I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 788: The too strong and reluctant to think about Shu [big

Many people who are too strong are still lingering in the six heavens.

From these heavens, they comprehend the magic, and even comprehend more powerful rules and gods.

Such as Bai Qi!

He sat in the Asura sky.

One by one, Shura, who was ferocious and obsessed with war, burst out indescribable terrifying power.

They are holding scarlet spears.

Riding on the behemoths made of blood, they continue to conquer each other!

These Shura's complexions are extremely ugly, but the whole body is full of extremely murderous power.

Bai Qi watched these Shura army.

An ancient battlefield stands behind him.

On the battlefield, a sea of ​​blood continued to rush, and tombstones floated in the sea of ​​blood.

From these tombstones, powerful kings and generals walked out.

They led a terrifying army of bones and fell into the ancient battlefield behind Bai Qi.

At the same time, the strength of these bones is constantly increasing.

Because Bai Qi understood many mysteries from this Asura sky, and added them to the bones of all countries!

And the other too strong people have also gained a lot.

Until more than a month later.

They just walked out of the six heavens in the Three Realms Secret Store one after another.

But their gains are far more than that. After all retiring to Ji Xia, they headed to their residences to concentrate on digesting these gains.

As for Ji Xia in Shanggan Palace, looking at everyone to leave, the Lei Zu Amber between her neck flashed a ray of light.

With thunder chains lingering all over, the ancient, deep and mysterious Thunder God Xiao appeared before his eyes.

Lei Shenxiao saw Ji Xia with a heartfelt smile on his face and saluted Ji Xia.

Ji Xia surged with divine consciousness.

Lei Shen Xiao immediately sent a light and shadow message.

It was the scene when he destroyed the Empire of Shadows, and in these scenes, there was a surprise.

Ji Xia felt the flashing light and shadow messages in her mind.

The look in his eyes gradually became solemn.

After a long time, he said with exclamation in his tone, "This is the existence of the upper vault that has established the vault?

This kind of power... is really desirable. "

After Ji Xia dispatched Thunder God Cloud to destroy the Empire of Shadows, he began to retreat and build the Three Realms Secret Store.

However, he did not expect that when his background was sufficient, there were nine days Ying Yuantian respected the current 36-day scene, and the fifth stage of the Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra had been constructed, everything was ready.

He still spent a full seventy years in the wild to build six days out of the lower realm!

Although his strength has been greatly improved.

Directly from the extreme power of the gods, he became the strongest under the upper vault.

Even when he first entered Shangqiang, he was not afraid of a battle.

However, Ji Xia also delayed many things because of such a long retreat.

For example, Lei Shen Xiao, who went to destroy the kingdom of shadows, actually returned to Tai Cang in the second year.

In that shadow dynasty named Yin Demon Kingdom, all the upper ranks have been arrested by Thunder God Xiao.

Even that shadow dynasty was completely wiped out by Thunder God Sky on the boundless land.

Originally, this incident should be informed to the awaited Emperor Jing Shizun as soon as possible.

But because Ji Xia is still in retreat to build the Three Realm Secrets.

It was always unable to communicate with the Limiao Orb with the blood veil, opening the gap in space, summoning a space bridge, and telling King Jingshi of this good news.

"Presumably, the Emperor Jingshi is in such a long time, without the news of my greatness, I must be very tortured."

Ji Xia sighed lightly.

At this time, Ji Xia saw Thunder God Xiao standing in the hall, but his eyes kept looking towards the outside world, seeming to be extremely curious about the vast world outside the hall.

Ji Xia smiled and shook her head, and said to Lei Shen Xiao: "If you are interested in the outside world, you don't have to go back to Lei Zu Amber.

You only need to cover up your breath and eliminate all the thunder chains on your body, and you can freely visit the secret world of Choking, and even the whole one hundred and eight territories of Tai Cang. "

Lei Shen Xiao's expression was immediately surprised.

