I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1177: Rebirth from the Scorching Sun [Four K]

First Zhu knew what Ji Xia feared, and left contentedly.

In Xianzhu's view, as long as he knew the reason for Ji Xia's refusal, and with his more than 80 million years of planning, he could always find a way to let Ji Xia bring the Taicang human race to worship the Great Day of the Ten Thousand Realms.

This is actually quite confident.

When Ji Xia expressed his concerns, he thought of an Eternal Immortal Taoist tool that could be turned on with all its power, enough to cover the world and suppress the fluctuation of the road.

It's just that now this Taoist artifact is not in Xian Zhu's hand, and it will take some time for Xian Zhu to get this treasure at a considerable price. Then, it will be the time when his chance comes.

Ji Xia stared and walked away first, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

His words are half-truth and half-false.

And Ji Xia also knew that Xian Zhu had a great plan. Even if Xian Zhu suspected Ji Xia in his heart and knew that Ji Xia was delaying time, he could only try to follow Ji Xia's words.

the reason is……

At this moment, Ji Xia is the Lord of the Great Blue, the emperor of the central human race, and the emperor of countless human races.

Except for Ji Xia, no one in the boundless wilderness has enough power to call that number of people to perform a joint sacrifice.

In other words, Xianzhu can only choose to believe in Ji Xia.

Looking at Xianzhu staying in the void, Ji Xia was gradually separated by Kunpeng, and the smile at the corner of her mouth gradually disappeared.

He thought about it, and suddenly moved forward.

With one step, the void seemed to be folded in an instant, and the surrounding space was continuously distorted.

From Kunpeng's body, the mysterious power of the Great Dao gradually flowed out, constantly emerging, and Ji Xia pulled in the extremely long distance between them.

When the surrounding scene solidified again, a towering tree appeared in front of Ji Xia's eyes.

This big tree is filled with all kinds of starlight, and the starlight lingers in between, which is like some wonderful laws of seal carving.

Ji Xia looked at this extraordinary starlight from a distance, and her heart became more satisfied.

This big tree is the old star tree.

Even from Ji Xia's current vision, the current star tree is huge to a certain limit.

Ji Xia glanced at it, and the branches of the big tree were so sturdy that they could almost communicate with the world.

The shining leaves didn’t look vast, but when Ji Xia looked at her, she could perceive that the lines on the leaves were shrouded in avenue rules, like a secret realm, seemingly extremely narrow. The space is extremely scary.

Ji Xia continued to look up.

At the ends of the countless branches of the ancient star trees, there are stars and fruits that continue to grow.

Each star fruit is like a real star, with the earth, ocean, mountains, and countless elements on it. The light of the ancient trees of the stars shines on these stars, making these stars more shining.

"The ancient star tree will be able to transform into an independent world soon..."

"No, at a certain level, the ancient star trees can even compare with the great world of immortal innate gods!"

The stars and ancient trees are vast, and all kinds of wonderful visions emerge around the sacred tree.

Looking at this scene, Ji Xiayuan was deeply moved.

I still remember that about 6,000 years ago, when Tai Cang had just obtained the ancient star tree, the sacred tree was only more spectacular than ordinary old trees.

Unexpectedly to this day.

The ancient star tree has developed to this level.

"The reason why there are so many Tianjiao among Taicang ordinary practitioners; Taicang human races generally practice faster, because they are enveloped by the stars and ancient trees."

The power of the ancient star tree is quite extraordinary.

His invisible huge canopy enveloped Tai Cang, making Tai Cang's spirit element concentration to a higher level, even to some extent, even breaking the upper limit of the Guo Zuo system, making Tai Cang more detached.

Ji Xia thought of the Guozuo system, and saw the old star trees in front of him, and she couldn't help feeling a little regretful in her heart.

"Unfortunately, the ancient star tree is fundamentally not a supreme sacred tree.

It is far inferior to the four great sacred trees that are boundless and wild.

Otherwise, Tai Cang's second path may be constructed only by relying on the ancient trees of stars.

As long as the personality of the ancient stars of the stars continues to increase, the upper limit of Tai Cang will be higher and higher. "

The fact is also true.

The ancient star trees belonged to the early gods, but they are not precious.

This sacred tree used to communicate with Tai Cang's Guozuo power, and as Tai Cang became stronger, the sacred tree continued to grow stronger.

