I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 676: Emperor Realm: Shatter the stars? 【Big

For Tai Cang mortal creatures, and most ministers.

They did not know that in a short period of time, Tai Cang peak powerhouses fought two extremely shocking and dangerous battles in order to protect the safety of Tai Cang's country.

Tai Cang Zhan's existence of the two extreme divine abysses and ten divine abysses caused the shock, for them, it was just a large-scale meteor fall.

King Tai Cang did not explain in detail.

Rather, it strictly ordered all Tai Cang people not to approach the battlefield of the first war.

Because the remnants of supernatural powers are a great catastrophe for these weak creatures. If they are not careful, they will lose their lives because of the remnants of supernatural powers.

The extreme war took place in the territories of Tai Cang, and the land affected by the battlefield was very vast, with a radius of thousands of miles.

The first thing that Ji Xia did when he returned to the royal court of the early days was to issue an edict, ordering all the pavilions and divisions of Tai Cang to go all out and find a way to restore the vitality of this thousand-mile area.

So Tiangong Mansion, Tianfu Pavilion, Tianxie Mansion, Alien Control Division, Yuliu Division...

And so on, many government departments have begun to accept good words and perform their duties.

Eliminate the remnants of magical powers, excavate river channels, divert water and plant seeds, repair bridges and pave roads...

In a short period of time, the area within Tai Cang will be restored to its original vitality and even become more vibrant.

"Lu Yu and the various cities and mansions of the Great Cang Dynasty submitted a jade fold a few days ago, jointly praying for the king to expand his country's boundaries."

Ji Xia held a jade zigzag in his hand. He sat on the throne of the Palace of Supreme Harmony, watching the ministers standing neatly in the hall.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

He asked softly, his expression always dignified and calm.

Tai Cang now has a territory with a radius of six thousand miles.

Such a vast area, even if it contains a lot of barren land, is still enough for more than 200 million people to survive and live.

Strictly speaking, there is no need to expand the territory.

The city lord of Juhe City came out and saluted Ji Xia respectfully: "Today's airspace has completely turned into a dead zone.

Except for some small countries and the Talisman dynasty that had good relations with Tai Cang, in the airspace of Xunran, huge demon spirits raged, and there were countless shadows and obstacles all over it.

However, it is undeniable that the Xian airspace is vast. Before the invasion of the Fuliang Kingdom, whether it was the rivers, lakes, or the mountains and woods in it, the resources were not uncommon.

Rather than let these precious resources wither and fall, it is better to incorporate the Ruodaxun airspace into the Taicang territory and let this piece of land come to life again. "

Qi Shuo, the lord of Juhe City, is the youngest lord among the 24 cities in Taicang.

His age is only forty this year, but he already has a spiritual mansion cultivation base.

Compared with his spiritual mansion cultivation base, what made Wang Ting's eyes at the beginning was his excellent political talent.

When Ji Xia heard Qi Shuo's words, she nodded slightly.

Shang Cangcheng Poxian appeared again, and his son Poxian was still dressed in white and handsome.

He has an elegant temperament, but there is a rather determined look between his brows.

"The minister agrees with the words of the city lord of Qishuo Juhe. On the other hand, Tai Cang is now a country of hundreds of domains, and is respected by many dynasties, but the territory of Tai Cang is always small...

According to the "National Ceremony" compiled by Lord Changfeng's Silige, if there is strength, it will not be able to avoid the prestige of Tai Cang. "

The thoughts of the rest of the city owners, as well as almost all of their subjects, were the same as those of Qi Shuo and Po Xian, the city owners of Juhe.

They all want to expand the territories of Tai Cang.

"In fact, now, with Taicang's strength, it doesn't matter even if the entire hundred domains are included in Taicang's rule."

Suddenly there was a soft voice coming from the hall, but those who spoke were white.

Exquisite and solemn lines are embroidered on his black dress, adding to his gentleness and boldness.

Just listen to him: "Tai Cang's current strength is stronger than that of most dynasties in the Zhujiang Plain. Even the smallest dynasty in the Zhujiang Plain has a territory ten times that of Tai Cang.

Among the dynasties in the Zhujiang Plain, there were many powerful men who coveted the land of the hundred regions.

However, due to the majesty and **** killing of Fuliang Kingdom, no dynasty dared to march into the Hundred Territories on a large scale.

It’s just that Fuliang’s dead country is already a shadow country and it’s impossible to live in a hundred territories for a long time. They complete their mission and will definitely return to the perishable territory. If Tai Cang does not plan early, when Fuliang’s dead country leaves, many dynasties will be swept in. , Will inevitably fall into a passive position. "

General Bai Qi is a general of the twelfth court level.

It can be said that in the entire Tai Cang, apart from Ji Xia, Bai Qi and Lu Yu have the highest status.

Even if it was the position of the Supreme Commander of the Heavenly Army, none of these two had a high status.

Coupled with Bai Qi's kindness to others, the **** murderous intent and powerful force revealed in the war made many ministers respect from the bottom of their hearts.

At this moment, Bai opened his mouth in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and many generals and ministers nodded silently.

Agree with Bai Qi's words.

