I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 780: Have seen Tianzun【big

When the Daxia Clan is a digital stalwart and powerful, set foot on the void.

In the eyes of Yexin’s night country creatures.

Even this sky of heaven has paved the way for these powerful beings as gods.

The crystal clear and wonderful sapphire profound ark disappeared into the void.

Immediately after.

The pitch-black, hideous, and majestic treasure ships also disappeared.

The powerful soldiers who originally exuded terrible power also disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It's as if they never appeared in the sky above the night country.

And Yexin at this moment finally reacted.

His divine consciousness instantly entered his mind, touching the blue spot of light.

"This blue light must originate from the noble and unparalleled emperor of the upper dynasty."

In Ye Xin's heart, there was no reason for such a thought.

After a while.

When his consciousness touched that blue light at the same time.

A large amount of information, also in the blink of an eye, was surging out of the blue light, penetrated into his mind and merged with his memory!

At the same time, the human blood in his body suddenly boiled.

It seems to have been inspired by some kind, and it seems to have seen a scene that can inspire human blood.

At this moment, Ye Xin also seemed to see an extremely extraordinary scene!

He saw a huge country!

I saw the magnificent cities, and saw countless scenes that never appeared in his dreams.

In the void, there are countless huge, roaring, and undulating treasure ships passing by, and countless gentle and giant beasts flying by.

On the ground, a very long spiritual golden snake ran on a unique track with amazing speed.

On the treasure ship, on the giant beast, on the golden snake... there are countless ordinary creatures laughing and playing with each other.

"These creatures are human races!"

The moment Ye Xin saw those ordinary creatures, he was extremely sure in his heart that these existences were all human races!

The next scene of the strange scene is the vast land city, endlessly majestic and endlessly magnificent.

There are turbulent rivers flowing.

There are mountains standing high.

Just as he could see it in the word "Summer".

The soldiers in these cities are extremely powerful and unstoppable, and there are strong men who Ye Xin can't understand, sitting in these cities.

And above those rivers and mountains, many gods are shining brightly, sheltering one side!


Night at a loss in confidence.

After a full tea time, Ye Xin finally reacted.

"This country is just the great summer.

It turns out that Daxia is really a human nation? "

Ye Xin couldn't help feeling extremely excited when he thought of this.

"I always thought that the human race is an extremely weak race. Even my dead mother, I regret the weakness of the human race, and regret that the human blood has become my resistance.

But today, I have seen a supreme dynasty!

They are extremely powerful, like gods.

They are extremely stalwart, like a noble ancient race.

They are majestic, and even because of the threat of the cloud sky dragon, they can cross countless distances, come to the Tongtian ancient river, and destroy the mighty cloud sky dragon! "

Ye Xin felt his muscles beating because of excitement and excitement.

And in that blue light.

There is still a lot of information coming in.

Massive messages.

It's not just the sight of that giant human nation.

There are also great magical powers, and there are many extremely mysterious magical techniques.

There is another prosperous cultivation method, shining brightly.

In addition.

Ye Xin even felt that the turbulent blood force was still pouring into that blue light.

Transform his body, transform his aptitude, and make his human bloodline more pure and powerful!

"It turns out that the supreme Emperor Daxia, aware of my cherishment of the human blood, gave me these opportunities."

Ye Xin couldn't describe the excitement in his mind.

On the side, Ye Guo Shang Yin and General, both frowned at the flushed emperor Ye Xin.

They looked at each other and they all saw the impatience in each other's eyes.

They probably thought that it was the heyday of the two supreme dynasties that scared Ye Xin and slandered Ye Xin as timid as a mouse.

Shang Yin and the general left with disgust.

Lan Wu on the side, looking at the backs of the two of them, revealed a murderous intent in his eyes.

Immediately, she turned her head, looked at Ye Xin suspiciously, and was very puzzled by Ye Xin's reaction.

Ye Xin at this moment finally woke up from the shock brought to him by the blue light.

He smiled and stared at Lan Wu.

After a long time, just when Lan Wu felt baffled.

Ye Xin suddenly said to Lan Wu: "I suddenly had an unattainable dream."

Lan Wu still looked at Ye Xin puzzled.

Ye Xin's gaze projected beyond the temple, he said: "When I have a strong power, I must have walked out of the Tongtian Ancient River and went to Daxia to take a look."

