I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1075: Tianmu Xishen, became the spirit of my sword (thanks to the leader: I...

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Lei Shiyuanjun and Xu Ze sat opposite each other, talking about everything that happened in the battlefield.

And the vast space battlefield has become silent.

Except for those mysterious spectators.

The existences under the Shangyu Dao realm narrowed their gazes, daring not to look at Tai Cang again.

Because most of these powerhouses in the upper universe and Dao Ze realm belong to the three great dynasties!

Although they never actually came.

However, Tai Cang's methods and background are really hard to guess.

Even if it is just a ray of divine consciousness, once it is too much to be remembered.

Then Tai Cang's mysterious and weird powerhouses are very likely to learn from this ray of spiritual knowledge, their true body, **** hidden, and true spirit.

There is no lack of excitement on the face of the elite soldiers.

The four Shangyu Dao realm powerhouses just made their moves extremely fast, and their defeat was also extremely fast.

Then, among these great warriors, there are many generals at the level of gods.

They also saw a hint.

I know what kind of power Tai Cang has exploded in just a few moments.

In the eyes of Tai Cang Erlang who participated in this battle and won in the end.

At this moment, Ji Xia and many of the strongest in Taicang are spontaneously blooming with dazzling brilliance.

In their hearts.

Even if Tai Cang hasn't achieved the dynasty, he has built the Tianzhu.

Ji Xia and many of the Supreme Beings are the Heavenly Pillars of Tai Cang.

Supporting the heavenly firmament.

And then let Tai Cang rise, and eternal!

The six strongest Tai Cang who faced the exiled gods have disappeared.

Bai Qi has also ordered.

Order the Taicang army to quickly prepare the army and board the Star-swallowing Tianlong.

The space runes on the Star-Swallowing Heavenly Dragon have also been suspended in the air, twisting strange colors, and exuding different fluctuations.

Vertical and horizontal fluctuations.

The locked space trapped by the eighty-one demon gods also opened in an instant.

All the great sages turned into streamers and boarded the Star-Swallowing Heavenly Dragon!

The mighty and huge body of the Star-swallowing Tianlong twisted in the air, slicing through the space, flying into it, and heading towards Tai Cang.

The Six Sorrows Canglong, Yuzaoqian, Yang Ren... and so on, many of the great powers are scattered around the Star-swallowing Heavenly Dragon, waiting in full array!

In their eyes, there is not much lightness.

Because this war has progressed to where it is today.

Tai Cang's position in the boundless wilderness, I don't know how much it has elevated.

The incomplete Zhoutian Star Fighting Array condensed by three hundred and sixty-five demon stars, due to the blessing of various powers, even severely damaged the four Shangyu Dao realms of the ancient Wu Shen Dynasty and Shen Xuan Shen Dynasty.

Tianmu Shenchao's casualties were even more serious.

Shenfang Admiral and Exile God are active in the boundless wilderness, the Shangyu Dao realm powerhouse who is well-known by the boundless wilderness and many forces has fallen!

Eight million celestial armies are buried here.

Countless imperial soldiers were captured by Tai Cang.

The artifacts that fell into Tai Cang's hands were not rare.

Even the ancient altar in the hands of the abandoned **** and the mysterious space compass of Yuan Zhou Tianyin were all taken into the bag by Tai Cang.


Wei Chang has acquired an unknown amount of precious blood and a powerful body.

It made his pale complexion a little more rosy.

There is no doubt.

Tai Cang's harvest is extremely huge.

However, this does not mean that Tai Cang will be able to sit back and relax after experiencing this battle!

Today's Tai Cang has become the common enemy of the three great gods.

Shen Xuan and Gu Wu, who originally wanted to use Tai Cang to contain the Tianmu Divine Empire, must have already sensed Tai Cang's threat.

Just like the Great Breath God Dynasty and the Great Ding God Dynasty not long ago.

This kind of prosperous human kingdom will form a climate once it becomes a **** dynasty.

They will become absolute protagonists of heaven and earth.

The other two dynasties will surely become foils!

By then, even if Wu Shi Tian wants to reap the human dynasty, Gu Wu and Shen Xuan will probably suffer heavy losses!

under such a circumstance.

Tai Cang, the strongest people, must be on guard.

The evacuation should also be extremely fast...

In the distant space, the battle between the Great Demon God Chi You and the Great God Liao Tianmu Tianxuan, I don't know what happened.

Xu Ze was also blocked by Lord Lei Shiyuan, unable to attack Tai Cang.


Ancient Wu Divine Dynasty and Shenxuan Divine Dynasty, but there are two emperors of the immortal realm.

According to the power possessed by the Tianmu.

These two dynasties are likely to be assisted by other immortal beings.

Once these two gods take action at this moment, Tai Cang's situation will become much more difficult.

