I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 625: Immortal Tangzhao Huangqiong Order [7000 characters]

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The mysterious umbrella opened, and the five supremely ascended sacred spirits showed their bodies.

They have men and women, old people and young people.

There is also a common feature, that is, their power is as deep as an abyss and cannot be measured.

They are obviously the same size as ordinary human beings.

But they stood in the void, like five heavy, huge mountains, which made people awe.

Five divine abysses stand in the void, making dozens of divine platforms in the void dim!

These outstanding ancestors were once the most prosperous elites.

After they are old, they can't break through the divine abyss and become the gods, and their longevity is about to end.

Under such circumstances, they used secret methods to transform into a strange creature, living on the mysterious umbrella.

Normally fell into a deep sleep, and once the Supreme Emperor needed them, they would wake up from the umbrella and contribute vast power to crush the enemies of the Supreme Emperor.

Now, these ancestors have a strong killing intent in their eyes.

"In the eyes of all races in the boundless wilderness, the human race is nothing but the dog of the bereavement. Even if the human race has a powerful existence, it can only hide in areas that are hard to be discovered, otherwise it will be swallowed by the strong, and the hidden forces behind him will be destroyed."

The five ancestors all turned into streamers and burst out.

They did not go to Yang Ren, Bai Qi, Zhang Jiao, or Xi Mu.

But like a comet, rushing towards Ji Xia!

"Assemble the power of our five ancestors and kill you in the thunder, so that the human race here will completely lose one human monk, and then slowly concoct the rest of the human divine abyss!"

Five ancestors, five divine abysses, suddenly suppressed.

Above Shenyuan, there is an endless river of Lingyuan rushing out, and under the operation of their secret storehouse, it turns into great supernatural powers, suppressed!

The entire terrifying mountain, which was huge enough to hold tens of millions of people, began to dissolve inch by inch under the power of such an explosion.

Yes, this mountain that carries the upper mountain of Liuyanshan is not collapsing, but melting?

The power of the five supremely ascending Shenyuan ancestors made the light radiated by the five sunset behind them endlessly penetrating.

After the light shines, ordinary creatures will die!

"Human Secret Realm cultivator, please take a look at the power of my Juesheng Clan."

King Jie Xu sat in the air leisurely, fluttering in white clothes, exaggerated, and exploded with strong self-confidence.

"With such great power, Juesheng Clan can arbitrarily abuse the human superior Shangyue, wantonly kill the millions of human beings, trap and lock the remnant souls, and let them make the best use of them!"

His eyes were scorching and Ji Xia said, "The same is true for you. When you are killed by the five ancestors, I will also talk about your spiritual knowledge and remnant souls. By then, the only hope of Jiang Xian and Jiang Chu will be shattered. I don't believe that Juesheng can't get the secret building, or that Juesheng can't know the location of Huangwu's secret realm."

King Jie Xu's tone was high, he raised his head lightly and waved Fang Qiu.

His divine consciousness trembled, and his arrogant words were transmitted through divine consciousness in an instant.

At the same time, the five ancestors had already arrived in front of Ji Xia in a moment.

Endless coercion permeates, and everything around begins to evaporate!

Ji Xia's death was close at hand.

"The boundless wilderness is the strongest after all."

Ji Xia whispered softly in her heart, and the token she had just taken out in her hand suddenly shone a wonderful light.

Amidst the rays of light, the fairy air swirled, and purple light lingered again.

Between Xianqi and Ziguang, a huge token appeared from it!

This token is so huge that it seems to cover the sky.

Above the token, there are beautiful mountains and rivers, palaces and pavilions, fireworks alleys...

These scenes are so lifelike, as if they are all in front of you.

When Ji Xia saw this token, a smile flicked across her mouth.

Immediately his spiritual consciousness jumped and poured into the giant token!

"Xian Tang Zhao Huang Qiong Ling, come!"

Ji Xia's thoughts flowed, and his consciousness turned into three drops of spiritual dew in the blink of an eye, falling on the emperor Huang Qiong.

