I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 808: Mark 9 states and build a magical weapon! (The Silver League was born, the 10th league

When Jilou and Li Yun wake up.

More than half a year has been spent.

Their bodies suffered devastating injuries because of the terrifying power of Admiral Ming Huan.

Li Yun is protected by the ancient bell of Muxu.

In addition, Ming Huan's main goal is Jilou.

Therefore, her injury was not as serious as Jilou, and she had never faced the situation of death and fall.

But Jilou is different.

He had already endured the extremely powerful force of Ming Huan.

The emperor realm exists, and the power in the body is almost unlimited.

In every move, there are rules manifested, and there are horrible powers pouring out.

Although the power of Ji Lou was close to the Emperor Realm, when Ming Huan made a move, Ji Lou could not resist or bear it.

In addition, he burned his own celestial secrets, and wanted to get a glimmer of life for Li Yun, making his injuries more serious, and even causing his true spirit to continue to burn.


When Jilou's consciousness began to sober.

She found herself in a house with an architectural style completely different from that of Mu Chao.

The house is extremely spacious.

On the tables and chairs in the distance, Li Yun was closing his eyes and running the power of heaven, constantly repairing his body.

Ji Lou slowly got up.

Li Yun felt it immediately, she stood up and hurriedly walked towards Jilou.

"Brother..." Li Yun looked at Jilou with worry on his face.

Jilou let out a sigh of relief, and realized that his body was already in shattered condition, and that many of his secrets had almost turned into ruins.

But when he saw that Li Yun was still alive.

I was also extremely happy.

After all, they were originally going to die.

Now, even if he could hardly escape the deadlock, it was already a surprise that Li Yun could survive.

"Where is this..."

Ji Lou stood up slowly, his face was pale, but he was actually very weak.

Li Yun shook his head and said, "I have only been awake for more than a month... and I was afraid of what might be wrong with my brother, so I never left this house."

Ji Lou nodded.

He thought for a while, and he was like Li Yun, and he didn't use divine consciousness to probe this place.

After all, they are in a strange place.

It is also extremely impolite to circulate spiritual knowledge rashly.

"This is probably the kingdom of that human king."

Jilou looked out the window, and he found that there was tranquility outside the window, with rockery pools, pavilions and pavilions, all available, which looked very elegant.

The colorful and beautiful building makes Ji Lou's mood a little calm.

"During the time since you woke up... Has anyone come here?"

Ji Lou asked.

Li Yun nodded and said: "Yes, there are many alchemists who exude extraordinary aura, come to treat us for our injuries.

They have the extremely precious Holy Spirit Pill...

If it weren’t for those extremely holy spirit pills to heal brother’s injury, brother would probably..."

Ji Lou was surprised when he heard Li Yun's words.

He hastily moved his mind and looked into his body.

In his body, there is a spirit pill that has not yet exerted itself, which is slowly rotating.

Strange and surging vitality constantly exudes from these spirit pills.

It is these extremely rich vitalities that are constantly repairing his body and maintaining his remaining secrets!


Without these spirit pill Jilou, I'm afraid it would die suddenly on the spot!

"A total of nineteen extremely holy spirit pills..."

Ji Lou was taken aback: "This mysterious human king is quite merciful. For outsiders like us, he is willing to spend such a heavy price."

Li Yun also nodded and said: "I am also very surprised...The two of us consumed a total of 30 Extreme Holy Spirit Pills such a terrible waste, it is simply unimaginable."

"You can understand how this mysterious human force rescued you."

Ji Lou frowned and said, "But according to the power of that mysterious strong man, it is not difficult to see that I am bound to die.

Why does he still do useless work on me? "

Li Yun shook his head, his expression also very puzzled.

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Lou said to Li Yun: "Since they haven't sent strong men to guard us, they are not imprisoning us.

We might as well go out together to take a look at this mysterious human kingdom. "

Li Yun's character was originally a Gu Ling spirit. This period of time made her extremely boring.

Now that Ji Lou spoke, she naturally nodded again and again.

The two walked out of the gorgeous house together.

Then I walked out of this beautiful courtyard full of tranquility.

The moment they opened the gate of the courtyard.

The look in his eyes suddenly became a little surprised.

Outside the gate of the courtyard, suddenly enlightened!

I saw a wide, flat, spotless street that appeared in the eyes of the two Mu Chaotianji existences.

On both sides of the street, there are neat and beautiful pavements of various colors.

On the street, people come and go are dressed in gorgeous clothes, with a smile on their peaceful face, full of energy and spirit, and the eyes reveal a strong and confident...human race!


Li Yun keenly discovered that there are more or less spiritual essences flowing slowly in these human bodies!

