I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 831: Xixuan whistling out 【large

For Ji Xia.

From the beginning to the end, the emperor was a mysterious and stalwart existence.

He stands now to the east of Taidu.

Although the Dahuang Mountain does not look vast and towering in the eyes of Ji Xia today.

And it looks like an ordinary mountain, without any special place.

But Ji Xia knew clearly.

This ancient mountain contains endless power.

Even with Ji Xia's current strength, even Tai Cang already possesses extremely powerful power.

But Ji Xia still didn't dare to move the star **** eyes, staring at that ancient mountain.

Yang Ren is in charge of Dikong Star, possesses the Golden Core God Eyes, and controls the rules of Dikong Star insight, but he still dare not set his sights on the Great Emperor.

This is the position of the great emperor in the eyes of the strong.

Although they were only vague guesses about the power of the great emperor, they also clearly knew that such an unparalleled existence could not be countered by the current Tai Cang.

So when Jiao Liu Da Zun mentioned the Da Huang.

Ji Xia's question suddenly has an answer.

If it is the existence of the great emperor, it can indeed turn decay into a miracle, and can turn a dead world into a fertile ground for life.

Ji Xia sighed deeply in her heart.

Not only did he look in the direction of the mysterious mountain, but his eyes were full of admiration.

Even if he is a great king, as a protector of tens of billions of creatures.

Even if he has great strength.

But when Ji Xia faced such an existence, there was only respect in her heart.

At least.

Under the premise that the emperor never showed maliciousness.

Ji Xia didn't think it was humiliating to have respect for such a god-like existence.

"Since there is a figure of the great emperor among them, all unreasonable things will naturally become reasonable."

Ji Xia nodded slightly to Jiao Liu.

Soon he probed his hand again and said, "Since the Great Master Jiao Liu has come here, I will go to court first, why not have a banquet with me?"

Great Senior Jiao Liu slowly shook his head, and he said, "I haven't appeared for a long time because of retreat and practice and broke through my first disaster.

Now that the Shinto cave opens, there will be more and more gods between heaven and earth.

If I die again, I am afraid there will be no luck and I will be able to regain my life again.

At that time, maybe I will inevitably go to Hades..."


Ji Xia frowned, he heard the word "underworld" more than once.

But there is no understanding of the mysterious Hades.

Even in Ji Xia's impression.

I don't even know what kind of existence the Hades is.

Is it the secret realm, the outer world? Or is it a region similar to Jiuyuan?

What kind of power does the underworld possess in the world?

All of these are unknown to Ji Xia.

His mind turned slightly, and he was about to ask Great Senior Jiao Liu.

Great Senior Jiao Liu shook his head and continued: "I came to see you after retreat, and I was just curious about how powerful Yu Tai Cang was.

Now that I meet you and talk to you, my goal has been achieved.

Now, I still have one very important thing...Maybe I have to go out of the eighteenth realm, out of the vast land..."

Ji Xia was a little surprised when he heard the words of Great Master Jiao Liu.

Although the Great Lord Jiao Liu is powerful, he is a tyrannical existence.

But he is the body of the domain spirit after all.

It was the rule between heaven and earth that reshaped his life.

Therefore, unless he has gone through the three calamities, he has completely become a god.

Otherwise, he will be restricted by the rules of heaven and earth.

Once he walks out of the realm he guards, his power will be constantly weakened, and his body will begin to age...

Under such a premise, a domain spirit will not easily walk out of the domain that he is on duty.

But now, Great Senior Jiao Liu wants to go out of the realm...

This makes Ji Xia a little worried.

He couldn't help but persuade him: "Although the Great Lord Jiao Liu is very powerful, the outside world is different from the eighteenth realm you are on duty..."

When Grand Senior Jiao Liu heard Ji Xia's words, his face was scarlet and majestic, with a rare smile on his face.

He said: "Now that the Shinto is open, the channel for promotion to the gods is unprecedentedly widened. In this environment, even if I don't want it in my heart, I still want to have more powerful power.

Otherwise, when disaster comes, even the domain spirits will die.

Therefore, this outing is already inevitable. "

Ji Xia nodded clearly.

Jiao Liu's words are saying that the purpose of his trip is to chase power.

And he specifically mentioned the Shinto Cave Kai.

Maybe it means that he will have the opportunity to walk through the divine way and become a noble **** on the road in the future.

So Ji Xia, who was originally worried.

The look gradually became calm.

He pondered for a few breaths of time.

Suddenly salute Jiao Liu Da Zun solemnly.

Jiao Liu's expression became softer...

