I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1073: Zhou Tian Xing Dou! [Big

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The vast void suddenly became layered on top of each other.

The world, which has almost disappeared, has become a little hazy.

This battlefield has become a land of gods fall.

Many generals of the gods of the Tianmu God Dynasty have fallen here.

The blood of millions of elite Celestial Eye soldiers sprinkled in the sky, turning into a **** continent.

at this time.

Tai Cang Jiuzhou artifact is still hanging high in the sky, blooming with light, sheltering Tai Cang Rui Shi.

The Tai Cang Erlang who had gone through the war raised their heads almost at the same time and looked at the extremely distant place.


The boundary between heaven and earth has been blurred.

However, one can clearly see that powerful figures blooming with brilliance are approaching fast.

These are all gods with supreme fighting power.

They traversed space, opened up passages, and rushed from their respective kingdoms.

Even the light cannot chase their speed.

Not far from Ji Xia.

Qi Yuan Demon God and the human face demon spider looked at each other.

Their avatars dissipated in an instant, turned into ray of light, and flew high into the sky.

Just a moment.

The two rays of light have merged with the hazy illusory image in the void.

Immediately afterwards.

Many too strong people have seen an astonishing scene.

They saw...

An extremely magnificent creature was squeezed out of Universe.

This creature uses the sky as its head, and the seven layers of sky means that he has seven heads.

His torso seems to have evolved from Tianzhu, densely packed runes supporting a body comparable to the world!

And among the seven heavenly heads, there are national civilizations established, and countless lives are worshipping.

These lives are different from ordinary lives in the boundless wilderness.

They seem to be born for worship.

The infinite power of belief is the key to maintaining the huge body including the virtual pupil sky!

Many too strong people looked.

It can be faintly seen that all the lives that worshipped fanatically have evolved from the blood of some extremely weak monster race.

The meaning of their existence is to enshrine and sacrifice to the Qiyuan Demon God.

"This is also a way to achieve Shangyu Daojing."

There are many too strong people who are thinking, seem to be considering the feasibility of this approach.

Except for the Qi Yuan Demon God.

The demon spider was rarely transformed into a god-like figure, transformed into a young girl in black clothes and a black veil on her face.

The girl looked at Ji Xia with biting eyes.

at the same time.

The incarnations of God General Jiu Xiangyuan and Chi Tong have also returned to nothingness.

And far away.

The phantom of a heavenly phoenix tree is looming.

Two yellow phoenix leaves fell from the phantom of the Tianwu sacred tree.

On these two phoenix leaves, Jiu Xiangyuan held a **** bridge in his hand, looking at Ji Xia.

Another Chitong **** flew his cloak behind him, covering the world.

The dark red divine sword in his hand is almost crushing the world!

Her red hair is flying, and there is an invincible vibe.

The position of Chitong God in the Tianwu God Dynasty was a bit more lofty than Jiuxiangyuan.

Although there is no way to know whether they are strong or weak.

However, the Chitong God General was extremely young, and he had obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly Phoenix Tree.

The unparalleled divine sword in her hand came from the heavenly phoenix divine tree.

At this moment!

After Tai Cang defeated the Eight Million Celestial Sphere Legion of Tianmu and suppressed the existence of the two Shangyu Dao realms.

The ancient Wu Shenchao and Shen Xuan Shenchao finally unabashedly revealed their...maliciousness towards Tai Cang.

This malice comes from the destiny imposed by the rules of heaven and earth on the boundless savage nations.

Maybe there is no right or wrong, and there is no good or evil!

The boundless wilderness with Hades as the core of the world.

If races and civilizations want to survive, they can only continue to kill and destroy enemy nations!

Zi Ri Shenjun and Long Gong Wushuang never actually came.

But from the purple scorching sun, a heroic and majestic young man walked out slowly.

Standing on the sky, he did not utter any words, nor did he hesitate.

I saw him pointing at the great army below, lightly pointing!



The heaven and the earth trembled, and a **** toward the sky appeared high in the sky.

There is not only the symbol of the ancient Wu **** dynasty, but also a word clearly written on it.

Go out!

The mysterious words seem to contain countless meanings!

Ji Xia carried his hands on his back and stared at the sky. He also naturally saw the Tianzhao text from Gu Wu.

This text represents the will of Gu Wu.

It seems that Tai Cang has already decided the way forward.

Extinction is not only annihilating the Taicang pawns here, but also not only the destruction of these Taicang strongmen in front of them.

At a deeper level, it is to destroy the country and civilization that Tai Cang has already risen.

Just like the Great Divine Empire and the Great Ding Divine Empire, after the collapse of Guozuo, all the inheritance, all the legacy books, and all the history are unknown.