Three drops of Spirit Dew were about to fall on Qiong Ling, and suddenly from above Qiong Ling, a breeze was blowing in all directions.

Blow three drops of Linglu at will.

The three drops of spiritual dew made by Ji Xia's spiritual consciousness were blown wanton and there was no trace to follow.

In the end, it fell on the three areas on Pang Ranqiong's order at the same time.

A restaurant, a green hill, a military camp!

The mysterious voice suddenly sounded.

The five ancestors came to the Shenyuan with great supernatural powers to suppress them.

The huge mountains have melted by 30%.

Yang Ren, Bai Qi, Xian Mu, who are fighting hard, and Zhang Jiao, who has flown far away and is protecting the human remnants, look at Ji Xia together, with worry in their eyebrows.

"I don’t hesitate to summon the ancestors of this human race, but I will kill him, because he may be a human sacred body! The temple behind him is too mysterious, making me jealous and making me have a heart. lack!"

But King Jie Xu was full of murderous intentions, his expression still calm, as if he had predicted Ji Xia's death.

The most worrying is Jiang Xianyuezun and Jiang Chu who were sheltered behind Emperor Huang Zengshen in Taichung.

They didn't know Ji Xia's powerful strength, nor did they know that Ji Xia was good at creating miracles.

In their eyes, even if it is a sacrament that is attacked by the five gods, they can only drink hatred on the spot.

When Ji Xia died, the hope of Liu Yan Shangyue disappeared!

The five gods reach the abyss, the heaven and the earth are in riots.

Langlang universe became a hazy one.

Entering the eyes are all terrifying supernatural powers.

"Extremely ascends the Rift Zetian Divine Art!"

"Seven great sunsets!"

"Kill Mang Xuan Yin!"

"Five Sacred Mountains!"


One type of great supernatural power that is infinitely close to divine magic and profound art has evolved mystery and shook the world.

Among the five ancestors, some even turned into a sunset, tumbling, burning, and suppressing.

Over Ji Xia, the restaurants, green hills, and barracks on the Emperor Huang Qiong Order of the Immortal Tang Dynasty were also at this time.

"Xian Tang Shenren, now."

Ji Xiafu reached out to his mind and pointed at the three buildings with a finger like lightning.

At this moment, everything seemed to become extremely slow.

The gates of the three buildings are open, and each of the three gates has a figure walking out.

In the green hills, a young man with hair-beamed holding a magical brush in his hand walked out, and his eyes seemed to have a depth that could not be seen through.

In the restaurant, a scribe with a sword walked out, with a cry of snow-colored clothes, he looked very detached, and his whole body exuded an indescribable atmosphere of sword.

In the barracks, a burly man with two axes in his hands, wearing a precious armor, and a thick beard walked out, majestic and glaring.

Three immortal Tang gods walked out.

The supreme coercion of the strongest burst from their bodies, shining on the past and the present, and shining the present!

They stand in the void, as if all the great supernatural powers here have been dimmed, as if there is unparalleled power blooming all the time!

At this moment, the five sacred spirits are suppressed, and great supernatural powers are pouring in!

The consciousness of everyone here has been locked in Ji Xia.

They clearly saw the three gods and men abruptly walking out of nothingness, and their hearts were shocked.

next moment.

They were perceived by the divine sense, but saw that Ji Xia also sat down suddenly, and a golden throne appeared behind him.

Then he whispered: "Cut them off."

Chen Xing had no divine canon running, and under Chen Xing Jun's eyes, the power of divine consciousness exploded unprecedentedly.

So this message of divine consciousness fell into the ears of all the strong here.

Even traversed the distance, traversed the space, and fell into the green pagoda!

Under the crazy operation of Chenxing Wushen Canon, light curtains appeared in each layer of the blue pagoda.

On the light curtain, is the battlefield of Shangyue.

The strong Shangyue who was imprisoned in the blue pagoda felt this turbulent force.

