I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 816: The Altar of the Earth Slaying the Son [Large

Ji Xia's voice was like an edict coming from heaven.

In the vast barren land, almost all the creatures, the moment they heard the quiet words, seemed to be watched by the gods.

In the mind, many unspeakable emotions such as tremor, awe, and fear continue to rise.

This is the stalwart power brought by Ji Xia's rule power.

The fourth son of Xixuan, still sitting high above the sky.

The indifference in his eyes became clearer, and he looked directly at Ji Xia standing on the bone dragon.

For Ji Xia's destiny, it seemed that he didn't feel any threat at all.


But the next moment.

In the eyes of the master Yuanwu, this barrenness lies between the world!

An unpredictable thunder brilliance burst out.

Rays of thunder and slurry surged in the void.

The endless chains of the gods linger on a majestic body.

The three of Yuanwu Lord, Lu Xian, and Qi Shang continued to swell.

"What is this existence?"

They were surprised and stared at the light curtain.

This existence is like a **** bred from thunder.

In the endless thunder chain, the world seemed to be suppressed by thunder.

In the thunder of thunder, black lightning is constantly intertwined, the majestic and fuzzy figure seems to be a sea of ​​thunder on its own!


A violent shock came.

The horrible existence that was dressed in Tsing Yi, surrounded by the chains of Shen Xiao, burst into the sky with thunder light.

this moment.

The tens of thousands of thunder light gave birth to terrible murderous intent, thunder like a sea, light flying!

"Comply with the Emperor Tianzhao!"

"Shen Xiao cuts nine days!"

Thunder God's voice was like thunder.

The golden thunder light also flooded the world at this moment.

Originally sitting on the sky, the affectionate and indifferent Fourth Son, the moment he saw this terrifying existence, his expression finally changed.

There was a "hum".

The golden shirt on his body flashed constantly.

In an instant, a layer of golden battle clothing appeared on his body, dazzling.

There are countless inscriptions lingering on the golden battle clothes, which is extremely mysterious.

"Xixuan Seven Divine Armor!"

Master Yuanwu, standing above the stars, spoke in a low voice.

"Good armor!" Lu Xian and Qi Shang could perceive the horror of this armor through the light curtain.

Another moment.

Around the Fourth Son, there were surging divine lights one after another.

Then, thirty-two spears suddenly appeared in the void!

These war spears exude a sharp light, murderous.

The vast white light is as vast as just a vast ocean, covering this vast expanse of barrenness in an instant!

"Sea Holy War Spear!"

Yuanwu master once again exclaimed: "Xi Xuan Shengting, in the past many years, I don't know how many treasures have been grabbed. A saint child can also have two peaks of the mysterious holy spirit!"

Lu Xian and Qi Shang were worried.

They are moving fast, colliding with each other in an instant.

Lord Yuanwu knew Lu Xian and Qi Shang's plan immediately!

"You want to help them?"

Lord Yuanwu frowned, and immediately shook his head, his divine consciousness flowed: "The reason I just said that we can't help them.

The reason is that the noble emperor has already used the spirit restraint lock to communicate with the Xixuan Shengzi and Xixuan Shengting.

If we rashly break this concealed spiritual ban, Qi Shang's enchantment mysterious dragon cover will not be enough to conceal the aura of this great battle..."

The pupils of Qi Shang and Lu Xian shrank slightly.

At this moment, they all knew what Yuanwu Lord meant.

Once the hidden spiritual prohibition was broken, the atmosphere of the war leaked out.

Then, the Xixuan Saint Court powerhouse will inevitably come quickly.

This means that these powerful people of the same clan will all fall!

"So... in this battle, we can't easily intervene unless we have to..."

The message in Lord Yuanwu's divine consciousness has not been conveyed yet.

A violent loud noise!

Passed from the light curtain!

The terrifying thunder light radiated ten thousand rays of light in an instant.

Immediately after.

The three of Yuanwu Master saw a terrible scene.

I saw Thunder God Xiao, standing high in the void!

