I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1104: Tai Cang's liquidation list [four K]

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Ji Xia's voice came faintly, indifferent and containing a certain power like the supreme god.

He stood in the sky, looking down at the void below.

Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tianyin are flying at extreme speed.

But in the eyes of Ji Xia.

I just feel that this Fang Zhouyu has been completely shrouded by countless stars, countless mountains, rivers and seas, and countless wonderful sights.

Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tianyin were already bruised all over their bodies.

But they are the existence of the pinnacle of Shangyu Dao realm.

The gods in the body can be said to be immeasurable.

These gods are constantly repairing their bodies, true spirits, and spiritual consciousness.

It also keeps folding the space, letting them shuttle in the void.

Not long ago, these two existed at the pinnacle of the boundless wilderness.

Today, he can only flee in a hurry.

And Ji Xia seems to be the maker of the avenue.

When he lightly raised his hand, there was a gust of wind.

Countless rune storms spread among the universe, blocking their only way.

Zi Sun Shen Junzhen's body immediately shined brightly.

The scorching sun opened up a hot passage, and he jumped into the passage to escape these rune storms.

The eight Zhoutian Divine Wheels around Yuan Zhou Tianyin's body have been restored as before.

These Zhoutian Divine Wheels converged and entangled with each other, and turned into a path shining with golden light.

Yuan Zhou Tianyin walked on this golden avenue, and after one step, he didn't know how far he went.

Ji Xia didn't panic.

The black waves hit behind him, and the four great beasts of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu emerged one after another.

Four completely different powers turned into black waves, which were complicated and varied.

So between the heaven and the earth, there was an extra square sky.

Once again, he completely trapped Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin.

The scorching sun passage of the Purple Sun God kept collapsing.

Yuan Zhou Tianyin's golden avenue was also cut off from it.

The speed of Ji Xia's real body was so fast, the changes became wisps of Shenxi, and she had reached the head of the Purple Sun Divine Army in an instant.

The divine power is overwhelming, and the divine light of the thirty-one layer of the sky is constantly shining.

Ji Xia's power was unprecedentedly strong, and the dragon under her body roared.

He almost reached some kind of peak.

Under such a peak, the flames flickering on Zi Sun Shenjun's body were extremely hot, shooting towards Ji Xia.

But Ji Xia did not evade.

He made a sword with his two fingers, and lightly stroked the **** of purple sun.

Vaguely, the world seemed to be cut apart.

In the void, various sword lights burst out.

Ji Xia was like a primitive sword **** and then displayed supernatural powers.

His breath is extremely sharp, with soaring murderous intent.

The sword light from top to bottom shook the rays of the scorching sun and killed the **** of purple sun.

Yuan Zhou Tianyin knew that the void had been locked by Ji Xia, and they could only fight their backs.

If the **** of purple sun is defeated by Ji Xia's great swordsmanship.

I'm afraid that the only person waiting for Yuan Zhou Tian Yin is the fall.

So Yuan Zhou Tianyin grew up.

His body covered the sky and the sun, and all kinds of wonderful supernatural powers flowed out from the Zhou Tianshen wheel.

Make the void chaotic, the world trembles.

Yuan Zhou Tianyin wanted to make a move to help God Lord Zi Sun and resist Ji Xia's great swordsmanship.

However, Ji Xia is under the light of the rules of the Wonderful Avenue of Supreme Constant Harmony.

I have already seen through Yuan Zhou Tianyin's intentions.

Haven't waited for Yuan Zhou Tian Yin Wei Neng to fully erupt.

A breeze blew across Ji Xia's body.

Wonderful power came one after another.

One by one, one symbol after another, instantly constructed a magical forbidden.

The great **** forbidden erupted with a bright glow, like a big explosion that perished the world.

Centered on this miraculous and great divine forbidden, the surging wave of Shen Yuan slapped towards Yuan Zhou Tian Yin.

The world roars!

The void shattered!

All avenues seem to have died!

The power of heaven and earth has become insignificant.

In this Fang Zhouyu, it seems that only Ji Xia exists.

Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tianyin are the two supreme gods at the pinnacle of Shangyu Dao realm.

In this big explosion, it was like dust that was about to be wiped away, not worth mentioning.

Whether it is the Purple Sun God Sovereign or Yuan Zhou Tianyin.

They never thought about...

A human king who did not achieve the immortal state of the universe was able to push them to such a situation.

Behind them, there are still Shangyu Taoist tools blooming with divine light, blooming power, and bursting out terrifying power.

The gods in their bodies are still running violently, condensing the great magical powers that can wipe out the world.

The avenue lines behind them are engraved with the principles of heaven and earth.

In a certain era.

The existence of the pinnacle of Shangyu Dao Realm with this level of personality is a symbol of invincibility.