This is the overbearing aspect of Shenchao.

Not only must the momentum of Tai Cang's rise be contained, but the efforts of Tai Cang over the past three thousand years must be wiped out.

From the beginning to the end, the Guwu God Dynasty had never shown hostility to Tai Cang.

Now finally show his attitude.

"The boundless wilderness needs balance."

Jiu Xiangyuan’s voice was faint and collided with Ji Xia’s divine consciousness: “Today, if Tai Cang is the old divine dynasty and the third eye is about to rise, then my ancient witch divine dynasty will also attack the third eye.”

"So, the emperor doesn't have to mind."

The male and female faces are far from each other.

He walked step by step, and the shining divine bridge in his hand pressed down horizontally, smashing the sky.

However, Long Gong Wushuang, who was silent from beginning to end, disappeared into the void, leaving only a divine consciousness lingering.

But instantaneously.

Qi Abyss Demon God and the other black yarn girl did not hesitate at all.

The seven heavenly domes stand horizontally, each projecting a divine glow from them.

The gods are shining, and they contain the treasures of Shangyu Dao realm.

In an instant, the seven rays of glow turned into countless rays of light, densely packed. Towards the sky covered!

And the veil girl opened her arms.

The palms of his hands sprayed out a piece of rune, intertwined, and turned into an endless net.

There are numerous mountains and endless thunder on the Luo Net.

Once the net was closed, even Zhou Yu would tremble.

What was even more terrifying was that Chitong God General.

God Chitong flashed his eyes.

Her eyes are like rubies, exuding monstrous power.

The gods behind him boiled and even raged, making people feel heart tremors.

In the hand of that day Wu Shenjian, the sword shook the sky, and the sword light was extremely dazzling.

Unmatched sword light, with an endless aura of killing, as if to flatten everything in this void!

As soon as the four Shangyu Daojing shots, it is the prosperous Dao's magical power.

And even more terrifying is.

Their goals are all the great army and the too strong in this space.

At this moment, all kinds of dazzling light turned across the sky.

The entire space has become as bright as daylight, and it is extremely dazzling!

Tai Cang's demise seems to be at this moment.


Many people who are too strong have never reacted.

Because it all happened so quickly.

From the fall of the abandoned god, waves arose in the distant space.

Then four powerful men broke through the air to reveal their true bodies, and used unprecedented magical powers to suppress Tai Cang...

Such as this, but only a short time has come.


The light between heaven and earth is too hot.

The heavy sky!

Brilliant sword light!

Shining God Bridge!

A dense and infinite snare!


Four Ways of Magical Powers.

Each of them can be comparable to the power of the superiors of the gods who want to destroy the great heaven!

Each one can easily destroy the Tai Cang homeland.

But this moment.

With such a terrifying Four Dao Dadao magical powers, the target is this space and all the too strong in the space.

This scene, I don't know how long it has not happened in the boundless wilderness.

A country that is about to rise may be so extinct in the bud.

Many too strong eyes stared blankly.

The sky and the earth seem to have broken apart.

The howling sounds of ghosts and gods are astonishing.

There is a vast expanse of whiteness between Zhou Yu.

Every inch of space is filled with extremely sharp divine essence.

The power that destroys the world has been overwhelmed.

It only takes one part per million of a moment from Tai Cang's demise.


Ji Xia Huagui's robe fluttered.

The imperial crown above his head was shining brightly.

I saw a flash of interest in his eyes.

A shocking scene happened!

In an instant.

The three hundred and sixty-five demon stars suddenly became no longer hazy.

The Zhetianqi disappeared without a trace.

The golden glow of the sun was dazzling, accompanied by thunder, accompanied by flames, and accompanied by various avenue elements, appearing on the three hundred and sixty-five demon stars.

The light in Ji Xia's eyes skyrocketed.

In an extremely short period of time, his divine sense pointed to the sky, and he ordered: "The stars of Zhou Tian Dou!"

Zhou Yu, covered by countless great supernatural powers, seemed to see the sun in the sky.

Three hundred and sixty-five demon stars burst out to communicate with Zhou Yu.

In a moment.

Countless stars are scattered, falling on three hundred and sixty-five demon stars!

A burst of demonic air permeated this.

The Qi Yuan Demon God and the Qingsha Girl changed their colors almost at the same time.

Because they clearly perceive it.

Above these three hundred and sixty-five demon stars, a thick demon aura bloomed out.

This kind of demon aura seems to come from a great demon with supreme personality.

It seems to come from the masters of an ancient **** dynasty.

Extremely pure and unparalleled.

"Monster? Impossible!"