The chains on his body became more and more terrifying.

He is like driving the horrible existence of Thunder, following the magical technique constructed by the rules of Thunder Avenue, it burst out.

All kinds of thunder runes are intertwined.

The infinite thunder light also collides with the powerful force of the Fourth Son!

The horrible fluctuations made everything disappear in the light screen.

The thunder fell like a waterfall, like a vast expanse of whiteness!

At this moment, the Fourth Son, his figure flickered extremely fast.

Finally stood up from above the sky.

"Such a powerful human being? Who are you?"

The indifferent voice resounded through the void.

And the thirty-two sea jihad spears before his voice exuded all kinds of regular power.

Behind the triple sky, the power of the rules of the roads appeared.

Thunder, raging fire, big sun, ocean, infinite power, terrifying monster...

The strength strengthened by various rules is added to the thirty-two sea holy war spears.

Bombarded out.

In an instant, the rules spread, and a dense and supreme divine light impacted away.

It collided with Lei Shenxiao's Shenxiao Avenue.

In an instant.

Hundreds of rules and divine laws bloomed out.

Collide with each other...

The whole world is boiling.

Are all entangled by infinite thunder pulp!

Lei Shen Xiao stood on the thunder chain, constantly shuttled among the many Western Profound Divine Techniques.

Between his probing hands, there is an extra Lightning Chain of Gods in his hand!

"God cracks the sky thunder chain!"

This thunder and lightning is like an unparalleled thunder that runs through the world.

In this way, he struck out towards the Fourth Son.

In the blink of an eye, the fourth saint son went thousands of miles away.

However, the chain of thunder from the gods was pulled down, and the countless distance was instantly shortened.

The thunder chains are all over the sky.

Even with the strength of the Fourth Saint Child Emperor Realm, there is no way to escape.

The indifference in the eyes of the Fourth Saint was finally moved.

With golden lights flickering, his right palm blasted down fiercely.

A huge handprint suddenly condensed in the void.

It is also at this moment.

The huge handprint suddenly smashed into the void.


Pull out a black big streamer from the void!

In an instant!

This vast place is filled with howling ghosts.

It rained blood in the sky.

Bones emerged on the ground.

The black big streamer seems to possess endless fierce power.

The fourth son holds the big banner and waved it!

All the strong.

All moved at this moment!

The three of Yuanwu's eyes are about to split.

Even Ji Xia and many Taicang gods were also angry.

They saw it!

Inside the black big streamer.

I don't know how many human bones are constantly rising and falling!

I don't know how many human remnants are suffering in it.

I don't know how many strange buildings in the hidden land of the vast human race have been cast in it.

The powerhouses in the hidden place of the human race have all turned into puppets with no spiritual consciousness.

They have blood red eyes and salivation from their mouths.

The body appeared blue and purple, just like a ghost, manifesting from the black big banner!

"Extinction Big Banner!"

The Fourth Son waved the big banner.

The dark power in the Great Banner of Extinction invaded!

The sky was covered by black fog.

If there is an endless sea of ​​black mist!

The terrifying force suddenly collided with the lightning chain in the sky.

A terrifying shock wave burst out, making the world tremble!

"This big banner, I don't know how many human beings have been sacrificed!"

Ji Xia's eyes were terrifying to the extreme.

In his mind, the endless human creatures that floated up and down in the extinction flag were constantly emerging!

Those human creatures are wailing in pain, howling in confusion, and crying in fear!

Countless human beings have been refined into this pitch-black big banner!

Lord Yuanwu, Qi Shang, and Lu Xian were also extremely angry.

The Thunder God's sky in the sky, the lingering face, frowned.


There was a shocking sound.

Thunderclouds surged behind Lei Shen Xiao.

One after another, the sky of thunder pulp was born continuously.

In the blink of an eye, the seven heavens suddenly appeared!

"Catch him alive."

Ji Xia's extremely gloomy voice also came at this moment: "This saint son has no more reason to survive.

