I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1066: Strange Taicang Artifact【Large

Thirteen statues on the universe!

This amount, even for a few Shangyu Dao realms, can make them question and startle them.

The reason is...

Not long ago.

Too pale, but a pale boy, and the goddess, two local superiors in the upper universe.

Even the headless **** general of the nine Li Tian and the terrifying giant standing on top of the earth are not the pinnacle of Taoism.

Count the inexplicable recovery of the Dark Sky Giant and Kong Guyu.

Too Cangman can't afford the four upper universe.

So the original Chitong God General, Jiuxiangyuan, Qiyuan Demon God... are almost like Shangyu Dao realm.

Only then would it be considered that the Heavenly Eye God Dynasty had sent eight Celestial Corps, as well as ten superiors in the upper universe, including the Eight Generals of God Abandonment and Shuangtian Generals of God...

Even the abandoned **** who held the cosmic instrument and carried the corpse of the **** emperor seemed too motivating.

But they never thought about it.

Just over six hundred years have passed.

The number of powerhouses in the sky has actually swelled to this extent.

"Tai Cang... there must be an extremely mysterious secret!"

It's not just the existence of a few Shangyu Daojing.

Even the mysterious powerhouses who are hidden in the void watching the battle, you have to solemnly guess the speed of Tai Cang's development and why it can be so fast.

at the same time.

Except for the Heavenly Eye God, the other two Gods also had to face up to Tai Cang at this time.

It is not terrible to have thirteen upper universe.

What's really scary is...

The secrets of Tai Cang's sudden rise in a very short time.

"Once Tai Cang can continue to develop like this... then, Tai Cang can no longer be used as a tool to weaken the purpose of the heavens, and once again exist in the boundless wilderness."

They have never been shown, and they are simply unable to recognize their true colors in the realm of immortality.

There are also those who think so!

The war has broken out.

Jiufeng, Xing Tian, ​​Kuafu, and the three Shenxiao Thunder Great Emperors have already exploded with great pressure.

They are in the Jiu Xian Jue Formation.

The Wandering God carried the corpse of the God Emperor, and his body was exuding waves of silver light, even more brilliant than fireworks.

Nine different forces exploded in the Jiu Xian Jue Formation.

The vast universe filled the universe, and everything seemed to wither in it.

The vast void, perhaps several millions, perhaps tens of millions, was completely filled with the spirit of the fallen innate **** in the Jiuxianjue Formation.

How powerful is the abandoned god?

As an existence in the Shangyu Dao realm, his thin body seemed to be hung with countless gods.

There is clearly an infinite breath of life in his body, but he seems to be the spokesperson of killing.

The bitter killing thoughts turned into pieces of sky, galaxies, and multiple gods.

While welcoming the power injection from the corpse of the emperor, it also condensed the power from the Yu Jiuxianjue formation.

The **** of exile at this moment!

Strong and cold.

In the vast expanse of the wild universe.

He is close to the strongest.

"Want to kill me with six upper universe... in my immortal altar, even the gods can't do it!"

There was a light of incomparable confidence in the eyes of the **** of exile.

The corpse of the emperor behind him has turned into a glow.

The breath of the **** emperor permeated, and then turned into a silver god's clothing.

The silver god's clothes were draped on the body of the abandoned god, making him shining like a silver day.

He opened his hands wide.

The divine power on his body skyrocketed, as vast as a corner of the universe, sweeping across all directions!

His eyes were piercing and condescending.

In the heart of the exile god, there is an extremely bold fighting will, as well as the killing thought that billows like a dragon.

"I became the Tao with the thought of killing, and once killed the emperor who walked out of the tomb of the gods, I have become the Shangyu Dao realm since then!"

He is like a **** and demon, swooping down, surging through the sky with all his strength, and the vast fluctuations shook the sky and the earth.

At this moment.

The terrible divine essence bursting out of the abandoned **** is enough to shock the mood of all Shangyu Dao realm experts!

"Kill the emperor?"

The six waves of gods and emperors are calm and their hair fluttering.

The deep thunder abyss in the center of the eyebrows has been infinitely enlarged, forming a thunder vortex.

"If it is to kill a **** emperor who has been sealed for countless years and has no power, what is the way?"

The three emperors of the gods and thunder shook their senses.

Shenyuan is so powerful that it is outrageous.

The power is shocking.

I saw a thunder vortex, six thunder sky domes, and a world of crape myrtle!

The three terrifying gods burst out incomparably brilliant light in the void.

Shenxi exploded, the glow of the sun was surging, and the thunderous force that was devastating, bloomed incisively and vividly.

"These three celestial cosmos... their combat power is still incredible."

There are some experts in the upper universe who watch the battle from afar.

It was also shocked by the power of the three immortal Thunder Great Emperors of the Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion.

