I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1090: The guardian of the boundless savage? 【Big

   Just when Ji Xia stared at the weird earthen jar.

   There was a sudden thunder in the sky.

   Three brilliant lights suddenly appeared.

   These divine lights are reflected in the empty sky, reflecting three unique visions.

   Various powers permeated the surroundings of these three visions, causing many too strong people to raise their heads.

   In addition to being wary in their eyes, they are also a little bit surprised.

   Jixia, Bai Qi, Jiufeng, and Six Calamity Canglong, the four great strong men, seemed to have no surprises about all these scenes in the great sky.

   There was starlight falling in the void, and the starlight condensed, and the landlord star Yang walked out at any step and slowly bowed to Ji Xia.

  "The three powerhouses' consciousnesses that I observed not long ago have already descended from the sky.

   Monarch, do I need to wait for my expulsion? "

   Yang Ren's voice was calm, as if a strong man suddenly appeared in Tai Cang Void, and it couldn't make him feel nervous.

   Several other strong men also do the same.

   Because these Tai Cang strongest people already know Tai Cang's current strength quite well.

   Tai Cang is so powerful, there are world-famous powerhouses, and they have reached a high realm.

   Ji Xia still has many hidden backgrounds in his hands. Once these backgrounds burst out, it is enough to make the boundless wilderness shake.

In this situation.

   If the forces of the gods are moving in full force, it may be able to make them feel worried.

   There are only three powerhouses, of course, they can't change their expressions.

   Ji Xia heard Yang Ren's words and flicked her sleeves, and the weird earthen jar in front of her had disappeared, and he was taken into the gods' hideout.

   "It doesn't matter, these three beings are almost supreme beings even in the vast expanse of wild wilderness.

   They were only one step short of being able to reach the immortal realm.

   Such a strong person came to visit Tai Cang, which also made me curious. "

   Ji Xia carried her hands on her back, raised her eyes to look at the void, smiling at the corners of her mouth.

   Jiufeng looked a little surprised.

   The phoenix pattern on her eyebrows flashed from time to time.

   "Long Gong Wushuang, Purple Sun God Sovereign, Yuan Zhou Tian Yin..."

  "These three gods are the strongest in their respective dynasties except for the **** emperor.

   Among the three great dynasties, there may only be one or two that can stand shoulder to shoulder with them, such as Ye Xian, Tianmu Shenchao. "

  "Tai Cang and the three great dynasties are already deadly enemies, and the three great dynasties will never sit back and watch the rise of Tai Cang.

   I thought that after the last war, I saw these three powerhouses again when the three great dynasties suppressed the realm and jointly suppressed Tai Cang.

  Unexpectedly, today, they came together too...I don't know what the purpose is. "

   The Six Sorrows Canglong also lowered his head to think. After a few moments, he raised his head and his eyes became casual: "They come together to reflect the divine consciousness, do you want Tai Cang to surrender to them?"

   Bai Qi shook his head: "They know that Tai Cang will not surrender. Even if Tai Cang is willing to be a subject of the gods, which dynasty should he submit to?"

   "The current Tai Cang is no longer the old Tai Cang. Once Tai Cang joins one of the gods, the situation of the vast wild wilderness will be completely evenly matched, and there will be no balance anymore.

   When the time comes, Tai Cang and the dynasty that Tai Cang surrendered will also be dead. "

   Ji Xia said: "In the current situation, even if Tai Cang wants to surrender, there will not be any dynasty that will accept Tai Cang. With their power, they can't control Tai Cang, nor dare to accept Tai Cang."

   The hall fell silent for a while.

   Ji Xia smiled and said: "No need to guess, we will meet these three supreme beings under the immortal realm for a while, and naturally know that they have come too far for the purpose."

  While he spoke, his body had disappeared into the Secret Realm of Choking.

   Several too strong people have also done this.

   In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Ji Xia sits high.

   Many of the most powerful and central ministers also sat behind the jade case on both sides of the palace.

   Their faces are all calm, some too strong are still talking to each other, their faces are quite relaxed.

   The three divine lights just float in the sky like this, as if waiting for something.

   Kixia never spoke.

   Yin Luyu coughed lightly and said softly: "Today's dynasty is opened, and all visits will not begin until after the dynasty meeting."

  Upper Yin Luyu's words fell, and immediately there were many palace guards who spoke loudly, layer by layer.

   Tai Tai went to court first, and the voices came and went one after another.

   The three divine lights in the sky immediately shined brightly.

   Lu Yu's just a few words, turned these three existence spirits into messengers who came to see him.

   Also, he had to accept Tai Cang's arrangement before he could see the Emperor Taichu.

   This is undoubtedly a kind of counterattack from the Imperial Court in the early days.

