I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 814: Before the human race, there is no **** and no holy!

  FD, replaced after twenty minutes, all the troops of Tai Cang gathered.

   Many strong people are coming.

   This battle lasted for ten days.

   A million cloud heavenly army, four million heavenly dragon and fierce army, and many powerful men and generals above the realm of spiritual palace, all know that this battle is a battle of subjugation.

   These terrifying human race forces are coming on fiercely.

   and possesses extremely terrifying power.

   Under such circumstances, the Cloud Heavenly Dragon deserves to be the king of the dynasty.

   Whether it is millions of ordinary soldiers of the Cloud Dragon.

   or those tyrannical cloud dragon powerhouses.

   greeted the war without the slightest timidity.

  Although their innermost fears are very great, the dignity of a strong race like the Cloud Heavenly Dragon and the desire for life have allowed them to continue to fight against the terrifying army of the Great Blue!


  Tai Cang army has thousands of years of screaming, and the powerful power cast by countless gods, elixirs, and precious spiritual tools, has been revealed in this battle!

   Eight hundred thousand Tai Cang Yin Guards can even fight against two million Heavenly Dragon and Fierce Army.

   Two hundred thousand Qing Ding Ling army burst out extremely tyrannical force, so that the remaining two million dragon fierce army was defeated steadily, there is no chance of victory at all!

  The most powerful, but still holding a sharp sword, wearing a golden armor, Dageng Miejin Divine Army!

   The strength of this soldier has reached an extreme.

   The Gengjin bloodline in their bodies is constantly condensing and blooming!

   From their blood, it seems to have nurtured an extremely sharp sword intent.

   When a hundred thousand spiritual mansion nine levels of Dageng Miejin Divine Army soldiers, blood connected.

   is comparable to the boosting effect of the Wushuang Battle Spirit Array, and even makes many of the extremely powerful Cloud Heavenly Dragon and Earth tremble!

   The tyrannical force illuminates this river area with a golden glow.

   One hundred thousand Dageng Annihilating the Jin Divine Army, just like an ancient divine beast.

   swallowed past, those tens of meters long in the sky, the sky army soldiers.

   All bodies shattered and the true spirit fell!

   violent and horrible sword-inspired bloodline power, finally no longer restricted to the Secret Realm of Choking.

   Under the shroud of countless hidden spiritual forbiddens, see the sky again.

   Even the many extremely powerful people, and even the heavenly dragon emperor who has seen extremely high in the bones of true dragons, have changed their colors.

   There are also the Central State and Fenghai State in the two states. The skeletons of the Tianlong that descended from the Tianlong Tomb will help the heavenly army in the clouds and the fierce army of Tianlong to enter the battlefield!


   Under the tyrannical force of Tai Cang army soldiers.

   These equally powerful Tianlong bones can only turn into a piece of white bone and fall powerlessly on the wilderness.

   One side of the sky dragon in the cloud, plus two bones of the sky dragon in the extreme realm.

   There are ten poles of the earth.

   But the teacher Yang, Zhang Jiao, and Yang Renju all came to Yunxian Mansion.

   At the same time, there are three rules around the six evil Canglong standing side by side, and after Bai gets up, the six kingdoms' bone army appears one after another.

   These are very tyrannical. The sky dragons on the clouds that existed in the past can only retreat steadily!

   Yuzaoqian and Wei Chang join the battlefield.

   Yuzao had already been extremely close to the polar realm before, and his cultivation was extremely terrifying.

   On the nine tails behind her, there are nine nine tailed puppets in the realm of the gods of the extreme world, which continuously inject infinite power into her.

   Let Tamazou Qian's power become stronger than ever!

   plus the throne of the setting sun at the rank of Emperor Xuanjin.

   Before Yuzao rushed into the power of the gods, she fell on the earth like a goddess who had lived in the kingdom for a long time.

   There is no match for the strong on the earth.

at the same time.

   Uncle Chaolong, who has reached the extreme realm of the earth, also wants to draw the body of Uncle Long, holding a terrifying thunder spear in his hand.

  He has never participated in the battle of the poles.

   Instead, he obeyed Ji Xia's order and used his earth-level strength to contend with more than a hundred cloud heavenly dragons, the gods of the extreme world, and the gods.

   There is danger again.

  He has transformed his body of death into the body of the gods of the extreme world!

   The indescribable body of death is terrifying to the extreme.

   The open arms of the death god's body are full of dense crowds of evil gods.

   Tens of thousands of evil gods, like snowflakes, are scattered on the battlefield.

   With their own flesh and blood, they constantly flock to those gods!

   If placed in normal.

   These evil gods may not be able to approach those tyrannical existences at all.

   But now.

   These past days, in the eyes of ordinary creatures, they were like gods, facing the strong offensives of many too strong people.

   There is no time for him at all.