In the blink of an eye, the stalwart aura and the unparalleled spirit of his body disappeared completely.

The chains of Shenxiao wrapped around him also turned into nothingness.

At this moment, standing in the hall in front of Ji Xia, he seemed to be an extraordinary young man.

In addition, it does not appear to be so dazzling.

Ji Xia looked at Thunder God Xiao and nodded: "Yes... now you can walk around at will.

In the Secret Realm of Choking, it actually doesn't hurt to show some strength.

But in the outside world, even in Taidu, you can't reveal your strength in the upper sky. "

In the Secret Realm of Choking, all are the mainstays of Tai Cang.

Ji Xia also trusted all the existence.

However, hundreds of millions of outsiders cannot fully believe it.

As Tai Cang, Lei Shen Xiao, the most tyrannical powerhouse, is Tai Cang's extremely deep background.

If it is exposed, the value of Tai Cang's foundation will inevitably be greatly reduced.

In Ji Xia's view, poor information is the key to his repeated victory.

not to mention.

The current battle to seize the protagonist on the side of the heavy **** has not yet come to an end.

Without the protection of a powerful imperial dynasty.

If a human dynasty continues to flourish, a Shangqiong existence suddenly emerges.

Then there may be huge consequences.

At least, that Xixuan Saint Court could not see the human race growing.

Lei Shen Xiao nodded repeatedly, his face showing sincere joy.

Only then did he respectfully salute again and walked out of the hall.

The last time he went to annihilate the Empire of Shadows, the incomparably magnificent boundless wild land was enough to have a huge attraction to the new Thunder God Sky.

In particular, the scene of the great variety made Thunder God Xiao linger.

However, Lei Shen Xiao is a god-man.

Ji Xia's will is better than any curiosity and desire.

Under such circumstances, he still didn't delay a moment, just glanced at the colorful and boundless wilderness, and returned to Leizu Amber again.

Now that he got Ji Xia's answer, he was naturally very happy.

Just when he was about to walk out of the Shang Palace.

Ji Xia suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

The smile on Lei Shenxiao's face froze, and he said in his heart: "Has the emperor changed his mind?"

Just listen to Ji Xia's words: "You can go out, but don't mix with Milongjun, Chaolongbo, Ximu..."

Having said that, Ji Xia seemed to think of something, frowning slightly, and wondering in her heart: "Just now, many powerful people came to greet me, but it seems that there is no Uncle Chaolong among them?"

When he thought of this, his mind moved slightly, and his divine consciousness immediately enveloped the whole choking secret realm.

After a short while, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Not only is Uncle Chaolong not there, but even Milongjun, Xianmu, Ji Ruyin, Ji Chiyuan, and even Ling Jian, Shang Qianqian... are all gone."

Ji Xia sneered, and a divine sense surged out again.

Probably after only a few dozen interest.

Xuan Mi Pavilion Xin Ya hurried over.

He respectfully saluted Ji Xia and replied:

"Uncle Chaolong and the others... after the emperor retreats, they disappeared... the mysterious pavilion has sent someone to investigate.

Two years ago, the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce had a business trip, and they were seen in the imperial capital of Emperor Tianqi...


Xin Ya hesitated to speak but stopped.

Ji Xia sneered: "Say."

"They are all carried by extremely precious spiritual weapons, and are surrounded by many high-ranking Tianqi.

Many creatures of the Tianqi bloodline looked extremely respectful when they saw them.

Even many ministers in Tianqi must respectfully salute them when they see them..."

Xin Ya looked extremely puzzled, and said.

Ji Xia suddenly smiled.

Ji Xia didn't worry about Uncle Chaolong's loyalty at all.

Such as Yin and Chi Fu needless to say.

They are the royal family of Tai Cang, with precious blood and extraordinary status.

What's more, there is also Uncle Chaolong among them.