   Since those three divine senses are waiting to be greeted by the great emperor in the early days, they think they have the same personality as the great emperor.

   Yin Luyu let them know.

  Since you are in Tai Cang, even if the existence of the Eternal Immortal Realm is too Cang, it cannot be higher than the Emperor of Tai Chu!

   After the light of the three powerhouses shone, the light converged in an instant.

at this point.

   With these powerful cities, naturally there will be no other actions.

   Divine Sense is simply suspended in the sky, waiting for the Tai Cang Dynasty to end.

   After a few hours passed, the meeting ended smoothly.

  Only Yin Luyu looked at Ji Xia respectfully, and Ji Xia nodded slightly...

   One after another divine consciousness flowed in an instant, spreading out the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

   A golden bridge was laid out before the three powerhouses’ divine consciousness to the front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

   The three powerhouses have divine consciousness, and they don’t think they are superior. They all turned into divine forms.

   The Purple Sun God Sovereign still wears a purple robe, his face is vague, but his physique is in his prime of life, his body is surging and surging, and his body is still burning with purple flames. He is worthy of the name of the God Sovereign.

   Yuan Zhou Tianyin looked old and decayed, but his eyes seemed to be a deep pool, bottomless, and his breath was extremely deep.

   Around his body, there are eight Zhoutian divine wheels rotating around his body slowly.

   Many runes are engraved on these divine wheels. The runes tell a kind of avenue of heaven and earth, and also communicate the mystery of immortality!

   The last one exists. This is the one with a longbow on his back and a short coat. It looks like the longbow Wushuang of a young man next door.

   Plain but mysterious.

   They stood side by side, step by step down the bridge, and walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

   At this time, the Hall of Supreme Harmony, only left a few too strong.

   Tai Cang strongest men still sat in their seats, and did not stand up to salute.

   Kixia is the same.

   He held a teacup in one hand, his eyes fell on the three strong men who walked into the temple, his body stood still.

   The three strongest gods walked into the center of the hall in this way.

   They never saluted Ji Xia, they just looked up at Ji Xia.

   Each other is already a mortal enemy.

   Ji Xia is also unwilling to entangle with these immortal Xeons on the question of whether to bow or not.

Before the bodies of the three powerful men, three jade cases emerged.

   Yin Luyu made an inviting gesture.

   Long Gong Wushuang did not hesitate, so he took his seat.

   Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tianyin also glanced at each other and took their seats at the same time.

   In the hall, it became silent for a while.

   A few interest time passed.

  The Six Sorrows Canglong raised his hand to drink, then wiped the wine stains on the corner of his mouth at random, and asked loudly: "Unparalleled God General, Purple Sun God Sovereign, Yuan Zhou Tian Yin..."

   "The three of you came here too far, presumably not to see how I drink, right?"

   Bai Qi smiled amiably, opened his cup to the outside, and said slowly: "Perhaps, the three strong men want to taste a great wine?

   In that case, look at it. "

   The three most powerful men in the gods took a fancy to the wine glasses in their hands.

   Vaguely, I can see a sea of ​​blood in the white wine glass is surging and surging.

   The sea of ​​blood is flowing, and among them there are 770,000 black murderers proudly among them, and there are vigorous flickers in their eyes, as if they are going to kill everything.

   The expressions of the three powerhouses remained unchanged.

   The seemingly unremarkable Long Gong Wushuang suddenly spoke.

   This is the first time Long Gong Wushuang has spoken.

  Even though the unparalleled **** general appeared on the battlefield last time, he did not directly communicate.

   His voice was a bit tired, but extremely convincing.

   "Admiral, it's not far from the last great battle, but for decades, your **** killing array has improved a lot, and now you are not far from the upper universe."

   Yuan Zhou Tianyin nodded deeply.

   He stared at Ji Xia on the throne of the high platform, and said sincerely: "The speed of cultivation of the too strong is beyond imagination.

  Tai Cang, these strongest people, even in the dynasty, are immortal Tianjiao, even the most talented God Child of Tianmu, can not match these human bloodlines...We have to admire. "


   "But, in the vast and boundless wilderness, apart from the gods, other countries can't have so many geniuses."

   The Purple Sun God Sovereign sat in the middle of the three strong men.

   The purple robe on his body is constantly fluttering.

   The purple sun laurel crown on his head is shining brightly.

  'S voice is also erratic, and it seems to be burning with countless flames, which is frightening.

  "The great emperor in the early days, the boundless wilderness does not need a fourth dynasty.

   Although the power of Tai Cang cannot be compared with that of the gods, it is also powerful and unparalleled.

   If Tai Cang still exists in the boundless wilderness, there is only one result. "

   Zi Sun Shenjun's tone is also quite calm, not too high a threat.

   Although he did not point out.