Whether it is the supernatural powers and spirit control on the first and second floors of the Qingta, or the spiritual palaces and sacred platforms on the third and fourth floors.

They raised their heads with difficulty, struggling to open their eyelids, and looked at the light curtain in the void.

On the light curtain, a youth-like existence sits on a throne above the endless void.

He was dressed in luxurious silver clothes, with a noble, mysterious, and powerful breath, only a calm face, but killing intent in his eyes.

Everyone could see the young man in the light curtain, perceive the Ji Xia's divine consciousness that permeated the void, and suddenly there was a burning light in his eyes!

They clearly perceive that the young man on the throne is also a human race!

Especially the Liuyan Shentai imprisoned in the fourth floor-the painful old women, old men, young people, the female cultivators who drink the old women, and the many sacred platforms, there is a strong hope in the eyes.

At the same time, they also clearly saw the scene of the five supremely ascended sacred spirits opposite the boy, all suppressed.

In the hearts of many imprisoned human races, a strong worries rose up, and some of them even trembled.

They don't want this powerful human race to die, and they don't want hope to be shattered!

next moment.

Ji Xia's figure came.

"Stop them."

The voice was as quiet as his expression.

The three strong men in front of him suddenly moved.

The snow-clothed swordsman with a sword at his waist looks unparalleled, and in the blink of an eye he drew the three-foot long sword in his hand.

The endless sword intent covers the world, and the sword power is pervasive and extremely surging.

The man in Qingshan holding the pen in his hand, with a stroke of his pen and ink, portrayed a sea of ​​huge waves and wind.

In an instant, this ocean emerged, and the waves clashed on it, and the wind screamed and suppressed it.

A burly general with axe, his beard and roots are like thorns, and his double axe is like opening the sky.

The peerless double axe, with destructive power, crushed away, unparalleled power, trembling the void, rolling murderous intent!

The three Immortal Tang gods and men, when Ji Xia gave an order, played together.

In an instant, the sword light spread, the angry sea roared, and the murderous aura was like a tide!

The billowing mighty force burst out, and in just an instant, it drowned, shredded, and eliminated all the unparalleled supernatural powers of the five supreme ancestors.

The magical powers collided, half of the Pang Ran mountain was completely turned into powder and left, only the blue tower was suspended in the void!

All the Shangyue monks, the supremely ascended powerhouses, and Jiang's father and daughter who saw this scene had their eyes wide open, incredible.

King Jie Xu also abruptly stood up from the throne of Lingyuan and looked at the void battlefield ahead.

Ji Xia's expression remained unchanged.

The three Immortal Tang gods who had eliminated the forceful attack turned around and saluted Ji Xia.

Ji Xia glanced sideways at them.

Suddenly pointed to King Jie Xu in the distance, and asked, "Who wants to chop off his head and seize his spirit and soul?"

The swordsman in white should take a step forward and salute Ji Xia again.

Ji Xia nodded slightly.

At the feet of the snow-clothed swordsman, suddenly another green lotus bloomed, supporting his body, and the sword in his hand turned into a ray of light, illuminating the world.

The sound of the sword melodiously sounded one after another, which contained endless mystery.

The green lotus, the sword sound, the long sword, and the snow clothes together create a grand scene, the sword intent rises to the sky, the three-foot long sword stands in the void, and the endless lotus flowers bloom on it, and countless lotus leaves on the countless green lotus. All are endless sword intent, awesome.

King Jie Xu challenged, and the sun fell behind him, the orb in his hand turned into a giant, coercing everything.

"My style of divine method, called the superbly rising sun divine method, is my superbly promoted tribe!"

King Jie Xu took a step back and stood above the setting sun. His body was extremely large. He ran the magic technique and collided with the sword intent of the snow-clothed swordsman. The void roared, and his power spread three thousand miles!

His spiritual consciousness surged, and his tone was extremely solemn: "What is your sword-intent magical method? Who are you?"

