I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 228: The monarch and the young man (four k

   With unspeakable feelings, the three people of Xian Shui Country followed the men in black into this majestic city. After entering the dark red door courtyard, they walked through a wide, flat road paved with finely broken blue stones, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

   is about the main road of Taicangdu city, paved with huge black smooth bricks.

   Each of these bricks and stones has a length of one foot and a width of one foot, which is calm and atmospheric.

   What surprised the three of them most was that it was the early morning of May when the breeze hit, bringing a little coolness.

   These black bricks seem to contain peculiar power, and they actually emit a little warmth, which is transmitted from the soles of the feet to the whole body.

   Luyi was a little curious, and wanted to squat down to touch the black brick, but due to decent and royal etiquette, she suppressed her intentions.

   Linqin was also quite surprised. He wanted to ask the man in black in front of him, but he saw from the side under his cloak, it was full of darkness, and even his face was a bit indistinct.

   She froze for no reason.

   was hesitating, suddenly a tender voice came: "Are you guests from other countries?"

   Luyi and the three followed the voice and looked to the side and behind, under a large leafy tree, a little girl stood.

   This girl is about eleven or twelve years old. She has two upturned pigtails on her head and is dressed in luxurious clothes. She does not look like a child from ordinary people.

   Luyi saw such a cute little girl talking to them, and replied aloud: "Yes, we are from the north, little girl, why are you standing here alone?"

   The little girl said nonchalantly: "I usually walk the streets and alleys, Uncle Seventeen, where are you taking them?"

   The man in black heard the little girl's words and said helplessly: "Dame Qianqian, your nose is getting stronger and stronger, and I can confirm my identity."

   Qianqian smiled and said: "I haven't seen Uncle Yin Ding for a long time. He promised to teach me the method of hiding, but he is gone."

The man in black was even more helpless, and said in his heart: "It is because you are entangled with the master Yin Jiang, and he asks him to teach you the method of concealment, so he avoids you. You, the little demon king of the world, has learned the method of concealment, and we have no peaceful days. ."

   Qianqian seemed to perceive the helplessness of the black-clothed people, rolled her pitch-black eyes, waved her small hand, and said, "Uncle Seventeen, go and guard the city gate. Where are these guests going, I'll take them there."

  The man in black thought for a while, nodded and said: "These three people are going to meet the king, and the noble lady will bring them to the king's account, and someone will naturally lead them."

   Qianqian smiled sweetly: "That's right, I want to visit Uncle Ji Xia today too, I will take them there."

   The man in black seemed to trust Qianqian very much. Without hesitation, his figure gradually became transparent and disappeared.

   exclaimed: "I have lived for more than a hundred years. I have never seen such a mysterious concealment method. I swept through the spiritual consciousness, but I couldn't detect any traces."

   Qianqian bounced to the front of the three of Lu Yi and said, "Let’s go quickly. It’s slow. Even when it gets dark, we won’t be able to get to the king’s account."

  Liuyi brought out a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth, pointed to Linqin, and said softly: "Then thank you, Qianqian, your body is thin, why should I let this big sister carry you?"

   Linqin also saw that Qianqian did not have the slightest spirit element fluctuation in his body, and after walking a few steps, he wanted to carry Qianqian on his back.

   Qianqian opened his eyes wide, shook his head and said: "It's okay, I am not weak and can keep up with you."

   Luyi looked at the young girl who had a clearly immature face but spoke very clearly and said, "Also, if Miss Qianqian is tired, just let us know."

   Qianqian stepped on his calf, leading the way, and the three of Xian Shuiguo followed behind and continued forward.

   On the way, Lu Yi has never lost the look of surprise, and Linqin and Tongban are the same. They looked at the scene in front of them, silent.

   Is this the capital of the human kingdom?

   Why, in their opinion, the Xiuyang Shanggong of Da Fu is not much better?

   In addition to the wide streets on both sides, there are many houses with black bricks and blue tiles, and there are many colorful bricks and tiles on them, and there are many beautiful and simple sculptures.

   "This street is about Tai Canggui's mansion. It has a unique style and looks even more beautiful than the palace where I offered water."

   This idea appeared in Luyi's mind, and she continued to move forward, but found that she had turned many streets, and the houses on both sides of the road had changed styles, but the regulations and aesthetics were not much different.

   At first, they thought that wandering in front of the house, ordinary dressed people were servants in the house.

   Unexpectedly, these smiling ordinary people seem to be the owners of the house. Some people even gather together in front of the house and eat breakfast.