The most urgent task is to return to Tai Cang native first.

Only in this way, once a huge catastrophe comes, Tai Cang will have more leeway.

"This time, Tai Cang will never have too many breathing opportunities."

Ji Xia and Jiufeng stood on top of the star-swallowing Tianlong.

Six waves of the emperor, Liutiandongyuan Zhenjun, and Ziwei Taiyi the Great, suspended behind the Star-swallowing Tianlong.

Ji Xia's eyes flowed, falling on the two gods of Shen Xuan and Gu Wu.

The two gods are full of clouds.

It is conceivable that the combined blow of Tai Cang and Tianmu will inevitably make the two gods, the ruling and the opposition, angry!

Maybe at this moment.

The two divine courts have lined up their troops and are coming too far.

Even if the situation is worse.

The emperor of the immortal realm of the two great dynasties will personally take action.

And all of this is still imminent.

Ji Xia and many of the Greatest Powers had no doubt that in the next instant, the sinking Nine Killing God Emperor would suddenly come, pressing and destroying all the great existences between them.

The God Emperor Gu Wu Tianwu has not revealed his true body for hundreds of thousands of years, and I don't know if Tai Cang is about to rise, and she will do it herself.

"there is always a solution to a problem."

In front of Ji Xia, there are many small snacks made by Su Yao.

The emperor in the early days was in a very good mood.

The reason is that Tai Cang's gains in this battle are simply unimaginable.

Those trophies such as divine soldiers and pill were not enough to make Ji Xia so happy.

What really makes Ji Xia happy...

It's the amazing Dao kind obtained because of this war!

In addition to Taoism.

There are many more names on the Fengshen list.

There are many restrictions on the use of the Conferred God List produced by the sacred tree.

For example, there are a total of three hundred and sixty-five seats, and after the canonization of three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods, the canonization of righteous gods cannot be continued.

Once on the list of enshrined gods, their cultivation cannot continue to grow, nor can they understand the mystery of a higher realm.


The seat of the Fengshen Bang has become very precious.

In many previous wars.

Tai Cang has canonized hundreds of Tai Cang righteous gods.

Among them, the weakest real body, but only exists in the emperor realm.

"As Tai Cang became stronger and stronger, the role of the Fengshen Bang became more prominent.

The Conferred God List is worthy of being a heavenly book, capable of equalizing the gap between the Great Cang and the extremely powerful nation through killings and wars in a very short period of time. "

"But...the list of conferred gods is limited, and you must plan carefully in the future to confer the gods.

At least in this battle, the existence under the upper universe cannot be on the list of the gods. "

Ji Xia had already decided like this in her heart.

While he was thinking, the golden light shone above his head.

The seal engraved with strange runes, which seems to contain the mystery of the Great Dao, is revealed.

Ji Xia took off the list of conferred gods and slowly opened it, and one of them could be clearly seen as a righteous god.

Fengshen Bang is exactly the two figures in the list at this moment.

They are God's courtiers and castaway gods!

This is the real power of Fengshen Bang.

Even the Eternal Immortal Dao artifacts bred by the boundless wilderness can't be compared with the Conferred God List.

Once a strong man dies under the hands of a strong man, he will be on the list of the gods and be canonized as a righteous **** of the strong man.

"It's just a pity that the corpse of the **** behind the abandoned **** was completely shattered by many powerful men in this battle.

Otherwise, the power of abandoning the gods would be better than the ordinary Shangyu Dao realm. "

Ji Xia continued to look down.

Under the two Shangyu Daojing Tai Cang righteous gods.

There are also a total of thirteen Shangyu Realm Tai Cang righteous gods.

Except for Dark Sky Giant God, Kong Gu Li, Wu Yuan Xingjun.

There are also the Eight Generals of God Abandoned and the Shuang Tian Generals of God!

So even if it is not too strong in the land.

On the list of the Conferred Gods, he already has the thirteen Taoists.

"It's a pity that when the God of Sorrow was rescued, the double-headed cosmic **** who was killed by Xingtian and Kuafu Town was just a puppet controlled remotely and could not be enshrined.

Otherwise, Tai Cang could still have one more Upper Universe Realm. "

Ji Xia thought about this, and suddenly frowned.

"If the universe on both heads is a puppet, does that mean that there is still a terrifying mysterious powerhouse hidden in the Heavenly Eye God?

The puppets he holds are all Shangyu Realm, which is somewhat interesting. "

Just when Ji Xia was thinking.

Shen Xuan and Gu Wu in the distance were already covered by thunderstorms.

Even the ancient wu **** Chaoshen was above the sky, and there was a faint shadow of a huge sacred tree looming.

The wonderful breath revealed by this sacred tree was surging and boundless.

Looking from a distance, many of the most powerful people could not help but sigh with expression on their faces.

