I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 612: The reason why the Tianmu casts the sacred court [five k characters]

Ji Xia's expression was calm, without realizing anything.

But Que Le and Chi Yu in the palace heard a strange look in their eyes when they heard the words of Emperor Fu Liang.

Especially the Milong Lord, his face was reddish, and his eyes were full of excitement. Looking at Emperor Fuliang, he seemed to have found someone in the same way.

Ji Xia coughed lightly, alleviating some of this strange atmosphere, and then said: "I have accidentally passed through the secret realm to enter the dead guard secret realm, and learned from the mouth of Jianling Nishino about the past of the Emperor Fuliang. Jianling Nishino once trusted each other. For me, if I can see the emperor in the future, I will worship the emperor on their behalf."

Zun Fu Liang's eyes showed the color of remembrance.

After a long time, he asked again: "Did Elder Jianling tell you how much time has passed since the collapse of the Emperor Fuliang?"

Ji Xia then thought of the ups and downs, although Emperor Liang Zun had fought against the rules of the Secret Realm for three thousand years, but he still could not escape the result of utter loss of wisdom.

Even those shadows of Fuliang were the same. When they were guarding the secret realm, they were muddled and lacking wisdom to speak of, but when they set foot on the three mountains and hundreds of regions, their gods gradually appeared under the black qi.

And Ji Xia suspects that those with advanced cultivation levels have regained their wisdom and can think.

For example, the Emperor Fuliang and the shadow girl misty.

"I was assimilated by the rules of the Secret Realm of Death, and I only felt that the years were extremely long and time flies. I am afraid that more than ten thousand years have passed. I am now awake. I have searched many countries' history books, and I have never found out about it. Fu Liang’s record."

Emperor Fuliang sits on the throne, but the black mist still lingers around his body, as if engraved with great supernatural powers, and there are exhibitions of profound arts. The power is very powerful, and it seems that they are maintaining the body of Emperor Fuliang.

Ji Xia nodded secretly, he had a good guess.

"According to Elder Nishino, Fuliang Tuwu was trained into the secret realm of death 18,000 years ago, and it has been 15,000 years since the emperor lost his mind."

Mizumi, the shadow girl, never looked at the focus, and took a lot more seriously.

A daze flashed again.

She is different from Emperor Fuliang, and Elder Jianling Nishino never mentioned her, so Wu Mi entered the secret realm. Even if it was not like most Fuliang creatures, she was assimilated by the rules of the secret realm in the blink of an eye.

She was also like Emperor Fu Liang, and vaguely felt that time had passed for many years.

Maybe it has been seventeen or eighteen thousand years.

But today, after Ji Xia confirmed this number, Wu Mi's mood can be described as mixed.

"Eighteen thousand years!"

Suddenly, Emperor Fuliang repeated the age number again and suddenly laughed.

His laughter didn't seem to contain any emotion at all, and some were just indifferent and cruel.

The laughter didn't stop after a long time.

Ji Xia, Bai Qi, Zhang Jiao, Yang Ren, and a kind of too strong are all silent.

Although Fuliang Zunhuang's laughter was full of indifference, they could clearly perceive why Fuliang Zunhuang laughed.

A prosperous dynasty, is about to enter the realm of the emperor, and Emperor Fuliang will become the emperor of the human race.

But it was so unclear that it was destroyed in the secret realm of perishable defense.

"In my life, I have encountered countless hardships and obstacles, and have killed countless foreign experts, and even the nobles from the holy land and the holy court have knelt down on me and been killed by me."

Emperor Fuliang laughed hoarsely: "The human army under my command, following the death of the blood, is strong in combat power, and the imperial army is unmatched!

The strong under my command include gods, gods, and gods. Thousands of gods are enough to face the weak emperor. The strong of gods can even destroy an emperor alone. "


"But just when I was in the midst of the sun, when I was in high spirits, the disaster came for no reason. I just blinked, and the tens of thousands of cities in Fuliang were all refined into the secret world of death, incarnation, and then transformed into shadow creatures."

