I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1094: 36 human dynasties [four K]

     Kika's voice came faintly.

   The faces of the three strongest gods also became very calm.

   Although Ji Xia didn't say it clearly.

   But when the young King Taicang questioned the two rulers, Jiuyutian and Jixuantian, he had already revealed his choice.

   Now, between Ji Xia and his sleeves, directly expelling the incarnation of the three most powerful gods, it means that Tai Cang and the three major gods have completely broken.

   After a short time, the three great gods will visit Tai Cang again.

   At that time, those who came too far were no longer the incarnation of these strong men.

  The army of the gods and the powerful men of the world will also come personally to destroy Tai Cang.

   By then.

   The three major dynasties will definitely not be stingy in strength. Except for the powerhouses who sit in the dynasties, all the power will be surging in, completely erasing the existence of Tai Cang.


   Standing on the high platform, Ji Xia did not show any fear on her face, serious or even solemn.

   There is only peace.

   His eyes fell on Luo Changshui and Wenqiang, thoughtfully.

  Luo Changshui, weak temperature... These two human races exist in the upper universe.

   The blood flowing on the body is golden yellow, and there is a burst of noble aura permeating out, and it also makes the hall of Supreme Harmony filled with fragrance.

   Their faces are all a little ugly.

   These two human race outer heavenly masters never expected that there would be such a situation.

   The three great dynasties dispatched three unmatched gods, the Purple Sun God Army, Yuan Zhou Tianyin, and Long Gong Wushuang, to convey the will of the three great dynasties to Ji Xia.

   also opened up a new path for Tai Cang.

   When Luo Changshui and Wenqiang came to Tai Cang, they never thought Tai Cang dared to refuse.

  The reason is still that simple.

   Tai Cang stayed in the boundless wilderness, facing three divine dynasties, and when Tai Cang went to Jiuyuan, he faced only the great frost divine dynasty.

   The Frost Cinder God Emperor has always done things unexpectedly.

  He may accept Tai Cang's surrender, and from then on, Tai Cang will have a relatively long time to continue civilization and develop Guozuo.

   in this process.

   With the background of Ji Xia, facing a great frost dynasty, Tai Cang is not a mortal situation.

   All in all.

   Luo Changshui and Wenwei appeared from the secret void.

   In the thoughts of these two outer heavenly masters, they think they are planning for the millions of people in Taicang, hoping that they will not be destroyed by the catastrophes from the three great dynasties.

   The situation before them has completely exceeded their expectations.

   "The Great Emperor...Why is this so?"

   Wenwei felt the gazes of the many too strong people in the palace, not knowing why Ji Xia made such a decision.

   The storm sky robe on Luo Changshui's body has already begun to hunt.

   The avenue lines belonging to Shangyu Daojing are also looming.

   Jiuyu Heavenly Master Luo Changshui clearly heard Ji Xia's question just now.

   The avenue he entrusted with the true spirit is constantly giving back Dao wonderful information.

   Luo Changshui keenly felt...

   Kixia is indeed angry!

   The King Tai Cang was angry, and Luo Changshui, an expert in Shangyu Dao realm, seemed to be in a turbulent sea of ​​stars.

at this time.

   Jiufeng, who had been sitting on the side of the palace before the jade case, drank tea slowly.

  His eyes... just fell on Luo Changshui.

   "One of the strong ones who suppressed the exile of God."

   Luo Changshui took a deep breath.

   He raised his head, looked directly at Ji Xia, and said, "The Great Emperor...

   Jiuyu Tianluo Changshui never thought of harming his family. "

   Wen and weak also bowed, gritted his teeth and said, "The reason why we came here too far is because we jointly control the altar leading to the old abyss.

   This altar has a long history, more than 80 million years.

   So... In these long years, Jiuyutian and Jixuantian have always led the hidden places of the boundless wild human race to Jiuyuan to escape disaster. "

   "These many years have passed, and the weak and the Jiuyu Heavenly Lord have always thought that our actions are extremely secretive, so that we can be safe and sound for more than 80 million years."

   Wenqiang Speaking of this, a heavy color flashed in his eyes.

   She paused, and continued: "Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin each knocked on the gates of Jiuyutian and Xuantian..."

   Wenqiang did not continue.

   Luo Changshui's tone was cold, and he took the conversation and said: "It turns out... in the eyes of the three great gods, the seven hidden places of the human race with powerful Shangyu Dao realm have all been traced by them."

   "It's just that the seven outer worlds of the human race seem to have some great use for the three major dynasties, so..."