Even the Shangyu Dao Realm was extremely solemn at this time.

Naturally, they could also clearly perceive how powerful the power erupted by these three too strong men.

However, being too strong does not stop there.

When Xing Tian made a move, the giant axe in his hand glowed, and the ancient runes flickered, enveloping the sky with domineering power.

When he slashed hard.

The flaming runes fell in pieces from his huge axe, as if pouring out pieces of starlight!

Every piece of starlight is terrifying, making the sky crumbling.

The same is true for Kuafu, with a punch, there is a mighty and endless blood.

His energy and blood condensed into big stars, crashing down...

Smashed the astonishing murderous intent that erupted out of the unknown number of Jiu Xian Jue Array!

"Originally, I thought that the six superiors of the Upper Universe Realm would enter the Jiu Xian Jue Formation.

At most, he can only fight with the exile gods of Shangyu Dao realm..."

Jiu who has always been amiable and smiling.

His brows were frowned at this moment.

Because this Shangyu Daojing's existence finally realized that Tai Cang seems to have... the power that can barely surpass Shangyu Daojing's existence...

Just when their thoughts are surging!

Jiufeng made a bold move!

She was holding a sharp gun, and nine phoenixes had already flown into her body.

Those two real dragons were entwined on the sharp spear and turned into a part of the sharp spear.

She moved forward step by step, like a supreme god.

There was a surging golden light all around.

The power of the goddess is unparalleled, powerful and captivating!

The sound of the Tao is ear-splitting, and the sky is like a tide!

Jiufeng walked forward a few steps, then flew into the void, and arrived directly in the air.

She stabbed out with a shot.

The flames are instantly overwhelming and extremely hot!

The phoenix sharp spear turned across the sky, as if it was dancing with the heaven and the earth.

The skyrocketing murderous intent has instantly dispelled the countless powers in the nine-thirty array.

Then the next moment.

Jiufeng has already arrived.

Her long hair is flying, and her slender and beautiful legs seem to be full of infinite power.

Jiufeng's legs were firmly locked in the void.

The Phoenix sharp spear stabbed at the God of Exile!

The **** of exile didn't move.

But his right hand sticks forward.

The silver streamer that turned into armor on him flowed and turned into a large silver shield!

The shield rose up and collided with Jiufeng's Phoenix Sharp Spear.

Black flames and silver light erupted.

Brings amazing destructive power and blasted into runes.

Countless runes are imprinted in the void.

Manifested as a multitude of visions!

And the attacking great supernatural powers of the other five Supreme Beings also came in a blast.

The expression of Abandoned God was gloomy and terrifying, and the Jiuxian Jue Formation seemed to be brewing fierce prestige before it was destroyed.

The nine divine lights burst out, then turned into billions of light, and the entanglement became a snare.

Toward the dances other than Jiufeng to snare for the Supreme Strong!

The battle became extremely fierce.

But the existence of those Shangyu Dao realm can see through the clues at a glance!

"This Goddess of Great Blue who is holding a sharp spear... the strength is infinitely close to the Shangyu Dao realm.

She only needs the precipitation of time to be able to achieve Shangyu Daojing! "

The Qi Yuan Demon God finally solemnly commented: "Since she is so powerful... Then... Maybe the plan of Tai Cang over the billion Rui Shi as the abandoned son, first slaying the abandoned god, may be able to succeed..."

His divine consciousness has not yet fully circulated, completely fallen.

But I saw the battlefield far away.

The two armies still broke out horrible fluctuations!

Eight Celestial Legions...I don't know how powerful they are.

The giant **** array of God Abandoning the Sky blasted loudly.

Then over the eight million legions.

Then there was an upright Tianmu giant **** array spirit manifested.

The heavenly eyes on the foreheads of these giant spirits burst into light, without anger and prestige.

The burst of power is even more eye-catching.

"This is a battle spirit formation at the Shangyu Dao realm level!"

"Two million armies of the Upper Vault, condensing such a level of battle spirit formations, combined together, the burst of power, can compete with the upper universe!"

"Eight million Upper Vault Armies are equivalent to four Upper Cosmos Realm!"

"This is the power of the Shangyu Dao-level war spirit formation...Crossing the robbery and crossing the Dao are the two realms, and straight into the Shangyu realm!"

"This kind of foundation can only be possessed by the dynasty, so how can Tai Cang compete with my celestial eyes?"

Among the eight generals of God Abandonment, the first general has thousands of arms and looks extremely ugly.

But the power flowing in him is extremely powerful.

His terrible voice rumbled and passed into the ears of hundreds of millions of Tai Cang Ruishi!

There are all kinds of supernatural powers in the voice.

Attempt to dissolve the fighting will of Tai Cang Rui Shi.