   But the too strong people present also knew what the meaning of the words of the Purple Sun God Sovereign was implied.

  The strongest under the immortal realm of the three great dynasties came together to Tai Cang, and said such words...

   must mean that they have reached a certain consensus.

   "The three dynasties need to maintain the stability of the rules of the boundless wilderness, and the current Tai Cang has affected the balance of the boundless wilderness. This emperor... is actually very clear."

   Ji Xia put down the wine glass in her hand and did not shy away from talking about it.

   He sat in a high position, lowered his head slightly, staring at them, and whispered: "Let me think about it...Most of the existing rules of the boundless wilderness have been transformed into the power of the country.

   The power of these kingdoms can only support the existence of the three gods.

   Once a fourth dynasty is born, the entire dynasty system will collapse.

   The fourth **** madly swallows the Guozuo power of the other three gods.

final result……"

Ji Xia’s eyes shone, and the smile on her face became brighter: "The final result is about the fourth divine dynasty and the other three divine dynasties. Guo Zuo’s power is drastically reduced, and Guo Zuo’s personality has fallen and he no longer has the kingdom of God. The power of Zuo.

   There will be four more supreme dynasties between heaven and earth, but there will be no **** dynasties, which is also very interesting. "

   Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tianyin's complexion remained unchanged, but their eyes became much deeper.

   There is only Long Gong Wushuang, but as always, it seems that Ji Xia's words can't affect him.

   I saw that Long Gong Wushuang also picked up the wine on the table, drank it, and said directly: "The Emperor Taichu was right.

   It's just that Tai Cang is not strong enough to make the three major gods helpless and enter the gods.

   Even if one day, the boundless wild observers and watchers will take action, temporarily depriving one of the four supreme emperors of the power of Guozuo, and then destroy it.

   Infinite and wild stability trumps everything. "

   Jixia heard Chang Gong Wushuang's words, as if suddenly thought of something interesting.

   The smile on his face is getting brighter... and even a bit presumptuous.

   "The boundless wild observer, watcher?"

   Ji Xia stroked her palm and laughed, her eyes full of smiles.

   There was a bit of sarcasm in this rich smile.

   Loud laughter lingered in the hall of Supreme Harmony.

   Yuan Zhou Tianyin and Zi Sun Shenjun all frowned and looked up at Ji Xia.

   Ji Xia laughed hysterically, and the other great powers present also looked at each other.

   Kixia's personality has become quite restrained over time.

   For thousands of years, they have rarely seen the presumptuous smile on Ji Xia's face like today.

   Even these great and powerful people are a little surprised.

   Ji Xia smiled for a long time, during which she even covered her belly with one hand, and patted the jade case in front of her with the other.

   More than ten breaths have passed.

   Kika's laughter finally became smaller.

   He finally intermittently said, "The observer and watchman of the boundless wilderness?

Do not! They are the existence that keeps you in captivity, the existence that slaughters you, the cramping and deboning of you, and the feeding of the existence of this world.

   You guys... don’t you know? "

   Jixia's words were not vocal, on the contrary, he became weak because of the wild laugh.

   But the information implied in the words caused the expressions of the three gods to change suddenly.

   Just now came to Yin Luyu to send orders, and when they were waiting, they looked as usual.

   In the early days, the emperor met them with the etiquette of meeting his subordinates, and they looked as usual.

   Ji Xia sat in a high position and looked down on them from a high position, but they still looked as usual.

   Even their presumptuous behavior in vain has never made them so gaffe.


   Ji Xia was just a few words, making Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tianyin angry and staring coldly at Ji Xia.

   Even Long Gong Wushuang ~www.readwn.com~ fell silent, looking down at the cup on the jade case in front of him.

   And Ji Xia didn't seem to plan to let them go.

   "Your age is endless, and you have witnessed the fall of an unknown number of gods."

   His laughter faded away, but his voice was as cold as a billion-year-old cold stone.

   "From the rules of heaven and earth, I guessed the truth about the power of Guozuo."

  "Once you become a god, it means that the longest is no more than a million years, and the shortest is no more than tens of thousands of years. They will be sacrificed and become a ruin.

  Human dynasty is like this, and other dynasties are also like this. "

  "You seem to be extremely tall and unparalleled, overlooking the earth and all things, the Universe Galaxy, the personality is almost supreme, ordinary creatures in your eyes are like ants.

   The powerful lord of the imperial dynasty is just a slightly larger ant in the eyes of the strong gods!

   Your power has overwhelmed the boundless wilderness, almost unmatched. "

   "However, as I just said.

  You are just livestock. When one day, the master needs to eat meat..."

   "The cornerstones of the gods you are proud of, the countless creatures, and the army that can defeat the universe, are just the flesh and blood of heaven and earth!"


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