I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1159: Ji Xia, how long can you escape? 【Four K】

Latest website: Anode Shengjun flew out of prison.

Then suddenly it turned into a thousand dark rays, fell into the boundless wild world, and disappeared.


The dark mist is still filling.

The two stars of Sui and Zhen that were originally suspended in the void have also disappeared, as if they were introduced into the fog.

Seeing this scene, Ji Xia took a deep breath.

"The five star monarchs dedicated their lives to the boundless wild human race. After the great destruction, they turned into a star prison, trapping the existence of the five eternal immortal realms!

Lord Yin and Lord Lei Shiyuan were the first to get out of trouble.

Later Ji Su shot, shattered Chen Xing, and released Wutian Great Venerable, at the same time, Chen Xing Jun also fell.

But now..."

"Sui Xing Jun and Zhen Xing Jun are out of trouble because I am too young.

This is a gift I give to the human race as a human emperor. "

Ji Xia's eyes flashed.

Chi You on the side flashed a divine sense.

Ji Xia didn't hesitate anymore and flew into the sky of Jiuli.

Chi You tore open the sky, walked into it, and disappeared.

Everything between heaven and earth.

But Ji Xia's remaining axe light still wreaked havoc between heaven and earth.

A steady stream of gods are all released.

The entire boundless wilderness has become extremely chaotic.

Within the territory of the three great gods that originally ruled the boundless wilderness.

There are also many gods descending.

These gods blasted open the treasure house of the great city of the gods, plundering the treasures of the gods.

Many spiritual treasures and many miraculous medicines have all fallen into the hands of these almost crazy gods.

More than 80 million years of imprisonment.

Let these gods hate the rules of heaven and earth, and have no good feelings for the Guozuo system established after the chaos!

I don't know how many of them exist in the universe, taking advantage of the emptiness of the gods to plunder the gods.

They sculpted countless secret realms, outer heavens, occupied countless worlds, and were called kings ever since!

The void in the distance.

Lord Lei Shiyuan, Lord Xianzhu, and Lord Yin also escaped into their own big world, hiding in the void.

But their spiritual consciousness circulates wantonly, accepting the gods who are out of trouble!

Many powerhouses, armies, and even the three emperors of the three gods can only watch Chi You take Ji Xia away at this moment.

the reason is……

They have no time to take care of Ji Xia and Tai Cang.

The native land of the three major gods is facing a huge catastrophe from the gods who have escaped trouble!

"Whether it is the anode holy monarch or Yuan Nielong, they are extremely unstable existences.

No strong man can figure out their ideas.

Perhaps the next moment, they will descend on the three great dynasties. "

"From then on, the three great dynasties have no absolute dominance over the boundless wilderness.

Ji Xia's move... completely disrupted the boundless wild situation. "

Daheishan whispered softly, as if to speak to the **** Yuliu.

Bai Zhou looked at the boundless wild world that was plunged into darkness, and suddenly said, "The Emperor shot three scorching suns.

Since then, the boundless wilderness has three hundred and sixty days in all four seasons, and it is all night.

Cold and storm will sweep across the boundless wilderness. "

"This is nothing to the strong.

But the boundless wilds have the most... but they are countless ordinary creatures. "

"In order to preserve the greatness and the rise of the human race... he has to sacrifice countless lives, including the lives of countless human subjects.

This is inconsistent with the word "Renhuang". "

Bai Zhou's eyes were numb.

The divine consciousness turned, there was not much mercy in the words, and he seemed extremely indifferent.

The gods Yuliu and Daheishan have never answered Bai Zhou's question...


Tai Cang achieved his goal.

The Great Demon God Chi You disappeared with Ji Xia.

The heavy dark mist is still spreading.

The three dark giants with first born and two horns, their faces blurred, but their bodies are extremely large, have collided with the Lord of Heaven and the God of Prisoners!

The origins of the three dark giants are mysterious, and their realm is equally mysterious.

The God of No Day and the God of Prisoners are equally mysterious and ancient.

The dark mist flowing out of the three dark giants just blocked the two ancient beings for a short while.

Ji Xia Pan Gu Axe, he has already opened hell!

This is the case when the immortal strong fights.

Maybe it will take tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years.

Maybe just a very short moment, it has already swept the general situation, it is a foregone conclusion!

When the three dark giants stood in the dark abyss, they collided with the Lord of Heaven and the God of Prisoners.

All of their bodies disappeared.

It seems to have fallen into a profound world, opening up a battlefield that is difficult to watch.