Ji Xia never thought about it for too long.

He looked round the faces of many ministers, and decided to say: "Now the dead kingdom of Fuliang has never left the Hundred Territories. Tai Cang controls too much land and has no substantial effect.

But as the general said, Tai Cang should make plans early to wait for the day when the tide of the dead country recedes and the dynasty invades after more than 20 years. "

He paused in his words and continued: "So I decided for the time being that all the territories of the Great Tale, except the territory of the Great Talisman, will be included in the territory of the Great Tale.

The Minister of Foreign Policy prepared an edict, and ordered the masters of the good and small nations that existed in the airspace of the country, such as the daughter-in-law, cat's ears, and crocodile horns, to come to see me, and their kingdom will survive as a kingdom of Taicang. "

Ji Xia's voice was determined, and there was no hesitation in her tone.

The many great ministers present did not feel that this move was inappropriate, nor did they feel that this was unfair to these small countries.

On the contrary, some ministers whispered softly: "The luck of these small countries is really a step up to the sky."

The facts are also true. Except for the Cat Ear Kingdom, among these small and weak countries, they are becoming stronger because of the existence of Zhuji. Other countries such as female husbands and crocodile horns are nothing but weak ants in Tai Cang’s eyes. Mention.

In the early days, Wang Jixia was willing to list them as a kingdom of Taicang. It was a rare opportunity for them, and it was also the reason why Ji Xia was kind and caring about the incense of the past.

After all, in a sense, becoming Tai Cang's vassal state will not destroy them in the future.

In the Hundred Domains that have become the target of the Hundred Domains, if there is no strong country for the blessing, the small countries like them will never know when they will be gently pinched by the powerful ones passing by, and then disappear.

The head of the Foreign Policy Division came out from among the hundred officials and took orders.

Ji Xia said again: "Order Ru Yin and Chi Yan, let them take the casting spirits in the Taicang Tiangong Mansion, avoid the borders that are being invaded by the dead country, and go to the many death prisons to explore the mountains, land, and rivers.

If you find precious areas such as spiritual gold veins, spiritual wood forests, and natural medicine fields, you will record them, and then you will be dispatched by the royal court of the early days to use them. "

Jing Ye on the side saluted respectfully.

Not long after, Ji Ruyin and Ji Chiqu came to the temple together, kneeling respectfully to Ji Xia, and kneeling down to Ji Xia three times, their expressions full of respect.

Many ministers looked at the two more stable and powerful Guiqing, and slowly nodded.

Standing at the front of the hall, Lu Yu and Bai Qi glanced at each other, and they were clear in their hearts.

"The king relies heavily on his cousin."

Whether Ji Ruyin or Ji Chiqu were born, Ji Xia used his ancient star Eucharist essence and blood to build a spiritual imprint for the two.

In the past two decades, Ji Xia's intentional cultivation is not difficult to see what Ji Xia meant.

"Thinking about it carefully, there are no other people in the Ji family except the king. Now the two noble princes are also manufacturable materials, and Ji Xia naturally wants to focus on training."

Ji Ruyin and Ji Chiqu also respected their orders.

At this moment, Ji Xia's eyes fell into the distance.

He whispered: "When the Fuliang Kingdom retreats, Tai Cang must have enough strength. By then, the land of the Hundred Regions will naturally be too Cang. The dynasties of the Zhujiang Plain want to enter the Hundred Regions... I can only rely on dreaming."

The meeting is over.

Ji Xia returns to the Secret Realm of Choking as usual.

He stood on the rooftop of the Shanggan Palace, and carefully looked at the Taizangzi who had been cultivating hard in the Choking secret for a long time.

Only then entered the Shanggan Palace.

He sat down before the jade case.

Perceiving the Yuque Heavenly Court Lingyuan in his body.

Ji Xia's Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra has been on the second stage, from the construction of the Tiangong Palace to the construction of the Emperor Huangzeng Shentai.

After this battle of Kanzawa.

Ji Xia's comprehension of Yuque's Heavenly Court Scriptures went up a new level.

In his mind, he already had the idea of ​​using Emperor Huang Zengtian to visualize an abyss of the sky.

Countless classics and exercises are intertwined and blended in his mind.

Ji Xia's heavenly palace, amazing talents, eucharist, and the 108 gods and profound arts in Shentai are all the foundation behind him.

The reason why he was able to touch the threshold of Shenyuan so quickly was due to the subtlety of Tiangong Avenue.

But the other seemingly weak backgrounds also played a great role.

Can not be ignored.

"The Emperor Huang Zeng Shenyuan is already looking forward to it. When I completely perfect the Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra and condense Shenyuan, I will be able to enter the third level of the Heavenly Court Sutra."

Ji Xia let out a breath.

This battle of the gods made his heart full of desire for the power of gods.

If it were not for the power of many gods and men, the seventeen gods of the Great Cang had a lot of power, and they had extremely rich combat experience, seizing that fleeting opportunity.

Coupled with a lot of mystical magic and magic, as well as the five nine-tailed puppets who are not afraid of death, Ji Xia has already entered the forbidden road.

This battle of life and death will not end so easily.