   Ji Xia carried her hands on her back and stared at them condescendingly: "The role of Jiuyutian and Jixuantian is probably to take charge of that ancient altar, and constantly carry the strong human race to the old abyss?"

   Luo Changshui and Wenwei glanced at each other.

   Wenwei replied, “We don’t know how it would benefit the three great gods to move the strong human race to the old abyss.

   But he also knows that Jiuyutian and Jixuantian even have countless human inheritances, and they have a strong human blood.

   But these are simply not enough to keep Jiuyutian and Jixuantian alive in such a long time.

  So...there is only the reason for the altar. "

   Ji Xia turned his head to think about it, and he was also a little puzzled about the calculations of the three great dynasties.

   Shi Yang on the side suddenly asked: "Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin knocked on the gates of Jiu Yu Tian and Ji Xuan Tian, ​​threatening you, you have to come?"

  Luo Changshui nodded and said: "We have lived for a long time. After the great destruction of the Da Duan Luo world, we will exist in the boundless wilderness.

   There are hundreds of billions of creatures in the Taicang race.

   If the three great dynasties only threaten us with our lives, cultivation bases, and road lines, perhaps we will not compromise. "

   "But... I also have tens of trillions of people in the world of Jiuyu, and hundreds of billions of alien creatures.

   The inheritance of the human race over the past eight thousand years, and the blood of the human race, all have records in it.

   This is a testament to the dazzling civilization of the human race, and it is also the reason why Jiuyutian and Jixuantian are lingering. "

   Wen Wei also said: "Ji Xuan Tian did not have weak human beings... However... There are many remaining true spirits of Human race dynasty and mutilated bodies buried in Ji Xuan Tian.

   Although we have never contributed to these catastrophes, we are also recording the vast and wild human history.

  If these histories are discarded, then one day...the human race will be completely knocked out of dust and become fodder for maintaining the boundless wilderness and stability. "

  "Plus... the three great gods promised gentleness and Jiuyu heavenly ruler.

   is just to extradite Tai Cang to Jiu Yuan, and does not need to attack the same clan, to a certain extent, it is even helping Tai Cang. "

   The weak words fell.

   Kika doesn't seem to care about their reasons.

   just a little bit of curiosity in his eyes.

   He turned his head and asked, "Have you recorded the history of the human race from the Archaic period to the present?"

  Luo Changshui and Wenqiu should be.

   The coldness in Jixia's eyes dissipated a lot.

   He turned around, sat in the high seat of Tai Xian, and asked: "Then you know how many gods the Human Race has produced for more than 80 million years after the Great Destruction?"

   replied in a gentle and soft voice: "Even in the dust and suffering, the heroes of the world have never been willing to become twisted maggots.

   Human blood is sealed by the rules of heaven and earth, but this kind of seal is not unsolvable.

   In the past five years, dozens of emperors have been born from the so-called lowly human race.

   just... they tend to be short-lived. "

   "Thirty-six Human Races?"

   Kixia jumped and raised her brows.

   All the Supreme Masters who were present also collided with their eyes, and their spiritual knowledge flowed.

  " Thirty-six human dynasties were born in more than 80 million years, which means that about every two million years, a human dynasty will be born.

   This frequency...enough to disregard all races in the boundless wilderness. "

   The most sage sage Shixian Shen's complexion flushed. He slapped the jade case in front of him and laughed and said: "Even if it is sealed by the world, ruled down by the rules, and suppressed by other races, the human race can continue to rise and rejuvenate."

"And those other races that regard the human race as a humble race, with weak bloodlines, and can only become food, but there are few races that gave birth to two sacred dynasties. This is enough to prove that whether it is the Big Duanluo world before the big shattered, or the big shattered The boundless wilderness afterwards.

  The human race is a well-deserved and supreme race, and no race can match it. "

   In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, many important ministers are also crying, and the bright colors in their eyes are enough to reflect their joy.

   But Ji Xia frowned, "Perhaps, this is the rule of heaven and earth deliberately."

  In Ji Xia's thoughts.

   If the human blood is sealed, and the boundless wild world ruled power, why would this seal loosen?

   Countless heroes of the human race have risen in the end of the era, step by step on the top of the sky.

   However, if the rules of heaven and earth begin, they will deprive all races of their talents, blood, and heritage.

   How can that human race give birth to so many dynasties?

In the hall of   , many of the great and powerful also saw the secrets in it.

   Bai Qi said in a voice transmission: "The Great Emperor, along the way, I have begun to touch the pinnacle of the boundless wilderness.

   Today, I have no doubt that the human race that was defeated after the Great Destruction must be protected by some new world rules.