The void suddenly became cold.

The three gods quickly withdrew their troops.

The existence of the Immortal Realm of the God Dynasty and half of the existence of the Universe Realm had to speed up and rush back to the realm of the God Dynasty!

Even the ancient wu **** dynasty that has existed for nearly a million years.

In the face of this chaotic wave of gods, you can only return to defense!

Nine Killing God Emperors, Tianwu God Emperors, and Tianxuan God Emperors all looked gloomy.

The immortal inscriptions on their heads have begun to burn.

The heavens and worlds are trapped and equipped to the limit.

Now the boundless wilderness is full of threats.

Sui Xing Jun and Zhen Xing Jun, the two human star monarchs, broke away.

Both the anode sage and the Yuan Nielong are out of trouble.

There are Daheishan and Yuliu gods who are staring at him.

The innate gods such as Lord Yin, Lord Lei Shiyuan, Xianzhu, and Ten Stars of Ancestor were all beneficiaries of this catastrophe!

They have begun to accept the powerful gods who escaped from prison and expand their power in the great world.


There are also two extremely noble gods, Heitian and Dafeng, who are not sure what they are planning!

"Originally in the boundless wilderness, Tao Ze God is already extremely powerful and extremely noble.

But now...

The endless prison was split apart, and the countless gods who were sealed before the destruction and the age of the ancients all escaped...

The current boundless wilderness has become a land of chaos, a land of death. "

In the big world behind Lei Shiyuan, there are many strong men born in the thunder walk out.

Their spirits fluctuated wildly.

Collide with many other powerful people in Shangyu Dao realm.

There was a rare smile on Lei Shiyuanjun's young face.

"In any case, Ji Xia and Yin Jun let the boundless wilderness return to the ancient times.

For me, it is a rare opportunity. "

"The great power gathered by the only wild and brand-new rules of heaven and earth is just the most shallow part of this supreme world.

Today, the other powers of the supreme world are covered by the new world rules and the Guozuo system.

It's harder for me to wait for contact. "

"But now... the boundless wilderness is in chaos, everything impossible will become possible."

Lei Shiyuan thought of this, and then looked up at the boundless wild world that had been completely shrouded in darkness.

"It's just... Ji Xia shattered three scorching suns.

This is an earth-shattering sin!

Does Ji Xia think...that a rather mysterious beast can escape the reckoning of heaven and earth? "


There was a shocking explosion.

The vast sky above the boundless wilderness has been completely shattered.

The vast sky was originally an endless prison.

Only now, the endless prison has completely collapsed.

The sky is not there.

Many fragments of the sky dome fell down, turned into dots of light, and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards.

Many strong men looked up.

They saw a ray of glowing light, falling down from the original endless prison.

It's so thick and heavy, it's like a fountain of immeasurable gods.

Countless gods are scattered in the boundless wild world.

"These gods come from the power of Daduan Luojie's origin!

It is a force that has not been naturalized by the Guozuo system, and a group of strong people will emerge in the boundless wilderness. "

"It's just... the power of the origin is revealed... Does it mean that Ji Xia's death period is approaching?"

Mr. Lei Shiyuan thought so.

The God Emperor Frost Cinder also stood up.

He walked to the space passage in the void, turned his head and looked at the boundless wilderness, with thoughtful eyes, he walked into the old abyss!

"Ji Xia is too young to understand many secrets of Infinite Wilderness.

Jun Yin is also obviously using him. "

The vague shadow of the black sky gradually dissipated: "Mr Yin used his hand to shoot three scorching suns and wipe out the endless prison.

Also let the world's original power, which has been blocked for a long time, shine all over the world!

Since then.

All the strong in the boundless wilderness must be restrained by the original force and liquidated by the original force.

Ji Xia shot three scorching suns, which meant that he had created a terrifying murder.

Countless creatures will die because of this..."

At this moment.

Ji Xia who has returned to Kunpeng's back.

He is looking down at this world.

Kun Peng carried the vast world on his back.

Tai Cang Jiuzhou's native territory is still operating, and the 18th realm of Shenxu is still operating in an orderly manner.

Many stars in the Earth Kong Galaxy are still shining brightly, and Zi Yaotian and many surrounding secret realms and outer heavens are also stable and very stable without any shock.

"Kunpeng's back has become a world of its own."

"Maybe Kunpeng will be our home for a long time."

Ji Xia carried her hands on her back.

Cheng Yigui on the side was exuding bursts of fairy energy.

She also looked far away following Ji Xia's gaze.

