I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 842: Ji Su—brilliantly come, shine forever 【large

   Strolling in the sky in clothing.

   dressed in white, dancing with the wind, moving in the air.

   The light veil on her face, although it can conceal her glamorous and incomprehensible face, there is no way to conceal her unparalleled temperament.

   Returning in clothes is like an independent goddess.

   walking in the sky.

   calm eyes, looking back from time to time.

   is like waiting for something.

   A pair of jewel-like eyes, almost shining brightly, almost dreamlike.

   does not seem to have any flaws.

   If Ji Xia is here.

   Seeing this scene in front of me, I would probably sigh at the previous encounters I had encountered several times before, and overlooked the beauty.

   Going back in clothes just like this, it seems that there is no purpose, traveling in this space.

   After a long time.

   She suddenly stopped, frowned and looked back.

Behind    Chengyigui, there is a golden road.

   approximately leads to somewhere unknown.

   "It's strange...that half of the Xixuan star can't last so long.

   And here is the only place to go to the Xixuan Saint Court.

  If Saint Wuling wants to return to the Xixuan Saint Court to rest, it is impossible not to pass through here..."

   Chengyigui thought carefully: "So, when is the Son of Wuling still here today?"

   The clothes go back to pondering.

   suddenly thought of some possibility.

   There was no hesitation while her expression changed slightly.

   A divine light revolves in his eyes, looking around tens of thousands of miles.

   Within tens of thousands of miles, there is nothing that can catch Chengyi's attention.

   So Chengyigui took a deep breath.

   She took the lead in taking out a strange compass.

   As she urged Ling Yuan to pour into the compass.

   There was a burst of light on this compass.

   completely shroud the space of tens of miles

   Chengyi returned to the strange power of this compass, and disappeared without a trace.


   This is a hidden weapon.

   and the rank is very high, even a little terrible.

   is the lowest, is a Profound Saint Extreme Soldier.

   may even surpass the level of Profound Saint Extreme Soldier.

   Chengyigui hides in the light of hidden compass.

   once again took out a piece of jade engraved with runes without hesitation.

   Immediately afterwards, she reached out her jade hand, turned the spirit element, and smashed that piece of jade into pieces!

   The inscription on the jade, when the jade was broken.

   still suspended in the air.

   immediately disappeared.

   for an instant.

   Dozens of miles of void shrouded by the light of the compass.

   shattered every inch at this moment.

   Even the mysterious space rules did not spontaneously repair these broken spaces.

   Chengyigui stood in the dark shattered void, gently protruding a palm.

   shines with the light.

   Chengyigui’s palm is surprisingly more...

  A **** eye!

   This **** pupil is a vertical pupil.

   Among the vertical pupils, the gaze surging out was extremely cold.

   There is light flowing in it again, and in a vague way, there seems to be the majesty of crushing the world.

   And the pupils in this god's pupil are still turning.

   "Little girl, you are getting fatter and fatter.

   actually dared to sacrifice me in the boundless wilderness. "

   In the gods' eyes, there was a divine sense.

   Divine Sense looks extremely old, seems to be an old strong man.


   The pupils of the vertical pupils turned again.

   I probably saw the broken void and the light bursting from the hidden compass.

   was a little surprised immediately.

   "It seems that you have something extremely important for me to insight.

   For this matter, you actually used a piece of the underworld strange empty jade and the heaven and earth hidden **** compass once less..."

   "No more nonsense."

   Cheng Yigui said something that Ji Xia must be very familiar with.

   She stared at this vertical pupil without messing with the slightest dust, and said: "Look at the old site of the Three Mountains in the Zhujiang Plain and the place surrounded by Yun Yuanze."

   The vertical pupil smiled and said: "You have worked hard, please come out of the world and kill me.

   just to see where this little barren is? "

   Chengyigui was silent.

   just stared at this vertical pupil coldly.

   There was laughter from the vertical pupil divine consciousness, and he said, "It's okay, then I will help you take a look!"

   In a moment.

   Inside the vertical pupil where the divine light circulates, there are silver light beams rushing out, in which the inscriptions circulate, with unparalleled deterrent power.

   Those silver light beams shone with heart-pounding light.

   in a while.

   has gone countless miles away.

   completely disappeared.

   It's just a few breaths.

   The silver light from the vertical pupils completely converged.

   The divine light circulating in it has also become less dazzling.

   "What did you see?" Cheng Yigui asked, turning his head.

   Vertical pupil said with interest: "In that human kingdom, is there something you care about?"

   Chengyi returned to frown.

   Shu pupil immediately said: "That place, although barren, is still so interesting.

   Inside the former site of the Three Mountains, a divine fetus was born...