Of course he knew that Ji Xia saluted him because he was grateful to Great Senior Jiao Liu for protecting Tai Cang in secret.

But when he saw Ji Xia saluting, he was still more satisfied.

The huge starry face of the Great Master Jiao Liu turned into countless red light spots.

Then reorganized into a human form.

Standing in the void, this human figure also slowly bowed towards Ji Xia.

In an instant.

Ji Xia knew that Great Senior Jiao Liu saluted him and admired him.

I admire him for making Tai Cang special, powerful and vast.

Admire his extraordinary talent.

Admire the power he possessed in a short time.


After a bow.

The Great Master Jiao Liu turned into heavy rays of light and disappeared.

Ji Xiayuan watched Jiao Liu leave.

He whispered in his heart: "I hope the Great Master Jiao Liu can get his wish, can completely become a god, and thoroughly walk through the divine way."

Grand Master Jiao Liu just stayed for a short tea time.

It disappeared completely without a trace.

After Ji Xia bid farewell to Jiao Liu.

He always bowed his head in the void and paced in the void.

Two quarters of an hour later.

Ji Xia's gaze fell on the far east.

With his star **** eyes, it began to revolve.

Suddenly, the line of sight became extremely long.

Eventually landed in the easternmost region of Tai Cang.

Here is Tai Cang's final location, and further east is the famous Yun Yuanze.

"Speaking of which, I have traveled to and fro in the eastern region many times during these many years.

But I have never been to the edge of Yun Yuanze to take a look. "

Ji Xia had a whim in her mind.

The figure of Ji Xia disappeared above the court with the whims in his heart.

"Even if I can't go deep into Yun Yuanze, I have to take a look at the edge of Yun Yuanze.

Take a look at Yun Yuanze, who claims to have buried countless secret realms and outer space fragments, and hides many extraordinary opportunities. "


Just when Ji Xia wanted to go to the East Linyu first.

There is still a war going on in the world.

But today's war is not so grand.

Following the Tai Cang army, they crossed the Tianmen Court outside the Qiming Realm, and easily suppressed Qu Hui.

Also aggressively attacked Minghuang Kingdom.

Even if there are countless powerful people in the Ming Dynasty, there are also the Black Centipede Dynasty army to help Ming Emperor.

But for the Tai Cang army.

Such military strength is not enough.

Especially when in the void, after the supreme and stalwart thunder gods, use thunder chains to completely suppress the existence of the three Shangqiong...

The two dynasties have been completely desperate.

The result of despair is fleeing.

The result of the rout was that the Tai Cang Xuanji treasure ship was completely moved.

Three million Taicang soldiers, with endless power, killed the elite soldiers of the two dynasties.

And the powerhouses of these two dynasties.

But it was also easily slaughtered by the Tai Cang war spirit formation and the Tai Cang strong.

There are some powerful dynasties who dare not even appear on the battlefield.

Because they know, for the mysterious human race army.

The dead enemy is the quietest place.

If they dare to show up, it means fall.

all in all.

Tai Cang has completely won this battle!

The Emperor Black Centipede, Emperor Ming Emperor Ming Yujun, and the other three powerful dynasties were also completely suppressed by the powerful too.

For Qi Ming, another dynasty, herding dynasty.

All this in front of them has completely exceeded their expectations.

Muchao, Minghuang, and Black Centipede were originally three-legged.

The Mu Dynasty was the weakest at that time.

But now.

Mu Chao turned out to be the most powerful dynasty in Qi Mingtian!

At least for now, exactly.

At this moment, in the ancient battlefield with thousands of corpses.

A wave of **** waves turned into a stable plateau.

Admiral Bai Qi, sitting opposite to the Emperor Muchao.

On the table in front of them, there were a few extremely delicate dishes, as well as fragrant spirits.

"Unexpectedly, the power that Tai Cang possesses has reached such a level."

The upper emperor of the Mu dynasty, because of the countless corpses of the soldiers of the two dynasties on the ancient battlefield below, has become more and more admiring Tai Cang.

Next to the Emperor Mu Chao, there was a female general.

This female general is General Pei Yue who came to serve Tai Cang.

General Pei Yue's expression was even more exciting than that of the Emperor Mu Chao.

Even if this war has been going on for several years.

But with the deepening of the great army...

With the endless unparalleled methods of the Tai Cang army, they gradually revealed themselves to the world.

The pastoral dynasty is the whole country, from the princes and nobles to the Li people.

The respect for the human kingdom like Tai Cang has reached the extreme.

General Pei Yue, an extremely powerful man, was not immune from the vulgar.


Her admiration for Tai Cang can be described as turbulent.

