I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1079: The human race before the devastation [Four K] (Thanks for ignoring the defense...

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The huge palm of supernatural power swept across the universe, bringing up a sea of ​​energy.

Thousands of avenues of magical powers penetrated the world, inherited the fortunes of the avenue, and slapped towards the star at Ji Xia's feet.

Above the stars, the auras of the four too strong men have been completely locked.

The space collapsed completely, and the fragments of the sky shining on everything!

It is clear.

The powerhouse hidden in the Third Eye has used part of the inside information.

Want to leave the bold Tai Cang Emperor Ji.

The speed of the palm of the hand is extremely fast, and it is like a big stream of light passing through the void, very fast!

Even if it is the existence of the Taoist rule, the power of this palm will be horrified and trembling.

A long distance away.

The Siyang Dynasty was just stunned for a very brief moment.

Then the magic knife in his hand slashed down at a weird angle!

Shinto light shines.

The scarlet flames were set against the light of the knife, carrying countless stars and symbols, and fell on the passage just opened by the mysterious existence of the celestial eye.

Originally in the center of the Tianmu Divine Formation, the powerful existence that suppressed the Divine Formation, the golden light shining out, had already locked on the star where Ji Xia was located.

Siyang slashed down with a horrible sword.

The stalwart divine power rolls back, and the shining light blooms.

The void channel was cut off, and the divine light was cut off, extinguished in nothingness.

Si Yangchao did not speak.

It's just that the eyes are still staring at the mysterious being from a distance, and the smile on his face seems to say: "Without my consent, your magical powers can't leave!"

At this moment.

The Siyang Dynasty didn't seem to be trapped and killed by the Tianmu Divine Array and the 9 million Tianmu army.

It's that he is the only one guarding the incomparably powerful power of the Third Eye!

A vast and terrifying palm fell.

The Tianmu Heaven and Earth are covered by layers of the power of the gods and the kingdoms of Zuo, otherwise, the power of this palm alone will be enough to cause the Tianmu God to face the southern gods and suffer huge losses.

at the same time.

There are many fragments of light flowing around Tianmu Shenchao.

The light suddenly appeared.

The Tianmu Shenchao space has become a lot more solid.

The space channel that was excavated out of thin air also collapsed in a moment.

It is clear.

The Tianmu is strengthening the space within the boundaries of the gods, lest Emperor Tai Cang will break the space towards several powerful men.

For any existence of Shangyu Daojing.

That overwhelming palm is an infinitely terrifying catastrophe.

Catastrophe is coming, death is approaching.


But Ji Xia didn't have any nervous expression on her face.

He looked down at the dead star below his feet.

This star is many times larger than before.

He can even support Kuafu's huge real body.

It can even carry a small section of Tianzhu!

This is enough to prove the mystery of this star and its extraordinary origins.

Jiufeng, Xing Tian, ​​and Kuafu all had a bit of curiosity in their eyes.

Curious about where this star came from.

Above the sky, countless angry gazes poured out, almost trying to frustrate the existence of these few Tai Cang.

This is not an unattainable goal.

The palm containing the infinite power has already crashed down!

This palm is so huge, the light that blooms is too bright.

Numerous wonderful lines are all over the palm, revealing the extraordinaryness of the palm owner.

The palm of the supernatural power fell on this!


A sound like the roar of a divine bell burst.

The chaos is overwhelming, and the space between the sky and the earth becomes white and turbulent.

The vast world is roaring, and the scene is extremely violent.

Countless visions burst out one after another, and the sight is shocking.

The lethality of this palm is so terrifying and magnificent!

Even the aftermath hits the edge of the sky, which is absolutely extraordinary.

Everything in the void, even the light, was obliterated by this terrible power.

Many mysterious beings could not help shaking their heads when they saw this scene.

"Tai Cang too underestimated the Third Eye... thought that he thought that the Third Eye was suffering from disaster now, so he could only reveal his secrets.

But I don't know this world, there are so many unspeakable rules.

Even the ancient Wu gods and Shenxuan gods had to follow them. "


After a moment of indifference, the gazes of many celestial eye powerhouses became extremely happy, and then disappeared into the void!

Only the sky above the Profound Sky with the Eyes of the Eyes is still surging, and there seems to be an incomparably powerful existence thinking and furious.


"What is the origin of this star? It can explode at such a speed."

At this moment.

Outside the Tianmu Shenchao.

The dead star was moving forward under the cover of the sky-shielding flag.