Lan Wu was stunned, wondering why Ye Xin had such thoughts.

Ye Xin didn't tell the Lan Wu Daxia Clan that it was the secret of the Human Race.

He knew that the stalwart human emperor was hiding the secrets of his human race, and there must be a reason.

It is not easy to tell other creatures.

He was able to know this secret, probably because of his love for the human blood.

Lan Wu saw that Ye Xin was different from the usual silence, and his face became energetic.

Although I don't know the reason, I am very pleased.

She also looked outside the temple, her divine consciousness surged, and said in a low voice: "The emperor, soon, I will be able to achieve the Divine Abyss of the Extreme Realm.

When the time comes, the emperor will not have to forbear, the two old men who are plotting badly..."

"Don't wait that long."

Ye Xin smiled and shook his head: "When the ten evil gods arrive, it will be their death date."

Since then.

The ancient river in Tongtian is extremely far away from Tai Cang.

There is one more half-man emperor who works hard and hopes that one day he can set foot on the land of Daxia.

He didn't know.

That stalwart human king, for the sake of safety, did not tell him the real name of that majestic human dynasty.

That human dynasty was named Tai Cang.


Yuanding 241 years.

Everything in Tai Cang is still developing steadily and rapidly as before.

All Taicang creatures will still look far away in the direction of Taixian going to court, showing pious respect in their eyes.

The billions of human beings don't even know.

In these more than four years.

Tai Cang's spiritual pillar, Supreme Emperor Ji Xia, was not in that Tai Xian's court at all.

Everything in Tai Cang is running in an orderly manner.

Ji Xia's images will also fall into the eyes of countless Taizang people through many mirror shadow channels.

From beginning to end, they believed that Tai Cang had always been so stable, so peaceful, and so peaceful.

Only those ministers who are in the center of the great power, the strong.

Or those young practitioners of Tai Cang who are in the Secret Realm of Choking know clearly what kind of feat Tai Cang has accomplished in this short period of more than four years!

In the early days, the emperor led the elite army.

Crossing countless rivers and mountains, there are many extremely dangerous boundaries.

Suppressed a tyrannical kingdom.

Blackmail... Forge a good relationship with a secret realm and allow them to give a lot of gifts to Tai Cang.

He sold the vast land acquired through war to another country.


Such a series of actions made those cultivators and ministers who were in the sky amazed.

When Ji Xia brought millions of troops and returned to Tai Cang quietly.

Everything that is too blue is still calm.

In the eyes of the Taicang people.

Except for the fact that the imperial court issued a lot of benefits for unknown reasons in the early days, there is nothing more to follow.

For the mainstays of North Korea and China, they are greeted with a lot of work.

Because in this war, Tai Cang's harvest was too terrifying.

Even with the establishment of Shangyuan Tiangong, there are many city officials to help build statistics.

This is also a huge project.

Shang Yin Luyu could see the treasures piled up in the Secret Realm of Choking, forming huge mountains, with trembling lips and open eyebrows.

"With so many treasures, even if the Tai Cang particles have not been harvested for thousands of years, it is enough to feed all the Tai Cang people."

Two palace owners, Tiangong Mansion and Tiandan Mansion, were as happy as him.

The reason is naturally very simple.

In this battle, Tai Cang came from the three forces of Cloud Heavenly Dragon, Luchen Secret Realm, and Ninggong Dynasty.

Brought back a large number of refining tools and alchemy methods.

There are also a lot of precious knowledge such as divine fire profound arts, alchemy spirit flames, alchemy seals and so on.

It is enough to collide with too old knowledge and produce brilliant sparks.

"With these training techniques, and then wait until that sacred furnace is completely refined, I Tai Cang may truly be able to independently refine the Emperor Xuanjin soldiers!"

The lord of Tiangong Mansion Lu case smiled with a shaky beard.

Palace Lord Fang Lu of the Tiandan Mansion on the side also opened his eyes and smiled: "With these alchemy methods, the heaven-filling and casting spirits arranged by the emperor can also be refined quickly.

Replenishing the sky and casting the spirit prescription is a god-level pill, which is much more precious than the Emperor Xuanjin. "

Lu An snorted coldly: "I don't know how many spirit pills were consumed this time in the Cloud Heavenly Dragon Battle.

Your Tiandan Mansion, still focus on making up for these shortcomings. "

Fang Lu glared at Lu's case: "Could it be that those spirit weapons are not consumed?"

