I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1096: The boundless wild fairy world [four K]

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Ji Xia issued an edict.

There was no sound in the hall for a while, and then it boiled.

Many of the ministers' faces were flushed, and they looked extremely excited.

Bai Qi, Six Calamities Canglong, Yang Ren and many other powerful men also stood up and saluted Ji Xia.

The light in their eyes flickered, and the corners of their mouths wore a little smile.

Six Scourges Canglong and Shi Yang still had a strong fighting spirit in their eyes.

They have foreseen everything that is about to happen.

Before that.

Although Tai Cang is already the most powerful human nation in the boundless wilderness.

However, in the vast and infinite wilderness, there are still many weak human races who do not know the existence of Tai Cang.

It is only a part of the human beings who have heard of the legend of Tai Cang.

Many human races still believe that their blood is weak, and they still believe that human races in this world should be bullied at will, should be turned into food for powerful races, and should exist in a hurry and despair.

For the weak and small, the news channel of this world is also extremely blocked.

In the past, the great name of Tai Cang was also known by the vast and wild dynasties and powerful forces.

But it was limited to the upper echelons of these imperial dynasties.

At this moment.

Ji Xia issued an edict, which meant that he would completely convey the name of Tai Cang to the ears of every boundless wild creature, and the heart of every human race!

Luo Changshui and Wenwei stared at Ji Xia blankly, a little at a loss.

Just as they never thought that Ji Xia dared to ignore the orders of the three great gods.

They never thought that at this difficult juncture, Ji Xia dared to be so high-profile that he wanted to be crowned emperor!

Today, the power of Tai Cang Guo Zuo is still very far away from the gods.

According to Ji Xia's previous words.

Luo Changshui and Wen Qiang could already guess what the "emperor" personality that Ji Xia wanted to achieve really represented!

"The Great Emperor...to revise the history of the human race, to worship the ancestors of the human race, and to convey the history of the human race he compiled to every human being in the boundless wilderness...

This means that the emperor in the early days wanted to stand on his own as the emperor! "

"Since the great emperor in the early days is the emperor of the human race, just as he said, Tai Cang is also the central kingdom of the human race!

It also conveyed a message to the countless powerful forces in the boundless wilderness, that is, the human race will be unified from now on and will no longer be exploited by countless forces.

The pressure that Tai Cang has to face, don't be so terrifying. "

For an instant.

Many thoughts flashed in the minds of Wenqi and Luo Changshui.

Then they changed their minds.

I also remembered that Tai Cang was already intolerable by the three great dynasties.

The three gods represent the power of the pinnacle of the boundless wilds.

Tai Cang is not afraid of the three great dynasties, so the hatred gaze of other forces doesn't matter.


Jiuyutian and Jixuantian...Do you want to join Taicang?

Luo Changshui and Wen Wei were silent.

They are still thinking about it.

"The Great Emperor Tai Cang ordered me to record the history of the human race in Tai Cang, and then bury the true spirits and bones of the sages of the human race in the altar to Tai Cang.

For us, this is just a relief. "

Wen Wei's thoughts flickered, and Luo Changshui nodded slowly.

In extremely long years.

Both Jiuyutian and Jixuantian have a mission.

Although this mission brings them a sense of pride, it also brings them a sense of ethnic belonging.

But at the same time it also brought heavy shackles.

Tai Cang has now issued an edict, so Jiuyutian and Jixuantian will also take this opportunity to break away from this extremely heavy shackles, and the pressure on the upper level powerhouses of the two secret realms will also be reduced a lot.


After this?

Tai Cang has established himself as the central nation of the human race, and will fight for his life for the human race!

I want to make countless human beings no longer humble, no longer weak, so that this ancient and powerful race repeats its glory and responds to some personalities again.

Jiuyutian and Ji Xuantian have witnessed the tragic history of the Human Race after the Great Destruction... Should they stand by and watch?

It was difficult to choose between Luo Changshui and Wenwei for a while.

Ji Xia was not in a hurry either.

He glanced at the two of them and said casually: "From today, Tai Cang will send strong men to Jiuyu Tian and Ji Xuan Tian to record human history, move tomb altars, prepare to revise history, compile classics, and worship human sages.

During this period, the two can travel through Tai Cang, take a look at Tai Cang's style, and then take a look at the spirit of Tai Cang's people.