Even if he has not crossed the space, the speed is reaching the extreme.

Even if Jiufeng is usually silent, it seems that nothing can arouse his interest, but this strange star still arouses his curiosity.

Xing Tian and Kuafu also looked down at the mysterious stars under their feet, thoughtfully.

Ji Xia knelt down, patted the stars and earth lightly, and said softly, "This is our future partner."

Jiufeng was stunned for a moment, and bowed to the stars below her feet.

The same is true for Xingtian and Kuafu.

Ji Xia smiled casually.

His gaze fell on the side of the Tianzhu that couldn't see the end.

Although this is not a complete Tianzhu, only a small section of the complete Tianzhu, it is already extremely huge.

It is as huge as the sun shining on the galaxy.

"What is the secret inside this Tianzhu?"

Ji Xia touched her chin, lost in thought.

Jiufeng put out a finger.

Immediately there was a phoenix dragging a long tail feather on her fingertips, constantly lingering and flying.

Following Jiufeng's finger gently.

The phoenix immediately flew into the Tianzhu and disappeared.

At the same time, two rounds of stars had already appeared in Ji Xia's eyes, shining brightly, and falling on the sky pillar.

Then Ji Xia saw that the Tianzhu was engraved with dense strange inscriptions.

These inscriptions are intermittent and incomplete, but they also seem to describe all kinds of heaven and earth avenues.

"From these intermittent inscriptions, nothing can be seen at all."

Ji Xia looked up at the sky.

I just feel that the sky above the boundless wild sky looks a little dim.

"The Tianzhu...As the name suggests, it was used to support the sky. The Siyang Dynasty once cut off the West God Tianzhu.

When the Tiance **** sent Ye Xian to pursue him, he once said that because the West God Tianzhu broke off, the Tianmu earth sank, the sky fell, and countless Tianmu gods fell. "

"Now that the Southern God's Tianzhu is broken, the same is true. Now Tianmu is probably busy dealing with the aftermath.

The Great God Liao will definitely soon leave the battle with the Great Demon God Chi You and return to the Heavenly Eye to deal with the aftermath.

Otherwise, the loss of Tianmu will be too great to be estimated. "

When Ji Xia thought of this, she couldn't help feeling a little delighted.

Soon he suddenly thought of...

"The Tianzhu breaks, the sky falls, and the earth sinks are extremely normal, but why does the Tianmu **** fall in large numbers?"

"Furthermore, the moment the Tianmu God Chao Tianzhu broke, the Tianmu Shen Chao Shen Yuan became much thinner, and the power of the heaven, earth and the kingdom of Zuo was obviously declining."

"This is the meaning of the Tianzhu to the gods. The power of the gods and the kingdoms given by the rules of the boundless wild world is likely to be transmitted through the five sky pillars."

Ji Xia concluded in her heart.

In fact, this conclusion is not difficult to draw.

What really puzzles Ji Xia is...

"Does this sky dome above my head need these sky pillars to support it?"

"What role do these sky pillars play for the rules of the boundless wild world and the sky above the boundless wild?"

"If this piece of sky that divides the boundless wild wilderness is so fragile, then in the future... can this piece of sky be completely cleared?"

When Ji Xia thought of this, her eyes brightened.

At this time, the phoenix that flew into the Tianzhu also flapped its wings and flew out.

Jiufeng put his finger out again.

Phoenix landed on Jiufeng's finger, seeming to be telling Jiufeng something.

Jiufeng nodded, the phoenix dissipated, and she also turned to look at Ji Xia.

"The inside of the Tianzhu also seems to contain the gods, and there is even a small part of the sea of ​​consciousness with trivial true spirits."

Jiufeng's words are concise and concise, explaining the secrets she has discovered.

Just a few words made Ji Xia startled.

"Sure enough, there are other secrets hidden in the Tianzhu.

If it weren't for the phoenix flying in, my stars and **** eyes would not be able to see through these. "

Jiufeng continued: "Furthermore, there is a big difference between the divine concealment and the boundless savage cultivation system inside the Tianzhu. Both the sea of ​​consciousness and the true spirit are not the same as the cultivation system under the rules of today."

"Perhaps Tianzhu does not belong to the boundless wilderness under the new rules."

Jiufeng's voice just fell

Xing Tian rarely spoke: "I can perceive that the divine power flowing inside this Southern God's Tianzhu does not seem to be divine essence... on the contrary, it is a kind of energy that is purer and more vigorous than divine essence."

As Xing Tian spoke, he raised the magic axe in his hand.