The snow-clothed swordsman has a face like jade and an unparalleled posture. He wanders in the void, endless green lotus blooms, the sky is in full bloom, and the sword will bloom.

However, he ignored King Jie Xu's inquiry at all, and his expression did not even change. He regarded King Jie Xu as if there was nothing, as if King Jie Xu was not worthy of knowing his magical powers and his name.

The five ancestors were forced to retreat by the three immortal Tang gods, and after a moment of gasping, they saw the Xueyi swordsman fighting against the King Jie Xu, and wanted to take the opportunity to kill the other two gods and the high-end sitting behind the gods. Ji Xia.

They finally understood that the enemy should not be underestimated, the enemy in front of them was extremely powerful.

The five ancestors ran a series of divine techniques and profound techniques together. These divine techniques and profound techniques were almost the pinnacle inheritance of the Supreme Emperor.

Now when it is put on display, the world has changed, and the void has become white!

Faced with such an attack, Ji Xia did not change his expression. He still sat high in the void, staring at the battlefield.

Xiantang's pen-holder and general holding axe took a step together, and within a step, dozens of miles of territory were crossed by them.

The axe-holding general's double axe hung high and dropped, and the blood flashed, killing intent was overwhelming, and a breath of recklessness through the sky filled the sky.

He cut a mysterious technique with two axes, looked at King Jie Xu, who was up and down in the Qinglian sword intent, and said with a grin: "So you know, I am the Demon King Cheng Yaojin, who is crushing the realms of Immortal Tang Dynasty. No one dares. Look up under my axe!

The swordsman holding the sword is Li Bai, the sword sage of the Immortal Tang Qinglian. "

His laughter became louder and louder: "Under the sword song of Li Baiqinglian, at least ten thousand rebels like you have died!"

The man in Qingshan who holds the pen stands quietly in the void, with his left hand behind him, and his right hand holding a pen to portray the next visions.

In his writing, there are stars falling, thunder bombardment, and mist in the void.

All this has become true.

Under the joint efforts of him and the Hunshi Demon King, the five superbly ascended ancestors' many mysterious divine methods were obliterated.

Shenyuan ancestors struggled in countless visions, ups and downs in the sky of killing intent!

Jiang Xianyuezun, who was on the stage of Emperor Ji Xia Huang Zeng, saw such a powerful human being, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

He tremblingly looked at the man who was holding the pen, and asked: "This existence, I don't know what his name is."

"He is Wu Daozi, painting saint Wu Daozi."

Next to Jiang Xian and Jiang Chu, the incarnation of Ji Xia who studied the prohibition, spoke suddenly.

"Painting Saint..."

Jiang Chu muttered to himself: "In the name of holy..."


A soft sound.

Jiang Chu and Jiang Xian only felt their bodies lightened!

The restrictions that trapped their spiritual palaces, sacred platforms, and sacred abysses turned into nothingness in an instant.

Such a mysterious prohibition has been solved?

"The great ban is a ban left by the Emperor Juewu. It took him more than a month to place two bans, and after finishing the bans, he became a lot weaker."

Jiang Chu's pale face was flushed and he couldn't understand.

"Why does that silver robe exist, just by sending two avatars of divine consciousness, can the restriction be lifted in a short time?"

Ji Xia's avatar interrupted the shocking thoughts of Jiang Xianyue's father and daughter, and one of the avatars disappeared.

Another said: "This guiding needle still needs your own efforts. I acted boldly, I'm afraid it will hurt your brain and the sea."

Jiang Xianyuezun and Jiang Chu immediately reacted, and they saluted Chao Jixia with gratitude, and then sat cross-legged, running their strength, to force the Yuan needle out of the body.

In the next instant, the incarnation of Ji Xia's divine consciousness appeared on the fourth floor of the blue pagoda, and all the restrictions in the bodies of the many cultivators of the **** platform were released.

Putting down another bottle of Dragon Blood Qilian Pill, the incarnation of divine consciousness dissipated in the bewildered eyes of many gods.

The battle in the void battlefield continues.