  So, these terrifying evil gods like locusts flooded them all over the world.

   The existence of these gods is horrified.

   These evil gods have no thoughts at all, and no real spirits.

   They are not living creatures at all.

   In such a situation, even if there is a powerful magic and mysterious technique in the heavenly dragon gods in the cloud, it will blast those evil gods into pieces.

  Those pieces of flesh and blood will also attract each other, and then reshape them into even more bizarre and disgusting monsters!

   Under all these circumstances.

   There seems to be no suspense at all in this battle that lasts ten days and ten nights.

  The strong and powerful, with the power of breaking the bamboo, killed many noble cloud dragons.

   even exists at the ten poles, half of them have fallen!

   The absolute ruler of the Juesheng Dynasty has already turned into Xiaguang and completely disappeared into this world.

   After all, the six evils are Canglong, Bai Qi, Shi Yang, Zhang Jiao, and Yang Ren!

   There are five great lords, each one has an extremely terrifying background, and each one has an unparalleled heritage.

   Even the terrifying gods such as Yang Ren, Bai Qi, and Zhang Jiao are born with unparalleled magic weapons of unknown rank.

   can raise their combat power to a new level.

   As for the six evils Canglong.

   His combat power has surpassed the cognition of the ten extremely strong opponents.

   Tai Cang is such a terrifying combination of the poles, revealing a terrifying power that is extremely destructive.

   Let the thinking cloud heaven, dragon, and earth extremity exist in a sense of horror!

   This war caused the river to flow backwards, and the wonderful light in the ancient Tongtian River was dimmed.

   Yun Xianzhou did not know how many tens of thousands of miles away, it was broken.

   Above the earth in the river, there are ravines like the sky.

   The vast Yunxian Mansion has completely disappeared.

   And the final result, this is a great victory!

   Many too many strong men, after fighting this battle, all were at a loss.

   They never knew, but they did not know it.

   Tai Cang's overall strength is already so strong.

   is not only the personal strength and inheritance of the too strong.

   is the terrifying strength of ordinary soldiers, as well as expensive armaments, which make the combat power of Taicang soldiers far surpass the cloud dragon.

   And the cloud dragon, may not be the most peak dynasty in the boundless wilderness, but it is definitely one of the top dynasties.

   Tai Cang was able to suppress the cloud dragon so easily.

   is enough to prove the terrible power.

   Although the Heavenly Dragon Sovereign, a celestial powerhouse, was moved out of the Houyi bow by Ji Xia from the beginning, it was also an important reason that he had no resistance to resist with one arrow.

   However, Tai Cang's background is also Tai Cang's hard power.

   Although Houyi's Great Bow had fired this sword, it had dissipated in the world.

   However, Ji Xia's long-term management has made the background of Tai Cang extremely terrifying.

   In this battle, even if there is no Houyi bow, it does not mean that Tai Cang has no other background and cannot suppress the Emperor Tianlong!

   Of course, Ji Xia's coincidence arrangement made the Emperor Tianlong never open seven of the nine Tianlong tombs.

   All the bones of the sages of the Tianlong sages in these seven ancient Tianlong tombs were unable to descend.

   This is also one of the reasons why this battle can be won so easily.

   But this does not affect Tai Cang's strength.

  Because, even if all the corpses of the heavenly dragons in the nine ancient tombs of the heavenly dragon descend, Ji Xia has enough confidence to win the battle.

   The result is probably that Tai Cang will have more casualties.

all in all.

   This battle ended in the complete defeat of the Cloud Dragon.

   Yun Xianzhou has become a Shura field.

   Countless corpses of various races are densely laid out on the battlefield.

  The land with a radius of thousands of miles collapsed and was completely destroyed, becoming a vast ruin.

   The maddening **** breath cannot even be washed away by the raging river.

   If it weren't for Chi Yu, the great **** of Cang Lingyuan, washing this river with his mysterious **** power, I am afraid that the rich blood of various colors will flow to a very distant place.

  The main task of Tai Cang's remaining soldiers is to clean up the battlefield.

   Cloud Heavenly Dragon Kingdom, after all, is an extremely powerful dynasty.

  Although their casting method and alchemy method are not as good as they are.

   But it does not mean that their accumulated wealth is not as great as that.

   "The Cloud Heavenly Dragon Kingdom has existed for tens of thousands of years. Such an ancient and powerful race must hide deep secrets."

   Jixia stood in the void with her hands on her back.

   He stared at the true dragon bones not far away from him, and spoke to the Heavenly Dragon Emperor among them: "If the Heavenly Dragon Emperor has any hidden treasures, you can tell me, I am willing to keep you alive."

   The remnant trace of the true spirit incarnation of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor, his eyes kept revealing a weak and confused look.