   The terrifying Bongsu is still sleeping there.

  I still remember the scene where he was suppressed by the ancient gods..."

   "It is not to let you remember the old things, but to let you take a look at what strange things happened there."

   Chengyigui seemed extremely impatient. When she spoke, she couldn't help looking into the distance.

   Shu pupil said helplessly: "Aren't these strange things?"

   After a short silence.

   Vertical pupil said: "I saw the blood and energy of the multi-eyed **** under the command of the evil **** Modo, hidden in the void, turning into an undetectable channel.

   Access that piece from the outside world.

   I don’t know what Modo is planning..."

   Shu pupil hasn't finished.

   Chengyigui's brows suddenly frowned.

   Immediately afterwards, she squeezed her open palm.

   Suddenly the erect pupil was in pain, and he screamed: "Little girl, be lighter!"

   "I'm wronged seniors."

   Chengyigui's tone was rapid, and the compass light in the void began to gradually dim.

   "It's not wronged, if you can let me breathe again, I will not blame you for your mistake this time..."

   The old **** of vertical pupil is there, and he is about to bargain.

   Chengyi returns, but there is no room for the vertical pupil to breathe.

   A ray of light flashed on his hand as Chengyi returned.

   When she opened her palm again.

   The vertical pupil has disappeared.

   I don’t know where I was hidden in the clothes.

   Chengyi returned to his eyes, showing a slight worry.

  With her thoughts moving, the inscriptions in the shattered space disappeared.

   The Heaven and Earth Hidden God Compass, which was suspended in the void, stopped blooming with strange light, fell into her hands and disappeared.

   A golden glow bridge appeared at the feet of Chengyigui.

   Going back into the clothes and stepping on the bridge, the shining light burst out around his body.

   seems to be able to illuminate this vast space.

   is on the bridge.

   The speed of returning from clothing has also become extremely fast.

   Behind her, an upper vault secret realm with nine layers of domes is wrapped in the boundless thunder...

   seems to be welcoming the baptism of Thunder.

   Under the veil, the beautiful face covered up also brought undisguised anxiety.

   "I didn't expect that there is such a possibility."

   Cheng Yigui gently shook his head.

   She never thought that Saint Child Wuling would even dare to turn around and return to Tai Cang...

of course.

   The main reason is that the return of Chengyi, the emperor of Shenjue, and the princess Luoyu had never expected that there was still a drop of marvelous blood in the hands of Shengzi Wuling that could completely cover his breath.

  "Multi-eyed gods will be extremely active in these hundreds of years.

  Perhaps, this shows that the evil **** Modo also has the possibility of getting out of trouble..."

   Chengyi whispered in his heart.

   At the same time, she was walking on the Shenxia Bridge, but she looked at Tai Cang in the distance.

   "I hope it won't be too late..."

   "Too early..."


   Following the eighteen layers of **** behind Ji Xia, slowly dissipating.

   The flame dragon secret pattern on his body is forbidden.

   also began to roar and dance out, lingering in the void.

   The danger on the side.

   has also changed back to a human body.

   His gaze is extremely serious, and worry flashes in his eyes from time to time.

   With the power that threatens the present.

   can also easily perceive the surging power exuded by the Great Saint Mu Xing.

   This power is like starlight in the void.


   and it burst to the extreme.

   where the great saint of Mu Xing passed.

   The void will naturally bloom.

  The shattered space debris naturally held the body of the Great Saint Mu Xing.

   It is as if she is the master of this space.

   "The power of the Great Saint Mu Xing, I am afraid that compared with the existence of Yigui Girl, Shenjue Emperor, Princess Luosheng, etc., it is not much more!"

  Wei Chang said with emotion: "These emperors, saints, and the inheritors of the holy court represent the absolute upper-level power of the holy court.

   Maybe those powerful Saint Court imperial dynasties, except for some extremely tyrannical existence, no existing power can beat them! "

   Ji Xia's expression remained unchanged, and said: "The realm of Tribulation, even in the whole boundless wilderness.

   is also extremely mysterious and extremely advanced.

  Even on the fringe of the boundless wilderness, among those weak imperial dynasties that were lucky enough to become an emperor for various reasons, but never perished.

   There is no strong person in the realm of tribulation. "

   Ji Xia said here, she paused slightly, and said again: "There is no doubt that the realm of Tribulation is already close to the gods!"


   Wei often whispered softly, and a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his pale face.

   "If you can kill a god, you can split his body and see what kind of magic is contained in his body!"

   Kixia's expression was no longer calm.

   He glanced in surprise.

   The great saint of Muxing, such a tribulation existence, is coming towards Tai Cang.