"Everything is so ridiculous!"

Fuliang Zunhuang's tone was bleak, like a smile but a smile.

The mist on the side showed a monstrous killing intent and was silent.

Ji Xia felt the resentment burst out from the bottom of his heart by Emperor Fuliang.

His heart was also surging.

"Sovereign emperor, didn't you really notice any clues when Fu Liang was trained into the secret realm? How powerful is the existence of Fu Liang into the secret realm?"

Ji Xia could no longer hold back the doubt in her heart.

Fuliang Zunhuang was slightly startled.

Immediately he shook his head feebly: "I don't remember any clues... I don't have any memory of that powerful existence in my mind..."

Ji Xia immediately understood the words of Emperor Fuliang Zun.

"The emperor's meaning is... Maybe you noticed it, but the memory is erased and you can't remember it?"

Emperor Fuliang did not answer Ji Xia's words, but bowed his head and drank a glass of sake.

He closed his eyes and tasted the taste of sake, and then gently put down the cup in his hand.

"We are in the shadows. From then on, the taste of wine and delicacies has become a luxury for us. The only thing with us is killing. King Taichu, are you afraid of us?"

Ji Xia didn't hesitate, he shook his head slowly.

The shadow **** the side looked sideways at Ji Xia, and asked softly, "Why are you not afraid?"

Ji Xia also drank on his own, not hurriedly and slowly: "The two predecessors have extraordinary realm and unparalleled fighting strength. Not to mention that in the land of a hundred regions, even in the Zhujiang Plain, it is a prosperous existence, even outside the Zhujiang Plain. Among those imperial dynasties, the cultivation base of the emperor can also be in the forefront.

With such strength, if he wanted to attack Tai Cang from the beginning, how could he turn around and leave before. "

The shadow girl Mist smiled, her eyes narrowed and said: "You guessed wrong, but it's just because you are too weak to let me take action. After I was going to return to the city, I sent an army to kill you all over the country. ."

Ji Xia's face turned black.

The Emperor Fu Liang also chuckled: "Do you think we will care about the blood relationship? We have been transformed into a shadow, no longer a human race, why should we care about the human blood relationship?"

Ji Xia's face was darker.

However, he reacted very quickly, after a little thought, a smile appeared on his face again.

"Sovereign emperor, you just emerged from the black robe of the shadow. I clearly sensed a very clear resonance of blood. Maybe even if you are in the shadow, the human blood in your body will be preserved?"

Emperor Fuliang glanced at Ji Xia and said with a calm expression: "My sister and I both like to make jokes. It was just a joke. In the beginning, the king didn't need to take it seriously."

"A fellow man!"

Among the strong men who have been silent, Lord Milong suddenly looked excited, jumped up and said: "I am like the emperor, and I like to make jokes."

Emperor Fuliang did not move, the shadow girl Wumi glanced at Milongjun, shook her head and said: "You are too ugly, you are not worthy of being my fellow, and...you are so devilish and not worthy of being a human being."

Secret Dragon Lord was struck by lightning and sat back in despair.

Zunhuang Fu Liang's eyes flew down again, looking at everyone.

After a long time, he said: "What has happened in the land of Fuliang in these eight thousand years? I have been watching the kingdom entrenched here. The human race is almost non-existent, and the scattered human blood has almost never been developed. The people of this human race in the great blue are already extremely good in talent and understanding.

Even there are a few Taicang people living in the temple, even I can't detect their background. "

The Emperor Fuliang seemed to be particularly puzzled, and there was a lot of worry in his eyebrows: "As for the spiritual rice and spiritual spring in the capital city, the rank and rank are extremely extraordinary. The land of Fuliang was the most prosperous spiritual rice. It is much more precious than Yunyuan Lingmi, but it is not as good as Zhaoxuan Lingmi.

