I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 827: 1 swallow Xixuan Shengting [large

Ji Xia thoughtfully.

In Zhu Si's eyes, it was as if Ji Xia knew a little secret.

But he didn't ask abruptly, but the fear and incomprehension in his eyes all eased somewhat.

Ji Xia thought alone for a long time.

Zhu Si waited quietly in the Shanggan Palace.

It's just that his breath is still heavy, as if he is carrying a heavy mountain.

Ji Xia, who woke up from meditation, also noticed Zhu Si's strangeness.

"Zhu Si's talent is flourishing, but in less than five hundred years, he has already cultivated to the Yuanshentai.

The cultivator in the far-shentai realm...how could he get so upset? "

Ji Xia was a little puzzled.

He did not hesitate, the stars of the stars rose up in his eyes, and the two rounds of ancient stars were slowly rotating, reflecting a certain peculiar light.

These rays of light reflected on Zhu Si's body.

In an instant, Ji Xia's complexion changed slightly.

He clearly saw that there was a heavy wound on Zhu Si's true spirit.

Between the heavy concealed wounds, a unique light lingered unexpectedly.

This light seemed to be filled with a certain mysterious and strange power.

Although the strange power is rapidly dissipating now, it still brings heavy damage to Zhu Si's true spirit.

"These lights... could it be that Zhu Si's mouth fell asleep and the dream was born?"

Ji Xia secretly speculated.

Under the reflection of his stars and gods, he could clearly see that the injury of Zhu Si's true spirit seemed to be because Zhu Si's true spirit could not withstand a certain power, which caused the true spirit to collapse.

This kind of true spirit injury will not cause much harm in a short period of time.

However, if left alone, it only takes more than a hundred years, and Zhu Si's true spirit will be completely swallowed by the wounded.

At this point, Zhu Si's true spirit will even disappear and cease to exist.

"Fortunately, I found it early."

Ji Xia did not inform Zhu Si of this matter.

Before he explored his hands, there were already several kinds of Extreme Holy Spirit Pills in his hands.

"You haven't been here for a long time, I am too blue, I am too blue and I have a few more extreme holy spirit pills, you take them back and take them, observe the effects of these extreme holy spirit pills, and then tell the imperial court of Taichu."

Ji Xia's expression remained unchanged.

The few Extreme Holy Spirit Pills on the palm of his hand floated up in front of Zhu Si's eyes.

Zhu Si hesitated for a moment and respectfully saluted Ji Xia, saying: "My lord, the cat's ears are owed to Tai Cang's grace. I don't know how much, too, the great kindness of the emperor, Zhu Si dare not forget, hundreds of millions of cat's ears are also Dare not forget...

It's just that these extremely holy spirit pills are extremely valuable, so I accept them for nothing, and Zhu Si feels ashamed. "

Ji Xia looked at the polite Zhu Si, and smiled: "It's just a test of medicine. You only need to write down the effects of each pill and submit it to the imperial court in the early days, and you will be regarded as returning these extremely holy spirits. Dan's kindness."

When he said this, he paused for a while, and then said: "Furthermore, the dream wonders you brought today are also very useful to my Tai Cang.

You don’t have to worry, you just need to settle down. Although the images in the dream state reveal some secrets, they have nothing to do with you or me for a short period of time. "

The second half of Ji Xia's words were not comforting Zhu Si.

In Zhu Si's dream.

That terrifying star of Tan Ye is not just the surroundings.

But the entire Zhujiang Plain, Tongtian Ancient River, Jiezu Mountain...and so on are vast.

This means that Tan Ye Xingchen is not aiming at Tai Cang.

The most likely situation is that the stars of Tian Ye are blooming with mighty power, searching for some kind of trace in these vast places.

Therefore, after seeing such terrible things, Ji Xia was able to sit on the throne without revealing any panic.

When Zhu Si heard Ji Xia's sincere words, he still hesitated.

But he saw Ji Xia’s face start to show blame, so he accepted all the Extreme Holy Spirit Pills in the air, and said: “In this case, Zhu Si will find out these Extreme Holy Spirit Pills as soon as possible. The effect of this is that within 30 years, you will go to the Imperial Court of Taichu."

Ji Xia slowly nodded.

Although in his heart, he still feels a little worried about the scenes in the dream.

But his expression was still calm, with a gentle smile on his face.

Zhu Si stared at him, and his eyes showed some approval.

"In just less than five hundred years, you will be able to cultivate to the realm of the far gods, and your talent is much stronger than many great arrogances."

After Zhu Si gave information to Ji Xia on this matter, he seemed more calm.

Now praised by Ji Xia.

The shy look on Zhu Si's face was once again revealed: "I would also like to thank the emperor for giving Zhu Si many of the most powerful art books. Without the emperor's enlightenment, Zhu Si might not have achieved the spiritual palace yet."