And the people of the Li people even have a bit more fanatical charm.

"Today, Emperor Ming and Heiwu are about to collapse, and the Mu Chao tens of thousands of troops are pushing past, and they can easily strangle the caught fish."

Bai Qi drank a glass of spirit wine and said: "By then, Mu Chao will definitely benefit from this war."

The Emperor Muchao is still dressed in white.

Although his majestic face was still majestic, he felt helpless when he heard Bai Qi's words.

"The Mu Dynasty's tens of thousands of troops can only clean up the battlefield?"

Such thoughts.

In the course of this battle, it will always come to the mind of Emperor Mu Chao.

And most importantly...

His idea may be correct.

The emperor of Mu Chao sent tens of millions of soldiers.

During the past few years of war, many credits have been made and many enemies have been wiped out.

But I have to admit.

The tens of millions of elite soldiers of the Emperor Mu dynasty were sharp and sharp, and compared with the three million army of Tai Cang, they were still far away.

In many cases, when the tens of millions of elite soldiers of the Emperor Mu Dynasty arrived, Emperor Ming or Black Centipede had already been wiped out by the great army...

"Tai Cang is indeed lucky to have such strength.

If Tai Cang didn't send an army, he would be killed.

Then my pastoral human beings will continue to be oppressed by the two dynasties. "

After a long time, the Emperor Muchao sighed.

But Bai Qi didn't change his face, and said: "Since then, Qi Ming has been the outer world of my human race.

In the future, Tai Cang will send caster spirit masters to Tai Cang on a large scale to reshape the old lands of Ming Emperor and Hei Wu. There will be a large number of Tai Cang capable people and strangers who will come and rule these lands completely. "

"Mu Chao... will soon have a new neighbor."

Bai Qi's intention to meet with the Emperor Muchao this time was finally revealed.

He was telling the emperor of Muchao that Tai Cang would also become the master of Qi Ming from then on.

The Emperor Muchao was not a greedy person.

He looked as usual, stood up and saluted Bai Qi.

"If it weren't too great, the Mu Dynasty would still be restricted by the two dynasties, and things like the Thirteen States of Yewen might continue to happen.

But now the two evil neighbors of the Mu dynasty have finally disappeared.

To have a neighbor like Tai Cang is naturally a good thing for Mu Chao. "

The Emperor Muchao spoke calmly.

In the words, there is quite a bit of gratitude for Tai Cang.


After the two talked for a long time, the Emperor Mu Chao took General Pei Yue away.

Bai Qi stared at the back of the two pastoralists, thoughtfully.

Zhang Jiao also appeared in the void at this moment.

His eyes were still a bit dark, and he said to Bai Qi: "Why not let the Mu court submit?

Qi Mingtian, perhaps completely in Tai Cang's hands, is even more foolproof. "

Bai Qi replied: "Great virtuous teacher, according to the character of the emperor, he will not attack allies.

Moreover, Mu Chao was extremely obedient to Tai Cang from beginning to end, and he did not commit any unforgivable sins~www.ltnovel.com~ Why did Tai Cang attack Mu Chao? "

Zhang Jiao was silent.

Another Yunxia Beast ran in the distance, and above the Yunxia Beast was Yang Ren.

Yang Ren didn't seem worried.

He said in a low voice and calmly said: "There is no need to send troops to the Mu Dynasty, but Tai Cang builds a human city in Qi Ming Tian, ​​so that Tai Cang Zai Qi Ming can reproduce the prosperity of the boundless wild Tai Cang city, and let the life of the Tai Cang human race. Getting stronger...

So, presumably soon, Mu Chaosheng will surrender. "


Just when Bai Qi led many powerful men and many troops to completely conquer the two dynasties of Qimingtian.

A tiny star appeared in the sky, advancing rapidly.

Above this tiny star, a holy son of Xixuan led many Xixuan generals, as well as more Xixuan extraordinary powerhouses, whizzing out!

Their expressions were extremely relaxed, and they looked very arrogant.

Their eyes are on their goal.

There is another mass of blood on the shoulders of Saint Xixuan, floating and reshaping.

If Bai Qi and Ji Xia were in front of this mass of blood, they would definitely feel that the breath emitted by this mass of blood was surprisingly similar to the "multi-eyed gods" that appeared repeatedly.

And now...

This tiny star, carrying many Xixuan powers, flew out of the ancient road of the stars and came straight towards Tai Cang after suppressing many of the hidden forces of the human race!

Another Saint Xixuan finally came to Tai Cang to see what secrets Tai Cang hides.

At this time, most of Tai Cang's power was still in desperation.

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