As Long Bo Chaolong, as a god-man of the sacred tree, under the rules of the sacred tree, his mind would not have the thought of disobeying Ji Xia at all.

Now they have all become Tian Qi's guests.

There must be other reasons.


Ji Xia thought of this and snorted coldly: "The instigator of all this must be Lord Milong. When he comes back, Bai Qi will take his skin off."

The Secret Dragon Lord, who was far away in Tianqi, was sitting in the extremely luxurious palace with other Tai Cang beings, eating with oily mouth.

There are at least dozens of beautiful ladies of all ethnic groups around, constantly serving precious food.

Suddenly, Lord Milong fought a cold war, and couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Who is calculating me behind?"

At this moment.

Ling Jian on the side said with a bit of fright: "Mr. Milong, the matter is over, how should we get out?"

Mr. Milong said nonchalantly: "It's okay, that girl who has taken a fancy to Ruyin, will definitely look at the opportunity to be as frivolous as Yin.

At that time we will find the right opportunity to bugger. "


Ji Chiqu was dressed in a gorgeous dress, and the strange lines on her eyebrows made her even more dusty.

At this moment, Ji Chiyan hesitated and said: "That's cousin Ruyin, isn't there no way to go back?"

Mr. Milong comforted everyone and said, "It's okay, this is the Emperor Tianqi, and that lady is of high authority. Today's Emperor Tianqi will call her aunt.

Ruyin has made a profit, and he doesn't think too much about happiness here. "

The incarnation of Uncle Chaolong on the side knocked Milongjun on the head and cursed: "I knew I would not come out with you, so I did some bad ideas.

Now that we return to Tai Cang, how shall I face the Emperor? How do you face the general? "

When Milongjun heard Uncle Chaolong mention Baiqi, he immediately looked listless like a frosted eggplant...

The extremely far away Tai Cang choked in the secret realm.

A light yarn was slowly floating in Ji Xia's hand.

The light yarn shines, the space gap is opened again, and the space bridge is still standing horizontally at both ends of the space gap.

The part of the space gap is the ruins of Mingjing Palace.

Now, seventy years have passed.

This place is no longer in ruins.

The cemeteries are neatly lined up and down, with millions.

It's like a vast cemetery forest.

Ji Xia stared at the tombstone from a distance.

With his divine eyes moving, he found the figure of Emperor Jingshi from the gaps between millions of tombstones.

She is still dressed in gorgeous clothes.

But the dust on his body no longer exists.

The beautiful face also carries a different kind of brilliance.

She seems to have obtained some kind of redemption from digging the graves for many Mingjing human beings.

These cemeteries also made Emperor Jingshi no longer desperate as in the past, allowing her to rely on her mood during these seventy years.

When Ji Xia looked at Emperor Jingshi, Emperor Jingshi also noticed Ji Xia's gaze.

She turned her head and saw Ji Xia again.

Ji Xia's expression is still calm, and the breath radiating from her body is still very noble.

However, the Emperor Jingshi always felt that Ji Xia seemed to be a little different.

But she couldn't tell where it was different.

At this moment, the emperor Jing Shi saw Ji Xia's calm expression, and he was expecting something from his eyebrows.

This time, the Emperor Jingshi, who is no longer completely desperate, will be the first Ji Xia to salute.

"My lord, don't come here without seeing you for a long time."

She spoke softly to Ji Xia.

Ji Xia also nodded to her and said: "It seems that the emperor has walked out of the haze and decided to create a resting place for these innocent creatures."

The emperor of Jingshi, his expression unchanged, whispered: "As the master of Mingjing, I am the support of countless Mingjing people.

This is a long time, I have never protected them.

Instead, they are exposed to the threat of a powerful enemy, so that they suffer from hunger, and they eventually die.

Now, all I can do is this. "

Speaking of this, Emperor Jingshi probably thought of the killing of Ming Jing by the Shadow Dynasty.

The anticipation in her eyes became a bit richer.