   Otherwise, when the human race is weak, only a **** dynasty is needed, and it can smooth the world of all races. "

   "When the human blood does not exist, the inheritance is obliterated, and the fire of civilization is extinguished, how can 36 dynasties be born?"

Ji Xia looked down at the wine glass in front of him. He circulated his consciousness at will, and whispered: "Maybe... it’s not that the new world rules are protecting the human race... but the new world rules require the human race and cannot completely destroy the human race. ."

   Bai Qi understood in an instant, and he whispered silently: "These thirty-six evocative human dynasties are about regular sacrifices.

  Because of this, the existence behind the sky and the brand-new rules are unwilling to bother too much.

   When Tai Cang has achieved the gods, the throat-cutting knife will volley down. "

   Jiufeng’s divine consciousness suddenly flowed over and collided with the divine consciousness of Bai Qi and Ji Xia.

  "We can guess these through these clues.

   Among the thirty-six human dynasties, it is impossible for the later supreme powers to notice the clues. "

   "They are still not afraid of death, they have achieved a lot of dynasties, and they have been fighting constantly, and they have summoned a ray of light for the human race."

   "This is also admirable."

   Jiufeng has reverence in his tone.

   In the hall present, many too strong eyes were solemn.

   They stared at Wenwei and Luo Changshui.

   Luo Changshui knows.

   He beckoned gently, and behind him, a shadow of the outer sky appeared dimly.

   There are nine layers of firmament in this outer sky.

   When these nine layers of spheres open at the same time, there are four light spots inside each layer of spheres.

   These light spots appeared in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and they continued to expand.

   has become a curtain of light.

   A total of thirty-six light curtains, just like this appeared in the void of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

  Some pictures appeared on every light curtain.

   Some of the pictures are so brilliant, the gods stand on the top of the sky, pulling away the clouds and mist, and looking down at everything in the sky and the earth.

   As far as he can see, it is the territory of the human race.

   Ji Xia's gaze fell on this god-man light curtain.

   A warm and weak voice came leisurely: "This is the Ming Dynasty of the Bells, and it is the sixth dynasty of the Human Race. Guo Zuo lasted for more than 60,000 years.

   When the **** bell rings, the bell rings the **** emperor to refine his physique, wanting to use his own body as the support to support the falling sky! "

   Ji Xia raised his respect, and his eyes fell on another light curtain.

   The scene of that light curtain is completely different.

   The vast and boundless wilderness, the space has been shattered by half.

   This human dynasty has completely fallen into ruins.

   There is an army of gods among the ruins!

   A team of only seven hundred and twenty thousand strong men, after the disaster of heaven and earth.

   bucked the trend, invaded another divine dynasty, killed the emperor of the immortal realm of the universe, and extinguished the divine kingdom.

After   , all members decided on the corpse of the Emperor of the Immortal Realm.

   The two great dynasties collapsed one after another.

   The strength of the third **** that dominated the boundless wilderness at that time became unprecedentedly powerful.

  Wuxiantian wanted to weaken the third dynasty, and that alien dynasty rebelled, and an unprecedented battle broke out.

   The rule system of the boundless barren country almost collapsed.

   Wenwei looked at the human gods who were willing to exterminate themselves, and said softly: "When the Nanhe **** dynasty is annihilated, all the background of the gods will be integrated into the seven hundred and twenty thousand high-spirited celestial army.

   This army is a dead man, even if the past gods no longer exist~www.readwn.com~, they must use their lives and bodies to fight back against the gods behind the scenes. "

   Kixia has fallen completely into silence.

   His eyes fell on the first light curtain unconsciously.

   On that light curtain, the extremely dark sky of the demon, a human **** shrouded in the light curtain facing upwards.

   I don’t know how powerful this human dynasty is.

   The infinitely powerful demon sky vault blessed a certain treasure that could transcend the cosmic immortal Taoist artifacts before it could envelop this human dynasty.

   This Human Race is very special.

   Among them... there is no Guozuo power.

   Ji Xia, who looked calm from beginning to end, finally flashed a clearly visible expression of surprise on her face.

   He looked at the light curtain carefully.

   However, I saw that the world-famous scene on the light curtain became more and more hazy, until it dissipated completely, as if it had never existed.

   Ji Xia raised his eyes to Wen Wei.

   I saw Wen Qiang took a deep breath: "This is the first human kingdom after the destruction!"

   Kixia remembered a long-standing ancient legend.

   He murmured to himself: "It turns out... The Huanghuang Divine Dynasty was the first Human Race Divine Dynasty."


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