"The existence of a **** is about to force out my long-buried background... How does Tai Cang deal with the entire Supreme Ascension, and how to deal with the many dynasties in the near future?"

He was slightly grateful in his heart, and at the same time, he yearned for the power of the gods.

The existence of the spirit palace can destroy the hills and cut the river.

The existence of the sacred platform can open the mountains and divide the sea.

Shenyuan exists and can even move mountains to fill the sea.

And the first **** Ji Xia saw, holding a black cinder long axe, wearing a black cinder armor, can kill dozens of divine abyss existence.

Because of their battle, nearly half of the mountains in the Black Deer Region no longer exist, and the earth is full of bottomless ravines.

Even the black cloud on which the Black Deer Region has become famous has disappeared!

"The gods exist, so terrifying."

Ji Xia teased in his heart, but his yearning for Kamikaze's combat power was not a teasing.

"Wait until I completely visualize Emperor Huang Zengtian as Shentai, Shenyuan, my 72 Treasure Hall, Thirty-six Tiangong relying on Shentai, Shenyuan, and the third stage of Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra as the base, my The combat power is bound to soar.

At that time, I don't know if I can kill a **** by himself. "

He calculated in his mind.

After thinking about it, his mind sank into his body.

In the heart, the secret store, and the sea of ​​knowledge, the three stars of Zhen, Sui and Chen sat with their eyes closed.

From their bodies, the power of mysterious ancient stars is constantly emerging, immersing in his body, secrets, and knowledge of the sea, constantly training his physical strength, spiritual power, and spiritual power.

"As my strength increases, I can more and more perceive that the Ancient Star Eucharist is gradually becoming stronger."

Ji Xia pondered.

"At the same time, I can also perceive that my ancient star Eucharist is incomplete, as if there are many things missing."

He couldn't help thinking of the two ancient stars, Taibai and Yinghuo.

For some reason, these two ancient star monarchs had not been visualized by him, and even Ji Xia didn't know what the two star monarchs looked like.

"From the current point of view, among the ancient star techniques, the one that helped me the most is the Taibai Emperor Jing."

Because of the existence of the Taibai Emperor Jing, he is only half a hundred years old. In Shenyuan and even Shentai's combat power, he can only be a baby-level Ji Xia, but he can have amazing combat experience and can be used in battle. All kinds of magical magic.

This is undoubtedly an extremely rare situation.

After all, compared with many Shentai, Shenyuan, and even Lingfu powerhouses, Ji Xia has experienced too few battles to mention.

In the Battle of Hundred Regions Warriors, he fought against Ji Xia, and now the Hanging Crane, who has become the Venerable Demon Lotus, has experienced more than 40,000 battles in more than two hundred years.

Ji Xia has never even reached a fraction of the hanging crane.

This can prove the Taibai Emperor Jing from the side, and Yu Jixia has played an incalculable role.

"Well...maybe after supplementing the two star monarchs, Taibai and Yinghuo, the Old Star Eucharist will be able to reach Consummation, be able to fully display the ancient star's mighty power, and my power will be able to reach a higher level."

But Ji Xia also knew that the two star monarchs had not been manifested, there must be a very deep reason, and it would not be changed because of his efforts.

"At the beginning I talked with the **** Heitian, and between his words, he could hear that he placed the five star monarchs in a very high position, so the secrets in it are not something that a human king like me can detect. ."

Although Ji Xia didn't know what level Heitian was among the gods.

But there is a faint cognition in his heart.

Gale, black sky, Xuze.

These three gods must be extremely powerful.

Even if it is not comparable to the great **** of Father Lu, it must not be comparable to the three gods Wu, Youlong, and Yang.

"The three gods revived, and when the divine way opened, the three mountain gods rose into the void, revealing a huge, stalwart and terrifying body, vast and boundless.

Such an existence was once killed in the Zhujiang Plain by an unknown powerhouse or Gods Town...

The boundless wilderness is really terrifying. "

Ji Xia shook her head, and remembered the battle of the gods that had broken down thousands of miles.

A hint of curiosity suddenly appeared in him.

The battle of Kanzawa, the momentum is so great, the destructive power is so amazing and terrifying.

So what's the situation with the heaven and earth poles above it, and the upper dome shot?

"Shangqiong is the commonly known emperor realm. According to the inference of Shenze's combat power, can you smash the stars at the Shangqiong realm?"

Ji Xia was shocked.

The stars in his thoughts were not very small stars that were so close to the land as the Earth Kong Star.

It is a natural star hanging on the sky...

He thought of this ~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly felt that his strength at the moment was still too weak.

"It's better to increase Tai Cang's power as soon as possible."

Ji Xia sighed in her heart, and her consciousness sank into the sacred tree. The sacred tree was still huge, mysterious and mysterious to the extreme, making Ji Xia feel infinitely small.

In the second level of the sacred tree space, the second sacred vortex is shining.

"After the ancient star of Dikong, the Ninth Realm of the Suspended World, the Secret Fire Sky Axis of the Divine Fire Sect, and the casting gods worth twenty gods..."

"There are still two divine objects in the second divine treasure."

"The six evils Canglong should be present."

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