I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 782: Patch the sky! 【Big

Yuanding 282 years.

Forty years passed in a flash.

It has been a long time since no major events have happened.

Suddenly, there was a magical light suddenly bursting out from a valley in the Choking Secret Realm.

There seems to be some kind of wonderful power in these wonderful lights.

Suddenly, the entire Choking Secret Realm was filled with a strange fragrance.

This fragrance is extremely precious.

Even if the existence of the two poles of heaven and earth takes a sip, it can make their spiritual consciousness clear and make their true spirit stable.

at the same time.

There seemed to be a avenue rule in the sky.

There are many visions of this rule.

There are medicine furnaces that spew divine fire, there are endless magical alchemy seals, and there are many alchemy spirit flames, burning raging!

The avenue rules seem to be celebrating.

In the Shanggan Palace, Ji Xia, who was discussing state affairs with everyone, suddenly flashed joy in her eyes.

Many too strong and great ministers were also extremely surprised.

"Such a strong medicinal power, even the rules of heaven and earth cast a vision, to celebrate...

I am afraid that Tiandan Mansion has already refined a recipe for patching the sky and casting the spirit. "

Shang Yin Luyu's face became more ruddy, and he looked out of the temple, hoping to see the **** pill.

Ji Xia also got up at this moment.

He was not so nervous or hurried, but slowly walked to the Tiantian Terrace and watched the many visions in the sky.

About a quarter of an hour later.

From the valley where Tiandan Mansion is located, a majestic force suddenly burst out again.

At the same time, a bright light burst out from the valley of Tiandan Mansion.

Fly towards the void.

Fang Lu, the lord of Tiandan Palace, also flew out of Tiandan Palace with a gray head and face.

There are many alchemists behind him, their expressions are very scared.

Ji Xia frowned, his spiritual consciousness surged.

In an instant, they collided with Fang Lu's divine consciousness.

"The emperor! The divine pill has an aura, it doesn't want to be eaten by people, it wants to melt into the void, turn into a shower of rain, and fall on the earth.

From then on, the countless flowers and plants growing on the earth will become its medicinal spirits for it to entrust and cultivate..."

Ji Xia frowned: "Do you want to fill the sky and cast the spirit?"

Fang Lu nodded anxiously: "Our medicine refining method is not yet home, and we have never practiced to fill the sky and cast the spirituality above the spirit..."

"Then suppress it."

Ji Xia stared at the sky-filling magic formula that bloomed endlessly in the sky, without changing her expression, and nodding lightly.

He was about to inform Bai Qi on the side.

Fang Lu's face flushed, and his eyes were already extremely nervous.

"The emperor, if you rashly suppress the Tianzhu Lingfang prescription, if you can't in a moment, directly refine the spirituality remaining in the pill.

Bu Tian Zhu Ling Fang will definitely use the mighty force to suppress it to completely melt away! "

Bai Qi frowned slightly at this moment.

He whispered: "I can indeed easily smash into the spirituality in it, but the spirituality of the divine pill is constantly wandering, I am afraid that I will destroy the amazing medicinal properties of the Tianzhu Lingfang..."

All the too strong people present frowned.

They know the preciousness of filling the sky and casting the spirit.

Even with the Secret Realm of Choking, the many alchemists in Tiandan Mansion spent a full thirty barren years on refining, and then spent another 30 barren years on refining spiritual pills.

They are the core figures of Tai Cang, and they also know that this heaven-filling and casting-spirit formula will play an important role in Ji Xia's plan.

If it dissolves, it would be enough to lose a **** pill, but once it affects Ji Xia's plan.

Then the unknown calamity that Tai Cang will face is bound to be much heavier.

At the moment when everyone is worried.

Ji Xia's face remained unchanged.

"Don't panic."

He spoke softly, then his mind moved.

The Lei Zu Amber between Ji Xia's neck flashed suddenly.

Within a moment.

All those who are too strong will perceive an extremely surging power at the same time, blooming out of the void!

The void suddenly became thunderous.

The thick thunder pulp suddenly appeared.

This thunder light shocked the hearts of many people who were too blue.

But they haven't waited for them to react.

A thick thunder hole opened, and a terrible being who couldn't see his face waved his wings and arrived.

This terrible being holds a thunder tip in his left hand and a thunder hammer in his right hand.

The thunder hammer hit the thunder tip.


There was a loud noise.

Suddenly, the most brilliant brilliance bloomed between the world of choking secret realm.

From the thunder of that mysterious existence.

A divine thunder shone out, tearing the sky!

Accompanied by a sharp edge, it also contains monstrous horror.

Under the thunder, he slammed down on the rising **** pill.

Shen Dan seemed to be shaking!

Among them, the spirituality swims extremely fast in the **** pill.

The speed is so fast that it is simply difficult to capture.

