I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 822: Muchao Message, Xixuan Wrath【Large

Jilou and Li Yun now.

They have completely forgotten their purpose of leaving Qimingtian.

Qi Mingtian, Muchao Shangguo has been searching for a human race with extraordinary talents through some peculiar secret techniques and special blood tokens since these long years.

These two powerful Muchao Shangguo Tianji existed. They were originally ordered by the Muchao Shangguo to look for what they saw through their blood tokens.

But I didn't expect it.

When they left Qimingtian, they were chased by the Ming imperial family, Ming Huan.

If it weren't for Ji Xia's special keel sword, he personally walked out of Tai Cang and suppressed Ming Huan's minister.

Perhaps now, the bones of Jilou and Li Yun have all turned into powder.

However, during a critical period, Jilou burned his own celestial secrets to obtain a brief burst of strength to cover Li Yun's escape.

It also caused this celestial peak powerhouse to be seriously injured by the real spirit.

His true spirit and celestial secrets kept burning from beginning to end.

The fierce flame cannot be extinguished at all.

If there were not too many kinds of extremely holy spirit pills, Ji Lou would have died.

But with such a heavy injury, even the Extreme Holy Spirit Pill couldn't save Jilou's life once and for all.

Later, Tai Cang proposed to Ji Lou that he only needs Qi Ming Tian Mu Chao Shang Guo to provide corresponding precious medicinal materials.

Tai Cang looked at the face of the same race as Mu Chao, and he would refine a peculiar pill for Jilou, completely freeing Jilou from worrying about his life.

So in the past few months, Jilou and Li Yun have been busy communicating with each other.

Today, they probably have the result, so they came to meet Ji Xia.

Ji Xia's mind moved slightly.

Has disappeared from the Choking Secret Realm Upper Dry Palace, and appeared in the Supreme Court Jade Dry Palace.

After passing through the palace guards, Jilou and Li Yun were received by the Supreme Emperor Jixia.

Ji Lou's face was pale, and his expression became more haggard.

In the past few months, even if Tai Cang's extremely extraordinary elixir had hanged his life...

His body is also getting weaker.

Even when Tai Xian came to court, Jilou took the exile, now he was panting, his face pale unnaturally.

Two people went to the temple.

Ji Xia was sitting in front of the imperial case, reading the precious jade slip in her hand.

Tianyi Chamber of Commerce continued to trade with other countries, and brought a lot of knowledge to Tai Cang.

These jade slips are precious treasures obtained by the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce.

Jilou and Li Yun walked through the wide Shanggan Palace and came to the center of the main hall to salute Ji Xia respectfully.

Their eyes have become more and more reverent after these months of baptism.

For the magical country of Tai Cang, they now only have awe and admiration.

The stable and prosperous life of the creatures of the Tai Cang race, the extremely developed systems of the Tai Cang, the extremely powerful army, and the control of the Tai Cang's imperial court over the entire Tai Cang deep into the grassroots...

And so on.

They are all amazed.

They never thought.

Under the background of the boundless wilderness, an unbelievable human nation like Tai Cang could be born.

After all, even if these two celestial poles exist in the eyes, for the human race, the boundless wilderness is still too dangerous.

Therefore, they are full of respect for Tai Cang and those who have worked hard to develop and grow the human race.

Muchao two celestial poles, saluting to Ji Xia.

Ji Xia waved her hand gently, motioning them to get up.

At the same time, he slowly rolled up the jade slip in his hand and placed it on the jade case aside very seriously.

Between manners, there is a unique charm in it.

"You brought me news of Mu Chao?"

Ji Xia motioned to the two celestial powers to take a seat, with a mellow smile on her face.

When Ji Lou and Li Yun took their seats, hearing Ji Xia's words, Ji Lou struggled to get up and saluted Ji Xia again.

The movement is full of respect for Ji Xia.

"The emperor, we have communicated with the Mu Chao, they will soon send a strong man with many precious medicinal materials to come to Tai Cang, thank Tai Cang, thank the Emperor Tai Chu."

Jilou said: "Here, Jilou will once again thank the emperor for saving my life, and I will report back then."

Li Yun also stood up and saluted to express his gratitude to Ji Xia.

Ji Xia shook her head slightly: "They are all of the same race. Now that the boundless wild human race is in such a predicament, we naturally have to help each other, otherwise, what will the human race talk about?"

"The emperor is absolutely right!"

Li Yun, who seems to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, said: "The history of Qi Mingmu Dynasty is not very long, but he also knows that among the same race, they should help each other, otherwise it is almost impossible for the human race to raise its head in the boundless wilderness. thing."

