I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 217: The Evil Coming (4k)

   There was a sound of shaking the sky, Hitchin's mount was hit by the puppet Kwae's, knocked back thousands of feet, and fell heavily to the ground, smashing a deep hole.

   Hitchin saw this scene, gritted his teeth, and looked at the Ten Thousand Sergeant.

   The six spirit masters who had always been hidden, and many generals wearing armor finally showed their actions.

   They did not fight with people of the same level, but rushed into the Qi Ling army that had been killed by the giant two or three thousand sergeants, killing wantonly.

   Whenever a Qi Ling monk wanted to help, he would always be forcibly blocked by the giant, so Qi Ling began to die quickly, half of which were alien blade races.

  And in the hands of that giant, a supernatural power died, and a master controlling spirit was seriously injured. When they rushed to harvest the lives of the human race, they had never thought that they would suffer such a catastrophe in such a region!

   The body of the giant cut off his spiritual prying eyes, and there was no way to detect the young man in the giant's eyes, so Hitchin originally thought the giant was just an accident.

   And when those human races and demon races who had long been discovered by his spiritual sense, if no giants appeared, would be killed by him, joined the battlefield and cooperated closely with the giants, he understood.

   It turns out that the initiators of everything are these human races and monster races of unknown origin!

   Thinking of this, Hitchin no longer hesitated, his mind moved slightly, and a palm-sized mirror appeared in his hand.

   Above the mirror, a strange, disgusting, and evil monster is looking at Hitchin.

   This monster is blood-red in its entire body, as if constructed with blood. Its body is nodded. Each segment of the six-segmented torso has two long legs covered with disgusting fluff. On the long legs, there are dense red eyes!

   The monster's face is extremely creepy, with four horns first born, two long and two short, with the long horns facing upwards and the short horns facing downwards. On the entire face, there is only a big mouth!

   The big mouth was closed, and a stiff, evil voice came into Hitchin's mind:

   "Sacrifice to me! I will descend! I will kill your enemies! You will become a believer of the Great God Modo, and serve the Great God with me. The Great God Modo will give you strength and eternal life!"

   "Sacrifice to me!"

   "Sacrifice to me!"


   Evil voices kept ringing, Hitchin raised his head to look at the sergeants, strong men, and generals who were constantly dying, and then thought of the glamorous and cruel Yu Fei before coming here, and gave him a warning.

   If he can't gather all the flesh and blood needed for the blood sacrifice spirit formation, he will use his tribe's blood sacrifice!

   And now, this terrifying giant has disrupted all his plans, and more than half of the hunting army has died, and the other half are on the verge of death.

   If all of them die, what awaits him is the extermination.

   The foreign blade tribe has escaped from the Yanyan area by wading through the mountains and water, and what they are asking for is not annihilation!

  If the alien blade race died in his hands, he would be the sinner of the race!

   "I... how should I sacrifice to you..."

   "I feel a lot of remnant soul and blood on you! Use those remnant soul and blood to sacrifice to me!"

   Hitchin was surprised, remnant soul, essence and blood? It is the remnants of the souls and blood of the more than one million people they have collected and the two million people of various races that they slaughtered along the way!

   If all these gains are used to sacrifice the weirdness in the mirror, then how can he talk about saving the people?

   I'm afraid that his people will be killed by You Fei, and they will be eaten by many snake spirit people!

   Hitchin just started thinking, and only listened to the weird monster in the mirror saying: "Sacrifice me, I will come here to help you kill more flesh and blood, and then you can make up for your defeat!"

   Hitchin still hesitated, and the monster said again: "I have come here to save you from disaster. When the giant kills all the creatures, you will only be shredded by life!"

   "Want to escape? This area has already been banned. With your cultivation base, if you have enough time, you can naturally break free of the ban, but you don't have time. If you hesitate a little bit, you will die!"

   Hitchin was startled, a spirit element flew out, and immediately triggered the lock domain spirit ban at a far distance!

   And the giant life hammer killed a strong spiritual consort who had just broken through the heavens, and his emotionless eyes went over many monks and looked at him!

   The silver-robed boy inside also looked at him with expression on his face!

   Hitchin lowered his head in silence, suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red, and between his hands, there was a black vial in his hand.

   "Yes! That's it!" The ferocious monster in the mirror laughed wildly, twelve long legs trembled, and the tiny, disgusting hairs on it trembled!

   Hitchin took a deep breath, and then no longer hesitated, opened the black bottle cap!