   There are many old people who have moved small stools and stepped barefoot on the black bricks, basking in the sun.

   "These houses are actually homes for ordinary people!"

   Luyi and the three were silent again.

   Linqin practice spiritual eyesight, sharp eyes, see many ordinary people's diet, startled: "Taicang family has meat to eat?"

   Qianqian turned his head and replied: "Almost, there are young people in the family who are willing to work hard, so they can work in exchange for meat."

   "What should I do if there is no youth at home?"

   "Of course it is provided by Taicheng Mansion."

   Li Yi coughed slightly, concealing the surprise on her face.

   walked for a long time, and arrived at a wide area, located in the center of Taicheng, in an outstanding location, but no building was built.

   What makes Lu Yi three more puzzled.

   In this area, Ling Yuan is rich, I don't know how much.

   Is there a spiritual vein here?

   But according to ancient records, the spiritual veins of the entire ten-year airspace have been divided up by Hundred Eyes and Qi Spirits, or even the big symbols are divided into only a few?

  Human nation, how can there be spiritual veins?

   "Ling Yuan is so abundant, it would be a shame not to build here."

   The four of them stopped, looking at the wide open space like a tongue, and said, unfortunately.

   An old man passed by and heard the Tong-like words, he couldn't help but say: "Are you outsiders? This is not not under construction. This is the former site of the palace. In the near future, the palace will be built here."

   The three of them were very puzzled, and Linqin hesitated and said: "The capital has not yet been built a palace? So where did the king deal with the government in the early days?"

   The old man showed some worry on his face and said: "Currently still in a military account."

   Luyi and others suddenly realized, no wonder the black clothed people said that they wanted to bring them to the king's account.

   He only heard the old man continue to sigh: "I have been waiting for the old man, and on behalf of the Taicang people many times, I prayed that the king would build the palace first, so as not to damage the royal majesty, but every time it was rejected by the royal court.

   Luyi became more and more curious, and asked, "Why is this?"

   "Because the king is worried about his people, he has made a great aspiration at the court meeting. All Taicang people will not have a comfortable place to live, and will not build a palace for one day!"

   When the old man said this, tears came out of his eyes.

He sighed: "No matter when, the king always cares about his people. In the most difficult period, he would rather suffer himself than the people of Tai Cang. I taught at Tai Cang Academy and read countless classics. I have never seen such a monarch who loves his people like a child!"

   Luyi heard the old man's heartfelt words, and admired the King of the Beginning in her heart.

   "Maybe Tai Cang is so strong because there is such a monarch who loves his people like his son."

   She whispered silently in her heart: "If I want to build a kingdom on the site of Xianshui in the future, I must be like this young monarch, even if I cannot match his height."

   Say goodbye to the old man, they set off again.

   The three of them got more and more frightened as they walked. They found that there was clearly no spiritual element flowing in the girl in front of them, and she was always walking extremely fast, and looking at her small face, there was no exhaustion.

   "The princess doesn't have to be surprised, look at the feet of the lady." Tonglike beaming into a thread, said to Luyi.

   Luyi heard the words and looked at the soles of Qianqian's feet.

   Seeing Qianqian stepping on a light white shoe underneath his feet, there is ample Lingyuan wrapped and covered on the sole of the shoe.

   Ling Yuan's strength is even more powerful than the sword on her waist that she is proud of.

   "This is an extremely precious magical power tool. It is the treasure of the country in the country of offering water, and it is not as precious as this light shoe!"

   "There is also the tasseled Chinese shirt. Although there is no spiritual essence overflowing, the value of it can be seen only by the strands of snow silk tassels. I am afraid that it is more precious than the light shoes."

   "The jade bracelet on the wrist and the necklace between the neck are all very precious treasures."

  The tone was full of sorrow, just a few days ago, they were still discussing whether this small human nation has perished and whether it has become a meat-eater of other nations.

   But later, they clearly saw this human kingdom, showing their sharp edge, and killing the giant Qi Ling hunting army with a single knife.

   Then I saw an eleven or twelve-year-old girl with no cultivation level. Her clothes, light shoes, bracelets, and even hair bands were all extremely precious magic tools.

   In the past, if you want to stray in the world at will, you will be able to make a country like offering water, and it will break the blood.

   Now, these treasures are shining like this, being worn by a young child casually, wandering around.

  Liuyi looked down at the sword on her waist, and then at the many magical tools on Qianqian, a little helpless.

   Once upon a time, she thought that apart from the children of the Dafu tribe, within a radius of thousands of miles, there was no more luxurious girl than herself.

