I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1092: The ancient human races of Jiuyuan【Large

   These two extraterrestrial talents are extraordinarily grand and different.

   Above the first outer sky, there are a total of nine heavenly domes, and on each of them, many continents are suspended.

   Above these continents, a huge number of human beings built out of the city, established civilization, and worshipped the ancient ancestors.

   And above the second outer sky, the gap between the sky and the earth has become much smaller.

   The ancient altars and buildings have become the protagonists of this outer space.

   What surprised Ji Xia.

   There are no weak human beings in the second outer sky.

   On the contrary, in Ji Xia's Star God Eye, he can clearly perceive that there are many powerful auras lingering in those altars and ancient buildings.

  All kinds of unique gods are running the same ancient and mysterious heavenly powers.

   These ancient techniques are mutually corroborating and perfecting each other, and then burst out wonderful magical powers.

   The mighty power of the world erupted in the second outer sky, and the intensity caused all the too strong people present to look sideways.

   The two outer heavens, coming to Tai Cang in this powerful posture different from the weak human race, made Ji Xia a little surprised.

   In such a long period of time, Ji Xia always believed that for tens of millions of years after the destruction, there must be a powerful human race hidden in the boundless wilderness.

   These human forces may have ancient heritage and extraordinary powerhouses.

   is like an ordinary human secret realm, Shangyue, and Outer Heaven.

   They also hold a greater amount of wealth and extremely precious treasures.

  This also caused them to dare not appear in the boundless wilderness, unwilling to take risks to cultivate the weak human race forces, and even less willing to save the weak human races.

   From the time to the present, more than three thousand years have passed.

   Jixia did see traces of many hidden human forces.

   But these hidden human race forces are mostly very weak.

  The strongest among them, about Mo is only equal to the ordinary imperial dynasty.

  Emperor...For the vast boundless wilderness, it is indeed not a small force, dominating one side, and ruling trillions of living beings.

   However, to Shen Chao and Tai Cang, the power of Emperor Chao appeared so pale and weak.

   Ji Xia, when her vision was not broad, once wanted to unite the many hidden human race forces hidden in the void to build the human race into an iron plate, revive the human race, and let Tai Cang rise strong.

   Later, Ji Xia let go of this idea.

   The hidden human forces that can be found by Tai Cang are too weak to give Tai Cang a greater boost.

   Of course, this is not the only reason Ji Xia changed his mind.

   Even ordinary human races who have never practiced, Tai Cang is willing to accept, and is willing to pay a lot of resources to make these weak human races stronger, and then become a rock on the road to human rejuvenation.

  The power of the human race under the hidden forces of the human race is not even inferior to the ordinary human race.

   The problem lies with these hidden human race forces. In the long hidden life, they have lost their fighting spirit and the motivation to fight for the human race.

   Perhaps in the subconscious of those with lofty ideals, knowing that they continue to hide in this way, one day they will be found by powerful aliens, and divide their hidden treasures, and completely destroy them.

   However, most of their superiors felt that the revival of the human race had nothing to do with them.

   They only need to hide behind the Tianmen Court outside the boundary to be able to spend a longer time safely.

  Most human races under this kind of hidden force do not have the miserable experience of the boundless wild and ordinary human races.

  Under such circumstances, let them step out of the outer world, fight for the rise of the human race, and create a flourishing age for their descendants and compatriots of their race...

   naturally looks a bit... ridiculous.

   They didn't even know that they were about to die, and they always felt that if they were to merge into Tai Cang, Tai Cang took a big advantage.

   For this reason, Ji Xia simply let them fend for themselves.

   Those who are willing to join Tai Cang, Tai Cang will not turn away.

   Still closed the door and pretended to sleep and wait to die, Ji Xia would not force them to be dragged out of the dream, because they would resent them and be scolded by them.


   At this moment, the two outer heavens in the sky are different from the ordinary outer heavens of the human race.

   These two outer heavens are obviously stronger and more ancient.

  With the power of Taicang and even with the power of the gods, they have never found their traces in the endless wilderness.

   Of course, this does not mean that Tai Cang and Shen Chao have no power to find them.

   It's just that Tai Cang and the three major gods have more important things. The boundless wilderness is too vast. Shen Chao and Tai Cang don't have the extra power to spend massive amounts of money to find them.

   In this case, these ancient and mysterious outer heavens can exist for a long time.