However, Fu Xiqin is still in constant crowd.

There are also countless white-clothed luthiers in the Tai Cang Yin Lu Mansion, who are constantly stroking the strings, so that these Tai Cang keen scholars are free from the interference of these supernatural powers!

When the two armies collided.

The first to collide! It is Tai Cang and the Heavenly Eye Gods are facing up to the universe powerhouse.

I saw that Wei Chang had turned into a tall and unparalleled, and his body was like a weird evil **** wearing a cloak.

And the sacrificial sword in his original hand has also become a huge sickle.

He held the sickle in his hand.

There was a lot of dark, strange, and evil power bursting out of him.

Very weird, and powerful and unparalleled.

At the same time, I don't know how many evil gods have stepped down from him, and the black is crushed. There is no way to determine the number!

Wei often faces the eight generals of God's Abandonment, and does not go in the slightest.

His face was pale, and his eyes seemed to be bored.

Probably because of this kind of war, his time to study the avenue of blood was delayed.

But at the same time, there was a deep hatred in his eyes.

The reason is...

In Wei Chang's eyes, any existence that dared to threaten Tai Cang had to be turned into materials for him to study blood.

As a result, the paddock waved the sickle in his hand, and the **** aura was filled, and Tianyu had been torn apart, as if it had come to the end of the world.

The melee broke out.

Very infinite power overwhelms this place.

The black divine light, matched with the sacrificial artifact in his hand...

The power that has erupted makes all those who watch the battle look at it!

Tai Cang, a pale youth.

It's so powerful.

Even if they couldn't compare to the nine phoenixes, they were already able to compete with the three gods.

Although Wei Chang has such a terrifying combat power, almost half of it is due to the strange sickle in his hand that is condensed with the power of the blood of the Taicang people.

But there is no doubt that.

Wei Chang's own strength has surpassed the ordinary Shangyu Realm!

This is for the boundless savage aboriginal race...

The speed of diligence is unimaginable!

at the same time.

Dark Sky Giant, Kongguyu, Wuyuan Xingjun...

These three Heavenly Eyes were above the original Taoism, but at this time they easily shot, vainly trying to kill a blue sky for Tai Cang.

This seems extremely ironic, but it is actually happening.

There are also two Tai Sui in the land of Kong Xinghe!

They carried the galaxy behind them, and with one punch, they smashed the world with the weight of the vast galaxy, more than enough.

Just a moment!

Taicang's six upper cosmic realms faced off against the eight generals of the Tianmu Shenchao Shenqi, and the Shenzhu Shuangtian generals.

The ten heavenly eyes exist in the upper universe, with strange treasures in their hands, lustrous, powerful, and amazing.

Even Tai Cang has a world melting pot and a Shennong Ding.

However, in just over three thousand wild years, the skills of casting and alchemy can't be compared with the dynasty that has millions of years of age and is blessed by the power of heaven, earth and kingdom.

Perhaps with the help of the world melting pot and the Shennong Ding, it is possible to refine the god-level pill and waste artifact in a very fast and large-scale!

Even the Tao Ze artifact, even if it cannot be refined in batches, has been conquered by Tiangong Mansion.

But if you want to refine a heavenly pill, or even Shangyu artifact...

But it is still far away, and it takes a long time to accumulate.


Even if it is the time when the Tianmu general who holds the Shangyu artifact with the help of the Tianmu divine background, ~www.readwn.com~ really collides with the too strong.

Their expressions have also become extremely solemn.

Because in addition to the three original Celestial Eye Upper Universe Realm, such as Quekong Guli.

Tai Cang's other two Tai Sui, and the dangerous Chang holding the death sickle...

The power they possess made them have to solemnly... even frightened them.

What a powerful force this is?

On Wei Chang's body, countless tentacles stretched out and turned into an unknown dark field, completely covering seven of the eight generals of God Abandoned!

But the two Tai Sui only had the breath of stars on their bodies, and a more complicated mystery blended in their fists!

They walked into the dark realm shaped by Wei Chang.

The galaxy illuminates the darkness, but it also ignites the war.


A variety of peerless magical powers, a variety of strong profound meanings, continue to show up.

The power that Tai Cang showed at this time has already made all the powerful presences watching the battle... indescribable.

What made those in the Shangyu Dao Realm even more suspicious.

I saw in the sky...

Nine artifacts are suspended in the air!

Rao Yintan sits on Fuxiqin...

Nuwa Stone exudes a soft light.

The Haotian Tower hangs high, seeming to suppress something.

In the demon refining pot, four fierce monsters roared out...

Each of the nine artifacts shines brightly.

The reason why Shangyu Daojing was surprised...

It was because these nine artifacts of Tai Cang Guo Zuo appeared in an instant.

The great army below... has also undergone amazing changes.

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