Yang Ren, holding a flying lightning gun, had golden pill eyes full of golden light.

His figure flickered in the void, appeared hundreds of miles away in the blink of an eye, blinked again, and appeared close at hand.

Around Yang Ren, two Shenyuan fought against him.

One is Shuli, and the other is the Shenyuan monster with long horns.

The flying lightning in Yang Ren's hand was like a divine light, spreading crazily, and its might was comparable to divine magic.

His golden core divine eyes seemed to be able to perceive all attacks, and often the magical powers were not reached, he had already seen the flaws.

Cursing patterns continued to emerge, and Shenyuan monsters turned into thousands of trolls, stirring up the situation, but they couldn't help Yang Ren.

Yang Ren's face was always cold, and Yunxia was whispering to him around her body.

Bai Qi also played against two Supreme Ascension Shenyuan alone.

He included hundreds of miles around him into the vision of the ancient battlefield with millions of corpses.

Bai Qi turned into an armored general, and the sea of ​​blood turned into a warrior sergeant. The tombstones were lifted. Many kings who were beheaded by Bai Qi grew torso and limbs to become his generals.

In the scream of pain, fight for Bai Qi!

Bai Qijin entered Shenyuan, and the vision behind him was sublimated and became Bai Qi's army.

This is also a kind of mysterious technique.

It's called Huanggu Bloody Battle Great Mystery!

Bai Qi commanded thousands of soldiers and attacked the sunset vision behind two Juesheng Shenyuan.

One of them has been suppressed by the Baiqi Mingbei, seriously injured!

Three twilight hunter wolves, three wolves on their heads, against the three visions of the earth, the void, and the stars.

Qianzhang's body possesses three distinct powers.

It fought against twenty-one remote sacred platforms and thirty sacred platforms, and the blood lines on its body became more and more bright red.

Ordinary Shenyuan, simply can't deal with so many cultivators on the platform.

But this monster named Ximu by Ji Xia is different.

It swallowed and assimilated dragon blood, and its power was sublimated.

It is an extremely extraordinary layer in Shenyuan.

So even though Xuan Mu couldn't kill so many sacred platforms, he was able to temporarily contain them and prevent them from making trouble.

The Qinglian Sword Saint, the Hunshi Demon, and the Painting Saint three immortal Tang gods fight each.

Li Bai's white clothes were like snow, and his sword light dazzled the world.

Under Cheng Yaojin's two giant axes, a fairy was seen by him, struggling.

Wu Daozi sketched out a huge cage, and put the two of them and the five Supreme Xianlings in the cage.

This cage seemed to contain mysterious power, suppressing the five ancestors, and affecting their combat power.

Yang Ren and Bai Qi also used magical techniques and profound techniques, although they were one enemy two, they did not lose the wind.

The powerhouses imprisoned by Liuyan Shangyue all had red eyes.

His body was also trembling faintly.

But this time it was not because of severe pain or resentment, but because of excitement.

In the light curtain, these mysterious beings who have the upper hand are all human beings!

They have lived in Shangyue for a long time, but Liuyan Shangyue is located in a hundred regions, blocked by three mountains, and rarely communicates with the rest of Shangyue.

So they never thought that Liu Yan suffered a death, and there was such a hidden force who would come to rescue regardless of their own safety.

Moreover, this force actually has so many terrifying Shenyuan powerhouses.

Each one is stronger than Lord Yue Zun and Jiang Chu!

In the realm of Shenyuan, one enemy two, two enemy five, what does it represent?

They can't even guess.

Ji Xia always sat on the throne, watching with cold eyes.

It's like an indifferent, but indifferent great emperor in charge.

Zhang Jiao was also at this moment, standing on a cloud of black fog and returning, bowed and said, "Speak to the king, fortunately not insulting."

All the remnants of souls have been protected by his **** mist mouth.

Ji Xia nodded slightly, and said: "Capture all those who are strong in the gods."