According to the current strength of Tai Cang, Tai Cang shouldn't have this kind of spiritual rice spirit seed, so I just asked you if you planed the ancestral grave of a certain great emperor. "

Emperor Fu Liang was puzzled, but Ji Xia was even more puzzled.

He frowned and asked: "The emperor knows why you are slaughtering the creatures of the Hundred Territories?"

Fu Liang Zunhuang's calm complexion gradually became abrupt.

Wu Mi could not see the look of the emperor, black air in his black hair.

"Because of the slaughter of the creatures here, I will be able to regain the spiritual wisdom in the secret realm of the dead, and I will no longer be confused."

She spoke softly, with a ray of yearning in her eyes: "This is the promise given to us by the rules of the deadly secret realm. I Fuliang one billion people, and I will no longer be like low-level demon spirits. I will have civilization and inheritance, Fuliang imperial kingdom. Zuo will survive in the Secret Realm."

Ji Xia and many too strong men looked at each other.

If Tai Cang encounters such a big disaster and obtains such promises, will they slaughter the Hundred Regions in exchange for Tai Cang Country's Zuo recovery?

"It turns out that Emperor Fuliang didn't know that the land of Hundred Regions nowadays has been selected by an ancient and powerful existence as the place to cultivate souls. Now is the time to harvest souls, and you are the sickles of harvesting souls."

Ji Xia spoke calmly, and he quietly opened his eyes on the Master Chenxing in the sea.

Suppress the fierce anger and hatred in his heart.

This world is so weird, if he reveals his hatred without concealment, he doesn't know if that existence is so powerful that he can't imagine it.

Fuliang Zunhuang and Wu Mi were slightly startled.

A brief look of loss appeared on his face.

But in a flash, it returned to normal.

The emperor slowly flicked his sleeves, looked up into Ji Xia's eyes, and said each word.


Perhaps the soul-raising power is the same existence as the creature that destroyed Fuliang and refined Fuliang into the secret realm.

Perhaps observing the rules is the masterpiece of existence, Fuliang was destroyed by him, and now he is at his mercy to help him reap the soul.

Maybe after the soul has been harvested in full, when we have to step into the door of the dead guard, we will once again return to the shadow form, completely forgetting the agreement with the rule of dead guard. "

He paused for a while and said calmly: "Perhaps, when the souls are harvested in full, the dead kingdom of Fuliang as a sickle will become meaningless. Under the thought of the existence of that statue, it is like the five billion sons of Fuliang. The ashes of the people will disappear, and we will turn into nothingness, not in the world, leaving no trace."

"Wang Taichu, do you want to tell me this?"

Ji Xia didn't evade the slightest, he nodded seriously.

Then he said seriously: "I want to tell senior this, because I happen to know that senior is the emperor of my human race, and I should tell you everything I know.

But I also know that the master who perished in the secret realm, the soul-raising power, and the existence that brought Fuliang into the secret realm, regardless of whether they are the same strong person or not, there is no doubt that they are already strong to the extreme, whether we Knowing the truth does not actually make much sense.

Because with the current strength of the human race, they can only move forward in the direction they are pointing to. They cannot look back or believe it, otherwise they will lose their only way of life. "

There was a glimmer of light in Fuliang Zunhuang's eyes.

There was a touch of excitement in Wu Mi's eyes again.

Emperor Fu Liang's eyes still stayed on Ji Xia, motionless: "God has the rules of life. You won't have to be attacked by the dead country if you get the secrets of the return door fragments, so Tai Cang will survive this catastrophe. "

"Leave a skeletal secret!"

Emperor Fuliang solemnly said: "In any case, leave a bone secret. One day, if you have a glimpse of the rules of the void, then you will be able to use this bone secret."

Although Ji Xia was very puzzled, she also understood that since Emperor Fu Liang did not explain the reason, he naturally had his reasons.

In this world, many things cannot be said unscrupulously.