Lu An immediately straightened his waist and laughed loudly: "The quality of the spiritual tools produced by my Tiangongfu has always been extraordinary. Even if it is consumed, it is not worth mentioning."

Standing in front of these Baoshan Mountains, Ji Xia glanced sideways at the two of them.

The two of them were silent for a moment, and could only clash with their eyes.

Lu Yu stroked his beard with satisfaction: "With such a terrifying treasure, I am too arrogant to make many development proposals, so I can put them on the agenda."

Ji Xia frowned and asked, "Did the imperial court have any new development proposals in the early days?"

Admiral Ji Ze replied: "A lot of imperial court ministers think that it is too strong today.

Taidu is located on the earth, which is a bit ugly.

They want to move the entire Taidu into the void. "


Ji Xia's expression turned black: "Isn't this an unprovoked waste?"

"The emperor, that's not the case."

The newly promoted Hengyuan, who became the Great God of Shangyuan Tiangong Tai Cang Shangyuan, respectfully salutes Ji Xia.

Then he rigorously corrected it and said: "If a country's economy wants to develop continuously, it must continue to create value.

Even in the conventional wisdom, some measures are simply wasteful.

But when the country has developed to a certain level, this necessary waste must be carried out.

Only in this way can the economy be circulated, and countless people of Taichung who are working can continue to prosper and the national power can continue to prosper. "

Ji Xia's face darkened.

He naturally understands this simple economic truth.

To move Taidu to the sky will inevitably require a lot of projects.

With engineering, jobs will naturally be created, allowing countless people to get high rewards.

They then use these remunerations for other categories of consumption to promote the economic vitality of the entire Taichung.

Let Tai Cang continue to grow stronger.

He just reprimanded the word "mischief".

It's just a subconscious move.

But I didn't expect this great God of Tai Cang, who was in charge of Tai Cang's finances, to be so upright.

In front of so many ministers, pointed out his mistakes.

This made Ji Xia's face darker.

"Is there any proposal? You can talk about it together."

"As for the foundation covering the entire Heavenly Court, 70% has been erected. With such a considerable treasure, the Heavenly Court network can be completely established."

"Tai Cang now has one hundred and eight territories and has divided the nine states according to the emperor's will.

At the moment, the rules of heaven and earth should be sacrificed to form state boundaries.

Prior to this, a state city should be built to govern the land of a state; a region city should be built, a land of the same paragraph. "

"Nine states are connected to each other, and Tai Cang's population is also growing, and the investment in Tai Cang Xuan Gui should also be greater, otherwise such a vast land will not be able to be seen by my Tai Cang people!"

"The fierce sheep~www.ltnovel.com~Ziyao Dynasty, the Thai-Chinese Secret Mansion should also be built, otherwise, as vassals in the dark and too dark, they can no longer keep up with the steps of the too dark."


One after another eloquent proposals continued to explode in Ji Xia's ears.

Tai Cang Imperial Court, Yuliu Si, Tiangong Mansion, Fierce Sheep Dynasty...

A lot of great departments are talking about their plans.

After listening to Ji Xia calmly, she felt more and more that the ministers under her spent money like running water and didn't care about the pressure of the imperial court in the early days.

"However, if you think about it carefully, after this war, the imperial court will not have any financial pressure for a short period of time."

When Ji Xia thought of this, he waved his hand: "Then do it at the same time, but it can't disturb the people."

Ji Xia, who is rich and powerful, wields his sleeves.

The unprecedented large-scale construction that has lasted for thousands of years has also begun at this moment.

In the Tai Cang history book.

This great construction was called "Lingdi Dajian" by Shengwen Mansion!

Many long-term scholars from Tai Cang also commented on this unprecedented construction.

They believed that this great construction allowed the construction of Tai Cang city, people's livelihood, and government affairs to surpass the imperial dynasty in many fields.

And Ji Xia who made this decision.

Standing in front of the sacred tree at this time.

The incarnation of his consciousness walked into the crystal clear amber.

Among the amber, the most noble **** man wearing a magical attire, wearing a high thunder yuan crown, saluted Ji Xia.

At this time, Ji Xia finally saw that behind this god, there was a thunder lingering, seeming to be able to dominate the world.

Ji Xia watched this supreme existence that was extremely noble.

Softly said: "I have seen Tianzun."

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