But even so, the speed at which he became stronger was far behind the speed of Tai Cang's development.

In fact, after Tai Cang became a dynasty, the role of the ancient stars was not obvious.

Until later... the ancient star tree got an extra chance.

When Ji Xia thought about this, the supreme constant Rongtian power in his eyes revolved out and fell on the ancient tree of stars.


The ancient star tree began to exude a unique and wonderful atmosphere.

Following this great spirit, Ji Xia's gaze fell on the trunk of the ancient star tree again.

I saw three shallow divine marks imprinted on the poles of the ancient stars.

These three imprints have a huge origin. Even though these imprints are already very shallow, there are various surging powers injected into the old star trees, so that the old stars can get enough nutrients.

"The Grand Avenue Crown..."

Ji Xia muttered to herself.

In fact, after Ji Xia communicated with the three scorching sun goddesses in the void for the first time through the ancient star trees.

After receiving Ji Xia's advice, the goddess of the sun agreed to Ji Xia's plan, and finally died in the battle of the gods not long ago.


The ancient star tree obtained a complete crown of the avenue, and the crown of the avenue became an imprint, imprinted on the trunk of the ancient star tree.

Let the ancient star trees grow to where they are today in this short period of two to three thousand years.

"Maybe soon, Tai Cang will also be able to own a sacred tree like Tianwu, Shangmulberry, Misfortune, and Wutian."

Ji Xia couldn't help but look forward to it.

The origins of the four sacred trees are very mysterious, and the role they can play is actually not clear to Ji Xia until now.

But Ji Xia also knew that the sacred tree that could cause many innate gods to fight over was absolutely precious.

"I should visit Lord Yin another day and ask him what is the use of the sacred mulberry tree in the big world."

As Ji Xia thought in her heart, a divine essence slowly injected into the three lines on the body of the ancient star tree.

On the lines, bursts of light emerged, like a neon, which was so beautiful.

at the same time.

The starlight scattered in the void all fell down, and then condensed in front of Ji Xia's body.

And then condensed into... three burning suns...

On these three suns, the burning flame was full of vitality, and many runes appeared and disappeared.

If you look carefully, you can perceive a breath of joy and freedom from these runes.

Ji Xia's eyes gradually softened.

With his arms wide open, he salutes the three scorching sun earnestly.

"I have seen three goddesses of the scorching sun."

Ji Xia bowed to them.

Three scorching sun bursts of light, these lights turned into human forms, it is the three scorching sun goddess.

Hundreds of years have passed.

The goddess of the scorching sun, who had already died, appeared in Tai Cang. Valley

If other experts in the Eternal Immortal Realm saw this scene, they would be shocked.

This is also one of the reasons why Ji Xia didn't hesitate at all and shot at the three scorching sun goddesses.

As early as the moment when Lu Yu, the precious crown of the avenue, the ancient star tree.

The ancient trees of the stars have already fed back a lot of information to him, giving him a plan in his heart.

For Ji Xia.

The last battle of the gods was Tai Cang's extremely important layout.

Tai Cang must not only save the life of the goddess of the scorching sun, but also ensure that there is a new sun high in the void in the boundless wilderness, so that countless innocent creatures will not die.

Ji Xia did indeed.

In the vast wilderness now, the new sun is constantly rotating, projecting a vast amount of light.

The three scorching sun goddesses rebirth in the ancient stars with the help of the crown of the avenue and the power of the ancient stars.

Even if the power possessed by the goddess of the scorching sun is far from being comparable to that of their peak period, it still allows Ji Xia's heart to stand firm.

The three scorching sun goddesses came one by one.

Ji Xia also responded with divine consciousness.

He will come to visit first, and be puzzled by the Ten Thousand Worlds Day, and inform all these three scorching sun goddesses.

The three scorching sun goddesses all looked at each other in pairs, and almost at the same time turned around to look at the pattern of the crown of avenues.

The lines on the crown of the Daobao are shining and flowing constantly, as if they are telling some extraordinary secrets.

After a long time.

Ji Xia wandered through the void with a shocked expression on her face, and left the old star tree.


Decades are fleeting.

Above the sky, immortal forces are colliding.

The prosperous power of the two kingdoms is almost condensed in countless battlefields.

The war has broken out.

Many creatures died in this battle.

Their remnant souls were harvested by a strange power, involved in the underworld, and eventually disappeared.