Emperor Taiyi of Ziwei has a solemn and upright temperament, and is meticulous while sitting in the air.

"This sacred tree, compared to my crape myrtle world, is even bigger and even wider.

Moreover, the sacred tree of the ancient Wu dynasty seems to be at its peak, and its boldness can be called its peak. "

Jiufeng, who was always taciturn, said aloud: "Although I have descended into the boundless wilderness not long ago.

But I already know that this ancient phoenix tree ranks first among the four sacred trees...

The ancient wu **** dynasty may be able to survive more than 900,000 years of **** dynasty, precisely because of this sacred tree. "

Tianwu, Wutian, Misfortune, Shangmulberry.

Among the four sacred trees, apart from the Wutian sacred tree, Ji Xia is no stranger to other statements.

Before being uprooted by the gale, the ancient tree of misfortune was beside Tai Cang.

Before, Tai Cang had also sent strong people to investigate this sacred tree, but there was no gain.

As for the old mulberry tree, it seems that it was beheaded by Ji Su a long time ago, and then planted on the real body of the emperor by Xiangchang.

Later, the ancient mulberry tree fell into the great world of Lord Yin.

In addition to these three sacred trees.

Ji Xia is a little strange to Wutian ancient trees.

But he didn't want to send a strong man to pursue and investigate again.

"The Shinto resurrection, the innate gods awakened one after another, and these sacred trees became popular products.

But this ancient Wutian tree has not shown any traces, this is Ming this tree, not easy to mess with. "

Just when Ji Xia's thoughts were flying.

A shocking wave of Shenyuan suddenly broke out from a very remote place!

Ji Xia and many too strong people turned their heads, their divine consciousness flowed, and their spiritual eyes flickered.


Jiufeng spoke softly.

Ji Xia nodded, with a smile on her face: "This is the reason why the Third Eye is unwilling to go out in full swing and wipe out the greatness of the world."

I saw their eyes.

The vast Tianmu God Dynasty, the heavy cities are already in flames.

The Tianmu God Dynasty is vast, and the city, the secret realm, and the outer heavens are not counted.

The powerhouses in charge are generally those above the emperor, and there are not a few gods.

Among them, there are dozens of imperial dynasties, as well as countless dynasties and dynasties.

It is like a drop in the ocean, floating in the realm of God's dynasty.

And at the moment.

It’s not far away from the gods.

Countless cities have been burned by flames.

Many city masters, secret realm masters, and alien gods were killed by the town, and their bodies were hung high in the sky, looking very miserable.

A burst of heroic laughter resounded across the sky.

I saw a giant with a long beard, a stalwart body, and a magic knife in the territory of the Tianmu God Dynasty.

There was no fear in his eyes, on the contrary, he seemed extremely happy.

"The old man Tianxuan is not here, and the two dying dogs, Shen Fang and Yi Shi Shen, are also dead.

Ye Xian, if you don't make a move, you can only let those old and undead make a move. "

There is a flame on each of the five fingers of the giant holding a magic knife.

When these flames fell, no matter the sky or the earth, they instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The unimaginable flame can not only burn everything on the earth, but even the earth and space will be burned out, turning into nothingness!

"Siyang Dynasty..."

Ji Xia naturally knew this tyrannical existence.

A long time ago.

He once chased each other with Ye Xian, the **** general of Tianmu and Tiance, which was seen by Ji Xia.

Although Ji Xia and Tai Cang all the powerhouses did not know Ye Xian's true strength.

But what is foreseeable is that Ye Xian, as the supreme general of the Heavenly Eye God Dynasty, claims to be able to suppress half of the kingdom of God by his only life. The power possessed by www.readwn.com is most likely to be more active than these many years. On the bright side, the ministers of the gods and the castaway gods are stronger.

However, Si Yangchao was indifferent to Ye Xian's pursuit, and finally escaped to heaven.

This is enough to prove how powerful this heroic and unparalleled giant is.

"The Tianmu West God Tianzhu was once cut off by me, and now I am coming again. This Tianzhu still needs to be repaired with the power of your country."

The Siyang Dynasty was extremely rampant.

He walked slowly in the sky, stepping out, and he was able to cross an extremely long distance.

But a few moments.

A huge pillar of heaven appeared before his eyes.

This Tianzhu is like a beautiful watch of supreme nobleness.

On the pillar of the sky, there is a statue of three eyes engraved on the forehead, glaring eyes, and behind him there is a **** who shines from the sky.

"Tianmu Xishen."

The Si Yang dynasty pretended to salute, and then sharpened his sword in the air as if it had happened.

Between sharpening the knife, there was also his thick but gloomy voice.

"When I completely cut off the Tianmu West God Tianzhu, you will become the spirit of my sword!"

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