I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1174: 128,000 star masters without day and sky [four K]

The flag covering the sky is too dark.

The eyes of the powerhouse of the immortal realm were also obscured.

Tai Cang became mysterious again, without the slightest wave of ripples being transmitted.

And within too Cang.

One by one the most powerful person walked out, and the vastness lingered in the sky above the Taoist altar.

Even many strong men who have been in retreat for a long time have returned to the boundless wilderness from the Choking Secret Realm.

The black robe on the Great Demon God Chi You has disappeared, replaced by the majestic black armor.

A prosperous bloodline burst out from him, and it was sealed on the Taicang Taoist altar.

In the next moment, Chi You also held the Tiger Soul Sword in his hand.

Chi You slashed towards Tai Cang Taoist altar, and a knife mark suddenly appeared in the void.

Among the marks of the knife, the Dao Miao power of the immortal realm level is shining, and ordinary gods will be burned by the knife gas in it just by looking at it...

And this is not the limit of Chi You, the Great Demon God.

Chi You continued to have heavy and magical runes condensed on his body, and they were sealed on the Tai Cang Taoist altar!

The sky and the earth seem to be shaking for it!

After Chi You.

The four righteous gods Wei Chang, Bai Qi, Yang Ren, Yu Zaoqian, Six Disasters Canglong, and Tai Cang walked out one after another to seal the road in the Tai Cang Taoist altar.

There are also twelve Tai Sui gods, three Thunder Great Emperors, and the masters of Tai Cang's pavilions almost simultaneously blooming their own mighty powers.

The powerhouses of the Eighteenth Realm of Shenxu, Dikong Xinghe, and Zi Yaotian are not too much to give.

At this time, Tai Cang, even without those few golden crow phantoms flying in the void, became extremely bright.

All kinds of magical powers, all kinds of avenues, are a kind of light source, illuminating the whole sky.

Kunpeng swimming in the universe, all seemed a lot happier.

This grand event on Tai Cang Taoist Temple lasted for three months.

Every strong person above the Upper Universe Realm in Tai Cang has carved a great road in the Taoist Altar of Tai Cang.

The last person to show his magical powers in the Tai Cang Taoist Altar is Ji Lin.

When Ji Lin planted a spiritual tree in the Taicang Taoist altar and turned it into a rune...

Tai Cang Taoist Temple has become incomparable.

From a distance, this Taoist altar seems to tell all the mysterious things between heaven and earth and expound the truth of countless great roads.

Ji Xia looked up, commenting on Tai Cang Taoist Temple.

Behind him in the thirty-two layers of heaven, I don't know how many heavenly powerhouses are constantly calculating.

Even in the realm of Ji Xia.

A glance at Tai Cang Taoist Temple is enough to benefit Ji Xia a lot.

"Since then, Tai Cang Taoist Temple has been hung in the sky above Taidu, let us wait quietly, and take a look at what opportunities are waiting for the many powerful people in the boundless wilderness."

A smile appeared on Ji Xia's face.

"Now Tai Cang and Human Race are the protagonists of the boundless wilderness.

Tai Cang and the human race can't miss any chance. "

Ji Xia returned to the Secret Realm of Choking in her heart.

The Choking Secret Realm is the same as before, but it has become many times wider.

The population limit of 200 billion has greatly increased the number of Taicang races that can enter the Choking Secret Realm.

But when Ji Xia glanced at it, she could find that the standards of Tianjiao in all walks of life in the Choking Secret Realm hadn't been lowered much.

This can be seen.

Tai Cang, who has a population of 14 trillion, has never lacked talents.

Under Tai Cang's current education system, it is even possible to use geniuses to describe the current era.

It's just that before, not every Tianjiao was able to enter the Secret Realm of Choking.

After all, places in the Secret Realm are limited.

But now it's different. The 200 billion creature limit in the Choking Secret Realm has greatly eased Tai Cang's pressure.

Whether it is government affairs, alchemy, casting, talisman making, psychic weapons, peasants, soldiers, practitioners, etc., a series of talents have the opportunity to practice in the secret realm of Choking forever.

Fifty times the flow rate of time has also made Choking Secret Realm a holy place that countless Tianjiao yearn for!

"I am too pale, I am infinitely approaching the prosperous age."

Looking at the prosperous scene in the Secret Realm of Choking, Ji Xia couldn't help feeling.

Compared to about six thousand years ago.

Tai Cang's promotion is simply unimaginable.

"It's just that it's not enough now. Tai Cang will continue to grow stronger, otherwise he won't be able to escape the real secret shackles."

Ji Xia warned herself not to be negligent and to relax her vigilance in her heart.

At this moment.

Suddenly, there was a unique fluctuation in a palace next to Shanggan Palace.

Ji Xia raised her eyebrows and looked at the palace.