Ji Xia is still smiling, watching Zhu Si.

"Perhaps... Zhu Si's dream is to show the future."

He pondered in his heart.

"If Zhu Si hadn't cultivated to the realm of the gods, the mysterious light that brought the dreamland fell on his true spirit, I am afraid he would die soon...

It was also unable to bring such dreams to me and Tai Cang. "

Ji Xia became more satisfied with his cultivation of Zhu Si.

Although he doesn't know much about Wu Shi Tian.

But just look at the little news that I learned from the dreaming old woman, the ghost palace, the mourning... and so on.

There is no day and sky, it is absolutely extremely dangerous.

It can even destroy the Million Great Breathing Army led by Ju Ai, and even the mighty Shangyu Heaven.

All of these make Ji Xia afraid of no day.

"Perhaps on the road to the rise of the Great Blue and the prosperity of the human race, the sky will become a huge obstacle.

Therefore, the message that Zhu Si brings is particularly important. "

He sighed: "It seems that we must continue to search for more powerful hidden spiritual forbiddens, treasures, and even extraordinary powerhouses who are proficient in hidden methods, in order to avoid the bright eyes of the future..."

Think of Ling forbidden.

Ji Xia thought of the mysterious bird Pei Heng again.

"Senior Pei Heng once said that when I completely control the 30,000 prohibitions into the slate, I will come to see me.

Today, although I have not completely constructed the last spiritual forbidden, I have mastered the essence of this spiritual forbidden.

I am afraid that the day to meet Senior Pei Heng is not far away. "

Ji Xia's thoughts are flying, and he has a banquet with Zhu Si.

Zhu Si was still the same as before, even if he drank a few cups of the lightest sake, his face would become flushed and his eyes blurred.

Ji Xia chuckled and shook her head, letting people carry Zhu Si to the mansion in Taidu.

Continue to think in my heart: "When I contacted Senior Pei Heng, my cultivation base was too weak.

It is impossible to see what level Senior Pei Heng's cultivation has reached...

But now that I think about it, Senior Pei Heng should not be that strong. "

Even if Pei Heng controlled 30,000 prohibitions, Ji Xia didn't think that these 30,000 prohibitions had been constructed by Pei Heng.

It's like the "Forbidden Flame Dragon Secret Patterns" that has now become part of Tai Cang's defense system.

This kind of terrifying prohibition is extremely powerful and extremely complicated.

There are so many kinds of spirit path and spirit brand.

Even with Ji Xia's current spiritual forbidden attainments, plus ten times the time in the Secret Realm of Choking.

Ji Xia has also built hundreds of barren years before he has made any achievements.

"In any case, the Ling Forbidden Avenue has played an important role for my Tai Cang.

Even in the current Tai Cang war, magical hiding and spiritual forbidden have become indispensable.

Senior Pei Heng's kindness to me is indeed extremely profound. "

In Ji Xia's mood, suddenly some look forward to the day when he meets Pei Heng.

"If Senior Pei Heng saw the weak and small country in the past, it has become a giant like today, I don't know how he would feel."

A smile appeared on the corner of Ji Xia's mouth.

As for what Pei Heng said, he wanted to make Ji Xia learn the ban and break the ban.

Ji Xia is also very interested.

"If I can take a look at that magical forbidden, maybe I can also understand from it a more extraordinary spiritual forbidden road."

Ji Xia thought to herself.

At this moment, his divine sense connected with the Choking Secret Realm suddenly felt an abnormal movement within the Choking Secret Realm.

Ji Xia frowned slightly.

The figure immediately disappeared in the Yugan Palace, and appeared in the Yunxuan Bamboo Grove in the Choking Secret Realm.


Because of the departure of many soldiers and strong men from Tai Cang.

In the Secret Realm of Choking, a group of new faces came.

Most of them were great talented ministers, generals, or extraordinary talents recommended by the Taicang Academy.

Many of the great creatures who were immersed in the cultivation also regained their consciousness, looking far away at the place where the abnormal movement came.

That is a vast basin.

In nearly two thousand years of choking.

This vast basin is called Cthulhu Valley.

This place has been shrouded in blood all year round, and there are many runes flashing around the Cthulhu Valley.

Some runes are removing odors.

Some runes are suppressing **** air.

And some runes are concealing the sights and sounds in them.

There is even a special army guarding around Cthulhu Valley.

This is for most of the great creatures who are practicing in the Secret Realm of Choking.

It is a forbidden area.

Everyone is in this forbidden area, what is hiding?

But this is a secret from beginning to end.

Of course Ji Xia knew what was inside the Cthulhu Valley.

This vast basin.

In fact, it is basically a testing ground for the evil gods.

This is where the evil **** madman studies and creates evil gods.

And at the moment.