"These people are all practicing?" Li Yun was shocked.

And beyond that.

They saw many strange things in this spacious street.

They saw countless small manned psychics made of exotic metals coming and going.

They perceive that under the earth, there seems to be some kind of peculiar spiritual weapon that is working. Although it is midsummer, there is still a trace of coolness on the ground.

They saw with their own eyes...a young and girl of the human race, talking loudly, communicating loudly, and the problem of communication is also extremely profound. It is not like an ordinary citizen at all, that can raise questions!


And this is just the impression that Jilou and Li Yun had when they walked out of the quiet courtyard.

"Is this a human secret realm..."

Li Yun frowned and guessed: "And it's definitely an extraordinary secret realm with an extremely long history and powerful strength."

Jilou also said: "It may even be an outer sky. I didn't expect that the location of Zhujiang Plain... actually connects such a world."

It is not surprising that these two extremely strong Mu Chaotian people would have such thoughts.

Because in their information, Zhujiang Plain does not have a powerful human kingdom.

The credibility of this information is also extremely high, coming from 700 years ago.

For the vast Zhujiang Plain, for the extremely secretive Qimingtian.

The time limit of seven hundred years can only be called short.

Seven hundred years was not enough to give birth to such a terrifying human kingdom.


The curious Ji Lou and Li Yun kept marching.

As they continued to visit Taidu, the surprise and shock in their hearts almost reached the climax.

They saw that in the void, there was a huge and incomparable treasure ship flying by, and it was loaded with the same energetic human race.

There are many powerful aliens living in this city.

With respectful faces, they call this city the capital of heaven while talking! Call this mysterious country the Shang Dynasty!

There was nothing in the void, except for the treasure ships.

Even the extremely powerful practitioners, once they enter this city, they can only land on the ground, and they can only walk or ride that kind of peculiar spirit weapon...

"This country...is it the mysterious country we are looking for?"

Ji Lou's heart was shocked, and suddenly the spiritual light flashed in his heart, asking Li Yun on the side.

Li Yun hurriedly probed his hand to take the main command of the bleeding vein, and after injecting the spirit essence, he shook his head and said: "That talented human race exists, very far away from here."

Jilou breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that we have indeed come to the secret place of the human race...

And... this hidden place of human race is really too prosperous.

The people live and work in peace and contentment and enjoy themselves.

The products are extremely rich, even the clothes and buildings are gorgeous...

It is indeed no exaggeration that such a human nation is called the Shang Dynasty. "

Li Yun thought for a while, and was about to stop anyone at will and ask where it was.

In an instant!

The extremely remote location suddenly burst into light!

In the light, it seemed to exude an inexhaustible terrifying majesty, shrouded in this world.

Li Yun and Jilou looked around in a hurry.

But found that in those bright, flaming light, there are pieces of strange treasures that exude a unique breath.

This kind of breath is solemn to the extreme, powerful to the extreme, unparalleled in power and boldness!

Li Yun and Ji Lou have a lot of respect.

At the same time, the human blood in their bodies seemed to be inspired by these treasures.

It started to boil with excitement and excitement inexplicably!

"What's going on..." Ji Lou couldn't help but shocked: "The strange treasure hidden in the aura seems to be born for my human race, and it seems to contain peculiar thick soil, blood, race, civilization and other rules and powers. .

Makes me respectful..."

At this moment!

The shock of Jilou and Li Yun has not ceased.

I saw eighteen white strange heavenly dragons cruising from a distance.

The 18 strange heavenly dragons in the realm of the gods of the extreme world, the pulling force is like the magnificent jade of a palace!

On the top of the jade, sits an extremely noble and unparalleled human king!

The moment when Jilou and Li Yun saw these two human kings.

There was a deep admiration and gratitude in the eyes!

It was this king of the human race who was dressed in profound clothes and was like a human being, who came when they were about to die and suppressed the existence of Ming Huan in the Emperor Ming Dynasty.

The two celestial poles of Mu Chao still clearly remembered the indescribable power that this Human King burst out when facing Ming Huan!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

At the moment!

Between heaven and earth.

It was as if Hong Yin came.

The shocking sound of Hong Zhong fell in the ears of the two.

Also at this moment.

In the distant void, there was a flash of golden light suddenly!

The twinkling golden light, in an instant, constructed a majestic and stunning high platform.

Around the high platform, flowers are in bloom, inscriptions linger, rules are shining, and the light is shining!

On the high platform, numerous runes were engraved, countless spiritual forbiddens, and formations were engraved!

Such a high platform also contains countless rituals and countless rules!

"Today...Tianzhao from the beginning!"