Then decide whether to merge into Tai Cang, whether to fight for the human race. "

Luo Changshui and Wenqiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They respectfully saluted Ji Xia, and each left a divine sense and withdrew from the hall.

Ji Xia also circulated a divine sense, collided with the divine sense left by the two outer heavenly masters, and then looked down at Xian Shen.

"Immediately set off with the protégés of Shengwen Mansion, to Jiuyutian, to record the history of the human race.

To compile human history classics as soon as possible, the first classics need not be detailed, but easy to understand.

When the first book was born, it was when Tai Cang conveyed the Emperor of Heaven to the boundless wilderness. "

The Most Holy Master immediately saluted and retired.

And Ji Xia said with a slight flick of her sleeves: "If this is the case, let's retreat now."

Many great ministers and strong men left one after another.

Although Ji Xia only delivered an order.

But after this.

In the early days, the imperial court was bound to draft a series of decrees, which would be used to support Tai Cang's "Human Race Central Nation" plan.

These great ministers and many great powerful people will also rush and work hard for this.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there were only a few Taicang gods left.

Bai Qi knew Ji Xia best among the many people of Tai Cang God.

He looked at Ji Xia and asked, "The emperor wants to go to worship Xuantian?"

Ji Xia smiled slightly at him, nodded and said: "Many of the ancestors of the human race were buried in the Jixuantian, and their mutilated true spirits and bones are all in the Jixuantian.

I am now going to worship 36 gods, so I cannot send others to welcome them.

I will go personally. "

Six Scourges Canglong frowned and said, "Emperor, now is the dangerous time, Tai Cang has just rejected the so-called suggestions of the three great dynasties.

Now the emperor wants to go out again... Once discovered by the three gods, I'm afraid it will cause terrible disaster.

Tai Cang can't live without the emperor. Once the emperor is in trouble, all of Tai Cang's connection will collapse. "

Yu Zaoqian, Chi Yu, Chao Longbo, and Yang Ren all frowned and stared at Ji Xia.

Ji Xia was still smiling.

He casually said: "It's okay, I'm not stupid, so naturally I won't go alone to commit danger.

I will take the two powerhouses forward, and with them, even if I discover the three great dynasties, I will be able to escape back to Tai Cang. "

"And at the speed of those two gods, maybe I will return to Tai Cang in just a few dozen days."

The several gods in the hall heard Ji Xia's words and looked at each other.

Only then did they relax and leave the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Only Ji Xia was left in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Ji Xia stood in the hall, he pondered for a moment, and between raising his hand, an illusory image of the congenital temple appeared in his hand.

After a long time, the image of Xiantian temple worship disappeared.

A dark sky appeared beside Ji Xia.

Ji Xia thought for a while, he stood up and took a step.

In between.

He has already stepped into the nine Li Tian.

Today's Jiulitian is different from what was just exchanged by Ji Xia.

When Ji Xia walked into the black mist full of fierce aura.

These black mists, which no strangers should get close to, instantly became excited, and were extremely close to Ji Xia.

Hei Mist seemed to be celebrating the arrival of Ji Xia, constantly rising, and a thick road emerged.

Ji Xia embarked on this path and walked forward.

But just a few steps away, he saw an extremely vast world.

Since Jiulitian is named after the sky, it naturally contains the world.

Moreover, the sky that can carry the vast body of the great demon **** Chi You and countless terrifying gods and devils is naturally magnificent and lofty.

Standing in the clouds, Ji Xia looked at Jiuli Sky from a distance, and saw a prosperous world.

In this world, there are not many creatures with intelligence, but they seem to be extremely respected.

In the center of the world, layers of sky are suspended.

Above the sky, there are countless densely packed heavenly palaces.

In these heavenly palaces, there are many powerful gods and demons in these Jiulitian.

Including eighty-one Nine Li Heavenly Demon Gods, including Xing Tian, ​​Kua Fu, and Fei Lian Fierce Star... and many other powerful palaces are among them.

And that great demon **** Chi You is located above the nine heavens, and his palace is a single sky.

Ji Xia appeared in Jiuli Tian, ​​among the countless palaces, and suddenly reflected a variety of bright lights.

The nine gods and demons all walked out of the palace, and respectfully bowed to Ji Xia.

Ji Xia smiled, a divine sense flashed across, these gods and demons immediately understood, and they all disappeared.

Above the nine heavens.