Because no one knows whether there is an unknown existence in the void, and will perceive you because of your words.

So he nodded solemnly.

Fuliang Zunhuang got up, black mist churning all over.

He said: "The human race has a lot of fortunes. I have personally seen the Great Breathing Palace in just a few years, turning into a plume of smoke, disappearing without leaving a trace.

I have also seen that in the two thousand years after the demise of the Great Breath, countless Shangyue and Secret Realms that inherited Great Breath's fortune and heritage were conquered by countless hungry wolves. From then on, they had to hide under the secular world. Walking upright under the void. "


Emperor Fuliang increased his tone: "You can only prosper in the boundless wilderness. Once you stop, one day, you will surely perish.

And our ordinary countries will not attract too much attention from the powerful emperor or even the gods. Although they don't know why, they seem to have their own methods of distinguishing Shangyue, human palaces, and human remaining secret realms.

This is not good news for the hidden place of the human race. Once they are discovered, they cannot be disguised, but for the ordinary human kingdom, it gives us a strong light and will not be an enemy of the world. "

When Ji Xia heard the words of Emperor Fuliang Zun, she immediately understood why Shangyue, Mansion and Secret Realm did not secretly support the small human nation, so as to continue to grow and break through the big net that has emerged for unknown reasons.

The reason is actually this.

"The emperor, Ji Xia has another question."

Ji Xia saw Emperor Fuliang and Wu Mi getting up together and was about to leave.

He quickly stood up and asked: "At the beginning, the Great Breath God Court collapsed, and the countless treasures of the Great Breath, the extremely profound background, besides the hidden places of the human race, who will be spent?"

When Ji Xia mentioned the Great Breathing Palace, Fuliang Zunhuang's expression suddenly became lonely.

He said: "The Great Breathing God's Court collapsed, and countless powerful human tribes were almost destroyed. This storm lasted for three thousand years, and my Fuliang was only a small kingdom at the beginning, because the weak and small were able to survive the storm. Save yourself.

For another three thousand years, the human kingdom is no longer an enemy of the world, and Fuliang has also prospered~www.ltnovel.com~. After the collapse of the Great Breath, the emperor that has benefited the most, now seems to have become a dynasty, named...Tianmu ! "

The Emperor Fuliang and the shadow girl Mizumi stepped on the ferocious behemoth that appeared from the shadows and disappeared into the sky.

Ji Xia and a group of gods watched them leave.

"It turns out that Great Breath collapsed 24,000 years ago."

Bai Qi sighed: "24,000 years ago, at the end of the ancient age, perhaps the boundary between the ancient age and the present age is the great expiration and the heavenly eyes that cast the gods."

Yang Ren said: "The ancient times, the ancient times, the middle ancient times, the modern ancient times... The king once said that the ancient times began 100,000 years ago and entered the modern ancient times after 50,000 years. Then how many years did the ancient times last, and how many years did the ancient times last?"

"There was a Great Breathing God's Court in the ancient times, and a Great Ding God's Court in the Middle Ages. So in the ancient and primordial ages, did many God's courts have fallen and left precious heritage?"

What happened in the distant ancient and ancient times?

Perhaps millions of years, or even tens of thousands of years ago, the boundless wilderness had a very brilliant civilization, and there were brilliant races to establish a kingdom and become the overlord of the boundless wilderness.

"In any case, practice hard."

Ji Xia looked at the sky where Emperor Fuliang had disappeared, and said: "As long as it is too strong and powerful, then all mysteries will no longer be mysterious, and all unknowns will become known."

"Maybe Tai Cang will once again establish the Human Race Divine Court... encounter the calamity that the previous Dading and Daxi have encountered."

Ji Xia took a deep breath, her eyes a little fierce: "At that time, we will be like obliterating Zhou Qing, Dove Dog, Qi Ling, Hundred Eyes, Hundred Domains, and obliterating all peepers and conspirators!"

"Even gods cannot deprive a race of powerful power."

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