With divine light condensed and armored, Jing Ye finally walked out of the long retreat, shouting loudly: "Yuan Ding in the early days of 399!

The great virtue, the vastness of heaven, the prosperity of the human race!

There are nine artifacts, conceived in the land of the Great Cangbai Region.

When Tai Cang went to Emperor Ji Xia at the beginning, he should rule Kyushu! "

Jing Ye's voice was filled with the blessing of Wei Li's voice when Tai Xian went to the emperor bell.

Pass to the entire land of a hundred domains!

In the ears of tens of billions of people in Taicang's 108 regions, a heavenly edict immediately descended.

One hundred and eight territories, tens of thousands of human races, and countless Taicang human races, respectfully saluting towards Taidu Taixian's court, their eyes gleaming with hot light and a strong sense of joy!

Ji Lou and Li Yun felt it together!

His own human bloodline is almost boiling because of this heavenly edict.

Scenes flashed in their minds.

Flickering through the boundless wilderness, countless human races, being slaughtered, enslaved, swallowed, and obliterated for no reason!

There have also been pictures of peace, happiness, and prosperity for the Taicang people!

at the same time.

These two powerful human races from Qi Mingtian can see clearly.

A terrifying spiritual forbidden falls, covering the world.

In an instant!

Countless human army, like a sea of ​​creatures, appeared in the void.

There are tens of millions of these Terran corps.

They are very elite, strong and unparalleled, and they are full of bravery.


Even when Jilou saw two of the Human Race armies, his eyes immediately widened and he became a little bewildered.

"Big brother..." Li Yun felt puzzled by Ji Lou's reaction.

"Gengjin Spirit Body...Qingding Spirit Body..."

Jilou murmured: "This hidden human race seems to have inherited part of the legacy of the Great Breath God Dynasty and the Great Geng Dynasty..."

"Daxi, Dageng?"

Li Yun is in awe!

These two human races are huge and huge, so that countless human races who know their secrets will have endless remembrance and admiration.

And now...

This mysterious and hidden kingdom of the human race actually inherited the legacy of the Great Breath God Dynasty and the Great Geng Dynasty.

Let them also be full of respect for this secret human race.

And this is far from Tai Cang's current background.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was suddenly a stream of light, blooming.

At this moment, the no-fly order over the Taidu was temporarily removed.

A terrifying human race powerhouse, came with a brilliant stream of light.

His face was calm, his eyes looked at the young king Xuanyi on the dragon jade in reverence.

"This... how come there are so many heaven and earth poles?"

The two shepherd clan powerhouses were extremely puzzled.

Because they clearly saw that a strong man who respected the two extremes of heaven and earth was constantly coming.

There are evil gods who ride the waves.

There is a Wushuang Yashi who is entwined with Wenyun Jinlong.

There is a spiritual source heaven official in charge of economic operation!

There is a solemn woman with a nine-tailed divine fox behind her.

There is a dark prey around him.

There is an evil that reveals the true body of the **** of death and obscures the sky!


But a few breaths of time passed.

Two more thunders that seemed to contain the avenue of destruction, mixed with heavy purple energy, came!

Amidst the purple qi, there was a world-famous blue dragon, and between the dragons, a peerless overlord in purple robe stepped into the void.

Among the two thunders that contain the avenue of destruction, there are two celestial poles with different faces, suspended in the sky!

"These three beings... each one is stronger than me~www.ltnovel.com~Ji Lou was shocked: "How can there be so many celestial existences that have been cultivated with more than seven rules? "

Li Yun didn't know how to describe the scene before him.

At this moment.

Li Yun suddenly felt that the blood master token in his hand exuded a warm breath.

Jilou and Li Yun have not looked at the blood token yet.

But I saw in amazement.

In the distant sky, a sea of ​​blood surging up, and above the sea of ​​blood, this huge black tombstone is suspended like a mountain.

On the tombstone, there was a gentle face, but he exuded the existence of the thought of not killing, standing quietly.

Jilou and Li Yun suddenly realized.

They looked at each other helplessly.


"Moreover, the existence we are looking for...seems to have already established many rules."

With the constant advent of the too strong.

The power between heaven and earth here has also been brewing to the extreme.

The terrifying power gathered together.

Even make the world pale, and make the void tremble.


Ji Xia slowly stood up from the Tianlong Yunian.

The upper emperor's crown on his head shone brightly.

I saw Ji Xia gently probe her hand!

The distance contains the light of the Taoist spiritual weapon, so he converges away.

Nine artifacts revealed!

"Today... Tai Cang divides Kyushu!"

"Set up... the artifact of national luck!"

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