But today.

Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin... are about to fall.

Ji Xia's sword light impacted, completely obliterating the many avenues of the Purple Sun God Army's body guard.

The scorching fire on Zi Sun Shenjun Zhen's body has been extinguished.

The purple scorching sun was no longer purple, but turned into darkness.

The same is true for Yuan Zhou Tian Yin.

The power erupted from the magical great **** forbidden is surrounded by pale golden aura, and the courage can be called terrifying.

Under the impact of this force.

The eight Zhoutian **** wheels of Yuan Zhou Tianyin were completely shattered.

Even the fragments were completely wiped out.

Yuan Zhou Tianyin's old body was smashed by Ji Xia with this victorious victory.

Immediately he was smashed into pieces.

Yuan Zhou Tianyin's real body shattered in an instant, most of his divine consciousness dissipated, and the divine hidden shattered, almost falling.

Ji Xia's robe fluttered.

The breath of an incomparable monarch pervades the world.

He looked down at Zi Sun God Sovereign and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin.

Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tianyin also looked up one after another.

Their eyes are full of puzzlement.

For these terrifying gods who are lofty, have witnessed countless storms, and witnessed countless calamities.

Between heaven and earth, perhaps there are very few things that can make them puzzled and shock them.

However today.

When Ji Xia condensed the thirty-first layer of the sky dragon into Brahma.

In a world-famous posture, he manifested many avenues of gods in the heavens and completely suppressed them.

The deadly existence of these two gods finally fell into confusion.

"I haven't achieved the Eternal Immortal Realm, but can I even defeat us with one enemy and two?"

"What kind of road is this? He has never engraved the true spirit and divine knowledge on the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, but his understanding of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth has reached the extreme!"

"We were once at the pinnacle of the immortal realm.

But now, the Great Emperor of Taichu came from behind and looked down on us.

Because the current Emperor Taichu is already the longest existence under the realm of immortality. "

Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin already understood this fact.

Ji Xia did not hesitate in the slightest, nor would he give Zi Sun God Sovereign and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin any chance.

I saw a kind of taboo power flowing out of him.

Three eyes burst into light.

Terrible divine power flowed from the thirty-first layer of the sky and poured into his body

Ji Xia's power skyrocketed, her eyes filled with fierce light.

Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tianyin were frightened.

They have been seriously injured.

Ji Xia's ultimate move is coming, and they are simply unable to resist.

At this moment!

Suddenly Ruixia fell above the sky, and all kinds of divine light emerged.

A sky-earth passage with phoenix leaves flying down was lowered, and the atmosphere and harmony reached the limit.

From the passage of heaven and earth, walk down a goddess.

This goddess wears a plain robe and wears a world **** crown on her head.

The moment the goddess appeared.

Countless flowers bloom in the sky, time and space, and the sacred clouds are filled down, and there are even sweet springs in the void, and there are sacred lotuses in full bloom.

There was a burst of strange fragrance.

The universe is shaking, and the avenue is jumping for it.

The goddess came from a distance, and time seemed to stagnate.

Her breath is very contradictory, majestic and soft, solemn and like a breeze.

There is endless vitality in her body, but it seems that she has the power to make everything annihilate.

The goddess seems to be patrolling the boundless sacred wilderness, exuding majestic and intimidating spirit, which makes people can't help but want to worship.

Ji Xia just glanced at the goddess, and immediately understood the true identity of this existence.

Tianwu God Emperor!

Ji Xia's eyelids throbbed, and her body disappeared in place.

He was radiant all over, turned around abruptly, and flew toward the void.

at the same time.

On top of Ji Xia's head, a shadow of Jiuli Tian was looming.

In that phantom, the indifferent body of the Great Demon God Chi You suddenly descended.

The battle between Chi You and the Frost Cinder God Emperor has ended.

The power emanating from the Great Demon God can still shock countless gods.

It can even affect the avenues of heaven and earth, and can affect rules and order.

This proves.

The Great Demon God Chi You never lost or was injured in the battle against the Frost Cinder God Emperor.

The radiance of the Tianwu God Emperor faded away, revealing his true body.

Her eyes are as dazzling as gems, her long blue-gray hair is scattered, and the beauty is indispensable, which can be called outstanding.

At this moment, she never made a move.

A stream of divine consciousness came and broke into Ji Xia's mind.

"In the early days, the great emperor, now the great demon **** Chi You is in front of him, he only needs to stop me for a moment.

You will be able to kill two unworldly powerhouses at the pinnacle of the upper universe realm.

Don’t you... "

Ji Xia walked indifferently in the void, not looking embarrassed, but did not look back.