   I saw a long **** river flowing out, meandering, and a strong smell of blood spread all over the battlefield instantly!

   There are many light spots flying out, it is countless remnants of souls.

   Ji Xia is rushing to kill, time continues to pass, the time limit of half an hour is already less than a quarter of an hour, and there are still half of the enemies here!

   He crossed the layers of masters and looked at the strong man in the realm of heaven. Holding a mirror in his hand, he also looked up at him!

   "Although the Kwa'e clan is powerful, he can only fight for half an hour. It seems...still unable to kill all these soldiers."

   He secretly sighed in his heart, and looked at Shi Yang and the crowd, who were also fighting hard. It could be seen that, except for Ji Lin and Yin Ding, they were already close to the limit.

   "Kill some more enemies, half an hour is approaching, I will rescue them from here."

   Ji Xia's heart is full of gloom, and she feels reluctant: "Those Tai Cang sergeants have probably met their relatives, right?"

   With this in his thoughts, his heart became more angry, and he squeezed the head of a severely wounded strong man, and was about to rush into the enemy line.

   Suddenly, a strong **** smell filled this area, and the evil and gloomy atmosphere began to permeate.

   Ji Xia stunned, frowned slightly and looked at the place where the breath appeared.

   I saw a mirror slowly flying in front of the strong blade arm, a black bottle in front of the mirror was constantly flowing out of blood, and dense spots of light were constantly flying out!

   Ji Xia Da Ri's spiritual eyes moved, looking at those light spots.

   Piecemeal, short scenes flicker in the light spots.

  The girl of the human race was crushed by magical powers; the old man was cut with a blade; the huge green snake casually swallowed all the population of a city...

  Countless human races are crying and howling in the chaotic town; countless human races are begging for the high-ranking killers; countless human races take up arms and try to resist.

   As a result, three human kingdoms were destroyed, and two human races mixed with other weak races were slaughtered!

   Jixia saw helpless eyes, a trembling body, and all kinds of unwillingness and anger.

   Not to be reconciled to the weakness of the human race!

   Angry at the cruelty of the slaughterer!

   Jixia saw the sufferings of countless human races in countless light spots, and her heart seemed to burst.

   With red eyes, he controlled Kwae's rampage, rushing straight to the mirror and the black bottle!

   The shadow of the sword fell in the sky, and Hitchin brought a thousand eight hundred zhang womb to stop Ji Xia from going, his eyes were also red.

   Kika's eyes are red because of anger!

   Hitchin’s eyes are red, because he used his tribe’s life as a bet, desperate!

   Ji Xia slammed a punch without hesitation, and the powerful force brought out an unparalleled aura, colliding with the powerful spirit element transmitted from Hitchin's womb!

   Spots of light flew out of the black bottle and flew into the mirror. Suddenly, a shadow on the mirror slowly came out through the lens.

   The slender shadow appeared on the mirror surface, gradually turning blood red, fused together, and rebuilt a huge monster.

   This monster is just like the monster that bewitched Hitchin on the mirror!

   He is constantly forming, he is coming!

   Many powerful men and Hitchin besieged the puppet Kwa'e, and in the eyes of Kwa'e, there is a deep hatred in Ji Xia's eyes!

   Hitchin was good at close combat, but he didn't dare to approach Kwa'e at all. Kwa'e's power was infinite, and he was in close combat with him head-on, almost looking for death. He could only deal with him with supernatural powers.

   But Ji Xia was indifferent, seeing the remaining memories of countless human races. Among these memories, nine out of ten are emotions of fear, worry, and hardship.

   During the battle between the two sides, the sky suddenly turned red, and even the air was filled with blood!

   Jixia looked in the direction of the mirror, and saw a huge monster standing in the void, with a terrifying face looking here.

   Hitchin also saw the monster, with a grateful expression on his face.

   Suddenly the monster opened the only big mouth above its face, and the eyes above the 12 long legs shot out a dim light at the same time!

   The rays of light galloped, and instantly penetrated the four closest spiritual masters, more than forty strong supernatural powers.

   That is the last vital force of the snake spirit department here!

   These strong men were pierced by the light and died violently. The remnant soul and blood flew out and fell into the mouth of the monster!

   The monster chewed a few times, and then looked at the Qi Ling army formation and the many great masters who were slaughtering Qi Ling and Sergeant Different Blades in the distance.

   At this moment, Hitchin saw that the monster shot Qi Ling and the strong with different blades, his eyes were splitting.

   His hoarse voice asked, "Why?"