  The terrifying power even spurred the multi-eyed **** to envelop the blood and energy array.


   Wei Chang, in addition to some worries, even wanted to kill a god, for anatomy, to expand his bloodline...

Such people.

   is really terrible.

  Wei often noticed Ji Xia's eyes, and then realized.

   He smiled awkwardly at Ji Xia, raised his head and said: "I see the expression of the emperor, there is no slight fluctuation, and it is still so calm.

   That’s why I let my heart go...

   Presumably, the emperor's strategizing, probably already has a way to deal with it. "

   Ji Xia did not answer the dangerous words.

   just in his eyes, murderous intent began to surge slowly.

  "The great sage of Mu Xing opened up the void with great power and descended on the sky...

   That completely represents that Tai Cang has been completely exposed to the eyes of the Xixuan Saint Court.

   In that case... it's time to show a little bit of the too dark background. "

   Yuki Natsuta looked at the thick blood formation in the sky.

  Some rejoicing thoughts to himself: "This multi-eyed **** will help me a lot...

   There is this blood formation, even if it is too sharp.

   Within a short period of time, it shouldn’t attract the attention of the God’s Eye or the mysterious sky. "

   Ji Xia thought in her heart.

   But for all this, Tai Cang has no choice.


   A star shining in the distance.

   A vast gate appeared in the void.

   There is a vast star in the sky above this gate.

   is formed with a unique and wonderful power, shed stars.

   fell on the vast courtyard.

   The gate was let go.

   A graceful saint walked out of the gate.

   She wins snow in a white dress, with a beautiful appearance, walking under the stars.

   She stepped into the void, and the light was shining for a while, making the world and the earth eclipsed.

   That vast star seemed to be reflecting a strong starlight, making this Great Saint Mu Xing stronger and more extraordinary.

   "A **** body."

   Jixia's eyes revolved with the stars.

   He clearly saw the terrifying power contained in the body of the Great Saint Mu Xing.

   this moment.

  Mu Star Grand Saint, staring at Taidu below.

   Her eyes contain divine light, crossing a long distance, and landing on the rooftop of Taidu Taixian.

   then fell on Ji Xia's body.

   Kixia carried her hands on her back, her eyes calm.

   His eyes collided with those of the Great Saint Mu Xing.

   The great saint of Muxing stared at Ji Xia from a long distance.


   She frowned slightly and took a step forward!

   For a while, the shining starlight enveloped the entire constellation Taidu.

   The great saint of Muxing also danced in her dress and fell from the sky at this moment.

   She is like a kind of indifferent fairy god, appearing in the void only a few feet away from Ji Xia.

   The great sage of Muxing revealed a terrifying power in her eyes.

   The divine light in his eyes was restrained, and he stared at Ji Xia.

   Kixia frowned slightly.

   I don't know why the Great Saint Mu Xing had such a reaction.


   Mu Xing Dasheng Goddess's color became extremely rigid.

   The starlight on her body gushes out, transforming into a huge figure in a blink of an eye.

   This figure is very handsome, slender, and unparalleled.

   is like a banished immortal who is above the world!

   He wears a plain long sword around his waist.

   But, even in this phantom.

   There is also a surge of sword aura outside this long sword.

   This sword aura is shining brightly, and it seems to shine forever!

   At this moment, the figure is looking up at the sky.

   eyes calm.

   But from the reflection of his pupils, you can see the void, thousands of thousands of mysterious and extremely powerful existences, coming here.

   "One person exists as a matchless underworld."

   Ji Xia stared at the sage of Mu Xing's urging starlight, and there was no double shadow reflected, finally revealing a touch of reverence in her eyes.

   this moment.

   When this phantom shadow completely appeared in front of Ji Xia.

   Ji Xia was finally able to confirm ~www.ltnovel.com~ this existence is his Seventh Uncle!

  ——Ji Su.

   And the reaction of the Great Saint Mu Xing became more intense.

   Her eyes were on the faces of Ji Su and Ji Xia in the void, constantly wandering.


   The anger soaring to the sky brewed from her face.

   Under the anger of the great saint, there seemed to be thunder and fire in the world.

   shines on the earth more than ten thousand miles.

   The Great Saint Mu Xing suddenly probed her hand, a star spinning in her hand.

   The unparalleled star in the void above her head also slowly rotates.

   constantly shines with unparalleled light.

   The light shines, and everything in the world seems to stop here.

   The strong wind no longer blows.

   The starlight no longer shines.

   Even the air in the void began to condense.

   is in such a strange situation.

   The Great Saint Mu Xing spoke softly, and the blazing anger burst from her tone.

   "What is the relationship between you and this human race!"


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