Vast location.

Many too strong people have opened their own gods.

Among them, the human beings from the Tianmu God Dynasty migrated down one after another.

The number of these human beings is really too huge.

to this end……

In the early days, the imperial court had already begun to mobilize all the forces that could be mobilized.

All tasks gave way to the resettlement work.

All of Tai Cang's departments are operating rapidly.

The strong men who carry the human beings are all registered names.

Then plan the migration point.

After planning the migration point.

The strong human race will come to the migration point with the help of the five outer gods of the human race, the strongest on the list of gods, twelve Tai Sui gods, and three hundred and sixty-five demon stars.

In the migration point.

Many Terran practitioners and officials who have been transferred are responsible for the order of migration.

Many practitioners above the spiritual house.

They all use their own supernatural powers to move soil, stones, wood, and build temporary settlements on a large scale...

"Tai Cang has been here for four to five thousand years.

I don't know how many human beings have been resettled.

For this kind of work, I have already been very familiar with it. "

Jing Ye was saluting to Ji Xia, reporting: "According to the emperor's will, when the Great Sage Kunpeng flies over the endless universe.

Try to collect the Death Star, collect the dusty soil, and prepare for the construction of a larger world. "

Jingye is now the herd of a state.

Under his rule, more than ten trillion peoples are organized and thriving.

Although this is also inseparable from the solid foundation laid by the imperial court in the early days.

But it can still prove from the side that Jing Ye also has his own experience in handling government affairs.

In addition to Jingye.

Tai Cang Jiuzhou State Pastoral Club has arrived.

Shang Luo, Po Xian, Rong Lou, Jiang Chu...

The realms of these Taicang human races are still very extraordinary today, and some of them are already at the peak of the Taoist realm.

Shang Luo and Jiang Chu even stepped into the upper universe not long ago.

In addition to Tai Cang Jiuzhou State Shepherd.

Zi Yaotian In the Zi Yaotian dynasty, there were Mr. Sick Mei, Lonely Hou, sacrifice to the Devil Dragon... and so on, many powerful men dealt with the migration.

The same is true for Dikong Xinghe and Shenxu Eighteen Realms.

After many years, Tai Cang became busy again.

"Many of the native people of Tai Cang have also spontaneously joined the team to handle migration affairs.

Many factories have also begun to put down their operations and produce mass production of people's livelihood products.

Tai Cang's basic resources are being rapidly consumed. "

Shang Yin Luyu was worried: "Tai Cang has increased too much population this time.

If this continues, Tai Cang's panacea may be able to support it.

However, daily necessities such as rice noodles and cloth for household use are rapidly consumed. "

"Tai Cang has been hoarding these necessities for a long time.

It’s just because Tai Cang has already been self-sufficient and has never considered the situation that Tai Cang’s population has exploded several times..."

Ji Xia also heard the worries in Shang Yin Luyu's words.

He looked calm, and asked, "How long can we support the necessities that Tai Cang has hoarded?"

Shang Yin Luyu said, "Taking into account the constant output, Tai Cang may still be able to persist for three thousand years."

"Three thousand years?"

Ji Xia smiled slightly: "Enough, three thousand years, enough for Tai Cang to reform the new production and rationing system."

"Three thousand years later, these migrated human races are already usable productive forces.

Perhaps it only needs to survive the first one or two thousand years before Tai Cang can be reborn from Nirvana. "

Shang Yin Luyu nodded and said: "In the Taichu Emperor's Court, many palace masters have also begun to calculate and make plans for Tai Cang's future."

The smile on Ji Xia's face is always calm.

"Today's Boundless Wilderness is too chaotic.

Under such chaos.

There is no room for the three major gods to pursue too much. "

"So, at this moment, Tai Cang only needs to walk in the boundless universe and develop itself."

"One day, Tai Cang will surely descend into the boundless wilderness with a brand-new attitude."

"By then ~www.readwn.com~ the ambitions I made when I first came to the throne of the emperor will probably be realized."

Many great ministers present respectfully saluted Ji Xia.

At this time.

Many too strong people in the Shangyu realm and Shangyu Dao realm suddenly felt something.

They turned their heads one after another.

But I saw a kind of Taoist instrument shining a divine light across a long distance.

The divine light came at an astonishing speed and fell in front of Kunpeng.

And on that light curtain...

It was the figure of the Great God Liao.

The Great God Liao looked gloomy and looked at Ji Xia.

"The power of Da Duan Luo Jie's origin is coming, Ji Xia... how long can you escape?"

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