   The countless blood-red eyes on the twelve long legs looked at Hitchin, and they were full of ironic smiles: "Because here only you are a believer of the Great God Modo, except you, all living things will die!"

   Hitchin furiously said: "How can I deal with You Fei after losing so many strong people?"

   The scarlet monster snorted coldly, and a coercion dropped, Hitchin was immediately suppressed by the coercion, and could only support it hard.

   The monster ignored Hitchin, and countless blood-red eyes turned to Kwa'e, and a bright light flew out, bursting out.

   Ji Xia controlled the Kua'e clan to unleash his whole body strength and greet the light fiercely with the momentum of a tripod!

   Pang Ranwei tried his best to excite, and collided with that light!

   Kua'e's huge body was repelled by two steps for the first time, and even a slight force was transmitted into Kua'e's body, hitting Ji Xia, making Ji Xia spout a mouthful of blood!

   "As soon as I come, all living beings here will die!"

   The monster's body swelled, and another aura pressed down, pushing the puppet Kua'e back.

   All four horns light up, and a great supernatural power is ready to go!

   Ji Xia's heart beats wildly in the Kua'e clan. He recognized this monster and felt the threat of death deeply!

  Because of the power contained in the two long, two short and four horns, it became more and more terrifying.

Once    strikes out, I'm afraid the entire Cangqing Mountain will be destroyed!

   At this moment, Kua'e's body suddenly turned into Taoist aura and disappeared.

   Ji Xia was shocked, it's time for Xuan Cong to puppet stone!

   The scarlet monster noticed the change of Kwae's, the light on the four corners was slightly stagnant, and the giant's body was suddenly vaporized.

   The strong breath disappeared, revealing a figure in a silver robe...

   The scarlet monster saw the figure and was stunned!

   "It's you!" The scarlet monster ran away suddenly, and all his eyes looked at Ji Xia, who was revealing his figure: "You humble mortal creature, you are not dead yet!"

   Ji Xia instantly felt a heavy pressure suppressed, crushing his body, causing his seven orifices to bleed, and making his spiritual chakra stop!

   The scarlet monster chuckled cruelly: "I want you to erase everything about you and you, and you will become my captive ghost, and there will never be a day to turn back!"

   Shiyang, Wenye and other generals have seen Ji Xia's situation, and they are rushing!

   Hitchin is also under tremendous pressure at this moment, but he can't understand why this monster summoned by him hates this silver-robed boy so much!

   The light on the four corners of the scarlet monster became brighter, and the disgust in countless scarlet eyes was almost as real!

   At this moment, Ji Xia was stiff and abrupt. He looked up at the scarlet monster with a bright smile on his face and asked: "I seem to have forgotten your name, what is your name?"

   The scarlet monster's voice slammed: "I am a multi-eyed superintendent under the command of the Great God Modo... Sad ant, you dared to shoot at me..."

   Ji Xia nodded and said to herself: "Familiar plot."

   The scarlet monster had countless eyes, and just about to speak, a heavy evil spirit came from Ji Xia!

   This suffocating aura is condensed to the extreme, and even covers the evil aura emitted by the multi-eyed god.

   Immediately a zhangyu gourd appeared out of thin air, and the gourd opened from it. Inside it was like a starry sky door, with countless tiny stars arranged in it!

   A figure came from the starry sky, UU reading www. uukānshu.com is getting closer and closer!

   The evil spirit is getting stronger and stronger, so that everything that is already red is rendered into a completely blood red color!

   The clouds in the sky, the rays of the sun, and even the earth are blood red!

   This figure stepped out of the starry sky, walked out of the gourd, and looked at the dumbfounded multi-eyed general in the sky.

   "Who is coming, a multi-eyed general under the command of the Great God of Modo..."

   I saw that figure raise his hand and shook it lightly!


   A loud noise came, and it blasted in everyone's ears!

   The multi-eyed superintendent who had just flaunted his might, the terrifying supernatural powers on the four corners, ready to go, suddenly burst into a mass of plasma, and was bound by some strange force, compressed, and turned into a blood drop into the hands of that figure.

   The figure played with blood beads, ignoring everyone's sluggish gaze, and seemed to whisper to himself: "Multi-eyed **** general? The name of the crown god, how can it be so vulnerable?"

   He gently tossed the blood drop in his hand, and a pair of eyes in the blood drop stared at him, as if asking him: "Who are you?"

   He turned around, revealing a stalwart figure, and said to the blood bead: "Jun Wuan is white, so yeah!"



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