When Ji Xia walked slowly to the rooftop of Shanggan Palace.

I saw the Cthulhu Valley in the distance, even though it was covered by many heavy barriers, it was filled with infinite blood.

But the horror, damp, weird, and mysterious aura that exudes from it still cannot be concealed.

The turbulent blood rolled up like a wave, turning the entire sky red.

Repeated and repeated blasts, constantly beating.

Another extremely strange voice fell into Ji Xia's ears.

It's like...

Countless evil gods are swallowing saliva, then swallowing their tongues...

And from the Cthulhu Valley, the abnormal movement revealed, there are signs of intensification.

So Ji Xia gently probed her hand.

All of a sudden.

A thick fog, condensed from nothingness.

Completely enveloped the Cthulhu Valley.

These thick fogs are Ji Xia's authority over the Choking Secret Realm.

When these dense fog appeared, Cthulhu Valley was completely covered.

All the breath and all the fluctuations in it have disappeared since then, as if they had never appeared.

Even the blood shining in the void disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ji Xia glanced at Cthulhu Valley with interest.

The figure disappeared from the rooftop.

next moment.

He was already in the Cthulhu Valley.

Ji Xia hovered in the void, staring at this vast area, even though it was named "Evil God Valley", but it was actually a basin.

The curiosity that had originally remained on his face began to slowly fade away.


The scene that appeared before Ji Xia's eyes was terrifying to the extreme!

At this moment, Ji Xia is a "unknown creature" with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet!

This unknown creature is like a mountain that rises into the clouds and stretches for an unknown distance.

It is dark, weird, and terrifying.

The dark body is like an ancient demon.

He is in the shape of a human, but has six heads.

Each head is a unique mentality.

Or like the demon king of the old abyss...

Or like a gloomy **** of death...

Or like a monster with tentacles...


There is even a huge vertical pupil on one head.

Behind the huge torso below the head, there are eighteen pairs of bone wings, which are constantly beating.

On one arm, there is a bone like a sharp sword, which looks extremely cold and sharp.

And the other arm, although the shape is no different from ordinary people, but it is burning with a raging black flame.

all in all……

The monster that appeared in front of Ji Xia.

Chaos, mystery, and weird to the extreme.

Just the breath radiating from this monster made Ji Xia feel a little fear from the bottom of her heart...


Ji Xia frowned slightly, he visualized the Chenxing Monarch in his mind, and immediately wiped out the fear in his mind.

"It seems...Any creature that looks at this monster in detail will feel fear.

And when the fear reaches a certain level, you may fall into madness.

This should be a peculiar rule from Jiuyuan. "

As an emperor, Ji Xia certainly would not give birth to fear for no reason.

So in a flash.

Jiang Li knew the source of the fear in his heart and where it was.

"This is Dangerous Chang's new work?"

While Ji Xia thought about it, he also noticed that there were black bone dragons hovering, flying, and winding around the waist of this huge monster.

"It's the corpse of the Tianlong in the ancient tomb of Tianlong Tianlong in the cloud."

Ji Xia sighed: "They were shattered and reorganized by the dangers, and became a series of bone dragons, extremely evil, and their strength seems to have increased...

Now there are thirty-six bone dragons here... and all of them exude celestial fluctuations. "

Ji Xia saw this scene.

The search in his eyes finally turned into awe.

At this moment.

The head with only one huge vertical pupil suddenly opened.

With a pale face and a gray robe, he flew out of his head, and while his figure flickered, he was already in front of Ji Xia.

He respectfully salutes Ji Xia~www.ltnovel.com~ The expression in his eyes is as pure as ever, without a trace of ghastly.

Ji Xia took a hesitant look at Wei Chang, and then at the evil **** of science popularization in the distance.

There was some admiration for the danger in my heart.

"Wei Chang is indeed a talented person. He has dedicated everything to his research.

And more importantly, he studied evil gods only to satisfy his desire for knowledge, diligence, and exploration.

Other than that, there is no trace of evil thoughts. "

"In other words...refining the danger of such an evil, murderous, and terrifying evil god.

But he is not an evil person at all, and even in his mind, there is only the purity of seeking knowledge and exploration! "

Ji Xia thought of this, with a smile on her face, her eyes flicking across the danger, staring at the unprecedented evil and huge evil **** in the distance, and asked softly: "What is his name?"

Wei Chang saw Ji Xia's expression, and his face also showed contentment.

He solemnly pointed to the huge monster in the distance and said: "He is called the evil god, named after the emperor."

Ji Xia nodded slowly, and took a serious look at Wei Chang again.

Suddenly shook his head with emotion: "Unexpectedly, Tai Cang's third existence with powerful emperor realm strength turned out to be you."

There was a light of excitement in his eyes.

"I even can't wait to see, your evil **** has swallowed the sight of Xixuan Saint Court in one bite."

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