   Until now when the offering of water was destroyed, every time she thought of the treasure in her mysterious treasure, she always felt at ease.

   But today, she had no choice but to find out that when the silver-clothed boy had spared Tongban, the reason he didn't ask for more treasure was because he didn't like it.

   These little possessions of my own are not even as valuable as the magical tools of this little girl.

  Qianqian introduced Taicheng Mansion, Tai Cang Academy, and many psychic weapons that made the three of them dumbfounded.

   Unknowingly, it was noon, and the four of them also came to a place where many wide cowhide tents gathered.

   And in the center of these tents, there is a very wide and huge tent.

   There are a few heroic guards guarding the tent, and there are three vicious giant leopards lying with their eyes closed, and three thick demon pythons entrenched.

   From time to time, there are birds singing in the sky, but a few crow monsters circling.

   Luyi and others' eyelids jumped wildly.

   These monsters are all in the realm of supernatural powers, and some even have the realm of five or six supernatural powers!

   are those nine heavenly guards, and there is a strong suffocating aura from above their bodies. Just as they stepped onto the magical power of Luyi, he felt a little depressed when he sensed the suffocation.

   The four of them stepped forward, the giant leopard and the big python lazily raised their heads, glanced at Qianqian, and then leaned over to rest again.

   Among the several heroic guards, one of them was holding a spear and came in front of the four people. Without even looking at the three of them, Lu Yi and three of them saluted Qianqian.

   Qianqian showed a sweet smile on his face, and said, "Uncle Shatu, why can't I see Yingying these days, we have made an appointment and we are going to visit the new city in Nanyuli together."

The young general smiled and said, "Dear lady, Yingying has been rushed to school by me these few days. Now Chaozhong is about to formulate a new order. When every street and alley, a youth hall will be built. All children over six years old , Must be enrolled."

   "The school on Nanqing Street has been completed, so I thought I would let her go a few days earlier so that I could learn more about the principles and knowledge from her husband."

   Qianqian nodded, expressing his understanding: "I went to see the uncle of the monarch before, and he also wanted to wait for my training to be completed, and he would also find a good gentleman for me to teach my schoolwork."

   Having said that, she turned her head to look at the gap in the military tent, and asked, "Is the uncle the monarch here?"

   "Yes, today the king is here to entertain the ministers, many adults are there."

Qianqian curled his lips and said angrily: "Why didn't the monarch invite me? He praised me for eating a few days ago. Now there are delicious foods, but he doesn't invite me anymore. Maybe I am afraid that I will eat too much and eat poorly. Stop him."

   Shatu, several guards, Lu Yi and others all responded with a chuckle at Qianqian's childish words. Shatu was about to speak, but a voice came from the military account.

   "Qianqian, I'm stunned, come in."

   has a mellow voice, but it has a convincing meaning.

  Qianqian heard the sound, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he wanted to enter the king's account.

   took a few steps, suddenly remembered something, turned around and said: "Two sisters, grandpa, you come in with me."

   All three of them looked at Shatu, and Shatu looked straight ahead, making no sound, but it did not stop him.

   Tongzhi said: "Although these guards are valiant, they seem to be too reckless to make any cross-examination."

   So they followed Qianqian into the king's account.

   In the king's account, more than a hundred tables are arranged in four columns. After each table, there is a minister and general sitting at www.ltnovel.com~ with a red carpet paved in the middle.

   The four people entered the tent, many of them looked straight at them.

   looked at these generals and officials like a tong, and finally understood why the guards in front of the account did not question them.

   I saw a few figures sitting steadily, with hot spirits rising all over their bodies. They looked at Tongban, and Tongban felt a powerful beast staring at him!

  Tong-like heart beats wildly, he recognized these figures, they were all the powerful spirit masters who had been seen on the light curtain at the bottom of the river!

   The guards in front of the tent did not cross-examine. I thought it was because the guards knew in their hearts that, according to their cultivation base, they were plotting wrong, and there would be no waves in the military tent!

   But the eyes of Lu Yi and Lin Qin were all concentrated on the figure above.

   I saw a handsome young man sitting casually leaning on a large carved chair, with long black hair tied behind his head. He didn't look like a monarch who overwhelmed a country, but a handsome and rich young man.

   But the dazzling light radiating from his star pupils, the horror of the whole body like a beast-like spirit, reminded them.

   The young man in front of him had used his sword to kill countless supernatural powers, and he led his subordinates to besieged Qi Ling hunting army!

   Luyi has a life in peace, never seen such an outstanding young man.


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