That palace is the Liuyan Palace.

Inside the Liuyan Palace, there is a secret building of Liuyanyan that Ji Xia obtained a long time ago.

For a long time, the Liuyan Secret Tower has been silent from beginning to end, but I did not expect such strange fluctuations to burst out today.

Ji Xia was curious, and he walked into the Liuyan Palace.

The furnishings in the Liuyan Palace are still as simple as before.

On the high platform at the center of the Liuyan Palace, the Liuyan Secret Tower is quietly suspended.

When Ji Xia came to the Liuyan Secret Building, the stars and gods revolved, and the heavens appeared behind him.

In a short while, Ji Xia's gaze crossed the Liuyan Secret Building and entered the building.

Inside the Liuyan Secret Building, Princess Bai Xiang's bronze divine coffin was motionless, and nothing was unusual.

Ji Xia's eyes fell sharply on a human body beside the bronze divine coffin.

This human body exudes a holy brilliance, but there is no flow of consciousness. The power contained in it is full of mystery, and even Ji Xia, who has now reached the immortal realm, has to admit it.

There must be some deep secrets hidden in this holy body.

Even he could not see through this secret.

"Huh? Princess Bai Xiang's body seems to have established a deeper connection with the holy human body."

Ji Xia became more and more surprised.

This holy body, born at the old site of Sanshan, seems to have these connections with the three innate gods.

After the holy body was obtained by Ji Xia.

By chance, I found Princess Bai Xiang who had completely died, establishing some kind of communication with this holy body.

Unexpectedly, just a few thousand years have passed.

The connection between the corpse of Princess Bai Xiang and the holy body has reached this level.

"In the corpse of Princess Bai Xiang, there seems to be countless messages that are constantly flowing into the holy body."

"Could it be that Princess Bai Xiang wants to recover through this holy body?"

Ji Xia looked at the holy body carefully, but found nothing.

Whether Princess Bai Xiang can recover has no effect on Tai Cang now.

After all, before Princess Bai Xiang was alive, she was only at the pinnacle of Shangyu Dao realm.

After dying for so many years, even if he was resurrected with a holy body, his combat power would be greatly reduced, and he would not be able to play any substantial role for Tai Cang.

But Ji Xia still hoped that Princess Bai Xiang could have life again.

The reason is that Princess Bai Xiang once helped Tai Cang so that when Tai Cang and Jue Sheng dynasty fight, the country will not be subjugated. Valley

Secondly, Princess Bai Xiang came from the Great Breath God dynasty, who used to forge ahead for the rise of the human race, but was a salaryman for everyone.

Only later, such geniuses as God Emperor Gao after the God of Great Breath could only die under the edict of No Day, and never let Wuyin Wilderness return to the name of Da Duan Luo Realm.

Ji Xia has always respected such characters.

In addition, now that Ji Xia is a human emperor, the identity of Princess Bai Xiang's human race alone is enough to make Ji Xia sincerely hope that he can recover.

"Perhaps, we should let Wei Chang come and see."

Ji Xia's divine sense flowed into the void.

About a few breaths of time passed, and in a gray robe, he walked into the Liuyan Palace and saluted Ji Xia.

As soon as Ji Xia saw the danger, he felt more and more that the paddock had gone by the wayside.

At this moment of danger, there was no trace of divine origin fluctuation in his body.

Instead, it is a near-top bloodline power.

This bloodline is powerful, complicated, mysterious...chaos!

Ji Xia, who was close at hand, felt incomprehensible.

"In today's bloodline power, at least hundreds of millions of flesh and blood are mixed.

He used some very wonderful method to squeeze out the bloodline power of hundreds of millions of flesh and blood, and it was extremely unreasonable to integrate these bloodline powers into one. "

"That's why I feel that this kind of bloodline power will be so chaotic and so complicated."

Ji Xia admired Weichang's whimsy more and more.

"It's not just whimsical ideas, he also has the supreme talent to turn whimsical ideas into reality."

Ji Xia praised Danger in her heart, and a divine sense flashed by.

Wei Chang's eyes immediately flashed a ray of light, and the light fell on the Liuyan Mi upstairs.


Wei Chang's expression became very serious, and he stared at the Liuyan Secret Building with all his concentration.

Ji Xia didn't bother Wei Chang, and waited quietly on the side.

For about three full days, Wei Chang's expression became indifferent again, his gaze also moved away from the Liuyan Secret Building, and looked at Ji Xia.

"What did you see?" Ji Xia asked curiously.

Wei Chang answered truthfully: "This holy body is receiving the vast information from the corpse of Princess Bai Xiang from the Great Breath of God."

"This information is forming a unique memory, forming a completely different will, and even causing this wonderful and holy body... to produce a true spirit like a creature!"