"The history of the Mu Dynasty is not long ago?"

Ji Xia got a lot of interest and asked: "Mu Dynasty, the upper emperor, must now step into the upper vault. Based on the strength of the Ming imperial admiral Minghuan who is hostile to the Mu Dynasty, I am afraid that the Mu Dynasty is not only Isn't it an upper Vault Emperor Realm?"

Li Yun helped Jilou and sat down, with a tender face and You Rongyan: "The history of the pastoral dynasty is indeed relatively short.

Mu Chao came from a secret realm, but a small country in that secret realm.

Later, this secret realm collapsed due to a catastrophe, and the fragments of the secret realm fell into the outer space of Qiming for no reason, allowing my herdsmen to take root in Qimingtian.

The fragments of the secret realm of the Mu dynasty fell into Qi Mingtian, only forty thousand years of history, which can be called very short. "

"Forty thousand years?"

Ji Xia nodded.

For such a powerful dynasty with several Shangqiang forces, more than 40,000 years is indeed very short-lived.

of course.

No matter what, it still cannot be compared with Tai Cang.

Tai Cang is a miracle, but also a different kind. The rapid development speed, I am afraid that it has been ranked first since ancient times.

Ji Xia asked: "It has been able to develop to the present level in more than 40,000 years. When that secret realm fragment falls into the fate, I am afraid that the background is no small thing."

"it's not true."

Jilou never concealed it. He said: "When the secret realm fragments fall into the life, the remaining population on the secret realm fragments is less than 100 million people, and the strong are extremely rare.


Jilou sighed: "The way of heaven helped me to feed the dynasty. The fragments of the secret realm fell on Qi Ming, and they did not collapse, but turned into a small secret realm.

For my pastoral dynasty to hide and develop.

Coupled with the vastness of Qiming's talent, the products are rich to the extreme, and there are many natural treasures.

There is also the Mu dynasty emperor who has tried his best to govern, and he continued to mediate and develop among the many old Qimingtian forces, so that the Mu dynasty can achieve the current Qiming three-legged trend. "

Ji Xia heard Ji Lou's sigh, and became more interested in Qi Mingtian.

A rich outer space is indeed very attractive.

Even if it is as strong as the Dazhen Emperor Dynasty, in the known information, it only controls three vast outer heavens.

So Ji Xia didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

Because the outer space like Qi Ming is really very rare.

Moreover, being able to be known by Tai Cang, and possibly building a bridge to Qi Fate, was originally a kind of luck for Tai Cang.

If luck arrives, how can it be strong if it is too dark to grasp it?

Ji Xia chatted with Jilou and Li Yun in detail for a long time.

He had a little understanding of Qi Mingtian and the three powerful dynasties.

Only then did Jilou and Li Yun respectfully leave.

Just as they said.

The envoys of Muchao Shangguo will soon come to Tai Cang with a lot of precious medicinal materials and gifts of thanks.

Because for Mu Chao, a powerful person like Jilou who is very likely to achieve the realm of the upper vault is far more precious than some useless medicinal materials.

Ji Xia watched Jilou and Li Yun leave, thoughtfully.

"Qi Mingtian, too blue is bound to win."

He thought secretly in his heart: "If the Emperor Muchao is a human king who looks forward and backward, and has no courage, he is unwilling to open the secret realm of Qi Mingtian.

Then I might have to rely on strong force to intimidate the powerhouse of Muchao. "

He sighed: "I hope it will not develop to such a degree."

at the same time.

His eyes slowly became firm.

Tai Cang wants to keep moving forward at all costs.

For many years, Ji Xia knew a truth deeply.

That is, if you rely on other forces, there will be a day when the other forces will collapse, one day when they are restrained by the enemy, and there may be a day when they will abandon the Great Clan.

Only Baote has enough ambition to keep himself strong and become the co-master of the boundless wild human race.

Only then can Tai Cang get rid of the situation threatened by many powerful races, so as to completely let the race walk on the road to rise.

"So... sometimes too soft-hearted, but it's a weakness."

Ji Xia stood up.

Behind him, the Three Realms Secret Vault, slowly revolving.

In the sky of Shura, the tyrannical Asura tribe showed endless evil aura.

"As long as you stand in front of Tai Cang, whether it is other alien races, or those human races that are corrupt and content with the status quo, they are all Tai Cang's enemies!"


An ancient mystery.

This secret realm is very special.

In the secret realm, there is no earth, no stars, and no ocean.

Yes, it's just nothingness.