However, under this divine thunder, the divine pill's spirituality was easily captured no matter how fast it moved.

Then it turned into nothingness in an instant.

Many strong people are stunned.

They all turned to look at the thick thunder light.

Also at this time.

The strong thunder light dissipated in an instant, and the clouds were cleared.

The huge sun over the Choking Secret Realm is still shining brightly.

And the terrible existence who couldn't see his face had completely disappeared.

Only the distant void, constantly rotating, has completely lost any spiritual pill.

It clearly reveals the terrifyingness of the god-man just now.

Bai Qi, Zhang Jiao, Chao Long Bo and other gods opened their mouths.

They are all a little surprised.

At this moment, Ji Xia slowly protruded one of the hands she had originally carried on her back.

But a few breaths of time.

Suspended in the distant void, Tianzhu Lingfang flew obediently and fell into Ji Xia's hands.

Ji Xia ignored the eyes of several people.

He opened his mouth to the air: "Go and bring Si Zhongzhu to the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

The night lord's figure slowly emerged, and after saluting Ji Xia, it disappeared in no time.

Bai Qi and Zhang Jiao thoughtfully.

Uncle Chaolong on the side was very nervous.

"There is another horrible existence, and this god-man who just appeared, I am afraid that at the lowest level, he is in the realm of the emperor.

If this continues, I will soon be kicked out of Taidu and become a mountain **** in an unknown mountain.

You have to find Fang Lu to pay and ask for some long pill. "

As for the many cultivators who have just been safely in the Choking Secret Realm.

In the early days of Emperor Jixia, there was nothing wrong with making some earth-shattering movements from time to time.

They are all used to it, which is not surprising.

This god-man descended into the secret realm, blasting under a divine thunder.

The happiest ones were Palace Master Fanglu and many alchemists.

Palace Master Fanglu's face flushed, he was still afraid.

Obviously he is already a powerhouse of the gods.

However, after the huge fluctuations in his mood, he was panting and straightened up.

Ji Xia frowned and glanced at him, and reprimanded: "You are the Palace Master of Tiandan Mansion, you should have considered such a thing earlier.

If today's spirituality in the sky-filling and casting spirit cannot be obliterated, then the loss brought to Tai Cang must be immeasurable. "

Fang Lu saw Ji Xia's solemn face and quickly knelt down.

The many alchemists behind him are all like this.

Next, looking at Fang Lu, who was kneeling on the ground, motionless, he said with a cold snort, "I will fine you 30 years of salary. You must be careful about things like this in the future."

Fang Lu stood upright with a sad expression, but he could only nod repeatedly.

At this time, in the distance, there was Lu case in Tiangong Mansion.

He looked at Fang Lu a little gloating.

Fang Lu was furious, but he could only stare at the triumphant Lu case.

Ji Xia suddenly looked at the Lu case and asked: "Palace Master Lu case has time to join in the fun before coming to the Palace of Heaven. Probably the Emperor Xuanjin has made it out, right?"

Fang Lu suddenly had the urge to laugh.

Sure enough, the gleeful smile on Lu An's face stagnated and became a little nervous.

He saluted Ji Xia and waved his sleeves again.

I saw a huge light curtain in the void.

Above the light curtain, there are many casting spirit masters who hold giant hammers and constantly spewing all kinds of sacred fire all over their bodies. They are constantly refining precious spiritual gold and operating extremely complex casting methods.

And in the center of the light curtain.

There is a huge sacred furnace that is constantly erupting sacred fire.

Above the sacred furnace, there is a steady stream of scorching heat, like a blazing sun.

"Enlighten to the emperor, the most important job of the Gongfu today is to forge this unparalleled sacred furnace.

After the Wushuang God Furnace was completely cast, the Xuanjin Emperor Soldiers didn't need to worry about it, and even the Xuansheng Spirit Tool was no longer a luxury. "

Lu An and You Rongyan introduced the sacred furnace on the light curtain.

Ji Xia nodded slightly, her expression loosened slightly.

Lu case is about to relax.

Then Ji Xia's next sentence made Lu An look stiff.

"In this case, after the **** furnace cast is out, Tiangong Mansion must refine a mysterious holy spirit artifact within a hundred years, so that many powerful people here will have a long vision."

Lu An suddenly wanted to slap himself.

But the big talk has already been said, especially when it was said to the Emperor Jixia of the early days.

Therefore, he decided that he couldn't take it back, so the Lu case had to be respectful.

Fang Lu on the side, although he tried his best to endure, from the muscles of his trembling face, he could clearly see how happy he was at this moment.

Many too strong people behind Ji Xia also smiled, looking at the pair of old treasures.

They did bring a lot of relaxed atmosphere to the imperial court in the early days.

Ji Xia also smiled in her heart.

Then his mind moved lightly.

The next moment, he appeared in Tai Xian Shang Court Yugan Palace.