He calmly replied: "The Purple Sun God Lord and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin Daoxin have been wiped out by me. Unless they can break through the heavens and surrender the mortal heart, it is absolutely impossible to achieve the Eternal Immortal Realm."

While Ji Xia was talking, the aura that permeated Zi Sun Shenjun and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin had become extremely silent.

Ji Xia shook her head casually: "This kind of enemy is no longer a threat in my eyes.

Plus a longbow Wushuang, they are also my defeated men.

Since the emperor personally came today, I will spare them their lives. "

Ji Xia's words were half true and half false.

The Purple Sun God Sovereign and Yuan Zhou Tianyin had indeed been extinguished by him. Now Ji Xia has broken this point. They are trying to repair the Dao Xin, and it becomes even more difficult.

Yi Jixia's current strength.

Under the immortal realm, no strong man is his opponent.

Ziri Shenjun and Yuanzhou Tianyin were seriously injured again, and they were unable to recover in a short period of time.

The Purple Sun God Sovereign and Yuan Zhou Tianyin who were dragging their remains, even with Long Gong Wushuang, were no longer a threat to Ji Xia.


Ji Xia always likes to kill everything, leaving the enemy not to kill is a big taboo for Ji Xia.

The reason why he looks back now is because...

Huang Tian has been completely broken, and the Heavenly Eye Divine Emperor, Ancestor Ten Stars, Xu Ze and many other powerhouses have disappeared.

In this case.

Once the Great Demon God Chi You and Tianwu God Emperor fought against each other, everything that followed was completely out of Ji Xia's control.

Maybe it will evolve into a supreme battle between the existence of the immortal realm.

Once such a battlefield has been opened up.

Ji Xia's previous plans will also be in vain, and Tai Cang will also be obviously at a disadvantage.

after all…

The Universe Immortal Realm that wanted Tai Cang to perish was not one or two.

In addition to these reasons.

There is another root cause.

Tai Cang needs Ji Xia now, and Ji Xia has no time to delay.

So Ji Xia turned around resolutely, without any nostalgia.

Nine Li Tian was in the void, and the Great Demon God Chi You flowed out black mists.

Wrap Ji Xia, Jiufeng, and Wen Wei.

They disappeared into the void.

The Emperor Tianwu didn't stop him, just watching them leave from a distance.

It just seemed to be thinking about something deep in his eyes.

With the great demon **** Chi You, the immortal realm of existence.

The speed of Ji Xia and others has become extremely fast.

After passing through countless spaces.

When Ji Xia walked out of the space channel, she saw the sorrowful sky at the moment.

The endless horizon is too vast.

Tai Cang Huang Tian shattered, causing every creature in Tai Cang to fall into grief.

They felt their heartache for no reason, and they also understood that the sky that sheltered the sky and symbolized the sky of the sky was so broken.

A lot of too strong and elite soldiers are suspended in the sky.

They were operating all the spirits and gods, holding the fragments of Taicang Huangtian, preventing these fragments from falling and smashing the mainland of Taicang Jiuzhou.


The sky was too pale, it was indeed broken.

A large amount of Guozuo's power surging out from it, scattered across the world.

The rules that belonged exclusively to the Great Cang Dynasty no longer exist.

Tai Cang was once again put on the shackles, and became a sacrifice that would be harvested and sacrificed in the end.

Even a lot of people from Tai Cang Shen had a clear look of loneliness in their eyes.

Especially Tai Cang Huang Tian was made by great wise teacher Zhang Jiao at the expense of his own life.

This kind of background made the eyes of many too strong, in addition to being lonely, with monstrous anger in their eyes.

Ji Xia and Jiufeng walked out of the space channel and walked into Tai Cang.

Many too strong people saluted Ji Xia silently.

Ji Xia walked under the shattered yellow sky, and a few breaths passed.

He suddenly said: "In Tai Cang Shi Ji, UU reading www.uukanshu.com recorded everything that happened today."

The most sacred teacher of the Saint Wen Mansion took a step forward cautiously and took his orders awe-inspiringly.

Ji Xia raised her head again and stared at Tai Cang Huang Tian, ​​and whispered: "Tianmu Shen Chao Tian Xuan Shen Huang, Great God Liao, Shen Xuan Shen Chao Nine Killing God Emperor, Gu Wu God Chao Tian Wu God Emperor, Tian Wu God Tree, Xu Ze, Ancestor Ten-star, Jiuyuan Great Frost God Emperor Frost Cinder God Emperor..."

"Write these tyrannical Dao names into Tai Cang Shi Ji."

"These names will be completely liquidated by Tai Cang in the near future!"

The Holy Master Shen Sheng should be.

Ji Xia raised her eyes to look at the pale yellow sky, and suddenly smiled: "If you lose your horse, how can you know it is a blessing?"

Many too strong people looked at each other.

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