He will be sacrificed to the countless human beings in this black flag! "

Ji Xia's voice seemed to come from Netherworld.

Lei Shen Xiao also made a bold move at this moment.

His body jumped up and suddenly turned into a round of thunder and scorching sun, reflecting in the void.

"Great God Xiao Thunder and Rage Sun!"

I saw this round of thunder and scorching sun, shining high in the void.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, there was a slight shock!

After a while!

Quartet Tianyu is shaking!

Nine days of thunder, falling from the scorching sun and thunder!


The Thunder enveloped the Fourth Son at an unimaginable speed.

In an instant, the aurora was surging, the thunder roared, and the morning light burst out, bursting out incomparably brilliant light!

The world is cracked.

"How can it be!"

The Fourth Son suddenly changed!

He only felt that a terrible thunder rule power roared, piercing his thirty-two sea holy war spears and piercing the death streamer in an instant.

Then it fell on the Seven Divine Armor of Xixuan on his body!

The Seven Gods of the West Xuan, together with the Fourth Saint Son, can be called endless spiritual essence.

Burst out endless defense force.

However, under the unparalleled light of this round of Thunder!

The defensive golden light condensed by the Seven Divine Armor of the West Xuan was also penetrated in an instant.

The extremely powerful force fell on the body of the Fourth Son.

The fourth son stretched out his arm to block, but the thunder power of Lei Shen Xiao was too strong.

Thunder Weili landed on the arm of the Fourth Saint Child, and the flesh of this Emperor Realm also burst into pieces in an instant!

The next moment.

Thunder God Xiao transformed into a terrifying thunder giant.

He is about ten thousand feet tall, grasping the fourth son who has lost his arms and is constantly urging Lingyuan to repair his arms.

The fourth son of Xixuan finally sensed what fear was.

He also uses profound arts, and his body keeps getting taller and bigger.

In a blink of an eye it has already broken through a thousand feet.

However, the big hand of the Thunder God Thunder Giant has arrived.


Above the big hand, thunder was shining, and endless light was shining, just grabbing the Fourth Son.

The stalwart and noble breath of the Fourth Son was suppressed.

Everything in the world calmed down in a flash.

Only a terrible battlefield is left!

The three master Yuanwu were stunned.

Lei Shen Xiao and the Fourth Son seemed to have fought for many rounds.

But in fact, from beginning to end, Thunder God Xiao was pressing the Fourth Son and beating.

The Fourth Son can only use a lot of powerful spirit weapons, and many rules and divine laws to barely resist.

This battle, from beginning to end.

But only ten interest time!

This is also the reason why Ji Xia's many powerful people watched from the side and never interfered.

"This strong man who controls the Thunder has cultivated into a Seventh Sphere!"

The three Yuanwu masters were amazed.

But in the next moment, a wave of terrifying waves came from a distance!

The Fourth Son who was held in the hand by the Thunder Giant seemed to endure severe pain.

He was no longer indifferent and calm before.

His eyes were full of fury, full of hysteria!

"Human Race! Human Race! Do you dare to destroy my body?"

No matter where you flee, you cannot escape today! "

The Fourth Saint Child’s Spiritual Sense roared: "You think that as long as I stop the transmission ripples, I Xixuan Saint Court will not be able to detect it? How can a lowly race understand the power of Xixuan?"

Also at this moment.

The three Yuanwu masters who are on the void stars.

Perceived that terrible wave in the distance.

They suddenly changed color.

"The death that Xixuan laid down, after all, has come!"

Master Yuanwu suddenly felt weak.

Lu Xian and Qi Shang were also somewhat depressed.

Because they had clearly seen that the distant world was twisted for a while.

An ancient phantom of the holy court appeared in the sky.

In the sky above the phantom of the holy court, a pair of silent and shining eyes stared at the hidden spiritual forbidden indifferently!

at the same time.

In the ancient phantom of the holy court, three powerhouses also slowly walked out!