Si Zhongzhu moved to Taidu from the Baidi City of Tai Cangshui City a few years ago.

The reason is that the Fang Tianzhu Lingfang is about to burst out.

So, but for a short time.

The night lord had already brought Si Zhong lord to Taixian court.

With the Lord Sizhong came, and his human wife Xilian.

Although there are many miracles that continue to sustain Si Zhongzhu's life.

But Si Zhongzhu was still pale.

The flesh and blood on his body seemed to have completely withered, becoming very, very scary.

The handsome boy in the past has turned into a withered zombie.

At this moment, he was sitting in a wheelchair specially made by Tianxie Mansion.

Even this extremely unique wheelchair needs Xilian to promote.

Si Zhongzhu had completely become a living dead.

Fortunately, his thinking is still active.

After seeing Ji Xia, Lord Si Zhong obviously wanted to salute Ji Xia, and his eyes revealed a little desire.

However, now he can't even move his fingers.

"Master, Si Zhong is rude."

When Ji Xia's spiritual consciousness took the initiative to collide with Si Zhongzhu's disintegrated sea of ​​consciousness.

The stiff and weak voice fell into Ji Xia's mind.

The human race beside Si Zhongzhu sent his wife Xilian, but respectfully saluted Ji Xia.

There was surging hope in her eyes.

Even the Lord Si Zhong on the side could feel the hope burst out from his wife.

Ji Xia glanced at Xilian and smiled at Si Zhongzhu: "You are indeed lucky to be able to marry my human daughter.

You are now a useless person, but Xilian has been able to take care of you for more than a hundred years. After you return to the Great God, don't forget this friendship. "

Si Zhong's spiritual consciousness was about to speak.

Xilian on the side suddenly had a bright expression on her face, unspeakable joy.

Si Zhongzhu suddenly thought about what Ji Xia said.

He has been able to return to the Great God, which means that his true spiritual suffering will probably get better!

With such good news, Xilian was extremely excited.

However, Si Zhongzhu still answered Ji Xia's words seriously.

He whispered with spiritual consciousness: "When I was left in the dust, Cat Ears and Tai Cang accepted me.

When I fell into the divine abyss, it was my wife who pulled me back into the world.

I was dying, Tai Cang and Xilian saved my life.

This kind of grace will not be forgotten by Si Zhong. "

When he said this, his consciousness suddenly became unprecedentedly solid.

"When I reach the position of the Great God, the entire Great God Emperor Dynasty will not forget it!"

Ji Xia looked calm, watching Si Zhongzhu.

He didn't have any nonsense, and between his hands, a **** pill exuding all kinds of wonders appeared in his palm.

On this **** pill, there are countless magical inscriptions constantly rising and falling.

There is a kind of light with wonderful power reflected in it.

Shining on the Lord Si Zhong in the temple.

Because of Xilian's accidental death, Si Zhongzhu traded with Yinlong and used his true spirit as the price of Xilian's return.

But the result is that the true spirit is almost withered, and Si Zhong is about to die.

If it weren't for Ji Xia to bestow many spiritual pills on Si Zhongzhu many times~www.ltnovel.com~, he constructed many spiritual forbiddens, sealed off his residence, and made his life flow more slowly.

I am afraid that Si Zhong is already dead.

And now.

Si Zhongzhu, who had been desperate, was shining under the magical light of Mending Heaven and Casting Spirit.

He even clearly felt that his withered true spirit was slowly regaining its vitality...


Si Zhongzhu's eyes were extremely surprised.

Although he had high hopes for the **** pill in Ji Xia's mouth.

However, Si Zhongzhu never thought that the effect of this sky-filling and casting spirits formula was so exaggerated!

Ji Xia said softly: "Fortunately, you traded with the Great God Yinlong, and never directly traded half or all of your true spirits.

You just traded the infinite vitality in your true spirit.

Otherwise, if necessary, say it is a **** pill, I am afraid that the **** pill will not be able to save your life. "

While Ji Xia spoke, a spirit essence wrapped the divine pill, and the divine pill slowly fell, suspended in front of Si Zhong.

"Swallow it."

Ji Xia's eyes were cold, and her expression was extremely calm: "Swallow it, and then go to the Great God to seize the position of Prince Regent!

I will completely ban that terrible monster in your body! "

The **** pill was close at hand, and Xilian's eyes were extremely surprised under the light of the pill.

Si Zhongzhu's already stiff and abnormal body suddenly moved forward slowly and bowed towards Ji Xia.

"Great grace to the emperor, Si Zhong will be rewarded!"

Ji Xia's expression remained unchanged.

He secretly said in his heart: "In a little while, the fourth God Treasure will open.

Plus my earlier layouts...

Xixuan Saint Court...Although it is still extremely powerful, it seems that there is no way to destroy it with one finger. "

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