The Qi Yuan demon **** collided with the thoughts of the veiled girl, unbelievable.

It is precisely because they are in the Shangyu Dao Realm who have survived for an unknown number of years, they are shocked by this scene in front of them.

Although the boundless wilderness is vast.

But within the realm of knowing, God's dynasty is supreme.

Shen Xuan Shen Chao established Guo Zuo with the blood of the demon clan.

Most of the noble bloodlines of the world's monster race lie in Shen Xuan.

The bloodline of the lofty monster race outside Shen Xuan, the gods also knew about it.

but now.

On these three hundred and sixty-five weird demon stars.

The strong monster energy that burst out seemed infinitely unfamiliar to these two monster races in the upper universe realm.


Their shock does not stop there.

Three hundred and sixty-five demon stars burst into bright light.

As the light shrank, the Great Demon Palaces appeared.

The palace gates opened.

Then there were three hundred and sixty-five great monsters appearing on their respective stars.

These big monsters or human heads and snakes, or wings covering the sky, or carrying the land, or eyes with stars...

They are different, but they are equally noble.

The strong blood of the monster race, hunting and moving, it contains the aura of chaos...

From this, it can be proved that the blood of these three hundred and sixty-five Great Demon Star Monarchs is even more ancient than the Qi Abyss Demon God and the Qingsha Girl.

It's hard to imagine!

All of a sudden.

The two Shen Xuan Shangyu Daojing from the orthodox demon clan hadn't reacted yet.

"Where did the blood of the three hundred and sixty-five prosperous monster races come from?"

Qi Yuan Demon God deeply felt that all this was not true.

Jiu Xiangyuan and Chi Tong God will be even more confused.

There were only two thoughts in these Shangyu Daojing's minds at this time.

"Why does the lofty blood of the Yaozu help the human kingdom?"

"Although Tai Cang is powerful, he wants to make the 365 monster races supreme bloodline surrender, but he is still far away."

They didn't have the answer in their minds.

But time is passing fast.

The four great supernatural powers have already arrived!

"Although these supreme great monsters are precious, their current cultivation bases are not good enough."

"If it's just the principles of the Tao, they can't resist the magical powers of the Four Great Dao."

Many strong people have different minds.

The void bursts to pieces for an unknown number of times, and the endless divine essences are all condensed and turned into patches of patterns.

The four avenues of magical powers fell at the same time, crashing down heavily.

The world seems to be annihilated, a scene of extinction!

Three hundred and sixty-five demon stars flickered, connecting into one piece, forming a large array.

The sky full of stars appeared in the sky and the earth, as if with a mystery close to Tao.

This is a big array!

This is a huge array that cannot be imagined.

When the gaze fell here, the Immortal Realm existed. Seeing this formation, the light in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

But after the light passed, it turned into dim.

"This is...what kind of formation?"

They murmured silently, and there was an uproar in their minds.

The four Shangyu Daojing stood still!

"Although this taboo formation is strong, it is not complete."

"It's just that the great demon of the Dao Ze realm has constructed an incomplete formation, and it is not enough to protect too much!"

Consciousness roared.

The four Shangyu Daojing of the Guwu God Dynasty and Shen Xuan God Dynasty have done their best.

The road pattern behind them is on the verge of collapse.

The gods inside the body are constantly trembling.

After seeing the background of Tai Cang's three hundred and sixty-five demon stars, these four great great powers had become a peerless blow.

Even astonished at the mysterious and inexplicable background of Tai Cang.

But they still have confidence...

Under this blow, everything in the Great Army can be completely destroyed.


The Zhetian flag was full of waves.

In the middle of the battlefield, a strange scene unexpectedly appeared!

Jiufeng held a sharp spear and stood in the void.

At his feet, the abandoned **** was dying, but he never fell.

I saw Jiufeng Tianzhang's expression, eyes suddenly, the sharp spear dropped.

The **** of exile finally fell!

The blood of the gods turned into a long river, flying into the three hundred and sixty-five demon stars!

A Shangyu Daojing was used for sacrifice, and the majestic array formed by three hundred and sixty-five demon stars became even more terrifying.

The abandoned **** ~www.readwn.com~ has not fallen?

More amazing scenes followed one after another.

The extremely remote Tianmu, Guozuo's power surged, and another Guozuo artifact was condensed and reflected on a big star above the Tianmu God.

The big star illuminates the starlight, penetrates the endless distance, falls down, and falls on the three hundred and sixty-five demon stars!

Three hundred and sixty-five monster stars became even more amazing.


Four Dao Dadao magical powers finally collided with three hundred and sixty-five demon stars.

Surging Divine Light...

Across the sky!

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