Ji Xia felt her eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

He looked at this endless tombstone and said in a low voice: "Many years have passed, but these mirroring heroes have been waiting for a long time."

When Emperor Jingshi heard Ji Xia's words, a sharp glow suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The excitement was beyond words.

"The emperor...Is the Yin Demon Dynasty really..."

Ji Xia did not hesitate.

He peeked between his hands slightly.

A huge tower suddenly appeared in the void behind Ji Xia.

This is a tall tower square, simple and solemn, yet exudes an extraordinary atmosphere.

With Ji Xia's thoughts, she moved lightly.

Above the nine-story tower, the sixth and seventh-story tower opens!

All of them are different scenes.

In the sixth-story tower, there are many huge and ugly mosquitoes flying constantly.

It seems to come from an ancient abyss, huge to the extreme, but each possesses extremely cruel abilities.

These mosquitoes flew in the void of the tower, and the ground under the void of the tower.

But there is a powerful figure in the Yin Demon Kingdom who is bound by Wushuang's thunder chain, wailing and crying constantly.

It seems that these powerful dynasties of Yin Devil have suffered unmeasurable pain!

This kind of pain even made their sea of ​​consciousness boil, and made their true spirits twisted!

They are the gods of the Yin Devil Dynasty.

In the old days, these powerful creatures came to Mingjing.

Easily defeated many powerful men in Mingjing Dynasty.

Then in Mingjing Dynasty's human race, there was one killing after another.

The emperor Jingshi shifted his gaze and looked at the seventh floor of the tower.

Among the seventh floor of the tower.

Except for the biggest mosquito, it was replaced by a faceless evil ghost.

The biggest difference from the sixth floor of the high tower is that the seventh floor of the high tower, which is bound by the thunder chain that seems to contain the principle of the great road, is no longer the strong god.

It is the existence of nine earth poles and one celestial pole!

These are the strongest evil spirits who supported the evil dynasty!

What surprised Emperor Jingshi was extremely surprised.

All the earth and celestial poles of the Yin Devil Dynasty existed, and they were all taken to too great!

No one has ever slipped through the net.

"All the ten strongest members of the Yin Devil Dynasty were arrested... The difficulty of it~www.ltnovel.com~ can be imagined.

How deep is the background of Tai Cang Shang Dynasty? "

The emperor Jing Shizun, with a happy and excited look in his eyes, also had many questions in his heart at this moment.

She glanced coldly at the powerful evil demons who were suffering terrible pain.

Then he respectfully bowed to Ji Xia, his eyes filled with gratitude: "My lord, the Yin Devil Dynasty destroys my Mingjing human race.

Now, Tai Cang takes revenge for me, Ming Jing is very grateful...

And those Mingjing human races who have died will also be able to rest in peace. "

Ji Xia's expression remained unchanged and said, "Mingjing Dynasty was caught in death for the hope of my human race, and even perished because of it.

As a human dynasty, Tai Cang is naturally willing to exert modest strength if he can."

Emperor Jingshi nodded deeply.

She looked at these powerful evil spirits again, and said in a cold tone: "I don't know the emperor... can you let me take a look at the process of the destruction of the evil kingdom..."

Ji Xia thought about it, but did not refuse.

As his mind moved lightly, a series of Lingyuan surged out of his body.

Falling on the void, a scene of light and shadow appeared!

Above the light and shadow, a huge country stands in the boundless wilderness.

But the sky over this country is full of thunder clouds and thunder pulp!

The Wushuang Thunder, full of destruction, continued to roar down.

Let thousands of rays of light shine in the void, showing the peerless power!

Emperor Jingshi showed a shocked look in his eyes, watching the scenes of light and shadow in fascination.

At this moment, Ji Xia said softly: "This time when Tai Cang destroys the Yin Demon Dynasty, there is still a surprise...

Let me give it to Mingjing to pay tribute to many Mingjing human beings! "

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