Then he seemed to think of something suddenly, and the **** axe fell and said: "If you rashly guide the divine power that does not conform to the rules of the boundless wild world, you may not be able to be good at that time."

Ji Xia understood the meaning of Xing Tian.

Under the new rules of heaven and earth, there must be observers and guardians who represent the rules of heaven and earth.

Once the strange power in the Tianzhu pouring out, attracting the eyes of these beings, I don't know what will happen.

To be on the safe side, it is better to be more cautious.

"There are a total of fifteen pillars of the three gods that all have life, and the practice system that these lives set foot on is very different from the boundless and wild system.

This may mean...

These fifteen heaven pillars were all ancient existences with extraordinary personalities before the devastation. "

Ji Xia frowned.

Before the destruction, the human race ruled the Da Duan Luo realm.

Ten thousand people bow their heads to the human race and accept the rule of the human race.

That mysterious and endlessly ancient Tianzun founded a spiritual practice. The Daduan Luo world is thriving, and there is a tendency to surpass other supreme worlds.

Then, the Da Duan Luo realm was greatly shattered, the great sun of the ten thousand realms fell, and the human race's supreme race became a humble bloodline.

More than 80 million years have passed hurriedly. Although the human race has a dynasty born, the status of the human race has been humble from beginning to end throughout the history after the devastation.

And now, the fifteen heavenly pillars with life came from before the Great Destruction, Ji Xia even suspected that the predecessors of these Tian Zhu were very likely to be the strong human race before the Great Destruction!

This speculation is actually groundless.

Ji Xia also didn't have any evidence.

But when Ji Xia saw this white Tianzhu, she felt more and more weird in her heart.

The human race was dethroned, the ancient human kingdom was destroyed, the gods fell, and the ten thousand realms, the core of the human world, no longer existed.

Brand new rules are established.

However... once these Tianzhu predecessors were really the human races of the ancient gods of the Daduan Luo world.

This means...

Even if it is the big end of Luojie at this time!

Even the boundless wilderness, shrouded by the new world rules at this moment, could not leave the human race.

Even the rules of heaven and earth need the support of human blood.

If it really is.

As the guardian of the boundless wild wilderness, Wu Shi Tian has never taken action against Tai Cang who has the rising phenomenon from beginning to end, so he has a reasonable explanation.

There are also reasons why the ancient human race gods can rise.

"The bloodline of the boundless wild human race must be unique...

If I were the supreme being after the Third Eye.

After I wiped out the old human kingdom and took control of the boundless wilderness, I would inevitably wipe out the race that ruled this world in the past.

Completely wipe out all threats. "

"Although the human race has endured many hardships, many ancient inheritances have been cut off, and countless powerful human bloodlines have been sealed, but the human race has never perished.

Even though the human races in the boundless wild world are extremely weak, there are still a huge number of them. "

The reason why humans can do this is inseparable from the extremely fast reproduction speed of the human race and the tenacity to withstand hardships.

But it was also because the strong man of the boundless wild upper class had never wanted to deliberately exterminate the human race.

Thought of this.

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

He felt more and more that his guess was correct.

These pillars that existed in the sky are likely to be cast from the bodies of human experts before the Great Destruction.

"In any case, the truth is already here."

Ji Xia carried her hands on her back, staring at Tian Zhu from a distance, thinking so in her heart.


Tianmu suffered the greatest disaster in tens of thousands of years because of the repeated blows ~www.readwn.com~.

This day.

A large part of the sky in the south of Tianmu shattered.

Countless fragments of the sky dome fell on the sky, sinking heavily, magma gushing, storm condensing, thunder smashing...

Even a powerful sacred dynasty such as Tianmu suffered countless losses for a while.

But at the same time, the gods of the heavens also burst out.

Countless gods and strong men appeared to protect the Tianmu and Earth, so as to prevent the loss of the power of the country.

Many strange and mysterious treasures circulate in the hands of those heavenly eye gods, isolating the heavenly eye and repairing the sky.

And in the sky in the sky, a splendid door opened.

The Great God Liao walked out of it.

His breath is still extremely harsh, extremely noble.

The Great God Liao is the supreme ruler of the celestial purpose.

When he appeared in the sky, the entire celestial eye seemed to be completely illuminated.

Many creatures of the Tianmu clan have hopes in their eyes.

Great God Liao's complexion was calm and calm, as if this ancient catastrophe was not a big deal to Tianmu.

It's just that the road lines in his body are slightly...


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