   Despite this, these two outer heavens are indeed different.

   The power that they bloomed also made Ji Xia look at her.

   Among them... there is even the courage of a strong superior in the upper universe, which is constantly tumbling.

   Ji Xia narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked up at the two outer heavens.

   These two outer Tianmen courts opened, and a figure walked out of it.

   Jixia's expression was calm, but his eyes became deeper and deeper.

   "Two Shangyu Daojing?"

   Ji Xia's eyes moved slightly: "Moreover, the bloodline on their bodies is not the inheritance of the four human dynasties of Divine Sword, Lixuan, Dading, and Daxi.

   They come from a more distant human history. "

   Such an ancient human race outside the world is very rare in the boundless wilderness.

   At the same time, this also means that in the past years.

   The outer world of these human races has never been involved in the wars of other gods.

   In other words, when the Great Ding God Dynasty and the Great Breath God Dynasty rose, they did not provide assistance.

   When these human dynasties weakened and then completely collapsed, they did not lend a hand, but stood by and watched.

   In the long years, these outer worlds of the human race have been hidden in the void, ignoring the changes of the boundless wilderness, and never caring about the situation of the other human races in the boundless wilderness.

   Ji Xia thought of this, her eyes became calm.

   At this moment, the two human experts in the Shangyu Dao realm walked down from the void and walked towards Tai Xian to the court.

   Kixia's eyes moved slightly.

   Bai Qi understood, he stood up, a flow of divine consciousness passed by, and the majestic voice suddenly resounded through the world.

   "You are not allowed to fly when you enter Taidu for three thousand miles."

  'S white voice was extraordinarily indifferent, and the meaning revealed in it couldn't be more obvious.

   The two supernatural powers of the Shangyu Dao realm were slightly stagnant, and they looked at each other immediately.

   Not long ago, they clearly saw the three gods and spirits, flying directly into Taixian to go to the court, before landing in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Tai Cang did not have such rules.

   When it was their turn, they were not allowed to enter Taidu from the void.

   The perception of Tai Cang in the hearts of these two strong human races has become a bit more complicated.

   On the one hand, they were surprised at Tai Cang's strength, on the other hand, they felt too deceitful and afraid of hardships, and they suddenly set new rules for them.

   However, Bai Qi's next divine consciousness made them helplessly land.

  "The strong have the path of the strong, and the weak should also have the self-knowledge that belongs to the weak.

  The strongest of Gods can fly into Taidu, before Taixian goes to court, but they will always pay the price.

   As a human race, Tai Cang is unwilling to make you pay, and you are not worthy of Tai Cang's pursuit.

   Therefore, you should walk and enter Taidu. "

   The white words are loud and loud.

   did not shy away from the three most powerful men in the temple.

   The three strongest gods heard Bai Qi's unceremonious words, and they didn't move like a mountain, as if they didn't care.

   Bai Qi's words fell in the ears of the two outer rulers, but they sounded like thunder.

   Even Long Gong Wushuang, Zi Sun God Sovereign, Yuan Zhou Tian Yin and other supreme existences, Tai Cang did not shy away from the slightest.

   Although they are the unworldly powerhouses of Shangyu Daojing, they have successfully avoided many catastrophes all the way through the long history.

   However, compared to gods such as the Purple Sun God Lord, they clearly know their own gap.

   On the other hand, they also clearly know Tai Cang's current strength.

   also knew that Tai Cang had reached a certain alliance with a mysterious sky force.

   In that mysterious sky force, there is even the Eternal Immortal Realm.

   These two outer heavens cannot escape the world, which does not mean that they are completely isolated from the boundless wilderness.

   was able to avoid many catastrophes because they had their own channels and were well informed.


   When Bai Qi's second sentence came, they had already fallen on the ground, walking towards Tai Cang step by step.

   Since it has already revealed its majesty.

   Bai Qi nodded slowly, and a divine bridge spread out and fell into the distant world.

   The two strong men of the Human Race Shangyu Daojing stepped on the sacred bridge, a few steps, and they had already come to Taixian to go to court.

   They followed the rules and respectfully waited for Ji Xia's call outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

   The guards in the palace yelled Ji Xia's orders, and the two men and women finally stepped into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

   They stood in the hall and saluted Ji Xia respectfully.

   Ji Xia nodded.