Ji Xia's expression gradually became solemn.

Wei Chang continued: "The reason why the emperor never sees the true spirits is because these true spirits have been scattered in every inch of the holy body, and are integrated with the holy body."

Ji Xia nodded.

His supreme constant fusion can not see through the true spirit in the holy body.

Wei Chang can see through it, which is enough to prove that Wei Chang's attainments on the Avenue of Blood Vessels has reached an extreme.

Ji Xia asked: "Does the true spirit in the holy body have some contact with the remaining soul of Princess Bai Xiang?"

To Ling Jixia's surprise, Wei Chang shook his head: "There is no connection."

"The true spirit in the holy body is constructed with a unique and mysterious avenue in the body.

There is no trace of this avenue, even I can't see through it.

But what I can be sure of is that the remnant soul of Princess Bai Xiang has never entered the Eucharist. "

"Furthermore, the frequency of Zhen Ling's beating is completely different from that of Princess Bai Xiang's remnant soul.

The memory I discovered from the beating of flesh and blood is also very obscure, as if accumulated over millions of years. "

"It can be proved that the message that Princess Bai Xiang is passing on is not her memory."

The precarious words made Ji Xia quite puzzled for a while.

"Princess Bai Xiang keeps delivering information, but what is delivered is not his memory.

The true spirit born in it has nothing to do with Princess Bai Xiang's remnant soul.

That means... the will revived by the holy body at this moment is not the will of Princess Bai Xiang. "

"In Princess Bai Xiang's corpse, is there still the memory of other powerful people hidden?"

Ji Xia frowned: "Then, the existence that is about to recover from the Eucharist, is it a friend or an enemy to the human race?"

Wei Chang never answered.

Because through these trivial clues, Wei Chang couldn't determine this.

Ji Xia thought for a while, and between her fingers, the surrounding wind and clouds gathered and poured into the ground below.

The entire Liuyan Palace was immediately covered by a mysterious **** forbidden.

Between Ji Xia's fingers, a **** forbidden was constructed.

If it is a strong person who is very good at constructing bans, he can see the mystery of this divine ban.

Ji Xia's prohibition of manufacturing was originally due to many years of careful research, and it has become more advanced.

Now Ji Xia has completely constructed the thirty-two heavenly domes, and has even begun to manifest his emperor's incarnation in these thirty-two heavenly domes. His combat power has not been improved much, and his gods are already infinite.

With today's strength, once again constructing a divine forbidden, even if it is a ban on fingertips, it is enough to easily trap the powerful in the Shangyu Dao realm.

Even the strong of the Eternal Immortal Realm, appearing in the divine forbidden, will be trapped for an instant.

After a short while, Ji Xia was able to come naturally.

And in the Secret Realm of Howling, there is also the existence of the great demon **** Chi You.

"No matter who the strong will of the resurrected in the Eucharist belongs to, I give him the opportunity to resurrect completely."

Today is different.

Ji Xia now has full confidence in her own strength.

"As long as it is not the existence of the third realm~www.readwn.com~ or the emperor who opened the immortal inscription, I have the confidence to fight."

"What's more, since it is the true spirit constructed from the information transmitted from the corpse of Princess Bai Xiang, it is very likely to be related to the Great Respite God Dynasty.

Don't rule out the Eucharist, it will be helpful to the future too. "

Ji Xia whispered in her heart.

More than ten years have passed by in a hurry.

On this day, Ji Xia was standing in the sky above Taidu, looking up at the fast-passing Zhou Yu.

His brows were slightly frowned, and under the mighty power of the supreme constant fusion, his eyes traveled far away, as if he had caught some clues.

Next to Ji Xia, a handsome bald teenager was also looking at the sky.

There is a black hole in his heart.

Inside the black hole, there is a black sun blazing.

The black scorching sun was also beating constantly, as if it were the same as his heart.

"No day and more than 128,000 stars and masters have all gathered."

The bald boy is Tan Ye.

Tan Ye's words made Ji Xia's expression convulsive.

"Dominated by more than 128,000 stars?"

Ji Xia's words were a little stiff.

Tan Ye nodded and glanced at Ji Xia curiously.

In Tan Ye's heart, Ji Xia has always been very calm and calm, but he didn't expect that today, he could see Ji Xia's slight gaffe.

But Ji Xia was still in a trance.

"If I remember correctly, the weakest ruler of the starless sky is probably the arrogant man who has waited for tens of thousands to become the ruler of the stars."

"But...Tan Ye has the strength of the pinnacle of the upper universe..."

When Ji Xia thought of this, her expression couldn't help but twitch again.

"This is the reason why Wuxiantian can still rule the kingdom of God for generations after generations under the circumstances that many powerful men of Wuxiantian cannot descend into the boundless wilderness."

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