But in the originally dark nothingness.

But there is a palace that constantly shines with brilliant golden light standing. "

In this palace palace.

The palaces, palaces, palaces, palaces, palaces, rivers, rivers, and magnificent splendor are vast and numerous.

It is like a very prosperous and spacious palace city.

Countless auspicious and strange beasts run freely between these courts.

Plants of spiritual grass, spiritual flowers, and spiritual trees exuding strange fragrance form their own gardens.

There are many different and beautiful weak creatures inhabiting and living for the owners of this palace to watch and play.

The center of the palace community.

There is a floating palace, the whole body is made of some kind of peculiar spiritual gold.

This kind of spiritual gold is like a golden warm jade glowing with light, which reveals honor, brilliance and dazzling all the time.


A sound that shook the sky came from the floating hall in the center.

The extremely powerful force burst out from it, flashing past like ripples.

In an instant, millions of servants and weak creatures were shaken to death in the vast palace community!

Endless anger swept through.

Let the void in this secret realm begin to burn.

It's like God's punishment!

The master of Xuanmiao Palace was furious.

After the master of Shenmiao Palace was furious.

Within the palace, there was a voice that was even more angry and raging.

"On the order of the Holy Lord, I also invite the Great Saint Mu Xing, the tomb bone general, to investigate this matter and find out.

I do not know how many years I have been in Xixuan Shengting, crisscrossing Zhujiang Plain, Tongtian Ancient River, and Jiezu Mountain.

Nowadays, there are strong people who dare to make arrangements to kill my existence in the upper vault of the Xixuan Saint Court...

They must pay enough to make them completely reduced to wandering remnants that will be swallowed up by the underworld millstone!

Since then became the nourishment of heaven and earth. "

This voice looked terrifying.

In the tone, there seemed to be all sorts of inexhaustible killing intent.

With the Holy Lord's edict banged loudly.

In that ancient palace, two golden lights flashed out immediately, turned into two streams, and dissipated at the end of the void.

These two streams of light were like the Great Saint Mu Xing and the Tomb Bones Heaven General.

The streamer obeyed the order and faded away.

The voice that was still angry before suddenly became gloomy.

"Where is the master of the slaves?"

Another streamer flashed.

"Get out of the holy court immediately and replenish the servants of the holy court."


[The ruined barren battlefield]

The two beings shrouded in golden light were standing in the void, watching the broken ground below.

"In the void, there are no traces of magical powers, and there are no traces left.

It seems that the strong have dealt with the traces specially. "

It was the tomb bone celestial general who was speaking. He was covered in white armor and wrapped himself tightly.

There is no trace of skin on his body.

Even the face of the Xixuantian general was covered by a bone mask.

Many strange runes are also engraved on the bone mask.

If there is a strong person coming, you can clearly see that on top of his white armor, there are bursts of gloomy black air, which is constantly filling.

In the dark.

It seems that there are strange dark creatures inhabiting.

The bone armor seems to be equivalent to a miniature world!

Breeding these dark lives!

"The holy court originally wanted to use the opportunity of the profound Jing to build the fourth layer of the sky to eradicate a group of enemy forces. It would be great if it could bring out some human remnants like the Nine Abandoned Lord~www.ltnovel.com~ ."

The grave bone heaven general said with a hoarse voice, "Unfortunately, all day long, I was blinded by the geese.

Four upper vaults, a holy court projection, twelve celestial existences that are close to the peak, or have reached the peak, are completely wiped out!

For me, Xixuan Saint Court, this is an extremely painful price. "

And in the golden light beside him, there was a graceful figure looming, she was the Great Saint Muxing of the Xixuan Saint.

It is also extremely scary.

The voice of the great saint came from the holy light, extremely indifferent: "Since they have wiped out all traces, it means that their absolute strength is far from the holy court.

In that case, find them and suppress them! "

Her voice became more and more indifferent: "Dare to reach out to the West Profound Saint Court, then all the forces connected with them will face the anger of the ancient Saint Court!"

The Grave Bone Heaven General nodded slowly, and suddenly asked, "Is it possible that it is the Nine Abandoned Lord? Or those ancient human races who are outside the world?"

"That's better."

The face of the Great Saint Mu Xing was vague, but her voice was extremely cold: "Human race is like a humble weed that can't be killed or cut.

But... if we can slaughter all the strong upper human races...

Since then, they will be completely reduced to a weak race, and one day they will be completely reduced to nothingness. "

Tomb bone heaven will be silent.

The Great Saint Mu Xing was also silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Mother, now, do you regret it?"

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