   The male human race Shangyu Daojing wore a long coat of storm sky condensed, and various Dao patterns appeared on his clothes, reflecting the strength of his inheritance.

   "Jiuyu Tianluo Changshui see Taichu Emperor."

   The second Shangyu Daojing powerhouse is a man with a high crown and long hair reaching his waist. His eyes are like flowing water, and he turns out to be a bit gentle.

   Obviously, this woman came to visit Ji Xia in Shangyu Daojing, restrained her majesty as much as possible, and never showed it.

   Even her voice is very soft.

   "To sacrifice congenital warmth, see Emperor Taichu."

   How could a ruler who ruled the outer heavens of the ancient world be so and without majesty?

   These two masters are standing in the center of the temple, and a variety of unique inheritance lingers in their bodies, and the wonderful blood power fills the sky.

   Ji Xia was a little surprised.

   But Ji Xia didn't ask, but just looked down at these two powerful humanoid Shangyu Dao realm.

   On the contrary, there was a smile on the corners of the six evils Canglong's mouth, and he smiled: "The Dragon has always thought that the human race is weak and humble, and there is no strong person. Otherwise, how could countless weak human beings be abused in that way?

   But today, when I saw the two masters, I realized that in the boundless wilderness, the human race actually still exists in the Shangyu Dao realm, which surprised me. "

   At this moment, the Six Scourges Canglong, the strength of the Dao is the pinnacle, and has never ascended to the Universe Realm.

   But his words, like a biting cold wind, made the two outer heavenly masters quite uncomfortable.

   In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, they didn't dare to be rude, just as they had not heard the words of the six evil dragons.

   The Purple Sun God Sovereign raised his eyes and glanced at the Six Sorrows Canglong, drank a glass of wine, and said, "Emperor, the reason why I summon these two outer rulers is to let them tell you some secrets."

   The words of the Purple Sun God Sovereign fell, and his eyes shifted to the bodies of the two outer heavenly masters.

   I saw that Luo Changshui respectfully salute the three strongest gods, and looked at Ji Xia above.

   Jixia waved at will, motioning him to continue.

   Luo Changshui straightened up and waved slightly.

   For an instant, a light curtain appeared in the center of the hall.

   Above the light curtain, a blazing black sun from near to far reveals the whole picture of this world.

   There are many more sky domes standing in the middle of the world on that side.

   This world is Jiuyuan.

   Jixia and many too strong people stared at the light curtain.

   However, among the many sky domes on the light curtain, there are vaguely many light spots shining out.

   For an instant, Ji Xia's eyes lit up slightly.

   Many too strong people also seemed quite surprised.

   But in the many light spots in the old abyss, what is reflected is a secret realm, the outer world!

   More importantly, these human secret realms and outer worlds are quite extraordinary and powerful.

   Layers of spiritual elements linger over the hidden place.

   An extremely powerful existence, sitting in the void.

   All kinds of wonderful inheritance circulate among the sky, revealing extraordinary power.

   This surprised Ji Xia.

   After a brief thought, he looked at the two outer heavenly masters in the temple, and finally asked: "In the old abyss... there are so many hidden places of the human race?"

  The warm and weak voice became softer, the blue long hair fell down, and the tone of reverence ~www.readwn.com~ responded: "There are indeed many hidden places of the human race in the old abyss.

   And most of the hidden places come from more ancient years.

   Among them, there are even the first human races after the Great Destruction. They can't bear to endure the infinite wild races and have no choice but to go to the old abyss to escape disaster. "

  "Later, for his ambition, God Emperor Jiuyuan Frost Cinder set a rule that people who are willing to surrender to the Great Frost God’s secret place can be protected by the Great Frost God.

   and the condition is...

   When the Great Frost God dynasty counterattacks the boundless wilderness, these hidden places of human race must send troops to fight for the Great Frost God dynasty. "

   "Is there such a thing?"

   Jixia frowned, he suddenly thought of something.

I saw him put his right hand on the jade case, tapped on the table, and asked calmly, "I heard that when the Great Breath God dynasty collapsed tens of thousands of years ago, the Frost Cinder God Emperor once brought the Great Frost God. The army of the dynasty attacked the Great Breath God Dynasty, which also became one of the reasons for the destruction of the Great Breath God Dynasty."


   Jixia's voice became deeper and deeper: "I really want to know that in that battle... what role did these hidden human places protected by the Great Frost God Really play?"


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