The boundless savage world rules, the speed of operation has accelerated a lot.

The Guozuo system has become more solid.

Ji Xia watched this scene from a distance.

The same is true for other powerful immortal realms.

Lei Shiyuanjun is in the great world of Thunder.

Lord Lei Shiyuan and Lord Yin sat opposite each other.

Jun Yin's complexion became much more rosy, no longer as pale as before.

It is clear.

Because of the reason of going to the mulberry tree in the great world of Yin Monarch, he can always recover his strength in an extremely short time.

Even if he helped Tai Cang in the last war between the gods, he was seriously injured and even burned the origin, and the big world shrank and collapsed.

But under the power of the sacred mulberry tree, in just a few hundred years, Lord Yin has recovered as usual.

The current Yin Jun, even if his strength hasn't reached its previous peak, it is already close to its peak.

Lord Lei Shiyuan and Lord Yin sat opposite each other.

They also looked down at the battle below.

This day.

The new God Capital of Tianmu collapsed again.

The two powerful Dao troops almost drove straight forward, and the Tianmu Shenchao Guozuo was faltering.

"The Third Eye can't support it for too long, and the Great God Liao may also fall soon."

Monarch Lei Shiyuan looked at Lord Yin and said: "Once the Tianmu Divine Dynasty collapses, the Taicang personality will inevitably be promoted by the rules of the boundless wild world. In the Guozuo system, Taicang's weight will also be greatly increased.

Tai Cang will become a brand new dynasty. "

Monarch Yin was silent, but his gaze shifted away from the divine battle below and fell on the scorching sun that was running in the void.

"How long can this new scorching sun be so free?"

Jun Yin suddenly looked around and said to him: "Maybe soon, this scorching sun born from the Guangming Shenhe will be the same as the three previous suns, bound by the strange formation of Wutiantian.

Maybe the sun will become three months a year, and more creatures will die to meet the purpose of harvesting creatures in the underworld. "

Mr. Lei Shiyuan looked quite curious. He looked at Mr. Yin and said, "Is Mr. Yin also beginning to worry about the safety of many creatures in the boundless wilderness?

Begin to pity these ants-like lives? "

There is no lack of irony in Lei Shiren's words.

Lord Yin controls this Yin River, and the power of Yin River is also the power of death.

If there is no rule of heaven and earth, if there is no Guozuo system.

Then the death of creatures will bring huge power to Yinhe, and it will also make Yin Jun's cultivation base a terrifying advance.

In other words, among the many innate creatures in the boundless wilderness, the one who is least likely to have mercy on a creature's death is the Yin Lord.

Jun Yin also smiled and said casually, "I don't have any pity for these creatures, but the death of many creatures now cannot bring any benefits to Da Duan Luo Realm, or the boundless wilderness~www.readwn.com~ these Death is an unprovoked death..."

Lei Shiyuan sneered: "Unprovoked death is not necessarily true!"

"Countless creatures in the Boundless Wilderness are dying. Over the past 80 million years, these creatures have died when they die, but they have caused the Boundless Wilderness to wither continuously!"

"Life is dying, and boundless savage is also dying.

When the number of creatures is too small to a certain extent, the boundless wilderness disappears.

Those of us who relied on the innate gods who existed in the boundless wilderness, might also disappear.

Sacrifice by those powerful beings. "

Jun Yin nodded deeply: "Indeed, those powerful beings fished out, and with the help of the boundless wilderness, this supreme great world, they can complete some kind of ulterior secret."

Mr. Lei Shiyuan looked gloomy, but finally smiled helplessly: "So what?"

As the boundless wild innate gods, we have never seen those behind the scenes from beginning to end.

When the ancient human gods perished one by one, we were still imprisoned among those stars.

And now, we can only look at the boundless wilderness from afar. Although we are in the boundless wilderness, there is no way to interfere with the development of the boundless wilderness world.

Can only let the boundless wilderness die. "

When Lei Shiyuan said this, he looked up at the sun in the sky.

"It's as if you are sitting here, worrying about the sun in the sky.

But your worries have no effect.

When the dayless sky vacates, it will suppress the scorching sun in the sky that is of the same species as you. "

"Can you...can't resist?"

Jun Yin heard the naked irony of Lei Shiyuan, but he was not angry.

He just looked in Tai Cang's direction.

"Tai Cang is about to become a god... Will Ji Xia resist?"

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