They are stalwart in shape, they are shining with golden light, and their eyes are cold and killing intent, shining!

"Three Supreme Heavenly Emperor Realm!"

Master Yuanwu felt desperate.

The fourth saint child laughed wildly: "With me, Xixuan, the left, right, and middle three court generals, today there will be all the races here..."

The voice of the Fourth Son has not fallen.

Ji Xia stepped on, clenched her palms into a fist, a heavenly river lingering on her fist, banging against his face heavily.

In a moment.

The head of the Fourth Son burst into pieces.

A group of true spirits are still being held fast by Thunder God Xiao!

The three generals in the distance walked towards Ji Xia with a step of hundreds of miles.

"Xixuan Zuoting General Hegu, Youting General Huanfeng, Atrium General Fatty, come to suppress the rebellious human race!

If you dare to attack Saint Xixuan, take this place as the origin, and the human race within a radius of 300,000 miles will be turned into dry bones.

The bones and the remnant souls will be included in the death banners, and they will perish forever and endure endless suffering! "

Xixuan Zuoting General Hegu's face was extremely gloomy, and his figure flashed rapidly.

Between words, Ji Xia was still threatening.

However, Ji Xia seemed to have thunderous anger in her eyes.

In his mind, there was still a scene inside the big streamer that had just died.

"threaten me?"

Ji Xia snorted coldly, and between his hands, the ferocious bone dragon in the distance turned into a streamer, fell into his hand and turned into a dragon bone sword!

In between.

Behind him are the Three Realms Secret Vault standing horizontally, and the six sky domes reflect each other.

Among the six sky domes, unimaginable infinite power burst out, trapping the death-bearing streamer in the void!

In the Great Banner of Extinction, countless remnants of the human race seem to be at this moment in peace!

They were all relieved from the endless pain, and the catalog looked out of the death streamer blankly.


Ji Xia whispered softly.

The sky on earth soared out, turning into a huge altar.

Ji Xia's mind moved.

The giant of the gods immediately changed into countless thunder chains, bound the fourth holy child layer by layer, and fell on the altar!

Ji Xia came holding the Dragonbone Divine Sword.

He raised his head to look at the endless national creatures in the Great Stream of Extinction, and asked loudly: "My human creature, this fourth son of Xixuan who killed you...what is his name?"

Countless remnants of the human race awakened from confusion in an instant.

They cried resentfully.

The eyes of the endless remnants are full of terrible resentment!

"Xuan Jing!"

"Xuan Jing!"

"Xuan Jing!"


Countless stern voices ~www.ltnovel.com~ tell the name of the Fourth Son!

The three Xixuan generals were already close at hand.

Xixuan Shengzi still raised his head and cursed.

The three Yuanwu masters did not know what Ji Xia meant.

However, Ji Xia nodded.

Salute to the remnant souls of many human races.

In an instant he turned around, raised the keel sword in his hand, and spoke like a judgment, and said to the fourth saint son of Xixuan: "Xuan Jing, die!"

The Fourth Son laughed.

"Kill me? You haven't built the upper vault, **** me is beyond your own control!"

Ji Xia's keel sword.

Has crashed down.

In an instant, six heavenly domes, a Tianhe, Shentai Shenyuan, and Tiangong Treasure Hall all surged out of vigorous strength and injected them into the Dragon Bone God Sword in Ji Xia's hand!

Sword light burst out, illuminating this gloomy world like daylight.

Huanghuang sword light presses the sun and the moon!

The world is vast!

The brilliant sword light fell.

In the blink of an eye.

The head of the fourth saint son Xuanjing just grew, landed again!

at the same time.

The violent sword intent is mixed with all kinds of mysterious avenues.

Melt the sky of the Fourth Son.

Shatter his sea of ​​knowledge!

Kill his true spirit completely!

"Do not……"

He was so terrified that he disappeared without a trace as soon as it came out!

Xuan Jing, the fourth son of Xixuan Saint Court.

At this moment, Ji Xia was judged and beheaded to death on the human altar!

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