   Although he is a celestial existence.

   controls many rules of heaven and earth, and once dominated hundreds of billions of creatures.

   controls tens of thousands of countries.

   has also experienced countless hardships.

   But he never thought that one day the Cloud Heavenly Dragon Congress would suffer such a catastrophe.

   To be precise, in the cruel and boundless wilderness, the Heavenly Dragon Emperor never relaxed his vigilance from beginning to end.

   Although the Yuntianlong clan has always been known for its arrogance and self-esteem.

   But the real cloud dragon always has a big scale in his heart.

   They know when the cloud dragon is noble and when it is humble.

   The Heavenly Dragon Emperor had also imagined that the Cloud Heavenly Dragon might be destroyed.

   But in his mind, the object of destroying the Cloud Heavenly Dragon is not even Ninggong, not far from the Nine Realms of Heavenly Dragon!

   Only the forces of the Emperor Dynasty level can completely destroy the Cloud Sky Dragon Race.

   It is a pity that things are impermanent, and the cruelty of the boundless wildness also showed its fangs to the Emperor Tianlong.

  The Heavenly Dragon Emperor has arrived now, and he can't figure out why such a terrifying power can burst out of a human kingdom in the Zhujiang Plain.

   even let the high cloud Tianlong clan completely fall into the dust!

   "Perhaps, that day when the two masters of Juesheng came to the Heavenly Dragon Upper Palace, the end of the cloud Heavenly Dragon's demise was already doomed."

   "Perhaps, I have never sent Long Mo and Tian Qiao to Tai Cang to reveal the majesty of the Cloud Tianlong, which still has a ray of life."

   He thought of this, his eyes slowly became sober.

   immediately raised his head and said: "If the emperor in the early days can let me go, I am willing to dedicate all the treasures of the cloud dragon to the emperor."

   Kixia's eyes were calm.

   He stared at the Heavenly Dragon Emperor, shook his head and said, "It is too risky to let you go. Even with Father Lu's appointment, I am not willing to take such a terrible risk."

   The Emperor Tianlong was silent.


   Such a terrifying human race country, once it is known by certain emperors and holy courts that hate human race.

   Tai Cang will fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

  The Heavenly Dragon Emperor thought of this, and shook his head slightly: "In this case, the treasures accumulated by my Cloud Heavenly Dragon over the years have no destiny for Tai Cang."

   Ji Xia gently shook her head, suddenly pointed to the distance, and smiled: "Master, look there."

   The Heavenly Dragon Emperor couldn't help but raise his head and look into the distance, the expression on the face of the true spirit incarnation suddenly stiffened.

   because he saw the void in the distance.

   A white-clothed **** of human race has his hands outstretched in his eyes, each with a golden light eye.

   God's eyes shined into the void, and in the entire cloud Xianzhou void, many secret formations and illusions were revealed.

After    the white saint of the human race, there is another general of the human race with a plain appearance.

   It seems that he was born with a pair of eyes of a condor, and the aura burst out in his eyes, shining on those illusions and formations.

   The illusions and formations do not seem to exist in the eyes of the general of the human race, and the space is penetrated by his eyes!


A place where the treasures of the Heavenly Dragon in the Clouds are located in the void of Yunxianzhou has revealed its traces~www.ltnovel.com~ The Emperor Heavenly Dragon stared at the two great gods for a long time before he sighed dejectedly: "The Emperor Taicang There are countless capable people under his command, and even me, I am very envious."

   Ji Xia chuckled, and while the divine consciousness was running, he asked Shenying Eye Seven at random: "Are there any valuable treasures in this treasure house?"

  Shen Yingyan Qi stood in the distance, saluting Ji Xia respectfully.

   Then there was a flow of divine consciousness, colliding with Ji Xia's divine consciousness.

   In an instant.

   Kika saw the scene in the treasure house.

   After his eyes stopped slightly, he finally showed a touch of joy.

   Ji Xia clearly saw the message from Shenyingyan Seven.

   In that space treasure house of Yunxian Mansion.

   There are countless spiritual gold, countless spiritual materials, and countless elixir blooming brilliantly!

   "It's really a violent thing. There are such precious spiritual materials and elixir, but due to the casting skills and the backwardness of alchemy, they can only lie in these treasure houses."

   Ji Xia sighed in her heart.

   And these are not all of a treasury.

   Millions of superb Heavenly Spirit Vessels, lying in the treasury, with their pure and vigorous spirit elements, even condensed into the essence in the void.

   Jixia nodded in satisfaction, and immediately looked at other treasures.

   When his consciousness fell in the treasure house, on another crystal stone that was crystal clear and infinite.

   Kika's eyes instantly became hot.

   "This is... a complete Shenyuan Crystal!"

   "So this also means that the Great Wasteland whose combat power is comparable to the Emperor Realm can step out of the Choking Secret Realm!"

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