a heavenly edict.

The moment Rao Yin saw the divine light, his expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

She immediately left a divine sense, and her body disappeared in place.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The huge sky clock hanging above Tai Xian's court began to roar.

Tai Cang seemed to be brewing something.

And it can make Tai Cang so active...

Except for the gods, no forces have such qualifications.

Many too strong people are constantly coming to Taidu.

Ji Xia and Bai Qi were standing in front of the Tiantiantai.

Watching the Taidu Void, there are more and more Tai Cang strong figures.

"Three thousand years ago, when I first came to Tai Cang, Tai Cang was still very weak.

It was countless times weaker than Xian Qin.

But today, the power of Tai Cang is unimaginable. "

Bai got up and wore black armor and a fierce helmet on his head.

But the voice was very soft, as if to recall those past years.

Ji Xia carried her hands on her back.

The vast sky has been completely concealed by the occult flag, blocking the eyes of all existence.

Beside him.

A dark sky is rolling in clouds.

Among them, a supremely powerful existence is looming.

He is high on the throne, with great power bursting out of him.

It is Chi You.


Chi You seems to be communicating with Ji Xia.

Their spirits collided, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

But there is no doubt that what they are talking about must be extremely important.

Because at this moment, Ji Xia's complexion was extremely calm, but her eyes revealed a bit dignified.

The silver robe moves with the wind.

Ji Xia wears a high crown on her head, Xuanyuan Sword is suspended behind him, and the other eight artifacts of Guozuo have also gathered around Taidu.

"Tianmu God has deployed troops and generals for a long time, but it's just a blindfold."

Bai Qi stared at the sky far away.

"The information provided by the ancient Wu Shen Dynasty has been personally sent by Yang Ren, and it has been confirmed that it is not false."

"Tianmu, with the respect of the gods, wants to suppress Tai Cang in one fell swoop."

Bai Qi whispered softly.

Ji Xia nodded slightly.

His gaze looked around, falling on the many too strong men in the sky.

At this moment, the powerful people ~www.readwn.com~ are extremely powerful.

Nearly terrifying power spread in their bodies.

Even when the army of the gods faces such an elite, I am afraid it will not be taken lightly.


Whether it is Ji Xia or Bai Qi.

Everyone knew that the current Tai Cang background still couldn't be compared with the Tianmu Shenchao.

Since Tianmu Shenchao already had the thought of fighting Tai Cang decisively.

Then the current power of Ether Cang couldn't resist at all.

the reason is……

Too pale is too young.

For more than three thousand years, I wanted to contend with the gods of millions of years.

Even with the foundation that Ji Xia possesses...

It is also extremely difficult.

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