Zhang Jiao turned into a thick fog and left, and the ancient Taiping books appeared like an open world, suppressing the Quartet.

Turning the pages of the book, a huge yellow-turbaned strongman stepped out from it, and another violent storm came.

A piece of yellow sky covered the old sky, blooming with magical power.

Ji Xia always sits upright.

Always majestic.

His eyes have the big sun and the gleaming ancient stars revolving, and his body is not huge, but it stands in the heavens and the earth, as if he has been the most noble existence in this world since the beginning of the world.

"He must be a very noble king." Someone whispered.

"Such a powerful king, even if he doesn't take action, just sitting there, he can already suppress everything! The strong under his command, fight for him!"

"That sacred platform is completely different from ours. The secret in my body is trembling. Perhaps only the Eucharist can conceive this thick and heavy sacred platform."


Countless voices one after another.

But at this moment, the first to fall into the trap was the previously extremely confident King Jie Xu.

The green lotus blossomed and the sword sound spread.

A ray of sword light rushed into the sky, revealing its murderous intent, and even flooded the heavens and the earth, shaking the tide sea area.

"Press the sword to clear the eight poles, return to the singing gale!"

A soft groan.

Jianguang locks up all space.

King Jie Xu finally showed deep fear in his eyes.

In a hurry, the jade bead in his hand rose, holding up the endless light curtain.

At the same time, another silver bracelet appeared in his hand.

The bracelets turned, bursts of spiritual light burst out, fleeting.

A sneer appeared in Ji Xia's eyes.

King Jie Xu clearly perceives Ji Xia's unconcealed gaze, and also clearly realizes that his contact with the treasure of the dynasty is useless at this moment!

How can it be!

Even the shadow spirit orb, which is blocked by the spirit element of the gods and strong, can not fail, how can it lose its effectiveness?

Suddenly, there was a deep despair in the eyes of King Jie Xu.

Is there a ban on everyone with terrifying accomplishments?

Then... His eyes shifted to the Emperor Huang Zeng Shentai behind Ji Xia.

Sure enough, the great restrictions in Jiang Xianyuezun and Jiang Chu in Huang Zengshen Taizhong no longer exist!

They are forcing the guide element needle.

When the Daoyuan Needle leaves the body, it is the time when the two gods recover their strength!

He didn't think much about it, and the color of determination appeared in his eyes.

King Jie Xu made a mysterious mark on his hands, and all the power in his body's secrets was immediately activated!

Devour the pulse of heaven!

He had already made a decision to run even if he risked falling into the realm.

"As long as you escape the Qinglian Sword Region and join the Xianling and the Divine Abyss, you will be able to have a ray of life!"

King Jie Xu was ruthless, his heart moved, and the precious orb in the sky burst fiercely.

An unprecedented heavy spiritual power blocked Li Bai who was carrying the sword.

He turned into a blood-filled light, and disappeared in a flash!

The speed is so fast that ordinary gods can't even capture his figure.

Many Shangyue strong people are very nervous.

There was no longer King Jie Xu on the light curtain.

If he escaped, wouldn't it fall short?


Ji Xia, who always sat on the throne, moved.

He stood up and changed.

In a moment, his body changed into a giant ape with white head, red feet, and white fangs.

Endless fierce air radiated from him, as if this ape was the **** in charge of war!

Xuanling twelve changes!

Ji Xia's profound arts obtained from Emperor Huang Zengshentai~www.ltnovel.com~ now finally revealed.

This ape is just one of the changes

Zhu has changed!

The three-thousand-square-foot Zhu Wei mythical beast looked down at the void.

Like a mountain's arm like electricity, shook it fiercely!

The huge palm was full of divine light, which was crushed by Zhu Weiwei, revealing the extremely fearful King Jie Xu in it.

In the head of the 3,000-zhang Zhu Wei divine beast, a looming silver robe phantom appeared, and said softly: "King Jie Xu, don't run."

"You run away, my Shangyue clan who want to give birth to your flesh and blood will be disappointed."

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