Chi You, the great demon god, has also walked out of his simple and solemn palace.

He saluted to Ji Xia and walked towards Ji Xia without saying a word.

Ji Xia stood there, waiting for Chi You.

Not long after, Chi You was already with him.

Ji Xia and Chi You walked together in the sky of Jiuli Heaven.

Looking down at the countless magnificent scenery.

Ji Xia asked, "Great Lord, in the future, when Tai Cang becomes the central kingdom of the human race, and gathers all the human beings in the boundless wilderness, I wonder if you are willing to pass on the inheritance of the Jiuli human race?"

Chi You is not wearing the armor of the devil at the moment.

Instead, he was wearing a black robe.

His body is still standing upright.

There seemed to be some great horror brewing in him, and the spirit exuding around his body also suppressed all the brilliance in the void.

He stood in the center of the world, and the world seemed to have dimmed.

Facing Ji Xia's question.

Chi You said, "Emperor, the Jiuli human race has been destroyed, and I have already died.

But the inheritance of the Jiuli human race is still in my mind.

The current Jiulitian is also the vast Jiulitian. If the emperor and I can make the Jiuli human race reappear in the boundless wilderness, of course it would be a good thing. "

Ji Xia nodded and said casually: "No matter which world you are in, the human race is born noble.

It's just that the human race in the boundless wilderness has encountered some hardships.

Now... this kind of ordeal is steadily dissipating.

One day, the inheritance of Jiulitian will flourish in the boundless wilderness. "

Chi You was thoughtful.

Ji Xia asked again: "The Great Lord and Great God Liao fought against each other, what was the result of my inquiries before the robbery?"

Chi You said: "The Great God Liao deserves to be the **** emperor of the world. He possesses very powerful combat power, which can shake Huanyu and wipe out the universe."

Ji Xia asked again: "Then in the last battle, who will win or lose between you and the Great God Liao?"

Chi You said: "The time for the match was too short, and we never had a victory or defeat.


"He was slightly injured."

Ji Xia knew instantly.

There was a big smile on his face.

Since Chi You answered like this, the result is already obvious.

The current power of the Great Demon God Chi You has surpassed that of the Great God Liao.

Although the extent of surpassing was not obvious, Ji Xia was delighted in the end.

Seeing Ji Xia's expression, Chi You reminded him again: "The Great God Liao is the emperor approved by heaven and earth.

When he fought with me, he was not in his own kingdom of God.

If he was in the Third Eye, his power would be stronger. "

Ji Xia nodded, expressing that she knew it, and said relaxedly: "The power of Chi You Da Zun today is far from reaching its peak."

Chi You nodded, then shook his head again.

Ji Xia was puzzled, Chi You explained: "My strength has reached the peak of this realm. Unless there is a huge leap in the murderous aura, I will not be able to return to the peak of my previous life in a short time."

Ji Xia only understood now, but he was not discouraged either.

"The Great Lord doesn't have to worry, Tai Cang also has a lot of background. Nowadays, it is not a simple thing to destroy Tai Cang in this world."

Chi is particularly clear.

Ji Xia and Chi You walked in the void like this.

They looked down at everything in Jiulitian.

I also planned everything about Jiulitian in my heart.

Soon after, Jiuli Tian will also carry countless human beings.

These human beings will inherit the unyielding will and prosperous blood of the Jiuli human race.

After a long time, Ji Xia and Chi You traveled all over Jiuli Tian.

Ji Xia finally said: "I have a plan, I want to tell the great devil."

Chi You signaled Ji Xia to continue.

I saw Ji Xia wave his hand gently, and suddenly a light curtain appeared in the void.

On the light curtain, countless sky domes are suspended in nothingness.

at the same time.

Jiulitian and Taicang are side by side.

This piece of emptiness is also full of extremely thick gods~www.readwn.com~ Various treasures grow in the void and grow on the earth.

Rich to the extreme.

Ji Xia said: "In my plan, after a while, Tai Cang and Jiuli Tian will become the main place to carry the boundless wild human race."

"A vast world will descend into the boundless wilderness and become a well-deserved fairyland of the boundless wilderness!"

"Fairy world?"

Chi You was a little puzzled.

I saw Ji Xia spread out her palms.

In the center of Ji Xia's palm, a precious mirror slowly appeared.

In the mirror, the Kunlun fairy world stands tall!

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